Henrique Sequeira

Henrique Sequeira
University of Lille · Neurosciences & SCALab


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Publications (171)
Recognized as a transdiagnostic factor, emotion regulation (ER) is increasingly embedded into conceptualizations of psychopathology development and maintenance, emerging as a core component of treatment methodologies. Therefore, the incorporation of ER into various facets of affective sciences, including theoretical frameworks, experimental paradig...
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The present study aims to explore the effects of a single session of attentional bias modification training at the behavioural and physiological levels. Healthy participants (n = 132) were allocated by means of a double-blind randomization into a trained group and a control group. The paradigm consists of a dot-probe task, using emotional facial...
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The present study aims to explore the effects of an attentional bias modification training (ABMT) at the behavioral and physiological levels. For this purpose, ABMT was carried out in a single session and using a double-blind randomized controlled trial design. This specific poster presents data showing the effect of ths training on participants'...
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Aim This study aims to identify different levels of empathy and emotional regulation along adolescent years and their relationship with cooperative behavior. Methods Eighty healthy males were divided into four age groups: 20 Early Adolescents, 20 Middle Adolescents, 20 Late Adolescents and 20 Adults. Participants responded to empathic and emotiona...
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the psychiatric disorder with the highest mortality rate, whose etiology remains largely unknown. It mainly concerns women and is characterized notably by a voluntary food restriction leading to a state of undernutrition often associated with excessive physical activity. Despite specialized care, relapse is common and affec...
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Recent evidence suggests that both personality traits (PT) and emotion regulation (ER) strategies play an important role in the way people cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was two folded. First, to longitudinally investigate the psychological distress (depression, anxiety, and stress levels) taking in consideration PT and ER s...
Sex differences in cognition and their underlying brain mechanisms have attracted increasing attention. Brain electrical activity (EEG) represents a reliable, high-temporal resolution approach to assessing the neural correlates of ongoing cognitive activity. The aim of the present work was to provide a comprehensive review of the literature regardi...
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The corpus callosum (CC) is the major commissure interconnecting the two hemispheres and is particularly affected in multiple sclerosis (MS). In the present review, we aimed to investigate the role played by callosal damages in the pathogenesis of MS-related dysfunctions and examine whether a model of callosal disconnection syndrome is a valid mode...
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Over the past few years, it has become standard to describe brain anatomical and functional organisation in terms of complex networks, wherein single brain regions or modules and their connections are respectively identified with network nodes and the links connecting them. Often, the goal of a given study is not that of modelling brain activity bu...
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Background Behavioural and autonomic dysregulation of emotion is reported in anxiety and depression. However, most experiments have focused on emotional stimuli presented in central vision (CV), although affective saliency has been observed in peripheral vision (PV). Methods Unpleasant (U), pleasant (P) and neutral (N) pictures from the Internatio...
Background Impairment of facial expression recognition in dementia is one of the cognitive deficits that could affect the social life of dementia patients. The severity of the facial expression recognition in different types of dementia has not been fully addressed. Previous studies showed that EEG event‐related oscillation (ERO) studies could reve...
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Objective Emotional states are expressed in body and mind through subjective experience of physiological changes. In previous work, subliminal priming of anger prior to lexical decisions increased systolic blood pressure (SBP). This increase predicted the slowing of response times (RT), suggesting that baroreflex-related autonomic changes and their...
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Empathy-for-pain states are underpinned by interoception , i.e the central representation of internal states. Cardiac signals occur in a phasic manner; baroreceptor discharges at systole communicate the heartbeats’ strength. These signals modulate pain and emotion processing. We tested whether these phasic interoceptive signals modulate empathy-for...
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Este artículo enfatiza las etapas principales del descubrimiento de uno de los marcadores autonómos más destacados de las expresiones mentales, la actividad electrodérmica (EDA). La contribución de las escue-las de fisiología francesa y alemana, orientada por las necesidades clínicas y el deseo de conocer más sobre los mecanismos fisiológicos, cons...
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Depression is characterised by attentional bias to emotional information and dysregulated autonomic reactivity. Despite its relevance to understanding depressive mechanisms, the association between attentional bias and autonomic reactivity to emotional information remains poorly characterised. This study compared behavioural and autonomic responses...
Anxiety and depression are both characterized by dysregulated autonomic reactivity to emotion. However, most experiments until now have focused on autonomic reactivity to stimuli presented in central vision (CV) even if affective saliency is also observed in peripheral vision (PV). We compared autonomic reactivity to CV and PV emotional stimulation...
Abstract In Multiple Sclerosis (MS), several studies reported patterns of deficits in negative emotion-recognition with preservations of positive emotion-recognition in patients. However, most of these studies assessed the recognition of a core set of “basic emotions”, typically consisting multiple negative emotions (e.g., anger, disgust, fear, sa...
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Emotional deficits in major depressive disorder lead to changes in the distribution of attention in the visual field. We investigate the impact of unpleasant and neutral pictures, presented in central (0°) and peripheral vision (12°; 24°), in 15 depression patients (DP) and 15 matched healthy controls (HC). Heart rate, skin conductance responses (S...
