Henrik Egbert

Henrik Egbert
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences · Department of Economics (FB 2)

Dr., Professor of Economics


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Henrik Egbert currently works at the Department of Economics, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Henrik does research in Institutional Economics, Microeconomics, Entrepreneurship/Networks and Economic Anthropology.
Additional affiliations
July 2010 - September 2010
American University in Bulgaria
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Courses: Microeconomics
October 2010 - December 2021
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
  • Professor
  • Courses: Microeconoics, Industial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Behavioral Economics, Economic Seminars
October 2006 - present
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
  • Fellow
  • Courses: New Institutional Economics, Scientific Writing. As ERASMUS or DAAD exchange lecturer.
April 2007 - October 2009
University of Giessen
Field of study
  • Habilitation (Economics: New Institutional and Behavioral Economics)
October 1996 - March 2001
University of Bayreuth
Field of study
  • Dr. rer pol. [PhD] Economics (Entrepreneurship in Tanzania)
February 1990 - July 1996
Freie Universität Berlin
Field of study
  • Diplom (Volkswirtschaftslehre) [MA Economics]


Publications (111)
A bstract In the literature on entrepreneurship in developing countries, the argument that social networks are an essential factor for entrepreneurial success has been given considerable attention. This article challenges this one‐sided view by pointing out negative and restrictive effects of social networks on entrepreneurial success in particular...
This paper presents an experiment, which builds a bridge over the gap between neuroscience and the analysis of economic behaviour. We apply the mathematical theory of Pavlovian conditioning, known as Recurrent Associative Gated Dipole (READ), to analyse consumer choices in a computer-based experiment. Supplier reputations, consumer satisfaction, an...
The article analyses cross-border small-scale trading (CBST) from the perspective of New Institutional Economics. It offers an alternative analytical starting point to this topic, which is mainly tackled by sociologists and anthropologists. It is argued that concepts like social capital or social embeddedness can be of certain analytical use but th...
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Abstract: We review a large number of empirical studies on Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) pricing. We distinguish between laboratory experiments, field experiments, survey experiments and case studies. Based on this survey we identify the following two gaps in the recently flourishing literature on PWYW pricing: (1) studies on PWYW pricing for goods with...
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Georg Friedrich Knapp was a German economist whose most famous book is The State Theory of Money. Knapp is known as the founder of the chartalist school of monetary theory. In contrast to other monetary theories, which focus on the exchange value of money, Knapp assumes that the value of money is created by the government's legal right to define it...
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Преди близо 50 години социологът Марк Грановетър отправя своята фундаментална критика към икономическата теория, с която поставя началото на т.нар. нова икономическа социология. Атаката му е насочена към формиращите се концепции на новата институционална икономика и към идеите на Оливър Уилямсън (1932–2020) – най-видния представител на модерното из...
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Objectives: Perceptions towards euro adoption in the general public are very important for the successful introduction of the common currency into a given economy. Young consumers tend to have lower interest and political participation rates, but their acceptance of a new currency is crucial. This paper investigates a sample of Bulgarian students i...
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Резюме: Елинор Остром променя начина на мислене за общите ресурси в икономиката. Предлаганият от нея институционален анализ показва, че групите могат да намерят решения на сложни проблеми, свързани с управлението на колективните блага. Тя демонстрира, че успешно колективно действие може да се организира и от равноправни рационални индивиди. Заедно...
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Abstract: Edward P. Lazear (1948-2020) is one of the most influential economists in the field of applied Labor Economics in modern time. He founded Personnel Economics, which applies an economic approach to Human Resources. His work linked traditional Labor Economics with the empirical analysis of behavior in organizations (mostly private enterpris...
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Джордж Стиглър е сред най-видните представители на второто поколение икономисти от Чикагската школа, допринесли значително за формирането на нейното идейно наследство. Научните му разработки вдъхновяват множество изследвания в областта на теорията на публичния избор, икономическата теория на правото и редица други теоретични направления. Стиглър ла...
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Gunnar Myrdal (1898-1987) is known for his contribution to the founding of the Swedish welfare state as it was set up in the 1930s. He supported this through his scientific input, namely the application of an expansive fiscal policy and the implementation of social programs. Myrdal’s interdisciplinary study on the status of racial relations in the...
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1885-1972) е влиятелен социален учен, автор на множество публикации в областта на икономическата теория, философията и етиката. В икономическата теория той е познат преди всичко със своите анализи на неопределеността като условие за извличане на икономически печалби на конкурентните пазари. Тази концепция е само един от множеството му приноси, свър...
