Helena Garrido-HernansaizComillas Pontifical University | UPCO · Department of Psychology
Helena Garrido-Hernansaiz
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July 2017 - February 2018
May 2015 - May 2017
May 2013 - April 2017
Publications (69)
Resilience is defined as the ability to recover from stress. However, all resilience measures with exception of the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) assess resources that make resilience possible instead of recovery. The purpose of this study was to translate the BRS to Spanish and to analyze the reliability and validity of its scores. The psychometric...
Multiple variables have been studied in relation to health-related quality of life (HRQoL), but research has not integrated the contributions of different variables in a single model that allows to compare them. This study, carried out with people living with HIV/AIDS in India, sought to develop a prediction model considering various pre...
This longitudinal study investigated the predictors of HIV-related resilience (HR) and posttraumatic growth (PTG) among Spanish-speaking HIV-positive people. Perceived past resilience, internalised stigma and coping strategies were hypothesised as possible predictors. Data were collected at two time points from 119 HIV-positive people. Path analyse...
This longitudinal study examined whether past resilience and internalized stigma predicted anxiety and depression among newly diagnosed Spanish-speaking people living with HIV (PLWH). We also analyzed whether coping strategies mediated this relationship. Data were collected at two time points from 119 PLWH. Approximately a third of participants had...
This commentary reports early data on the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related experiences (e.g. home confinement) in a sample of over 3,000 people in Spain. Nearly a third of the population showed severe distress as measured by the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. Moreover, women and young adults seem to be the ones most affecte...
Theoretical Framework. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with increased depression and anxiety, which in turn are related to stress and uncertainty. The amount and quality of information, relevant due to their association with uncertainty in different populations, have not been investigated in people with MS. Method. Through MS associations, a...
To assess the psychological impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the police and armed forces.
Participants ( N = 242) completed an online survey that assessed post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), burnout, emotional suppression, and labour and sociodemographic variables. Mean difference, correlation, and stepwise linear regression t...
This study explores the mediational role of resilience, experiential avoidance and emotion regulation in the levels of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Additionally, we explored the association of such levels with personal and professional variables.
Background: The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and its Short Form (PTGI-SF) are two instruments highly used in research on posttraumatic growth. They include a religious growth item that has been demonstrated to be problematic in cultures that are not very religious. Previous research has addressed this issue in other countries, but no atten...
Burnout is a significant risk factor that can negatively impact student´s academic performance and wellbeing. Coping, resilience, self-efficacy, and optimism have been studied in previous research as protective factors against burnout, but they have been studied separately, with no models testing for shared variance and potential mediation effects....
En 2021 es legalizada la práctica de la eutanasia en España, incorporándose a la cartera de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud, convirtiéndose en una alternativa para adultos con una enfermedad terminal y elevado sufrimiento. Las personas que demandan esta práctica enfrentan malestares biopsicosociales y espirituales y dificultades a lo largo...
The COVID-19 crisis has generated a severe and negative psychological impact worldwide. Despite this, it is also possible to experience post-traumatic growth (PTG). This study aimed to longitudinally explore the prevalence of PTG in the Spanish population and test a predictive model for PTG from resilience, post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), an...
This study aimed to (1) evaluate the evolution of mental health (posttraumatic stress symptoms [PTSSs], depression, and burnout) of healthcare workers during the second wave of the pandemic (November to December 2020) and compare it with the first wave (March to May 2020), and (2) ascertain the predictors of PTSSs.
In March t...
This study provides validity evidence for the scores interpretations of an 18-item emotion self-regulation questionnaire (ESQ) which measures both adaptive and maladaptive emotion regularion (ER) strategies (Positive Reappraisal, Controlled Expression, Arousal Regulation, Suppression, Rumination, and Unhealthy Behaviors). Participants (N = 622 adul...
Various barriers make recruiting a difficult task for researchers, especially when recruiting people living with HIV (PLWH) or conducting longitudinal studies. Effective recruitment is crucial to the validity of studies, and in this regard, social media can come to aid, although researchers usually rely on paid advertisements. This paper describes...
People can experience posttraumatic growth (PTG) when faced with potentially traumatic events. One of the most widely-used instruments to measure PTG is the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form (PTGI-SF). However, it has not been validated for the Spanish population. This study explored the psychometric properties of the PTGI-SF in adults livi...
