Henrique Luiz Cukierman

Henrique Luiz Cukierman
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ · Departamento de Ciência da Computação


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Publications (41)
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Public Significance Statement This article discusses how the Brazilian Antrophofagic Manifesto of the 1920s can contribute to the decolonial movement as a source of inspiration for Latin American scholars in other contexts of decolonialism.
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Foi pela vivência de pesquisa no exterior que Ivan da Costa Marques tomou consciência da dependência tecnológica do Brasil. Foi na pesquisa no Brasil que ele vivenciou a reserva do mercado de minicomputadores como uma linha de fuga da dependência tecnológica, o que para ele seria, para o Brasil, uma aproximação autônoma da modernidade. Foi refletin...
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Young activists in Brazil became targets of state persecution for taking part in the mass protests that took to the streets and the Web during the lead-up to the 2014 World Cup and, subsequently, during the 2016 Olympic Games. The present article is a case study tackling the growth and development of the state’s Internet surveillance apparatus and...
This article discusses the social function of Brazilian universities from the standpoint of the history of computing in Brazil, revisiting the dissolution of the Computing Projects Laboratory (LPC), a lab of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). LPC was responsible in the mid-1970s for the pioneering development of the G-10...
A review of the literature on the Vaccine Revolt shows that it continues to be treated in an overly simplistic manner as a “structure” subjected to some form of regulation, from which its dynamics can be explained and its “root causes” identified. It is possible to forge a new, more cautious historiographical path, seeking to view this “structure”...
The city of Rio de Janeiro is known worldwide for its natural beauty, with blue sea beaches and mountains covered by ebullient forests. However, less recognized in the tourist guides is the face of the city revealed by extreme events such as storms and floods that, more and more frequently, reach Rio's hillsides and lowlands, taking with them house...
Although the Earth’s surface average temperature is rising since 1850 due mostly to anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions, the existence and the attribution of global warming are sometimes disputed outside the peer-reviewed literature. This article investigates whether climate skeptics’ claims are admitted in Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that any...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da disciplina Computadores e Sociedade, ministrada para o curso de Engenharia de Computação e Informação (ECI) da Escola Politécnica da UFRJ no segundo semestre de 2015. Essa disciplina é parte da grade obrigatória de ECI, porém diferentemente do modelo usual de leituras de textos e discussões teó...
Internet development in Brazil was essentially as a sociotechnical construction, the result of a set of regulatory and governmental acts, academic initiatives, strategic investments of the government and its agents, market actions of telecommunication companies, and efforts of the third sector. This article begins with an historical account of comp...
Cukierman examines Brazilian scientific expeditions to inland Brazil from 1911 to 1913, tying them to nation building and the colonization of both the scientists involved (through their desire to emulate European science) and the residents of inland northern tropical regions of Brazil. Cukierman explores the use, perception, production and adaptati...
Conference Paper
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Neste trabalho, investigamos o processo de implantação de um sistema/software de apoio à estratégia da saúde da família em um bairro do município do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse sentido, procuramos compreender como se estruturam as redes de colaboração entre os atores que vêm negociando as decisões sobre a customização deste software. Utilizando a metodol...
Technical Report
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Developing countries often encounter technoscientific artefacts that originally stem from the developed world and reach them in forms that are more stabilized and fixed than they are in their origins. As a result, these artefacts are often dealt with like icebergs of which one can see only the tips, but which are regarded as self‐ contained wholes....
This article seeks to outline some initial conclusions of ongoing research into the controversies and congressional debates that took place during the passage through the Brazilian National Congress of the bills (dated 1984, 1991, 2001, 2004) relating to informatics activities in Brazil. Which topics did the congressional controversies “heat up” ar...
Conference Paper
The paper forwards some initial conclusions taken from a research in progress on the controversies and debates which took place in the Brazilian Congress during the parliamentary proceedings for the approval of four laws (1984, 1991, 2001, 2004) about informatics activities in Brazil. Which were the issues at stake in order to build local and auton...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo construir a história de um projeto que conectou centros de informática da Maré, favela da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, à Rede Rio, rede de computadores formada pelas principais instituições de pesquisa do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os laboratórios foram conectados através de links sem fio, em um movimento que configurou um...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Este artigo faz uma apresentação da Casa Brasil de Vigário Geral, espaço administrado por uma ONG e inserido no âmbito de um projeto mais amplo do Governo Federal, lançado em 2005, cujo intuito original era o de fomentar a inclusão social através da inclusão digital de áreas do país com baixo IDH. Utilizando alguns referenciais do campo de...
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Este texto reconta a história da computabilidade no período de 1900 a 1936 sob a luz dos estudos de Ciência-Tecnologia- Sociedade. A narrativa enfoca as contingências presentes no estabelecimento do programa de Hilbert, e o desenrolar dos acontecimentos até a apresentação dos teoremas de Gödel e a formulação da tese de Church. Adota uma abordagem i...
