Henry Leon

Henry Leon
University of La Sabana · Departamento de Medicina

Lic. MD. Ph.D.


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Additional affiliations
March 2012 - November 2017
University of La Sabana
  • Physical Education, Medical Doctor, Doctor in Science
March 2012 - present
University of La Sabana
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 2008 - December 2011
Santo Tomás University
  • Professor (Full)
January 2012 - December 2016
University of La Sabana
Field of study
  • Biosciences
January 2000 - December 2008
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Field of study
  • Medicine
July 1994 - December 1998
National Pedagogic University
Field of study
  • Physical education


Publications (98)
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Contexto: en la actualidad, la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2) constituye una enfermedad de alta prevalencia en el mundo, se caracteriza por una incapacidad para regular la glucosa plasmática e implica para su desarrollo varias fases, las cuales incluyen la resistencia a la insulina y la disfunción de las células beta pancreáticas. Los mecanismos...
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Las complicaciones neurológicas perioperatorias secundarias a hipoxia durante procedimientos de sedación y anestesia general son frecuentes en cirugía cardiovascular y en pacientes con comorbilidades. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no existe un consenso para el diagnóstico de estas posibles complicaciones. En pacientes con trauma encefálico severo y...
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Introducción: la cuarentena mundial decretada produjo cambios en los hábitos de la población. La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el efecto de la cuarentena en los hábitos de una muestra de sujetos colombianos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal, observacional en 1928 sujetos mayores de edad, a través de una encues...
BACKGROUND Heart rate variability (HRV) is defined as the temporal variation between heartbeats or RR intervals (distance between R waves in an electrocardiographic signal). These variations are currently a recognized biomarker of physiological stress. With the analysis of HRV, the autonomic nervous system can be assessed through its impact on the...
La sepsis es una condición compleja que se da por una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica frente a un agente infeccioso que amenaza la vida del paciente por compromiso orgánico; es considerada como uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública, debido a su alta incidencia, de aproximadamente 48 millones de casos al año, y elevada mortalidad, cercana a...
La sepsis es una condición compleja que se da por una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica frente a un agente infeccioso que amenaza la vida del paciente por compromiso orgánico; es considerada como uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública, debido a su alta incidencia, de aproximadamente 48 millones de casos al año, y elevada mortalidad, cercana a...
La sepsis es una condición compleja que se da por una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica frente a un agente infeccioso que amenaza la vida del paciente por compromiso orgánico; es considerada como uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública, debido a su alta incidencia, de aproximadamente 48 millones de casos al año, y elevada mortalidad, cercana a...
La sepsis es una condición compleja que se da por una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica frente a un agente infeccioso que amenaza la vida del paciente por compromiso orgánico; es considerada como uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública, debido a su alta incidencia, de aproximadamente 48 millones de casos al año, y elevada mortalidad, cercana a...
La sepsis es una condición compleja que se da por una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica frente a un agente infeccioso que amenaza la vida del paciente por compromiso orgánico; es considerada como uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública, debido a su alta incidencia, de aproximadamente 48 millones de casos al año, y elevada mortalidad, cercana a...
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Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV), es la principal causa de morbimortalidad en el mundo, y de forma continua se buscan estrategias para su diagnóstico temprano, que sean lo suficientemente sensibles y específicas para utilizarse de forma masiva. Objetivo: Desarrollar una red neuronal artificial (RNA), para la predicción del riesgo ca...
Background An algorithm with complexity measures, nonlinear dynamics, and neural networks were developed to detect and classify the anesthetic deep (AD). It has been shown that extreme anesthetic depth has been correlated with an increased risk of mortality. Likewise, intraoperative awareness has been reported in the anesthetic drugs under dosage....
Introduction “In vivo” electromyography usually reports a frequency domain muscle activity in a broad Hertz spectrum that ranges from 1 Hz to 500 Hz. However, when the contiguous nicotinic biochemical events in rhabdomyocytes type Ia, IIa and IIb are timed “in vitro”, and then converted to Hertz. A reduced electromyographic frequency domain is obta...