El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) se caracteriza por un patrón persistente de inatención y/o hiperactividad/
impulsividad que interfiere negativamente con el desarrollo y el normal funcionamiento social, académico y ocupacional de quien lo padece. La literatura revisada muestra que no hay diferencias significativas en el Co...
Introducción: se reconoce como violencia obstétrica aquellas prácticas que suponen un daño o perjuicio, psicológico o físico, para las mujeres en el periodo del embarazo, parto o puerperio (ej. episiotomía, lenguaje vejatorio, etc.). Este tipo de violencia es muy habitual y constituye un gran problema para las mujeres, sus hijos y algunos d...
Introducción. Existen diferentes pruebas que evalúan la atención y pueden contribuir a realizar un diagnóstico diferencial entre el TDAH y los Trastornos de Aprendizaje (TA), pero se han encontrado pocos estudios sobre la validez convergente y predictiva de dichas pruebas. El objetivo de este estudio es estudiar la validez convergente de las prueba...
Introduction and objective. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a severe psychological impact worldwide. This study aims 1) to explore the evolution of psychopathology symptoms (psychological impact, anxiety, and depression) and posttraumatic growth (PTG) in the Spanish population between March 2020 and December 2020 and 2) to identify the variables t...
Introducción. Los estudios realizados sobre micromachismos ponen de manifiesto que estos constituyen comportamientos que promueven el mantenimiento de la dominación masculina, los cuales se llevan a cabo de manera sutil en la vida cotidiana de las personas, convirtiéndolos en una forma de violencia invisible y más dañina. Objetivos. Esta investigac...
Introduction: The experience of the pandemic by front-line workers during the first wave of COVID-19 in Spain has been the subject of many studies, most of which have focused on evaluating the psychological impact on health workers (eg., García-Fernández et al., 2020). In our study, in addition to taking into account health personnel, we extended t...
Introducción: Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 los profesionales sanitarios han estado sometidos a una elevada presión asistencial, situaciones muy difíciles y un riesgo incrementado de contagio. En consecuencia, han sido uno de los colectivos más afectados psicológicamente por la pandemia. Los objetivos de este estudio son: 1) evaluar el impacto ps...
A partir de marzo de 2020, cuando la Organización Mundial de la Salud pasó a considerar la enfermedad por Covid-19 como pandemia, se impone el confinamiento general de la población en España para frenar su avance. Esta situación estresante y potencialmente traumática, además de las constatadas consecuencias negativas psicológicas, es posible que ll...
Introduction: The goal of this study is to examine whether there are differences in selective and sustained attention between children diagnosed with ADHD and children with LD, thus allowing to establish differences among these groups in several objective measures regarding attention and contributing to differential diagnosis between ADHD and LD....
Introducción. Los problemas de conducta de niños y/o adolescentes constituyen una de las preocupaciones de las familias en la sociedad actual. Ante esta problemática, hay familias que son capaces de afrontar estos problemas y salir adelante, mientras otras se ven desbordadas, sin saber cómo actuar. Esta diferencia puede relacionarse con un uso inad...
YOU CAN FIND FULL TEXT HERE (OPEN ACCESS): https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/21/8149 This study evaluates the psychological impact (PI) of the COVID-19 pandemic in frontline workers in Spain. Participants were 546 workers (296 healthcare workers, 105 media professionals, 89 grocery workers and 83 protective service workers). They all completed onli...
The outbreak of COVID-19 in Spain started at the end of February. By 9th April 2020 Spain was the second country in confirmed cases and in deaths. On March 14, 2020, the Spanish Government declared the state of alarm to limit viral transmission. During such state, citizens must stay confined at home with few justified exceptions. This whole situati...
Different stressors trigger different coping strategies and resilience also varies across adversities. This study aimed to investigate the association between coping strategies and resilience outcomes in different stressful situations. Individuals living with HIV, with cancer, have children with cancer, or from the general population (N = 525) comp...
Resilience outcomes following significant adverse events are related to certain personal attributes, termed resiliency factors. This study aimed to adapt the Prince-Embury resiliency model, developed with children and adolescents, to adult populations. To that end, the Resiliency Questionnaire for Adults (RQA) was developed, consisting of nine char...
The use of coping strategies depends on the type of adversity and HIV infection provides different difficult situations to cope with. However, most coping questionnaires do not consider its situational character. This study sought to analyze coping and its effectiveness in newly diagnosed Spanish-speaking men who have sex with men (MSM), for which...
