Hendrik Scholta

Hendrik Scholta
German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer



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Publications (31)
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The digitalization of public services is particularly challenging in federal states, in part because a federal structure separates organizations through a division of power and established jurisdictions, and digitalization facilitates interconnection between society and its organizations. The many actors involved in federal states' digital public s...
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Information systems (IS) research often seeks to deliver practical impact in addition to the traditional requirement for theoretical contribution. While an admirable goal, it is nevertheless a challenging prospect, as key questions remain around how best to facilitate a relationship between IS academic and practitioner communities. To explore this...
Legal regulations and conceptual models are important for public organizations. Conceptual models are means for complexity reduction in the design and customization of information systems. Legal regulations are important for public organizations as they specify the services that the organizations offer to citizens and businesses. However, the opera...
Conference Paper
Public organizations rely on legal regulations because the regulations specify the services that public organizations offer. To cope with the complexity of their services and information systems, public organizations can make use of conceptual models that depict the relevant aspects for the design of services and systems. Since most of the existing...
Public service automation and no-stop government are currently two intensively discussed concepts in digital government literature. Although their definitions point to different meanings, some scholars equate the terms and use them interchangeably. Since a clear shared understanding is crucial for scholars to produce reliable research, this concept...
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Purpose The ten principles of good business process management (BPM) support organizations in planning and scoping the organizations' BPM approach. Derived from literature and expert panels, the principles received much attention both in research and practice. This article develops a measurement instrument to operationalize the principles and to su...
Public organizations are looking for new ways to use digital technologies to increase the efficiency of their internal processes and improve their interactions with clients, whether citizens or businesses. In response, scholars suggest that public organizations be proactive in digital public services such that the organizations approach their clien...
In light of the increasing importance of citizen-centricity in public services, one approach technologically advanced public organizations take is to integrate proactivity into their services. Scholars agree with the potential for proactivity in public services and study some aspects of the topic, and some publications deal with the concept of proa...
Conference Paper
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IS research often seeks to deliver practical impact, in addition to the traditional requirement for theoretical contribution. While an admirable goal, it is nevertheless a challenging prospect, as key questions remain around how to best facilitate a relationship between IS academic and practitioner communities. To explore this question, our paper i...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, public organizations become proactive in their service delivery such that they approach their clients and not vice versa. In the most advanced case, the no-stop shop, clients do not have to do anything to receive a public service. Public organizations offer many services and several of them could potentially be delivered through a no-stop...
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Forms are central interfaces for information exchange between a government and its citizens. As a way to translate laws into practice, forms are an essential part facilitating this exchange. Unfortunately, forms often require substantial development effort to ensure they comply with legal requirements, with the result that citizens often describe t...
Up to now, public administrations have taken a supply-oriented approach to the design of electronic services for citizens resulting in low usage rates. In contrast, companies in the private sector have been relying on demand-oriented service design for many years. They make use of so-called ‘customer journeys’ to better understand the perception of...
Conference Paper
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Forms are essential for service delivery in public administrations as they enable the exchange of data between citizens and the administration. Although administrations rely on an adequate quality of the data transmitted through forms for their decision-making, unfortunately, the data are often of unsatisfactory quality, which can usually be traced...
Conference Paper
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When digitalizing governmental services, many countries invest in new e-government portals. Estonia, for example, uses a one-stop portal, which allows centralized access to all provided governmental services. Germany, on the other hand, realizes integrated portals that link several separate portals on federal, state and municipal level. The governm...
Conference Paper