Frank Knight (1885⎯1972) was an exceptional social scientist and a prolific writer of many reviews and comments on topics in economic theory, philosophy, and ethics. In economics he is best known for his work on uncertainty as a cause for entrepreneurial profit in competitive markets. This is only one of his many contributions that put the market a...
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Heinrich von Stackelberg introduced several fundamental concepts to economic theory. His contributions to the analysis of market structure are the best-known ones. Since the 1930th his theory of the instability of markets is a cornerstone of theoretical economics. If firms make dependent and independent decisions in an oligopolistic market structur...
Heinrich von Stackelberg introduced several fundamental concepts to economic theory. His contributions to the analysis of market structure are the best-known ones. Since the 1930th his theory of the instability of markets is a cornerstone of theoretical economics. If firms make dependent and independent decisions in an oligopolistic market structur...
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Резюме: Харолд Хотелинг е влиятелен учен-статистик, работил в началото на 20-и век, включително в областта на кономическата теория. Трудовете му имат основополагаща роля за съвременната икономика и отварят пътя за нови изследователски въпроси в стопанската наука. Най-известна е работата му върху решението на проблема с изчерпаемите ресур- си. Хотел...
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Certain religious entrepreneurial minded communities are highly successful. It is tempting to assume that the underlying social mechanism of business success can be used as a blueprint for the development of larger social entities. Recently, Javaid, Shamsi and Hyder (2020) have argued that inefficiencies of markets and bureaucracies may be avoided...
Mancur Olson (1932-1998) became famous with one great idea: the failure of collective action. Since interest groups provide their members with public (collective) goods with corresponding externalities, he assumed that free riding as a rational individual strategy would be a ubiquitous problem hampering the realization of efficient collective actio...
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Mancur Olson (1932-1998) became famous with one great idea: the failure of collective action. Since interest groups provide their members with public (collective) goods with corresponding externalities, he assumed that free riding as a rational individual strategy would be a ubiquitous problem hampering the realization of efficient collective actio...
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Israel Kirzner has made profound contribu¬tions to the theory of entrepreneurship. His con¬siderable insights address the entrepreneurial function in the market process. Kirzner belongs to the Austrian school and hence assumes subjective decision-making, incomplete sets of knowledge for all subjects, and market disequi¬libria. He ascribes to entrep...
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Joan Robinson (1903-1983) is an outstanding Cambridge economist in a variety of aspects. Being a member of the inner circle around Keynes and discussing with him drafts of the „General Theory“ in the early 1930s, she became an ardent defender of Keynes' original ideas. Her first major work is the „Theory of Imperfect Competition“, which became the...
Joan Robinson (1903-1983) is an outstanding Cambridge economist in a variety of aspects. Being a member of the inner circle around Keynes and discussing with him drafts of the „General Theory“ in the early 1930s, she became an ardent defender of Keynes' original ideas. Her first major work is the „Theory of Imperfect Competition“, which became the...
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Концепцията за безусловен базов доход е представяна от редица автори като инструмент за намаляване на бедността, осигуряващ живот над нивото на бедността за всеки индивид. Появилата се през XIX век идея за безусловен доход придобива нова популярност през последните години. Причината се крие в очакването нарастващата дигитализация и навлизането на р...
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Представено е кратко обобщение на някои от новаторските идеи на Гордън Тълок (1922-2014), смятан за един от основателите на школата на публичния избор в икономическата наука. Той полага началото на нов начин на икономическо мислене, като прилага парадигмалната рамка на рационалния избор към политическата и правната система. Идеите му за явлението „...
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Представено е кратко обобщение на приносите на Уилям Баумол в иконо- мическата теория. Баумол проявява жив интерес към множество области на икономическата наука и подобрява (в съавторство) съществено нивото на изследванията в икономиката на околната среда, индустриалната организа- ция и изследванията на предприемачеството. Фокусът тук е работата му...
A short summary is made of William Baumols’ contributions to economic theory. Baumol (1922-2017) had a vivid interest in many different areas within the field of economics and substantially improved (in co-authorship) the quality of the research on the theory of environmental economics, industrial organization and entrepreneurship. The focus of the...
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The purpose of the paper is to review recent studies on Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) pricing and to identify research gaps in the recently mushrooming literature on the topic. We examine a total of 53 empirical studies published between 2009 and 2016. In contrast to previous reviews we classify the research according to the type of study, i.e., the app...
This note illustrates how social structures and behavior of scientists in the societal sub-system of open science resemble patterns analyzed in the Gift, an essay written by Marcel Mauss nearly 100 years ago. The presented analysis goes beyond existing interpretations of gift givingin science which have mainly focused on the exchange of knowledge a...