It is estimated that the worldwide prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by 2030 will be 522 million people, which generates a negative impact on the well‐being of the individual and population health. Within the fundamental pillars of the treatment are the changes in the lifestyle that includes physical exercise. Organizations such as the ADA (Am...
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Background: The immune system generates inflammatory responses through cytokines like Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and the Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF α); these cytokines mediate cellular responses aided by the presence of soluble receptors such as: Soluble Interleukin 6 Receptor (sIL6R) and Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptors Type 1 and 2 (sTNFR...
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La Asociación Colombiana de Fisiología (COLFISIS) viene trabajando desde hace quince años para fomentar el progreso científico y académico de esta disciplina y por la actualización profesional permanente de sus afiliados. Dentro de sus objetivos se incluyen: promover y apoyar la investigación científica en fisiología y áreas relacionadas, increment...
Background: With appropriate algorithms like logistic regression using neural networks, computers can learn to detect patterns and associations in large data sets. The author’s goal was to apply machine learning to physiological variables and create an algorithm to diagnose hypoperfusion. The algorithm detects changes in these variables that portra...
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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Frequency-domain estimate the distribution into low-frequency (LF: 0.04–0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF 0.15–0.4 Hz) bands. On the other hand, when analyzing norepinephrine and acetylcholine cell signalling time kinetics, the summation of such times once converted to frequencies in Hertz, match the previously mention...
Conference Paper
The recording of heart rate variability (HRV) is a strategy for the rapid and non-invasive evaluation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) activity. Previous studies have shown a rapid activation of the parasympathetic nervous system at the end of a physical effort and the association of this with the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseas...
Conference Paper
The cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main world cause of morbidity and mortality, continually, are searching early diagnostic strategies with enough sensibility and specificity to be used massively in the population. An artificial neural network (ANN) uses mathematical algorithms to predict an event, the vantage of an ANN is the capacity of lear...
Introduction The cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main world cause of morbidity and mortality, continually, are searching early diagnostic strategies with enough sensibility and specificity to be used massively in the population. An artificial neural network (ANN) uses mathematical algorithms to predict an event, the vantage of an ANN is the cap...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Frequency‐domain estimate the distribution into low‐frequency (LF: 0.04–0.15 Hz) and high‐frequency (HF 0.15–0.4 Hz) bands. On the other hand, when analyzing norepinephrine and acetylcholine cell signalling time kinetics, the summation of such times once converted to frequencies in Hertz, match the previously mention...
The recording of heart rate variability (HRV) is a strategy for the rapid and non‐invasive evaluation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) activity. Previous studies have shown a rapid activation of the parasympathetic nervous system at the end of a physical effort and the association of this with the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseas...
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Bad habits such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity or overfeeding, are related to the production of chronic pro-inflammatory states, the main risk factor for the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD). However, modifying only the body weight does not reduce the risk, it is necessary to increase muscle mass, this implies there is a bene...
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Introducción: La inflamación representa una respuesta protectora de los tejidos la cual se basa en la activación del sistema inmune. De forma reciente se ha planteado que los marcadores inflamatorios "clásicos" son inespe-cíficos, siendo un ejemplo la interleucina 6 (IL-6), consi-derada durante mucho tiempo una sustancia inflama-toria en presencia...
Conference Paper
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Introducción: La anestesia total intravenosa ha mos-trado ventajas sobre otras técnicas de sedación. El propofol tiene mejores resultados en la sedación por mostrar mayor seguridad intra y pos-operatoria. Schneider y Marsh crearon modelos farmacociné-ticos (MF) basándose en variables de volumen y ve-locidades de distribución entre tres compartiment...
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Introduction: The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is the gold standard in the cardiorespiratory endurance assessment. Objective: This study aimed to develop a mathematical model that contains variables to determine the VO2max of sedentary people. Methods: Twenty participants (10 men and 10 women) with a mean age of 19.8±1.77 years were includ...
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En el mundo, el porcentaje de adultos mayores se encuentra en aumento, obligando al desarrollo continuo de políticas en salud. En razón a los cambios morfológicos y estructurales propios del músculo esquelético durante el envejecimiento, que llevan a su deterioro, varios modelos de ejercicio han sido puestos a prueba, incluyendo el entrenamiento de...