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Previous studies have suggested that empathic process involve several components such as cognitive empathy, affective empathy, and prosocial concern. It has also been reported that gender and empathy trait can influence empathic responses such as emotional recognition, which requires an appropriate scanning of faces. However, the degree to which th...
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Rationale Insular cortex supports the representation of motivational feelings through the integration of interoceptive information concerning bodily physiology. Compromised insular integrity is implicated in alcohol and drug use disorders. Alcohol-associated insular dysfunction may arise through aberrant glutamatergic neurotransmission associated w...
Emotional processing is known to be modulated by several psychopathological dimensions. In particular, anxious behavior is associated with an attentional bias toward emotional information often characterized by contradictory manifestations at neural and behavioral levels. In healthy participants, the emotional visual stimuli have been shown to capt...
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Introduction: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is associated with emotional and attentional deficits over the visual field leading to physiological and cognitive manifestations. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare, in patients with MDD and healthy controls, the physiological and cerebral impact of the emotional pictures presented in central...
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The physiological reactivity to emotional information is known to be modulated by psychological traits. However, few is known about how the location of such information in the visual field modulates this reactivity. The aim of this study was (1) to compare physiological variations in response to neutral and emotional pictures presented in central v...
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Emotional information is known to evoke bodily responses involving specific autonomic patterns. However, these patterns of response could be modulated both by the location of the emotional information in the visual space and by psychological traits of individuals. Hence, the aim of this study was (1) to compare autonomic markers variations in respo...
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Interoception, i.e. the perception and appraisal of internal bodily signals, is related to the phenomenon of craving, and is reportedly disrupted in alcohol use disorders. The hormone oxytocin influences afferent transmission of bodily signals and, through its potential modulation of craving, is proposed as a possible treatment for alcohol use diso...
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Background: Alexithymia describes an abnormality of emotional experience that is commonly expressed among individuals with addiction and alcohol abuse disorders. Alexithymic individuals are characterized by difficulties in identifying and describing their emotions. This impairment is linked to the development and maintenance of addiction. Moreover...
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Functional infrared thermal imaging (fITI) is considered a promising method to measure emotional autonomic responses through facial cutaneous thermal variations. However, the facial thermal response to emotions still needs to be investigated within the framework of the dimensional approach to emotions. The main aim of this study was to assess how t...
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Objective: To explore neural correlates of interoception and empathy for pain in social drinkers, using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS).
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Interoception refers to the sensory processing of internal bodily signals, guiding cognitive and motivational behaviours. People suffering from alcohol related problems feel and report their bodily sensations less accurately than healthy controls. Oxytocin facilitates empathy and is associated with the homeostatic regulation of internal bodily stat...
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Emotional difficulties in alexithymia and their social consequences have been linked to alterations in autonomic nervous system. However, most of previous studies did not take into account the distinction between the affective and the cognitive dimensions of the alexithymia, leading to inconsistent results. Aim: In this study, we compared the effec...
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Interoception refers to the sensory processing of internal bodily signals, guiding cognitive and motivational behaviours. In addiction, disturbances of interoception are expressed as altered insular cortex activation and have been described, for example through the phenomenon of craving. Studies focusing on substance use disorders report aberrant a...
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Alexithymia has been related to the difficulty to identify emotional experience and to establish interpersonal relationships. One important line of research in this field during last years has aimed to disentangle the influence of emotional and social dimensions of life events. Considering that skin conductance response (SCR) constitutes a robust a...
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is associated with an attentional bias toward emotional information leading to behavioral manifestations which need to be clarified. In healthy participants, the emotional visual stimuli have been shown to capture the attentional resources not only in central vision (CV) but also in peripheral vision (PV). Objec...
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Alexithymic subjects usually manifest difficulties to identify emotional experiences and to establish interpersonal relationships. The face, which is a crucial vehicle for emotional expression, can be explored with the functional infrared thermal imaging (fITI). Indeed, this recent non-invasive tool appears relevant to measure blood-flow related ch...
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Alexithymia is an emotion dysfunction characterised by difficulties in describing and identifying one’s own emotions. A recent theory suggests a link between alexithymia and interoception (i.e. sensitivity to internal bodily signals) which is supported by the insular cortex (IC) and guides emotional feeling states. In studies using functional magne...
We investigated explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision using saccadic choice tasks. Emotional-neutral pairs of scenes were presented peripherally either at 10, 30 or 60degrees away from fixation. The participants had to make a saccadic eye movement to the target scene: emotional vs neutral in the explicit task, and oval vs...
Introduction Les troubles emotionnels dans la SEP, decrits des les phases precoces de la maladie, font l’objet, depuis quelques annees, d’etudes visant a les caracteriser et a en determiner la physiopathologie. Objectifs Cette etude vise a caracteriser la reactivite emotionnelle dans la SEP, au moyen d’indices neuropsychologiques, comportementaux e...