We provide a short introduction into the concept of Constitutional Economics. This approach is a subfield within Public Choice Theory. Public Choice and Constitutional Economics are closely related to the name of James Buchanan who, together with his colleagues, initiated Public Choice Theory in the 1950’s and Constitutional Economics in the 1980’s...
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Резюме: Накратко е представена концепцията на конституционната икономика, която може да се разглежда като подобласт на теорията на обществения избор. Общественият избор и конституционната икономика са тясно свързани с името на Джеймс Бюкянън, който заедно със свои съавтори през 50-те години на миналия век поставя началото на теорията на обществения...
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Резюме: Накратко е представена концепцията на конституционната икономика, която може да се разглежда като подобласт на теорията на обществения избор. Общественият избор и конституционната икономика са тясно свързани с името на Джеймс Бюкянън, който заедно със свои съавтори през 50-те години на миналия век поставя началото на теорията на обществения...
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This paper addresses the participative pricing mechanism of Pay-What-You-Want pricing as related to Marcel Mauss’s concept of the Gift. Reciprocity is a behavioural pattern imminent to the Gift as well as to Pay-What-You-Want pricing. The paper refers to results from behavioural economics in order to identify factors that positively influence recip...
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This paper addresses the similarity between behavioural economics and social anthropology with respect to approaches on repeated reciprocity. The case at hand is the application of the Centipede game to Marcel Mauss’s concept of the Gift. In a Centipede game players interact in an alternating sequence of decisions to take or to pass an endowment. M...
Beaches at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast were public and club goods until the mid-1990s. By that time the Bulgarian government had granted private investors temporary property rights by providing concessions. Consequently, more beaches show characteristics of club goods nowadays. On a national level, the process can be considered as a reallocation...
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This paper introduces the Pay-What-You-Want game which represents the interaction between a buyer and a seller in a Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) situation. The PWYW game embeds the dictator game and the trust game as subgames. This allows us to use previous experimental studies with the dictator and the trust game to identify three factors that can inf...
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This paper introduces the Pay-What-You-Want game which represents the interaction between a buyer and a seller in a Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) situation. The PWYW game embeds the dictator game and the trust game as subgames. This allows us to use previous experimental studies with the dictator and the trust game to identify three factors that can inf...
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The crisis of 2008 has shown that some economic models do not provide reliable guidance for economic policy. As a result, a discussion on what to teach in economics has started within the discipline. This paper contributes to this discourse by referring to the model of the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) used in principles courses in economic...
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Irving Fisher was one of the most fascinating personalities who have worked on Economic Theory. Besides his groundbreaking contributions to economics, he was also a pathbreaker for topics related to mathematics, statistics, nutrition, health, political stability and peace. This article provides a brief survey of Fisher’s work. It is closely related...
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This paper introduces the Pay-What-You-Want game which represents the interaction between a buyer and a seller in a Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) situation. The PWYW game embeds the dictator game and the trust game as subgames. This allows us to use previous experimental studies with the dictator and the trust game to identify three factors that can inf...
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This paper introduces the Pay-What-You-Want game which represents the interaction between a buyer and a seller in a Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) situation. The PWYW game embeds the dictator game and the trust game as subgames. This allows us to use previous experimental studies with the dictator and the trust game to identify three factors that can inf...
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Beaches at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast were primarily a public good until the mid 1990s. By then the Bulgarian government granted private investors temporary property rights by providing concessions. Consequently, many beaches show characteristics of club goods nowadays. On a national level the process can be considered as a reallocation of publi...
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Employing public resources for promoting entrepreneurships demands careful selection of candidates who are most promising to set up a successful entrepreneurial career. This study addresses the relation between an individuals’ entrepreneurial potential, identified through personality traits, and aspects of human and social capital, based on prior e...
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Статията представя идеите на Марсел Мос в контекста на новата институционална икономика. Мос, един от основателите на съвременната френска социология и социална антропология, формулира в първите десетилетия на XX век основополагащи концепции във връзка с произхода и функцията на парите. В статията твърдим, че идеите на Мос за ролята на парите в общ...
Alexander Gerschenkron was among the most influential twentieth-century scholars of economic history and economic development. His collection of essays, Economic Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective, occupies a key place in the global literature on economic history. Two of Gerschenkron's major ideas that influenced the evolution of developmen...