Although resilience varies depending on the specific type of adverse situation faced by the individual, to date resilience questionnaires do not consider its situational character. This study aims to develop and validate the Situated Subjective Resilience Questionnaire for Adults (SSRQA), which assesses resilience in five different adverse contexts...
This study investigated the associations between forms of HIV-related optimism, HIV-related stigma, and anxiety and depression among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United Kingdom and Ireland. HIV health optimism (HHO) and HIV transmission optimism (HTO) were hypothesised to be protective factors for anxiety and depression, whil...
Este trabajo estudia los efectos de la inclusión de una metodología docente, las prácticas informatizadas (PI), en la asignatura Evaluación Psicológica I del Grado en Psicología. Las PI son una forma estructurada de trabajo práctico en la que el alumno es guiado en su proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo explora cómo el rendimiento de los alumnos e...
La presentación de diapositivas constituye un método docente muy habitual actualmente. Sin embargo, su elaboración no suele seguir unas directrices claras y tampoco se evalúa su contribución al aprendizaje. Este trabajo aborda los principios psicológicos y directrices de diseño para la elaboración de tales presentaciones y evalúa la calidad percibi...
Importancia de la resiliencia en personas recién diagnos-ticadas del VIH en una clínica monográfica en infecciones de transmisión sexual de la Comunidad de Madrid Hacer frente a una situación potencialmente traumática constituye un evento adverso que puede conllevar consecuencias psicológicas desadaptativas, como trastornos de ansiedad o depresión....
Violence against non-heterosexual adolescents in educational contexts remains a worrying reality, but no adequate attitudes towards affective-sexual diversity (AtASD) measure exists for Spanish adolescent students. We developed a 27-item scale including cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects, which was completed by 696 secondary school student...
Este trabajo estudia los efectos de la inclusión de una nueva metodología docente, las prácticas informatizadas, en la asignatura Evaluación Psicológica I del Grado en Psicología. Las prácticas informatizadas son una forma de trabajo práctico, con una estructura clara, en la que el alumno es guiado paso a paso en su proceso de aprendizaje. Este tra...
La presentación de diapositivas constituye un método docente de elección en la mayoría de planes de estudios actuales. Sin embargo, esta suele ser elaborada sin unas directrices claras y no se evalúa su contribución al aprendizaje del alumnado. Este trabajo aborda los principios psicológicos y directrices de diseño para la elaboración de estas pres...
Recibir el diagnóstico positivo de VIH es una experiencia altamente estresante que puede derivar en trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. Sin embargo, también puede conducir a resultados de adaptación positiva como la resiliencia o el crecimiento postraumático (CPT). No obstante, pese a la importancia de la investigación a este respecto,...
El Estigma Internalizado y el Miedo a Revelar el Diagnóstico son elementos clave a la hora de estudiar la salud mental en personas que viven con VIH. Sin embargo, no existen herramientas en español que permitan su medición en poblaciones hispanohablantes.
El propósito de este estudio fue desarrollar las escalas de Estigma Int...
Social support usually decreases following HIV diagnosis and decreased support is related to worsening mental health. We investigated the evolution of social support after HIV diagnosis and its relationship to anxiety, depression, and resilience, and sought to develop a social support prediction model. 119 newly diagnosed Spanish-speakers participa...
This cross-sectional study analyzed the factorial structure of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) in a sample of 304 Spanish-speaking HIV-positive adults. Participants completed the PTGI and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried out through structural equations modeling, with a Varimax rotation. Fac...
Resilience outcomes following significant adverse events are related to certain personal attributes, termed resiliency factors. This study aimed to adapt the Prince-Embury resiliency model, developed with children and adolescents, to adult populations. To that end, the Resiliency Questionnaire for Adults (RQA) was developed, consisting of nine char...
Introducción. Pese a que la comprensión de documentos no escritos (DNE) forma parte del currículo oficial español de Educación Secundaria, no existe investigación respecto a cómo se enseña y evalúa. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo los profesores consideran que debe evaluarse esta capacidad para ayudar a decidir qué apoyos dar...
Introducción. Pese a que la comprensión de documentos no escritos (DNE) forma parte del currículo oficial español de Educación Secundaria, no existe investigación respecto a cómo se enseña y evalúa. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo los profesores consideran que debe evaluarse esta capacidad para ayudar a decidir qué apoyos dar...
