Heidi Webber

Heidi Webber
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research | ZALF · Research Area 3 “Agricultural Landscape Systems"



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January 2004 - April 2008
McGill University
  • PhD Student


Publications (142)
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Cropping systems in the North-Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso face significant challenges related to poor yields, declining soil fertility and harsh climatic conditions. Together these necessitate a shift toward more sustainable farming practices. Agroecology aims to enhance yields while minimizing environmental harm through the use of ecological fun...
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Sustainable and resilient crop production is facing many challenges. The restoration of natural reactive silicon cycles offers an opportunity to improve sustainability through reducing phosphorus fertilizer use and to increase crops’ resilience to drought stress and pests.Wetherefore call upon farmers, agrifood- researchers, and policymakers to pav...
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Mechanistic modelling is gradually replacing empiricism in crop models, focusing on leaf-level physiological processes. This shift necessitates simulating crop surface temperature at infra-canopy sub-daily scales but many crop models still rely on empirical formulations for canopy temperature estimation, typically on a daily basis. We developed MON...
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Context or problem In recent decades, compounding weather extremes and plant diseases have increased wheat yield variability in France, the largest wheat producer in the European Union. Objective or research question How these extremes might affect future wheat production remains unclear. Methods Based on department level wheat yields, disease, and...
Conference Paper
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AgMIP-Wheat is an international wheat crop modeling community team within the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), closely linked with field experimentation. The wheat team has compared wheat crop models against detailed field experimental measurements and has shown for the first time among climate change impact model...
Conference Paper
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Uncertainties of waterlogging impacts simulations for wheat growth are unknown due to absence of multi-model. In this study, we present the largest multi-model intercomparison to date, examining waterlogging impacts on wheat growth. Our findings indicate that individual crop models can accurately simulate measured wheat grain yields under various w...
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The effects of fertilization rate and water availability on peanut growth and yield of two cultivars were investigated in a series of field experiments at Bambey, Nioro and Sinthiou Malem in Senegal. Both rainy and dry season experiments were conducted over two years between 2014 and 2015, for a total of seven experiments. The first set of four exp...
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High-yielding traits can potentially improve yield performance under climate change. However, data for these traits are limited to specific field sites. Despite this limitation, field-scale calibrated crop models for high-yielding traits are being applied over large scales using gridded weather and soil datasets. This study investigates the implica...
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Recent evidence suggests a stabilizing effect of crop diversity on agricultural production. However, different methods are used for assessing these effects and there is little systematic quantitative evidence on diversification benefits. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between volatility of combined crop yields (denoted as stan...
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This paper describes the data set that was used to test the accuracy of twenty-nine crop models in simulating the effect of changing sowing dates and sowing densities on wheat productivity for a high-yielding environment in New Zealand. The data includes one winter wheat cultivar (Wakanui) grown during six consecutive years, from 2012-2013 to 2017-...
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Context Smallholder farmers in semi-arid West Africa face challenges such as weather variability, soil infertility, and inadequate market infrastructure, hindering their adoption of improved farming practices. Economic risks associated with uncertain weather, production and market conditions often result in measures such as selling assets and withd...
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Increasing global food demand will require more food production¹ without further exceeding the planetary boundaries² while simultaneously adapting to climate change³. We used an ensemble of wheat simulation models with improved sink and source traits from the highest-yielding wheat genotypes⁴ to quantify potential yield gains and associated nitroge...
Conference Paper
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Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces significant food security risks, primarily due to low soil fertility leading to low crop yields. Climate change is expected to worsen food security issues in SSA due to a combined negative impact on crop yield and soil fertility. A common omission from climate change impact studies in SSA is the interaction between ch...
Accurate simulation of soil temperature can help improve the accuracy of crop growth models by improving the predictions of soil processes like seed germination, decomposition, nitrification, evaporation, and carbon sequestration. To assess how well such models can simulate soil temperature, herein we present results of an inter-comparison study of...