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We review a large number of empirical studies on Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) pricing. We distinguish between laboratory experiments, field experiments, survey experiments and case studies. Based on this survey we identify the following two gaps in the recently flourishing literature on PWYW pricing: (1) studies on PWYW pricing for goods with high cost...
When the editor of the Handbook of Economic Anthropology addresses economic deviance, Homo oeconomicus seems to have safely found his place in anthropology. The new attribute of being deviant cannot mask the model: it is the egoistically and materially oriented individual of economic theory that has, once more, slinked into anthropology. Carrier’s...
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A remarkable feature of the 21st century is extremely rapid international capital mobility compared to considerably sluggish annual FDI flows in the last quarter of the 20th century. If this empirically significant assumption of internationally footloose capital is adopted, an economy’s production set, and its boundary, the production possibility f...
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Employing public resources for promoting entrepreneurships demands careful selection of candidates who are most promising to set up a successful entrepreneurial career. This study addresses the relation between an individuals’ entrepreneurial potential, identified through personality traits, and aspects of human and social capital, based on prior i...
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Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing is a participative pricing mechanism. On the one hand, it gives the buyer the option to determine the price of a good, allowing her, in contrast to other participative pricing mechanisms such as reverse auctions, to do monetary harm to a seller by paying nothing. On the other hand, a seller may apply a PWYW pricing...
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Employing public resources for promoting entrepreneurships demands careful selection of candidates who are most promising to set up a successful entrepreneurial career. This study addresses the relation between an individuals’ entrepreneurial potential, identified through personality traits, and aspects of human and social capital, based on prior i...
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Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing has received considerable attention recently. Through PWYW, companies entrust the buyers in determining the prices of specific products. Empirical studies show that when PWYW pricing is implemented buyers do not behave selfishly in a number of cases and that some sellers are able to use PWYW to increase turnover as...
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BASICS OF CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS: GOTTFRIED HABERLER. Abstract: This paper summarizes some of the most influential economic concepts developed by Gottfried Haberler, a leading economic theorist of the 20th century. The importance of his theories for modern economic thought cannot be overestimated. His ideas on price indices, applied opportunity c...
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Labour market processes in Tanzania constitute an important but an under-researched topic. This study investigates the recruitment methods of private companies in Mwanza, Tanzania's second largest city. It asks whether employers make use of informal methods more often than formal methods, whether the skills required for a job relate to the choice o...
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Inhalt: In diesem Beitrag wird ein Matchingprozess zwischen Junior und Senior Entrepreneuren dargestellt, wie er im Kontext der Teambildung für Unternehmensgründungen gestaltet werden kann. Dabei wird auf die Prozesse und die eingesetzten Tools eingegangen. Die Darstellung bezieht sich auf das Projekt „Gründungstandem“ zur Anbahnung von Unternehmen...
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Die Internationalisierung der Lehre nimmt im Kontext der europäischen Integration zu. Damit steigen Anforderungen an die Lehrenden. Wir berichten über die Erfahrungen interdisziplinären Lehrens und Lernens während einer internationalen Summer School, die im Sommer 2013 durchgeführt wurde. Beteiligt waren vier Hochschulen aus vier Ländern mit Studie...
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Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing has received considerable attention recently. Empirical studies show that a PWYW pricing mechanism is able to increase a seller’s turnover and profit. This paper addresses PWYW pricing for bundles of experience goods. The paper shows that a PWYW pricing mechanism, if applied ex post consumption, separates the decisi...
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Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing has received considerable attention recently. Through PWYW, companies entrust the buyers in determining the prices of specific products. Empirical studies show that when PWYW pricing is implemented buyers do not behave selfishly in a number of cases and that some sellers are able to use PWYW to increase turnover as...
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Zusammenfassung: Der schleppende quantitative und qualitative Ausbau der Kindertagesbetreuung in Deutschland wird von uns als Anlass genommen, die gegenwärtige Finanzierungsstruktur und deren Anreize für die Marktteilnehmer im Bereich Kindertagesbetreuung zu untersuchen. Dazu wird die politische Fokussierung auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Fachk...
We use a power-to-resist game to find out the effects of individuals‘ judgments about a proposer‘s selection procedure on the willingness to offer resistance against proposed outcomes. In the experiment, one individual is selected on the grounds of a particular procedure. This individual is allowed to propose how to allocate a pie among five group...
We present the first economic experiment on bandwagon behavior in voting. Subjects are given an individual endowment and vote by majority rule to either keep the endowment for private use or to donate it to a non-governmental organization. In our experiment, participants are divided at random in two treatments. Individuals in both treatments are pr...
