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Publications (58)
Artiklen beskriver og analyserer et eksempel på matematikundervisning i folkesko- len. Forfatterne beskæftiger sig specielt med spørgsmålet: Hvad sker der med kom- munikationen, når formålet med undervisningen er skjult for eleverne? Analysen relateres til en fortolkning af læring som handling, idet begreber som "elevintentio- ner" og "undergrundsi...
Hvorfor forstår eleverne ikke, hvor læreren vil hen, og hvorfor forklarer læreren ikke tingene, så eleverne forstår dem? Disse spørgsmål synes at være centrale, når der er problemer i matematiktimen. Denne artikel ser på samspillet mellem lærer og elever i en konkret undervisningssituation med henblik på at vise, hvordan kommunikationen kan komme t...
"Når jeg går ombord i et fly, stiger risikoen så for at det falder ned, hvis jeg rejser sammen med nogle, der flyver meget tit?", spørger Mia. Underforstået at rejser man meget, er der større risiko for at falde ned. Og så må det vel dreje sig om at undgå at flyve sammen med sådanne "ulykkesfugle". Risikosamfundet bruges af nogle sociologer til at...
This article claims that the quality of classroom communication influences the quality of learning. A dialogue can be seen as a conversation with certain qualities: it is a process of inquiry, includes risk-taking, and maintains equality. These qualities can be observed as dialogic acts. From observing teacher-student and student-student relationsh...
The purpose of this article is to give an insight in the different professional roles that a caseworker has to carry when meeting the citizen in order to decide what help he or she needs and is entitled to. This work includes help and support, as well as control and sanctioning. Therefore, the professional role as a caseworker cannot be reduced to...
Denne antologi udspringer af et ønske om at sætte fokus på betydningen af mellem-menneskelig kontakt i professionelle relationer. Gennem kontakt kan den professionelle forbinde sig med det menneske, hun gennem sit virke skal tage vare på, på en måde så den anden træder frem, ikke bare som patient, klient eller bruger, men som et medmenneske. Bogen...
The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the role of a group facilitator when taking a dialogical stance. A special interest is facilitator’s processual responsiveness and its potential for supporting a dialogic approach to process facilitation.
Theoretically, the article is based on dialogue and dialectic r...
Coaching in many learning environments. Coaching and coaching skills can be acquired in various ways andin more or less formalized educational settings. This article focuses on a training course at Aalborg University,where students are trained in coaching and in facilitation of coaching. The aim is to shed light on how coa-ching skills can be acqui...
– The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to group coaching in the workplace that can enhance shared learning in groups and teams through dialogue as opposed to group members’ individual positioning through discussion and debate.
– An action research project conducted throughout one year in collabora...
Contact and purposeful exchange between people in dialogue is seen as a precondition for the co-creation of meaning and for new insights to emerge. Emergence cannot be planned and predicted, but an enabling environment can be created that allows for inquiry into a subject. This article presents a dialogic approach to group coaching developed from a...
This article discusses what inquiry conversations could mean when learning mathematics. 3 Referring to Gadamar's distinction of true and apparent questions it is discussed what it takes to be inquiring and if this attitude necessarily includes posing questions. Which qualities are expressed in inquiring questions, and what other ways of communicati...
Målbeskrivelser og lærebogssystemer fører ikke i sig selv til at elever bliver i stand til at give mening til det de møder i skolens matematikundervisning. Meningsfuldhed angår mange relationer, specielt mellem aktiviteter i skolen og elevernes forgrund der bl.a. refererer til elevernes forestillinger om og fortolkninger af deres muligheder i fremt...
Students' cultural diversity is an important factor to consider in a mathematics education concerned with equity. We argue that the significance of mathematics education is not only given by the understanding of mathematical concepts but also by students' foreground, that is, the students' perception of their future possibilities in life as made ap...
In this article the authors introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students’ life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. A group of five students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil was inter-viewed. The students were invited to l...
La diversidad cultural de los estudiantes es un factor importante de considerar en una educación matemática que se preocupa por la equidad. Sostenemos que la significación de la educación matemática no está dada sólo por la comprensión de conceptos matemáticos sino también por el porvenir de los estudiantes, es decir, la percepción de sus posibilid...
La diversidad cultural de los estudiantes es un factor importante de considerar en una educación matemática que se preocupa por la equidad. Sostenemos que la significación de la educación matemática no está dada sólo por la comprensión de conceptos matemáticos sino también por el porvenir de los estudiantes, es decir, la percepción de sus posibilid...
Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education is concerned with communication in mathematics class-rooms. In a series of empirical studies of project work, we follow students' inquiry cooperation as well as students' obstructions to inquiry cooperation. Both are considered important for a theory of learning mathematics.
Special attention is paid t...
Contends that the role of mistakes and corrections of mistakes in classroom practice reveals a certain philosophy of mathematics and that the way mistakes are handled promotes such an implicit philosophy. (MKR)
Disse spørgsmål har Helle Arø og Birgitte Tufte forsøgt at få besvaret ved
hjælp af et spørgeskema, der blev udsendt via de faglige foreningers blade.
Svarprocenten har indtil nu ikke været stor, men alligevel kan de indkomne
svar nok belyse tendenserne inden for medieundervisningen på forskellige
uddannelsestrin: i folkeskolen, i gymnasiet og...
TV-reklamens psykologiske påvirkningsstrategier
By bringing our research work together, we are able to discuss the potential of combining the notions of the learning landscape and school mathematical discourse. We do so in a search for concepts and methodological tools to challenge the simplification of issues in regard to mathematics learning in multicultural settings, when adopting restricted...