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The paper presents a whole-body bio-energetic model of a cyclist which includes the mechanical dynamics of the bike. This model could be used to solve control-design problems for pedelec systems. The behavior of some physiological variables during cycling is reproduced by keeping an energy aware transfer flow. The modeling approach considers three...
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Relationship Between Body Composition And The Autonomic Nervous System Behavior At Rest
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Relationship Between Oxygen Consumption, Percentage Of Muscle Mass And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease In Adult Men
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In recent years, the assessment of body composition (BC) has been reframed by the hormonal effect that skeletal muscle and adipose tissue have in the body, including the autonomic nervous system (ANS). PURPOSE: To determine the relationship between the BC and ANS response in a population of individuals with different levels of physical activity. ME...
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Introducción. La corteza cerebral frontal tiene una mayor actividad teta durante procesos cognitivos de observación y aprendizaje. Objetivo. Establecer la relación entre actividad electroencefalográfica orbitofrontal y sistema nervioso autónomo en procesos cognitivos. Materiales y métodos. 20 hombres y 19 mujeres con edad promedio de 21.2 (±2.32)...
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Introduction: The frontal cortex has a greater theta activity during cognitive observation and learning processes. Objective: To establish the relation between orbitofrontal electroencephalographic activity and the autonomic nervous system in cognitive processes. Materials and methods: 20 men and 19 women with a mean age of 21.2 (±2.32) were evalua...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a parameter that analyzes more accurately how autonomic nervous system controls heart function. It is widely use in the evaluation of patients with prevalent worldwide chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, dysmenorrhea, depression and insomnia, among others. There is evidence...
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Background: Laboratory and field tests are important tools to evaluate the general and specific capabilities for performance from both at the amateur and elite soccer players’ levels. Nevertheless, it is necessary to establish levels of reliability and validity that let us apply in the world sports. Objective: the purpose of the study was to examin...
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Previous studies have related the decrease in muscular strength with an increase of cardiovascular risk factors. The works related to this topic have mostly used the strength of upper limbs through grip strength as an assessment method. PURPOSE: To establish the relationship between power in lower limbs assessed through the Abalakov test and determ...
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RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar la validez del test de Hoff para valorar la potencia aeróbica de futbolistas universitarios localizados a 2600 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Métodos: se evaluaron 20 futbolistas de género masculino (edad: 21,5 ± 2,8 años, peso: 70,7 ± 6,7 Kg, Talla: 174,8 ± 5,8 cm) con un test incremental en banda rodante (laboratorio)...
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El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento autonómico mediado por la respuesta barorreceptora a una maniobra ortostática (MO) en sujetos hipertensos y no hipertensos. La frecuencia cardiaca (FC) fue obtenida en 65 sujetos (32 hipertensos y 33 no hipertensos) usando un monitor polar de frecuencia cardíaca, antes y después de una MO (...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the autonomic behavior mediated by the baroreceptor response to an orthostatic maneuver (OM) in hypertensive and non-hypertensive subjects. The heart rate (HR) was obtained in 65 subjects (32 hypertensive and 33 non-hypertensive) using a frequency meter polar watch, before and after an OM (sudden standing). The R...
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Purpose: To study the relations among muscle strength, body composition and physical functionality as indica- tors of cardiovascular and physical impairment in elderly women. Methods: 60 healthy and physically active post- menopausal women (61.20 ± 4.02 years) participated in three sessions of diagnostic test. The body composition test (fat mass, l...
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Purpose: To study the effect of land- and aquatic-based plyometrics exercises on body composition (fat mass, lean mass, body mass index, total body weight) and explo- sive strength (vertical jump "SJ", counter-movement jump "CMJ", counter-movement jump with arm swing "CMJas") in postmenopausal women. Methods: 36 healthy and physi- cally active post...
