Henrik Hargitai

Henrik Hargitai
Eötvös Loránd University



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Additional affiliations
January 2017 - present
SETI Institute
  • Researcher
February 2015 - February 2017
  • Senior NPP
  • NASA Ames Research Center,
January 2006 - present
Eötvös Loránd University
  • Cosmic Materials Space Research Group / Dept of Communications


Publications (482)
Conference Paper
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30 years ago in these March days, the Hungarian delegation took over the NASA educational lunar sample set in Houston, at the Johnson Space Center (Kubovics I, and the author: B. Sz.). The NASA set gradually became part of the regular university education in Hungary: in geology, in material science and environmental science. It has also been presen...
Conference Paper
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The game-based learning process has a positive effect on the development of critical thinking, debating skills, and decision-making [2]. By integrating mobile devices into education and consciously designing the teaching process, it is also possible to develop skills that go beyond application to focus on analyzing, evaluating, and creating [4]. Du...
Conference Paper
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The Council of the European Union - New Skills Agenda for Europe [1] - makes recom- mendations on competence in lifelong learning. In the United States, Andrew J. Rotherham and Daniel T. Willingham [2] see the novelty in how the possession of known abilities, the ability to apply them significant- ly affects collective and individual success. They...
Conference Paper
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In the last decade dozens of studies focused on generating catalogs of different geologic features of Mars. They have been published in a variety of formats and places and many if not most of these publications are not GIS-ready. We have been collecting such catalogs and integrated them into one GIS (in ArcGIS) with the aim of producing a publicly...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: In our work last year, we expanded the Hunveyor educational space probe model with a field table (testyard). Thus, the experiments could be planned for two types of units that can be used to perform surface measurements on the planetary body. The active spacecraft models, the Hunveyor (stationary unit) and the Husar (moving unit), on...
Conference Paper
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Hunveyors are a series of educational spacecraft models developed in formal educational frameworks in Hungary. Our previous efforts focused on building the spacecraft model (Hunveyor lander, and Husar rover types), and designing measurements students can perform. In this new series of experiments, the possibilities for variation are expanded by bei...
A Naprendszer bolygói és kisebb égitestei különleges helyszínek a világegyetemben. Ezeken a kozmikus helyszíneken a nagy anyagsűrűség miatt létrejöhet a folyadék halmazállapot. A folyadékok leggyakoribb természetes előfordulása a bolygók légkörében található. A Vénuszon kénsavból, a Földön vízből, a Jupiteren és a Szaturnuszon és esetleg az Uránus...
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This contribution provides a concise review of the current developments and challenges in the domain of planetary cartography. Considered to be one of the more exotic branches of cartography, it currently re-positions itself due to (1) an increasing community-centric research interest, but also due to (2) the current development in the field of spa...
Conference Paper
This contribution provides a concise review of the current developments and challenges in the domain of planetary cartography. Considered to be one of the more exotic branches of cartography, it currently re-positions itself due to (1) an increasing community-centric research interest, but also due to (2) the current development in the field of spa...
Volcanic channels are common features on the terrestrial planets. They have diverse morphologies including sinuous rilles, channelized flows, and potentially collapsed lava tubes. Many of these channels are a part of a typical igneous assemblage of landforms. In addition, some channels have an ambiguous origin, where a volcanic interpretation expla...
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In recent decades, the research community has been dealing with a growing amount and variety of new research data and derived research information. While primary research data, as derived from instruments, are commonly well maintained, derived research data might not always share the same fate. Scientific studies, resulting in further derived data,...
Conference Paper
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, a semester had been planned to be entirely online. Students were not allowed to enter the buildings of the university during this time but the staff was. This gave us the opportunity prepare a complete series of lectures for this semester. The series represents a cross section of classes for students in Astronomy at EL...
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This analysis provides a detailed snapshot of the radio news landscape in Hungary, a European-Union-member 'illiberal state' in mid-April 2018, a few weeks after the general election. In this study, we wished to quantitatively characterize radio news broadcasts. This is the first study that provides a detailed analysis of contemporary radio news ou...
The Navua Valles are comprised of a system of channels and valleys on the inner Northeastern rim of Hellas Basin, which is a 1500-km-long sloping terrain. Drainage systems and regional geology in this unique setting were not previously mapped in detail. We mapped this region using CTX (6 m/px) as the base map and assessed surface unit ages resultin...
Planetary cartography does not only provide an extensive basis for supporting planning activities in planetary exploration, e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning, but it also supports mission conduct by, e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance mapping. It also provides the scientific and technical basis to cr...
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The development of the methods of visualization, control, and content of planetary maps goes in parallel with terrestrial ones. Both reflect technological, scientific, sociopolitical, and graphic design changes. However, while terrestrial maps are ubiquitous and show abstract or iconic representations of the Earth features, planetary surfaces are m...
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In this chapter, we review basic concepts, measurements, and methods in mapping topographic and reflectance (image) data of planetary surfaces. This includes the definition of coordinate systems for each body, the identification of the shape of a planetary body, and the establishment of reference systems and reference bodies that are required to pr...
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Cartography is the science, technique, and art of filtering and compiling spatial data into map information and to communicate complex spatial relationships and interdependences by advanced visualization techniques. In this context, Cartography provides the whole environment and necessary analysis toolsets to derive mapping results and produce maps...
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Elevation data can characterize geology, from global to local scales. For centuries, however, the only planetary topographic data were those of lunar peaks and craters. In the last few decades, several independent techniques have been developed to extract topographic information from diverse types of planetary datasets, which provide key informatio...