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Public sector organizations have been digitalizing their services for many years. As one potential next step of digitalization, public organizations have started to transform their services from reactive to proactive delivery; i.e., delivering service to a recipient without the recipient having to request for the service. Although the academic lite...
Die prozessorientierte Betrachtung von Organisationen verspricht vielfältige Potenziale bei der Verwaltungsmodernisierung. Eine am Bürger und Unternehmen ausgerichtete Leistungserbringung verlangt als Grundlage ein umfassendes Verständnis der eigenen Abläufe. Hierbei ist es wichtig, jeden Prozess für sich verstehen zu können, um die richtigen Weich...
Business process management often uses reference models to improve processes or as starting point when creating individual process models. The current academic literature offers primarily deductive methods with which to develop these reference models, although some methods develop reference models inductively from a set of individual process models...
Conference Paper
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Federalism and e-government are important to many countries across the globe but come up with two contradicting characteristics that are especially existent in Germany. First, citizens and businesses want to receive e-government services easily but the identification of government entities that are responsible for service delivery in federal states...
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This paper responds to two observations about current government service delivery. First, despite reasonable efforts to improve the design of forms and to establish single points of contact in one-stop shops, citizens still perceive forms as cumbersome. Second, citizens expect governments to act proactively by initiating appropriate government serv...
Die prozessorientierte Betrachtung von Organisationen verspricht vielfältige Potenziale bei der Verwaltungsmodernisierung. Eine am Bürger und Unternehmen ausgerichtete Leistungserbringung verlangt als Grundlage ein umfassendes Verständnis der eigenen Abläufe. Hierbei ist es wichtig, jeden Prozess für sich verstehen zu können, um die richtigen Weich...
Der dritte Teil des Buches widmet sich der toolbasierten Unterstützung des CXP-Ansatzes durch eigens entwickelte Prototypen. Die Prototypen adressieren zwei zentrale Schwerpunkte, zum einen die durch die CXP-Modellierungssprache motivierte Modellierung der Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke und Verwaltung der erstellten Modelle, zum anderen die frühzeitige Er...
Zur Gestaltung und Modellierung der Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen von hybriden Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken wurde die CXP-Modellierungsmethode entwickelt, die im zweiten Teil dieses Buches vorgestellt wird. Die CXP-Modellierungsmethode offeriert den an der hybriden Wertschöpfung Beteiligten Sprachkonzepte, mit denen die Zusammenarbeit detailliert beschriebe...
Conference Paper
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Due to the growing amount of cooperative business scenarios, collaborative Business Process Management (cBPM) has emerged. The increased number of stakeholders with minor expertise in process modeling leads to a high relevance of model understandability in cBPM contexts. Despite extensive works in the research fields of cBPM and model understandabi...
Conference Paper
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Forms are essential artifacts of government service delivery to transmit information between the customer and the government. However, customers perceive forms as too complex. Since the complexity of a system is influenced by the diversity of its components, this paper’s main contribution is the identification of characteristics of forms and their...
Purpose Governmental institutions must cooperate with other organizations across institutional boundaries to achieve high-quality service offerings. The required cooperation may lead to complex networks, including several of the thousands of public administrations in the many federal layers of a single country. This paper aims to address the key ch...
Conference Paper
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Public administrations face a high need for service orientation, process efficiency as well as digitalization of documents. Thus, service descriptions, process models and forms are relevant artifacts of administrative procedures. Due to their interrelation, an integrated standardization regarding these information artifacts is promising. Our overal...
Conference Paper
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Rapid advances in IT combined with increasing awareness for environmental side-effects of modern economies are causing a shift in the consumer behavior towards new forms of consumption. Private individuals increasingly become both providers and consumers of services. Web 2.0 enables peer-to-peer transactions between consumers creating a new consump...
Technical Report
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In dieser Analyse werden die Potenziale des E-Government-Gesetzes erarbeitet und systematisiert. Maßgabe ist die Schaffung eines nahtlosen, nutzerorientierten, vertrauenswürdigen und offenen, kurzum starken E-Government, das seine Umsetzung in der behördlichen Praxis findet. Hierzu wurden fünf Schlüssellösungen entwickelt, die technische, rechtlich...
Conference Paper
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are service systems that connect physical and cyber elements through global networks. CPS put upon sensors and actuators as well as omnipresent status data of smart products in order to facilitate the design of innovative service offerings. CPS typically require the cooperation of several actors such as manufacturers of...


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