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Improving early childhood education and care (ECEC) services is one of the challenging duties of public authorities in Germany.We think that inefficiency with respect to the quantity as well as the quality of ECEC services is caused by the prevalent object-based financing system. In this article, we tackle the issue by providing a positive analysis...
Conference Paper
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We compare transaction employment in the USA and Bulgaria from 1997 to 2006. Transaction employment reflects the labour inputs which are necessary to run institutions in a national economy. We measure these inputs as a share of GDP. Our results show that a relatively constant share of about 30% of GDP relates to transaction employment in the USA. I...
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The article provides a survey of the growing experimental literature on the investigation of corruption and extends previous surveys. We discuss three aspects which deserve more attention in further research. These are, first, a more careful consideration of individual norms, second, a broader perspective on the influence of norms within groups on...
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Improving early childhood education and care (ECEC) is one of the challenging tasks of public authorities – not only in Germany but also in all OECD countries. Given the public resources spent on ECEC services, the quantity as well as the quality of ECEC services in some OECD countries is comparatively low. We suppose that inefficiency is caused by...
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A country’s production possibility frontier or PPF is defined as the boundary of its economy’s production set in the net output space for a given technology and fixed quantities of primary factors of production. In general equilibrium theory, exogenous changes in technology or primary-factor supplies alter equilibrium prices; however, government-po...
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The literature on enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa provides evidence that there are significant differences between companies run by members of the majority population and those run by members of minorities. Differences are frequently related to size, age and certain success indicators. However, it remains unclear whether decisions concerning the...
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The sociological literature on social networks emphasizes by and large positive network effects. Negative effects of such networks are discussed rather rarely. This paper tackles negative effects by applying economic theory, particularly neoclassical theory, new institutional theory and the results from experimental economics to the concept of soci...
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Improving child care and pre-school education is one of the challenging duties of public authorities in Germany. Given the public resources spent on nursery schools, the quantity as well as the quality of early childhood education in Germany is comparatively low. We think that inefficiency is caused by the prevalent object-based financing structure...
Over the course of their interaction, economics and migration research have treated each other with mutual indifference. When migration research attempted to overstretch its bounds, economics reduced its analytical scope to those areas that originally seemed to belong to the genuine economic sphere. This volume considers eleven case studies that ai...
This paper discusses the implementation of experiential learning techniques in a behavioural economics class. In order to deepen students' understanding of both behavioural economics and the experimental approach to research students in the course developed and conducted variants of economic experiments. We believe that the process of designing and...
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In an experiment designed to test for expressive voting, Tyran (JPubEc 2004) found a strong positive correlation between the participants’ approval for a proposal to donate money for charity and their expected approval rate for fellow voters. This phenomenon can be due to bandwagon voting or a false consensus effect. The social science literature r...
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In an experiment designed to test for expressive voting, Tyran (JPubEc 2004) found a strong positive correlation between the participants' approval to a proposal to donate money for charity and their expected approval rate for fellow voters. This phenomenon can be due to a bandwagon effect or a false consensus effect. Both effects have been reporte...
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The paper explores the dynamics of the transaction sector in the Bulgarian economy. We use the measuring strategy developed by Wallis and North in 1986. The calculations show an increase in the transaction sector in the country within the period 1997–2003 from about 37% to more than 52% of GDP. Although this is below the size reported...
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Individuals related to an organization develop organizational cultures, which in turn determine individuals' interactions. This idea is applied to markets and their spatial dimension, the marketplaces. The paper treats open-air horse markets. It is shown how horse traders, their customers, and state authorities influence the development of a partic...
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Structural reforms and market liberalization have led to a transformation of the Tanzanian economy since the mid-1980s. Studies on enterprises in the manufacturing sector seem to indicate that entrepreneurs persistently operated with low capacity utilization in the 1990s. In a liberalized market this appears irrational because, as a consequence, pr...
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Der vorliegende Text fokussiert die Umsetzung des problemorientierten Lernens im Rahmen eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Seminars. Wir geben unsere Erfahrung aus einer Hauptstudiumsveranstaltung Experimentelle Ökonomie wieder. Ziel der Veranstaltung war die Vertiefung ausgewählter verhaltensökonomischer Themen sowie das Erlernen der experimentel...
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Volkswirtschaftliche Einführungsveranstaltungen setzen zunehmend auf ökonomische Lehrexperimente, um Studienanfängern den inhaltlichen Einstieg in wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge zu erleichtern. Marktexperimente gelten weithin als zentrale Einstiegsexperimente, die - wie nahezu alle Lehrexperimente - für kleine Studentengruppen entwickelt wurden. Im...


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