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Background Diurnal emotional experiences seem to affect several characteristics of sleep architecture. However, this influence remains unclear, especially for positive emotions. In addition, electrodermal activity (EDA), a sympathetic robust indicator of emotional arousal, differs depending on the sleep stage. The present research has a double aim...
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It’s well known that faces are an important vehicle for emotional communication. Considering that the facial thermography, an upcoming technique of psychophysiology, can detect cutaneous thermal variations related to emotional stimulations, this study aims to explore whether the facial temperature is sensitive to the valence and arousal of emotiona...
Hypnogram REM sleep rate is higher for negative and positive movies than for neutral ones. Pre-sleep emotional states Increase REM sleep rate • The effect of diurnal emotional experience on sleep stages distribution remains unclear, especially for positive one. • But, it seems to notably affect Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-REM stage 3 (N...
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The aim of this study was to examine the ultradian dynamic of emotional processing in men. Event-related potentials were recorded while participants watched different sets of unpleasant and neutral pictures every 15 min for 3 h. Emotional feelings induced by unpleasant pictures were also assessed with self-rating scales at the end of each picture s...
Les caractéristiques céphalométriques conditionneraient la posture anti-gravitaire. Ce travail examine la relation entre, d’une part, la classe squelettique et la divergence faciale et, d’autre part, la posture statique. Les angles ANB et FMA ont été mesurés sur des radiotélégraphies de profil chez vingt adultes sains. Chez chacun, un statokinésigr...
Objectif Les émotions négatives ressenties au cours de la période diurne, telles que la tristesse, la colère, le regret et le stress, semblent avoir des effets néfastes sur les caractéristiques du sommeil. Par ailleurs, les travaux sur la privation de sommeil suggèrent que le sommeil paradoxal influence la régulation émotionnelle au réveil. Le but...
Feedback-related negativity (FRN) is a negative deflection that appears around 250 ms after the gain or loss of feedback to chosen alternatives in a gambling task in frontocentral regions following outcomes. Few studies have reported FRN enhancement in adolescents compared with adults in a gambling task without probabilistic reinforcement learning,...
Processing and storage in visuospatial working memory (VSWM) seem to depend on attention-based mechanisms. In order to explore the effect of attention-attractive stimuli, such as emotional faces on VSWM performance, ERPs were obtained from 20 young adults while reproducing spatial sequences of six facial (happy and neutral) and non-facial control s...
Conference Paper
Negative emotions occurring during the diurnal period appear to have detrimental effects on sleep characteristics (see Kahn et al., 2013). Several studies base on sleep deprivation, also suggested that the slow wave sleep (SWS, stages 3 and 4), could be involved in the emotional behavior regulation. In addition, it was shown that the electrodermal...
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This study investigated the ability of patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) to recognize emotional facial expressions. Cognitive deterioration, depression, alexithymia and facial expression recognition ability were assessed in fifty-five patients and twenty-one controls. Facial expression recognition ability was measured by a...
Affectively salient stimuli are capable of capturing attentional resources which allow the brain to change the current course of action in order to respond to potentially advantageous or threatening stimuli. Here, we investigated the behavioral and cerebral impact of peripherally presented affective stimuli on the subsequent processing of foveal in...
Whereas facial emotion recognition protocols have shown that each discrete emotion has a specific time course of brain activation, there is no electrophysiological evidence to support these findings for emotional induction by complex pictures. Our objective was to specify the differences between the time courses of brain activation elicited by feel...
L’activité électrodermale (AED) correspond à des variations électriques de la peau associées au fonctionnement des glandes sudoripares. Celles-ci, sous le contrôle du système nerveux sympathique, sont activées par les décharges nerveuses d’origine centrale. De ce fait, l’AED est un bon indicateur neurovégétatif des activations cérébrales qui sous-t...
Background: The priority processing of peripherally presented affective stimuli was recently shown in healthy individuals to divert attentional resources dedicated to foveal processing. Here we investigated the influence of sub-clinical levels of anxiety and depression on this bias. Methods: Eighty-four participants were submitted to psychological...
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Sex-based differences in visuospatial working memory (VSWM) processing have been documented previously.However, there is a significant lack of empirical data on the gender-related effects on both cognitive load, andthe emotional content of spatially-remembered objects in VSWM. In order to explore this issue, 50 young adults(25 males) voluntarily pa...
Les techniques d’électrophysiologie cognitive présentent l’avantage de pouvoir suivre la chronologie des opérations mentales associées aux activations corticales sous-jacentes. Cet accès privilégié à la dynamique cérébrale, quasiment en temps réel, est apparu avec l’électroencéphalographie (EEG) et est désormais optimisé avec la magnétoencéphalogra...
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Emotional facial expressions (EFE) are efficiently processed when both attention and gaze are focused on them. However, what kind of processing persists when EFE are neither the target of attention nor of gaze remains largely unknown. Consequently, in this experiment we investigated whether the implicit processing of faces displayed in far peripher...