Long-term field experiments (LTE) are highly valuable infrastructures in agricultural- and soil sciences for understanding the long-term impacts of climate and management practices. While they are designed to run under constant conditions, climate change is expected to affect site conditions considerably. This needs to be quantified when interpreti...
Food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa is partly due to low staple crop yields, resulting from poor soil fertility and low nutrient inputs. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM), which includes the combined use of mineral and organic fertilizers, can contribute to increasing yields and sustaining soil organic carbon (SOC) in the long term. Soi...
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This paper assessed the effects of climate change and planting date adjustment on spring and summer potato in South Korea for the period 2061–2090. The study applied the SUBSTOR-Potato model and outputs of 24 general circulation models to capture future variability in climate conditions for four shared socioeconomic pathway-representative concentra...
As the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events are projected to increase under climate change, assessing their impact on cropping systems and exploring feasible adaptation options is increasingly critical. Process-based crop models (PBCMs), which are widely used in climate change impact assessments, have improved in simulating the impacts...
Climate change challenges efforts to maintain and improve crop production in many regions. In this Review, we examine yield responses to warmer temperatures, elevated carbon dioxide and changes in water availability for globally important staple cereal crops (wheat, maize, millet, sorghum and rice). Elevated CO2 can have a compensatory effect on cr...
Research Proposal
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This document is the proposal for the consortium FAIRagro in the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany. The proposal was submitted to the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Nov 2021. The proposal was finally accepted with a revised working program in Feb 2023. All financial resources (personnel, material, direct...
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Increasing genetic wheat yield potential is considered as critical to increasing global wheat yields and production, baring major changes in consumption patterns. Climate change challenges breeding by making target environments less predictable, altering regional productivity and potentially increasing yield variability. Here we used a crop simulat...
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Grain production must increase by 60% in the next four decades to keep up with the expected population growth and food demand. A significant part of this increase must come from the improvement of staple crop grain yield potential. Crop growth simulation models combined with field experiments and crop physiology are powerful tools to quantify the i...
Technical Report
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From September 11th to 17th 2022, was held at the Centre d’étude régional pour l’amélioration de l’adaptation à la sécheresse (CERAAS), Thiès Escale, Senegal, an international summer school (summer school CMRA 2022) organized by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in collaboration with the International Crops Research Inst...
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The climate change impact and adaptation simulations from the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) for wheat provide a unique dataset of multi-model ensemble simulations for 60 representative global locations covering all global wheat mega environments. The multi-model ensemble reported here has been thoroughly benchma...
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Agricultural system analysis has considerably evolved over the last years, allowing scientists to quantify complex interactions in crops and agroecosystems. Computer-based models have become a central tool for such analysis, using formulated mathematical representations (algorithms) of different biophysical processes to simulate complex system beha...
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Extreme climate events constitute a major risk to global food production. Among these, extreme rainfall is often dismissed from historical analyses and future projections, the impacts and mechanisms of which remain poorly understood. Here we used long-term nationwide observations and multi-level rainfall manipulative experiments to explore the magn...
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Smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana face challenges due to weather variability and market volatility, hindering their ability to invest in sustainable intensification options. Modeling can help understand the relationships between productivity, environmental, and economical aspects, but few models have explored the effects of weather variability...
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France suffered, in 2016, the most extreme wheat yield decline in recent history, with some districts losing 55% yield. To attribute causes, we combined the largest coherent detailed wheat field experimental dataset with statistical and crop model techniques, climate information, and yield physiology. The 2016 yield was composed of up to 40% fewer...
Accurate simulation of crop water use (evapotranspiration, ET) can help crop growth models to assess the likely effects of climate change on future crop productivity, as well as being an aid for irrigation scheduling for today’s growers. To determine how well maize (Zea mays L.) growth models can simulate ET, an initial inter-comparison study was c...
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Increasing global food demand will require more food production without further exceeding the planetary boundaries, while at the same time adapting to climate change. We used an ensemble of wheat simulation models, with sink-source improved traits from the highest-yielding wheat genotypes to quantify potential yield gains and associated N requireme...
