Helene Schiffbaenker

Helene Schiffbaenker
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH · POLICIES – Institute for Economic and Innovation Research



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Publications (60)
Technical Report
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As part of the project "Research Cultures in Germany" (2022), we analysed how scientists in various research fields and disciplines perceive working and living in Germany as a research location and what opportunities and challenges they identify for research cultures in Germany. Much of the available research focuses on epistemic cultures, however,...
Conference Paper
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The climate crisis and COVID-19 restrictions have boosted online meetings. To promote sustainability, it is crucial to continue using this form of communication post-pandemic, reducing traffic and pollution. However, online meeting technologies must ensure inclusion and belonging. Virtual communication offers advantages, facilitating participation...
Technical Report
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Als Deutschlands größte private und gemeinnützige Wissenschaftsförderin sieht sich die VolkswagenStiftung als kreative Mitgestalterin der Wissenschaftslandschaft, indem sie starke Impulse setzt, um die Rahmenbedingungen von Forschung, Lehre und Transfer zu verbessern, und Forschenden neue Karrierechancen eröffnet. In diesem Kontext ist die Idee zu...
Conference Paper
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Research funding organisations (RFOs) are key actors for guiding and reforming the assessment of grant applications. To mitigate gender bias, many RFOs have various policies in place. But how are formal gender equality policies implemented in practice by peer review panels? We analyse how one policy, incorporating the sex and gender dimension in re...
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The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and reinforced the structural crisis in paid and unpaid care work. On the one hand, pandemic-related closures of schools and childcare facilities increased the fragility of unpaid care arrangements, which are mainly organised by women. On the other hand, high infection and hospitalisation rates exacerbated the difficul...
Durch die Covid-19-Pandemie stand die medizinische und pflegerische Sorge im Krankenhaus zeitweise im Mittelpunkt der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Aufgrund der zeitweise sehr hohen Hospitalisierungszahlen von Corona-Infizierten mussten Stationen verlegt oder geschlossen werden und es wurden planbare Eingriffe verschoben. Zudem führten die bereits v...
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The notion of junior scientists’ independence has increasingly become relevant in the evaluation of scientific excellence. In this paper, we deconstruct independence—as an element of excellence—in the context of reviewing a prestigious European Research Grant. Conducting qualitative interviews with this grant’s reviewers, we reveal five different d...
Technical Report
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This report gives an overview on the 9 individual Interim Evaluation Reports for all implementing SPEAR universities. These confidential individual reports describe the status quo of GEP development in each of these universities and feature a SWOT analysis as well as recommendations by the evaluation team. In this overview, we won’t describe the re...
Conference Paper
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, in times of worldwide lockdowns, academic careers were impacted in a gendered way (Gabster et al., 2020): Existing gender inequalities have increased (Oleschuk, 2020) and female academics, especially early career researchers, have conducted less research compared to men (Viglione, 2020; Amano-Patiño et al., 2020). Also...
Purpose In this contribution to EDI's professional insights, the authors develop practical and evidence-based recommendations that are developed for bias mitigation, discretion elimination and process optimization in panel evaluations and decisions in research funding. An analysis is made of how the expectation of “selling science” adds layers of c...
Technical Report
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This is a report of members of the 'RRI Plattform Österreich' (https://www.rri-plattform.at/) investigating opportunities and challenges in realising Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in a research project concerned with developing assistive technologies in a Healthcare. (in German)
Technical Report
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This Policy Brief reviews the current state of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Austria and provides recommendations for the further embedding of RRI in research and innovation policy. (in German)
Technical Report
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The SPEAR project is working towards gender equality (GE) in European universities. The main objective is to develop and implement gender equality plans (GEPs) in the nine implementing SPEAR universities. The project follows a supportive approach in which all partners and change agents benefit from each other’s experiences and learnings. Therefore,...
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Gender bias in grant selection is of increasing interest, thus what factors can explain this gender bias? Using a life science case we identify five mechanisms: gendered criteria, suboptimal peer evaluation in general, gender stereotyping, gendered evaluation practices and panel composition.
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This chapter presents and discusses findings from an accompanying evaluation of measures and actions to promote gender equality and career prospects for early career researchers, which have been implemented within the GARCIA project. The measures and activities analysed were conducted in one social sciences and humanities (SSH) and one science, tec...
Conference Paper
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(An updated and extended (not only life sciences) version is also available on this ResearchGate page: Gender bias and grant allocation – a mixed picture) ABSTRACT: To explain lower success rates of female applicants in ERC grants, we collected data about past performance of the applicants, and we interviewed panel members about how selection crit...