Conference Paper
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Purpose: To study the effect of land-and aquatic-based plyometrics exercises on body composition (fat mass, lean mass, body mass index, total body weight) and explosive strength (vertical jump "SJ", counter-movement jump "CMJ", counter-movement jump with arm swing "CMJas") in postmenopausal women. Methods: 36 healthy and physically active postmenop...
Conference Paper
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El síndrome metabólico es una condición patológica expresada por un defecto del receptor insulínico que a su vez genera resistencia a esta hormona. En este síndrome, la probabilidad de sufrir diabetes mellitus tipo 2 aumenta, siendo el principal desencadenante la obesidad. El sistema nervioso autónomo y su actividad parecen estar íntimamente ligado...
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Background: Osteoporosis is characterised by loss of bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue microarchitecture that leads to fragility related to the risk of fractures. The aim of the study is to analyse the effects of a training program based on explosive movements and impact, assessed in a swimming pool, on body composition, explosive strengt...
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Introduction: Nowadays football (soccer) requires a high aerobic capacity and for its assessment the Test of Course Navette (TCN) has been widely used. However, other tests closer to the current conditions like the Test of Hoff (TH) have also been applied. The study assessed the maximum production of lactate using both tests in similar conditions....
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Abstract Objective: To perform a systematic review analysing the relationship between physical activity and modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in elderly people. Materials and methods: We conducted a search of PubMed, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, Annual Reviews, and Medline, as well as organisations such as the American College of Sport and Medicine,...
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p>Voltage-gated sodium channels constitute a group of membrane proteins widely distributed thought the body. In the heart, there are at least six different isoforms, being the Nav1.5 the most abundant. The channel is composed of an α subunit that is formed by four domains of six segments each, and four much smaller β subunits that provide stability...
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Although strength training interventions has positive effects for functional performance of elderly people, others studies suggest that muscle power and/or explosive force may change aspects related to functional independence, incidence of falling and functional motor performance. This is the reason why we here propose to examine the effects of exp...
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Objectius. 1) Fer una revisió sistemàtica dels estudis que examinen l’impacte de l’activitat física en els trastorns de la marxa de l’adult de la tercera edat entre el període de 2003-2013, i 2) fer recomanacions basades en el nivell i la força de les evidències. Mètode: La revisió va ser limitada a: tipus d’estudi, període de publicació, alteracio...
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La antropometría y la composición corporal constituyen una parte fundamental en la evaluación de los deportistas; en Colombia no hay reporte de evaluaciones comparativas de la composición corporal entre ciclistas de pista y de ruta. Quince ciclistas profesionales de género masculino (9 de ruta y 6 de pista) fueron evaluados antropométricamente; se...
Conference Paper
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Purpose: The Purpose Of The Study Was To Examine The Use Of Maximal Running Distance Performed As A Predictor Of Autonomy Levels. In This Particular Case, The Relationship Among Power (Win- gate Test), Velocity Displacement Over Distances Of 15, 30 And 45 Meters And Morphological Variables (Fat Free Mass/ Fat Mass/Areas/ Perimeters) Were Estimated...
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Objective: Assessing the prevalence of major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a sample population of university students and their relationship with body composition. Methods: A prevalence study was carried out on a random sample of 193 16 to 26 year-old university students (94 females and 99 males). Total cholesterol, high density lip...
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In the last decade skeletal muscle is no longer seen as just a contractile organ for the movement a body, to be considered a highly active endocrine organ, producing by the exercise multiple hormones with endocrine and paracrine action called Myokines. Some of this Myokines are involved in the modulation of inflammatory processes as does Interleuki...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between different test measuring explosive strength and functio- nality of active women participating in a leisure sport program in order to describe the caracteristics of health status and look for tools for diagnosing and monitoring degenerative process. Methods: This study was conducted on 102 women physica...
Conference Paper
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This research to describe the dynamics and resistances in the development of sport for disabled people in Colombia, mainly in the Midwest: Bogota, Cundinamarca and the military (armed forces). We are questioned the dynamics that allow the operation of sports projects for disabled persons in Colombia, also the most frequent resistance hindering the...