Planetary cartography forms an integral part of cartography and has found its manifestation in governmental activities, community efforts, professional organizations, and commercial activities. These activities substantiated with the revival of planetary exploration in the early 2000s when Europe visited the Moon for the first time, and the USA lau...
Planetary cartography does not only provide an extensive basis for supporting planning activities in planetary exploration, e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning, but it also supports mission conduct by, e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance mapping. It also provides the scientifi c and technical basis to c...
Planetary cartography forms an integral part of cartography and has found its manifestation in governmental activities, community efforts, professional organizations, and commercial activities. These activities substantiated with the revival of planetary exploration in the early 2000s when Europe visited the Moon for the first time, and the USA lau...
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The Navua Valles are a system of channels and valleys on the inner rim of Hellas Basin. The aim of this mapping study was to determine the geologic history of the Navua Valles region; and the relationships between the basement, flow, and channel units along the northeastern slope of Hellas Basin. We have produced a 1:1 million scale geologic map of...
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The slopes of northeastern Hellas Basin, Mars exhibit a wide variety of fluvial landforms. In addition to the Dao-Niger-Harmakhis-Reull Valles outflow channels, many smaller channels and valleys cut into this terrain, several of which include discontinuous sections. We have mapped these channels and channel-associated depressions to investigate pot...
Conference Paper
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The Exo-Life Finder (ELF) will be an optical system with the resolving power of a ≥20m telescope optimized for characterizing exoplanets and detecting exolife. It will allow for direct detection of Earth-size planets in commonly-considered water-based habitable zones (WHZ) of nearby stars and for generic exolife studies. Here we discuss capabilitie...
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Maps are one of the most important tools for communicating geospatial information between producers and receivers. Geospatial data, tools, contributions in geospatial sciences, and the communication of information and transmission of knowledge are matter of ongoing cartographic research. This applies to all topics and objects located on Earth or on...
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Planetary Cartography does not only provides the basis to support planning (e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning) and to facilitate mission conduct during the lifetime of a mission (e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance). It also provides the means to create science products after successful termination of...
Conference Paper
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Planetary Cartography does not only provides the basis to support planning (e.g., landing site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning) and to facilitate mission conduct during the lifetime of a mission (e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance). It also provides the means to create science products after successful termination of...
Conference Paper
Maps are one of the most important tools for communicating geospatial information between producers and receivers. Geospatial data, tools, contributions in geospatial sciences, and the communication of information and transmission of knowledge are matter of ongoing cartographic research. This applies to all topics and objects located on Earth or on...
Conference Paper
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OpenPlanetaryMap is a collaborative effort to build an Open Planetary Mapping and Social platform for space enthusiasts, planetary scientists, educators, and storytellers.
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Reference surfaces, coordinate systems and projections are the prerequisites for the geospatial analysis of planetary surfaces. In the followings we discuss how these parameters are defined and used on different types of planetary bodies, including rocky planets, satellites, irregular bodies and gas giants.
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Results in astrogeologic investigations are rarely communicated towards the general public by maps despite the new advances in planetary spatial informatics and new spatial datasets in high resolution and more complete coverage. Planetary maps are typically produced by astrogeologists for other professionals, and not by cartographers for the genera...
The Navua Valles are systems of paleodrainages located north of Dao Vallis, which empty into Hellas Planitia, the largest impact basin on Mars. In this study, we mapped and characterized the Navua Valles Region's individual drainage systems, including drainages along the southwestern flank of Hadriacus Mons, and one valley network from the same sou...
Conference Paper
OpenPlanetaryMap (OPM) is a new OpenPlanetary [1] project, supported by CARTO [2], to build an Open Planetary Mapping and Social platform for planetary researchers and mappers, space enthusiasts and students, educators and storytellers. Our goal is to enable them to easily and collaboratively create and share location-based knowledge and maps of ot...
Conference Paper
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Despite the new advances in planetary science and the new detailed imagery and maps, results in astrogeology communicated by maps rarely reach the general public and especially children. Also, planetary maps are more likely to be produced by astrogeologists for other professionals than cartographers for the general public. The authors developed pla...
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DefinitionFrost-fissure polygon net comprises variable proportions and distributions of both ice and clastic sediments (Goździk 1973).CategoryA type of thermal-contraction-crack polygons (permafrost).SynonymsIce-wedge pseudomorphDescription(1)A network of subsurface wedges that are composed of a mixture of ice and sand or rubble. Ice and sand layer...
Conference Paper
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Building on the geographical knowledge on the users’ home country or state, users can move countries’ and states’ outlines to extraterrestrial planets and moons, discover the extraterrestrial surface features and compare their sizes and positions to their countries’ or states’ geographical already known landmarks. This way users will have a better...
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A set of children’s maps on the solid-surfaced planetary bodies of the solar system was developed in the framework of the program Europlanet 2012. The surfaces of the six bodies were illustrated by planetary scientists and graphic artists. This is the first project in which such detailed, hand-drawn lunar and planetary maps were created specificall...
Conference Paper
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Micrometeorite impacts grinds surface rocks and the produced lunar soil is excited by solar radiations (UV radiation, solar wind), which electrostatically produce the levitating lunar dust cloud as observed first by Surveyor-5. Related experiments for a Hunveyor educational space probe instruments were reported. We constructed experiments to observ...
We describe features that appear as wind streaks but are intersecting yardang sets formed on one side of impact craters.


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