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Peer and panel review are the dominant forms of grant decision-making, despite its serious weaknesses as shown by many studies. This paper contributes to the understanding of the grant selection process through a linguistic analysis of the review reports. We reconstruct in that way several aspects of the evaluation and selection process: what dimen...
Conference Paper
This paper does not exist - it is here by mistake. But I cannot remove it for some reason. But when interested, the following paper is relevant: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344461914 - which is also on ResearchGate. Best regards, Peter van den Besselaar
Technical Report
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The Austrian Research and Technology Report 2017 is a status report on the country’s federally funded research, technology, and innovation. It was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). The report looks at current data, analyses and fin...
Technical Report
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Annual Report to the Austrian Parliament on the State of Research and Technology in Austria. Covers international comparisons and ranklings of the Austrian Innovation System as well as up-to-date descriptions of the research and higher education sector, the private sector, recent trends in STI policy, and changing innovation paradigms. A special ch...
Conference Paper
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1. Introduction The promotion of gender equality has become a key priority for the European Research Area reform agenda. Member States, the European Commission (EC) and stakeholder organisations operating in the field of research, technology and innovation (RTI) are to promote and take actions to better achieve gender equality. One particular appro...
Conference Paper
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This presentation will reflect on the process of implementing actions to promote gender equality in the GARCIA project and discuss the main challenge and connected resistances that were observed and encountered. But we will also try to summarize some lessons learnt for future calls and structural change projects. The presented findings are based on...
In this chapter, we discuss parental leave and other regulations, especially working time issues, as instruments to increase men’s participation in childcare responsibilities. We look at the company level by analyzing practices and experiences of those fathers who have taken up parental leave and in a second step at the sectoral level by analyzing...
Conference Paper
Scientific excellence is of increasing relevance for assessing and funding research. Yet the definition of excellence is unclear and excellence difficult to measure. Classical indicators like scientific outcome and impact have been identified to have various limitations, in particular from a gender perspective. So other indicators are applied, like...
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This report was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation, and Technology (BMVIT). It was written by a working group consisting of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), JOANNEUM RESEARCH (JR) and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) with the s...
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The Swiss Science and Innovation Council (SSIC) examines innovation policy from the multiple perspectives of innovation, support funding and society/value systems. As such, the SSIC is dealing with the question of how innovation could be conceived and supported in a broader sense. To get an informed overview of the pertinence of this question, the...
Executive Summary (DEU) Sowohl die Innovationsforschung als auch die Innovationspolitik von entwickelten «wissensbasierten» Gesellschaften sind zunehmend «breiter» geworden. In Richtung und Umfang dieser Ausweitung lassen sich sowohl gemeinsame Muster als auch Länderspezifika festmachen, insbesondere im Ausmaß der Einbeziehung von «sozialer Innovat...
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Annual Austrian Report on Research and Technology. Produced on behalf of the Austrian Government by JOANNEUM RESEARCH, AIT, WIFO, ZEW with support from STATISTICS Austria
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Die Frage zur Rolle von Frauen im Innovationsprozess erlangt, insbesondere durch den Fachkräftemangel in Forschung und Technik (Bargel et al. 2007, Koppel 2007, Fuchs 2009, Ihsen et al. 2009, Schlenker 2009, VDI 2009, Kaiser et al. 2012) sowie durch die vorliegenden demografischen Prognosen zunehmende Relevanz hinsichtlich der Innovationsleistun...
Technical Report
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Väterkarenz ist in Österreich nach wie vor ein Minderheitenprogramm, da nur vergleichsweise wenige Männer in Karenz gehen. Kinderbetreuung ist noch kein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil hegemonialer Männlichkeit. Karenzväter setzen sich daher bewusst wie unbewusst von dieser Form von Männlichkeit ab. Trotzdem handelt es sich bei diesen Männern nich...
Technical Report
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In dieser Studie werden die Motive für die Planung der Väterkarenz, die konkreten Erfahrungen in der Karenz sowie beim Wiedereinstieg aus Sicht von Karenzvätern mit akademischem Abschluss analysiert. Die Unternehmenskultur erweist sich neben dem persönlichen Rollenverständnis als wesentlicher Faktor für die Dauer der Karenz und später für einen erf...
This entry describes, defines, synthesizes, and reviews the topic of gender and innovation, which is an emerging field of research evoked by the need for more inclusive innovation policies, innovation networks and innovation processes. The review of prevalent research on gender research and innovation reveals four explanations of the relevance of g...