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Este artigo busca rever brevemente a história da cibernética de N. Wiener e comparar sua orientação àquelas inauguradas por autoras como K. N. Hayles e D. Haraway, no que se refere aos traços de uma nova ordem social, científica e tecnológica pós-humana.
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes some reflections about the questions posed in the call for papers of WOSES 2010 edition. The questions are related to the ruptures of the sociotechnical cloth of Software Engineering: " when and why does it become fragmented? how is it lacked in its weaving the absence of one thread? What can be added to the cloth in order to en...
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This article examines the routine of the Manguinhos Institute during the first decades of the 20th Century, emphasizing the relationships of work inside the laboratories. This routine reveals that, despite the small size of its technical-scientific staff, the institute's extraordinary productivity resulted from its diversity of activities. They wer...
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New technologies modify the form and the substance of social control, participation and cohesion. However, as they modify, they are also modified by social practices in such a way it is possible to argue that social and technical dimensions constitute a process of mutual construction, only apprehended through an approach simultaneously social and t...
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This article presents a case study of the accident with Varig flight RG-254 in September 1989. Using as starting point the official investigation data, publications, audiovisual material and interviews with those involved in the accident as well as flight safety specialists, the authors re-analyze the accident through a sociotechnical focus, which...
This paper examines the creation of the Sisbov, launched to certify provenance, nutritional as well as sanitary aspects of Brazilian cattle production. Economic, social and political consequences, particularly in respect to the initial compulsory character of the regulations, are considered. The government will have greater control and more informa...
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In this paper, we want to relate two histories; a North American history, in which we detach the bonds between the conception and the diffusion of free software with the founding principles of North American civil movements for democracy; and a Brazilian history, in which we intend to verify how the proposal for the adoption of free software by the...
Conference Paper
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Creativity is an important asset in today’s fast changing environment. We believe it can and should be stimulated in educational environments, through the use of tools and careful design of activities and work groups. In this paper, we present and briefly discuss a checklist of eight activities to support creativity and should be applied when desig...
O artigo investiga as circunstâncias que levaram o Brasil a alcançar o primeiro prêmio na XIV Exposição de Higiene e Demografia, em Berlim, em 1907. A partir da inédita correspondência trocada entre Henrique da Rocha Lima e Oswaldo Cruz às vésperas da exposição, é possível observar as agruras do empreendimento à brasileira, onde aquilo que se parec...
The article investigates the circumstances leading to Brazil being awarded the first prize at the XIV International Conference on Demography and Hygiene, held in Berlin in 1907. An examination of the unpublished correspondence between Henrique da Rocha Lima and Oswaldo Cruz prior to the conference/exhibition reveals the peculiarities of a Brazilian...
The article intends to shed some light on the creation of the Manguinbos laboratory by recounting an episode which predates it: the journey to Santos taken in 1899 by Oswaldo Cruz, a young physician about to become a national hero and the Brazilian symbol of science. Destined to confirm the arrival of the infamous bubonic plague in Brazil for the f...
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Brazilian Portuguese: Este trabalho descreve a implantação da Internet no Brasil como uma construção sociotécnica, a saber, como resultado, de um conjunto de técnicas, atos regulatórios, iniciativas acadêmicas, investimentos estratégicos do Estado e seus agentes, ações mercadológicas de empresas e esforços do terceiro setor. Inicia com um históric...
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Modernity, universalism and asymmetries. This paper is an invitation to refl ect about Software Engineering (SE) in what concerns the widely known "universal" models. However, such an invitation can be extended to include a refl ection about the great asymmetry between the First World, which centralizes the scientifi c and technological development...
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Software Engineering (SE) is of vital importance for today's society, given the ubiquity of its product: software. However, influenced by western scientific rationality, SE presents a very strong technicist bias in its teaching and practice. In this paper, we discuss the need to restrict this bias. We use the sociotechnical approach of Science Stud...
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The causes for the rising temperature of Earth's surface, atmosphere and oceans verified in the last decades are the object of controversy among climate scientists. The mainstream position is that global warming is due to human action, through the rising concentration in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases produced mainly by the burning of fossil fu...
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This work is an evaluation proposal of intangible assets from a Brazilian Public Science and Tech-nology Organization, hereby named Fuzzy. The adopted methodology is the one formulated by Sveiby (1998) for evaluating intangible assets in private corporations. The analysis is based on fi-nancial and non financial indicators for improvement/renovatio...
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In the beginning of the 1980's, the Brazilian state owned company COBRA – Computadores Brasileiros S. A -began to sell a family of minicomputers, the COBRA-500 family, whose software was known for its superior quality. As for today, one of the usual reasons for a successful software is the existence of a well defined process of software development...


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