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Objective: To examine the effects of a training program based on impact and explosive movements performed in swimming pools on body composition (fat and lean mass), maximum strength (knee extensor and flexor), explosive strength (vertical jump and countermovement jump) and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women over 55 years. Methods: Thirty...
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Rev. salud pública. 16 (4): 505-515, 2014 505 Factores de riesgo cardiovascular y su relación con la composición corporal en estudiantes universitarios University students' cardiovascular risk factors and their relationship with body composition RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población de jóvenes...
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A nivel mundial las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) aportan en proporción la más alta tasa de morbi-mortalidad en adultos (1), desde hace tiempo se sabe que el ejercicio juega un papel fundamental desde el punto de vista de prevención y tratamiento de dichas enfermedades (2), sin embargo, falta mucho en la comprensión fisiológica por...
Conference Paper
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Resumen Objetivo: estudiar los efectos de un programa de facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva sobre la postura, flexibilidad y calidad de vida de adultos mayores. Métodos: 34 mujeres saludables fueron divididas en un grupo experimental (GE, n=17, Edad: 64,4 ± 4,38) y un grupo control (GC, n=17, edad 61,2±2,71). El GE participó de un programa ba...
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abstract Systematic Review of the Impact of Physical Activity on Gait Disorders in the Elderly Objective: 1) carry out a systematic review of studies examining the impact of physical activity on gait disorders of the elderly in the period 2003-2013, and 2) put forward recommendations based on the level and strength of the evidence. Method: the revi...
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Voltage-gated sodium channels constitute a group of membrane proteins widely distributed thought the body. In the heart, there are at least six different isoforms, being the Nav1.5 the most abundant. The channel is composed of an α subunit that is formed by four domains of six segments each, and four much smaller β subunits that provide stability a...
Conference Paper
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Purpose: To examine the effects of explosive strength training with explosive jumps and concurrent explosive jumps and high velocity movements on multi station machines on body composition (fat and muscle mass), capillary glucose and functionality (Squat Jump SJ; Countermovement Jump CMJ; Countermovement Jump Arm Swing CMJas; Shutle run test 30 met...
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Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles constituyen un problema de salud pública, vinculado en gran medida a la composición corporal. Se evaluaron antropométricamente 266 estudiantes de primer semestre, 116 hombres (17,8 ± 1,3 años) y 150 mujeres (17,6 ± 1,2 años). El somatotipo de los hombres fue 4,8-3,8-3,0, y de las mujeres fue 7,1-3,6-2,1. L...
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En el mundo, el porcentaje de adultos mayores se encuentra en aumento, obligando al desarrollo continuo de políticas en salud. En razón a los cambios morfológicos y estructurales propios del músculo esquelético durante el envejecimiento, que llevan a su deterioro, varios modelos de ejercicio han sido puestos a prueba, incluyendo el entrenamiento de...
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Objective To analyze the relationship between different test measuring explosive strength and functionality of active women participating in a leisure sport program in order to describe the caracteristics of health status and look for tools for diagnosing and monitoring degenerative process.Methods This study was conducted on 102 women physically a...
To analyze the relationship between different test measuring explosive strength and functionality of active women participating in a leisure sport program in order to describe the caracteristics of health status and look for tools for diagnosing and monitoring degenerative process. This study was conducted on 102 women physically active and without...
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La psicología de la actividad física y del deporte es un área de especialización de la psicología que, en los últimos años, ha crecido rápidamente como ciencia de apoyo en todas las áreas de la cultura física. Dicha área de la psicología emplea técnicas de preparación mental como la motivación, el manejo de la ansiedad, el control de la atención, d...
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In the last decade skeletal muscle is no longer seen as just a contractile organ for the movement a body, to be considered a highly active endocrine organ, producing by the exercise multiple hormones with endocrine and paracrine action called Myokines. Some of this Myokines are involved in the modulation of inflammatory processes as does Interleuki...
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El ingreso a la universidad conduce a la adquisición de hábitos inadecuados de vida, como factor de riesgo (FR) para el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Este estudio se realizó en 53 estudiantes de primer y 27 de noveno semestres de la Facultad de Cultura Física. Se evaluó en ellos: peso, talla, índice de masa corporal, perímet...