This brief report aimed to study the relationships among anxiety, depression, resilience, and posttraumatic growth in newly diagnosed people living with HIV, and to examine the role that peri-diagnosis-perceived stress might play in their later development. Data were collected at two time points from 119 HIV-positive people. Analyses of variance, c...
Internalized stigma and disclosure concerns are key elements for the study of mental health in people living with HIV. Since no measures of these constructs were available for Spanish population, this study sought to develop such instruments, to analyze their reliability and validity and to provide a short version. A heterogeneous sample of 458 adu...
Although coping strategies are considered to contribute to resilience to adversity, their use is not stable, but varies depending on the specific adversity. However, to date, most of the questionnaires assessing coping do not consider its situational character. The objective of this study is to develop and validate the Situated Coping...
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) was conceptualized as consisting of changes in three broad dimensions; Self, interpersonal relationships, and philosophy of life. The aim of this study is to analyze the factor structure of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) in a sample of parents whose children had survived a critical hospitalization...
Background: Resilience has been defined in many different ways, but it originally refers to positive adaptation or recovery despite adverse experiences that usually produce maladjustment. Literature has recognized that resilience results, to a large degree, from coping processes, and it has also been found to be associated to specific personality t...
Validación de la escala de actitudes hacia la diversidad afectivo-sexual en secundaria. El género, las opiniones de los padres y de los compañeros resultaron determinantes para explicar bajas actitudes.
Although images of sex are ancient in history, pornography is a more recent concept due to its association to new audio-visual means. Men explore their sexuality more freely than women, which is reflected in pornography by focusing on men’s pleasure. However, “porn for women” has recently emerged, based on the idea that women are also pornography c...
The aim of the study is developing and analysing a Spanish scale for secondary school students to measure attitudes towards sex-affective diversity (gay, lesbian and bisexual people) to guide the intervention. These attitudes have been noted to be very important to peer relationships and homo/bisexual students’ self-esteem, yet there is no standard...
An educational objective is that students can interpret the information contained in non-written sources (NWS), as these help understand their societies of origin, but this competency is usually neither taught nor assessed. Our aim is to analyse how teachers assess the degree of NWS understanding to help their students. We developed a model of NWS...
Although taking the situation into account can improve the explanatory power of tests, most research on coping assessment –not clinical practice– has focused on coping as a general personality trait and, consequently, has ignored the effect of the context. Thus, we aim to develop a contextual coping questionnaire for adults. After reviewing previou...
As it has been noted, resilience is not an “all or none” construct. On the contrary, it can be shown in front of a kind of adversity but not in front of others, and it can also be shown in a different degree in each situation. Despite this, there has been little interest in developing a measure of adult resilience in different contexts. For this re...
Shown resilience vary in degree across situations, and although coping strategies have been conceptualised as ‘styles’, different situations trigger different degrees of coping strategies use.
The aim of the study was relating use of coping strategies to resilience outcomes in different problem situations. Individuals who were HIV+ (N=60), had can...
Resilience can be shown in different degrees across different kinds of adversity. No measure considering different contexts exists, so we validated a 20-item Subjective Contextual Resilience Scale (SCRS) with five problem areas –work, relationships, own health, close person health and economy. It was completed by 423 adults with three different con...
It has been noted that people can show resilience when facing a kind of adversity but not with others, and also show it in different degrees. Still, there is no measure of adult resilience in different contexts. Previous research with teenagers indicates the adequacy of a contextual model – thus, we aim to validate a subjective contextual resilienc...
Coping assessment has focused on coping as a general trait and has overlooked the context effect, although it has been noted that considering the situation could improve the explanatory power of tests. Therefore, we aim to develop a contextual coping questionnaire for adults (CCQA). After reviewing previous coping studies and measures for our corre...
La evaluación influye en el modo en que los alumnos tratan de aprender. Pa-rece, por tanto, necesario, investigar si los profesores evalúan los distintos ti-pos de competencias y aprendizajes de modo adecuado. Este estudio trata de identificar los puntos fuertes y débiles en el modo de evaluar la comprensión de tablas y gráficos. Para ello, tras es...
Resumen: La evaluación influye en el modo en que los alumnos tratan de aprender. Parece, por tanto, necesario, investigar si los profesores evalúan los distintos tipos de competencias y aprendizajes de modo adecuado. Este estudio trata de identificar los puntos fuertes y débiles en el modo de evaluar la comprensión de tablas y gráficos. Para ello,...