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Zusammenfassung FAIRagro ist ein Konsortium in der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) in Deutschland um Forschungsdaten der Agrosystemforschung FAIR – d. h. auffindbar (F), zugänglich (A), interoperabel (I) und für andere Forschende domänenübergreifend nachnutzbar (R) zu machen. In der deutschen Forschungslandschaft rund um nachhaltige...
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Most large scale studies assessing climate change impacts on crops are performed with simulations of single crops and with annual re-initialization of the initial soil conditions. This is in contrast to the reality that crops are grown in rotations, often with sizable proportion of the preceding crop residue to be left in the fields and varying soi...
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Wheat is the most widely grown food crop, with 761 Mt produced globally in 2020. To meet the expected grain demand by mid-century, wheat breeding strategies must continue to improve upon yield-advancing physiological traits, regardless of climate change impacts. Here, the best performing doubled haploid (DH) crosses with an increased canopy photosy...
The war in Ukraine threatened to block 9% of global wheat exports, driving wheat prices to unprecedented heights. We advocate, that in the short term, compensating for such an export shortage will require a coordinated release of wheat stocks, while if the export block persists, other export countries will need to fill the gap by increasing wheat y...
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With the occurrence of extreme events projected to increase under climate change, it is critical to assess the risk they pose to food security and identify suitable adaptation options. While mechanisms and impacts of climatic stressors (e.g. frost, drought, heat or flooding) have been studied individually, little is known their combined impacts on...
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Intensive agriculture in Germany is not only highly productive but has also led to detrimental effects in the environment. Crop diversification together with new field arrangements considering soil heterogeneities can be an alternative to improve resource use efficiency (RUE), ecosystem services (ESS), and biodiversity. Agroecosystem models are too...
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Global food security requires food production to be increased in the coming decades. The closure of any existing genetic yield gap (Yig) by genetic improvement could increase crop yield potential and global production. Here we estimated present global wheat Yig, covering all wheat-growing environments and major producers, by optimizing local wheat...
A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 3 Highlight An ensemble of 29 wheat crop models simulates seasonal wheat growth well under locally recommended sowing conditions, but needs improvements to capture the yield response to early sowing, especially under high sowing density. Abstract Crop multi-model ensembles (MME) have proven to be effective in inc...
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Crop multi-model ensembles (MME) have proven to be effective in increasing the accuracy of simulations in modelling experiments. However, the ability of a MME to capture crop response to changes in sowing dates and densities has not yet been investigated. These management interventions are some of the main levers for adapting cropping systems to cl...
Climate change will severely influence the yield, production and water demand of processing tomatoes. Atmospheric CO2 concentration may offset, but not fully compensate, the adverse effects of elevated temperatures.
Climate change scenarios predict an increased occurrence of droughts and heatwaves, as well as extreme rainfall events in Central Europe. Alley cropping, which is the inclusion of rows of trees and shrubs in agricultural land, could enhance the resilience of cropping systems, as these systems are expected to positively modify the microclimate and w...
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This study investigates the main drivers of uncertainties in simulated irrigated maize yield under historical conditions as well as scenarios of increased temperatures and altered irrigation water availability. Using APSIM, MONICA, and SIMPLACE crop models, we quantified the relative contributions of three irrigation water allocation strategies, th...
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In social-ecological systems, natural resource management can be characterized by trade-offs across sectors and sustainability targets. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus concept makes explicit various trade-offs in order to maximize synergies of interventions. However, there are few successful examples of its operationalization in research settings...
Provisioning a sufficient stable source of food requires sound knowledge about current and upcoming threats to agricultural production. To that end machine learning approaches were used to identify the prevailing climatic and soil hydrological drivers of spatial and temporal yield variability of four crops, comprising 40 years yield data each from...
Drought is a serious constraint to crop growth and production of important staple crops such as winter wheat and maize. Improved understanding of crops' response to drought can be incorporated into cropping system models to support crop breeding, crop and varietal selection and management decisions to minimize negative impacts. Plants may respond t...
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Potential climate-related impacts on future crop yield are a major societal concern. Previous projections of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project’s Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 identified substantial climate impacts on all major crops, but associated u...