Technical Report
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Diese Studie vermittelt Einblicke in die Prozesse und Herausforderungen von Teams in der kooperativen Forschung (explorativer Charakter) und identifiziert weiterführende Forschungsfragen. Team-Struktur - Team-Identität: Der Team-Begriff in der kooperativen Forschung erscheint sehr heterogen, er wird häufig entlang eines subjektiven Zugehörigkeitsge...
Technical Report
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Die vorliegende Analyse der Daten des Hauptverbands der Sozialversicherungsträger (HV‐Daten) charakterisiert die Karenzväter, analysiert ihren Anteil an allen Karenzierten zwischen 2002–2011 und untersucht deren Einkommens‐ und Karriereentwicklung im Vergleich zu Vätern ohne Karenzunterbrechung. Noch immer gehen wenige Väter in Karenz, 2011 waren e...
Technical Report
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Die vorliegende Analyse der Daten des Hauptverbands der Sozialversicherungsträger (HV‐Daten) charakterisiert die Karenzväter, analysiert ihren Anteil an allen Karenzierten zwischen 2002–2011 und untersucht deren Einkommens‐ und Karriereentwicklung im Vergleich zu Vätern ohne Karenzunterbrechung. Noch immer gehen wenige Väter in Karenz, 2011 waren e...
Die Übersetzung von Geschlechterwissen in praxisorientierte Kontexte ist eine zentrale Aufgabe der Gender-ExpertInnen. Damit einher geht die Herausforderung der "Übersetzungsarbeit" von theoretischem Geschlechter- bzw. Gender-Wissen in konkrete politische oder institutionelle Kontexte. Im vorliegenden Band sind Beiträge aus Projekten des Instituts...
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Erwerbsmuster in Kreativbranchen - von A wie Architektur bis W wie Werbung - werden als Synonym für die Zukunft der Arbeit angesehen. Abgesehen davon, dass dahingehende Aussagen kühn anmuten, ist wenig über die tatsächliche Situation in diesen Berufsfeldern bekannt. Wann lässt sich berechtigt von Prekarität sprechen? Ab wann wird Selbstverwirklichu...
Work and employment are fundamentally changing. Traditional standards of working time erode and employees are challenged by new demands. The »creative industries« represent an interesting area of analysis because, first of all, they are considered being a future model of working time standards and, second, it is difficult to identify boundaries bet...
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'Die Erwerbsarbeit ist tiefgreifenden Umbrüchen unterworfen. Über Jahrzehnte etablierte Arbeitszeitstandards erodieren. Erwerbstätige müssen veränderte zeitliche Anforderungen bewältigen. Die 'Creative Industries' - Kultur- bzw. Kreativunternehmen, die erwerbswirtschaftlich orientiert sind und sich mit der Schaffung, Produktion und Verbreitung von...
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This article looks at the sustainability of work arrangements in Vienna's creative industries. Based on a survey of over 900 people who work in five sub-sectors (advertising, architecture, graphics/design/fashion, film/video/broadcasting and multimedia), it finds that there is significant pressure on those working in these industries. This results...
Zusammenfassung??Die ?Creative Industries? gelten als Modell zuk?nftiger Arbeitswelt und ?VorreiterInnen? neuer Erwerbsformen und neuer Formen von ?Arbeit und Leben?. Der Beitrag besch?ftigt sich ? auf der Grundlage einer empirischen Studie ?ber Teilsegmente der Creative Industries (Architektur, Werbung, Design, Film, IT-Dienstleistungen wie Multim...
This chapter starts by discussing the Austrian care system and giving some figures about female labour market participation. It also describes the social integration of family care on the conceptual level. It then verifies if the changes that are currently observed in Austria may be interpreted as a transformation of the traditional breadwinner mod...
This chapter focuses on the following question: how can (and does) care work within the family contribute to the social integration of women in Austria? Women still carry out the main part of care work. Austria seems to be an interesting example as major changes in the care arrangement towards payments for care have been realised during the last de...
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With ongoing concerns about a 'care deficit' in Europe, as well as changing demographics, employment and social trends, there is a need for greater understanding and sharing of the policies that shape care today. This book provides invaluable descriptions and comparative analyses of the now complex and highly varied arrangements for the care of chi...
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This paper focuses on the question how care work within the family can and in Austria actually does contribute to the social integration of women who still do the main part of care work. In this discussion, Austria seems to be an interesting example as major changes in the care arrangement towards payments for care have been realised during the las...


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