Sustainable intensification (SI) of agriculture is a promising strategy for boosting the capacity of the agricultural sector to meet the growing demands for food and non-food products and services in a sustainable manner. Assessing and quantifying the options for SI remains a challenge due to its multiple dimensions and potential associated trade-o...
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Wheat production in Brazil is insufficient to meet domestic demand and falls drastically in response to adverse climate events. Multiple, agro-climate-specific regression models, quantifying regional production variability, were combined to estimate national production based on past climate, cropping area, trend-corrected yield, and national commod...
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While the understanding of average impacts of climate change on crop yields is improving, few assessments have quantified expected impacts on yield distributions and the risk of yield failures. Here we present the relative distribution as a method to assess how the risk of yield failure due to heat and drought stress (measured in terms of return pe...
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Crop models were originally developed for application at the field scale but are increasingly used to assess the impact of climate and/or agronomic practices on crop growth and yield and water dynamics at larger scales. This raises the question of how data aggregation approaches affect outputs when using crop models at large spatial scales. This st...
Many open questions and unresolved issues surround the topic of bias correction (BC) in climate change impact studies (CCIS). One question relates to the contribution of downscaling of climate change scenarios on the uncertainties in results obtained using impact models for agriculture. In particular, for large area or regional agricultural impact...
Many open questions and unresolved issues surround the topic of bias correction (BC) in climate change impact studies (CCIS). One question relates to the contribution of downscaling of climate change scenarios on the uncertainties in results obtained using impact models for agriculture. In particular, for large area or regional agricultural impact...
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Plant responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, together with projected variations in temperature and precipitation will determine future agricultural production. Estimates of the impacts of climate change on agriculture provide essential information to design effective adaptation strategies, and develop sustainable food...
Conference Paper
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Crop yield can be affected by crop water use (evapotranspiration, ET) and vice versa, so when trying to simulate one or the other, it can be important to simulate both well. To determine how well maize growth models can simulate ET, an initial inter-comparison study was conducted under the umbrella of AgMIP (Agricultural Model Inter-Comparison and...
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Potential climate-related impacts on future crop yield are a major societal concern first surveyed in a harmonized multi-model effort in 2014. We report here on new 21st-century projections using ensembles of latest-generation crop and climate models. Results suggest markedly more pessimistic yield responses for maize, soybean, and rice compared to...
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Large-scale crop yield failures are increasingly associated with food price spikes and food insecurity and are a large source of income risk for farmers. While the evidence linking extreme weather to yield failures is clear, consensus on the broader set of weather drivers and conditions responsible for recent yield failures is lacking. We investiga...
The sustainable intensification of crop production in West Africa is constrained by soil degradation exacerbated by climatic factors such as excessive rainfall and high temperature. Adoption of climate-smart soil and crop management practices could buffer future extreme weather effects on maize yield. To test this hypothesis, the overarching aim of...
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The simulated data set described in this paper was created by an ensemble of nine different crop models: HERMES (HE), Simplace<Lintul5,Slim3, FAO-56 ET0> (L5), SiriusQuality (SQ), MONICA (MO), Sirius2014 (S2), FASSET (FA), 4M (4M), SSM (SS), DSSAT-CSM IXIM (IX). Simulations were performed for grain maize (six models) and winter wheat (eight models)...
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Smallholder farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) currently grow rainfed maize with limited inputs including fertilizer. Climate change may exacerbate current production constraints. Crop models can help quantify the potential impact of climate change on maize yields, but a comprehensive multi‐model assessment of simulation accuracy and uncertainty i...
Early vigour in wheat is a trait that has received attention for its benefits reducing evaporation from the soil surface early in the season. However, with the growth enhancement common to crops grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (e[CO2]), there is a risk that too much early growth might deplete soil water and lead to more severe t...
Achieving food and nutrition security for all in a changing and globalized world remains a critical challenge of utmost importance. The development of solutions benefits from insights derived from modelling and simulating the complex interactions of the agri-food system, which range from global to household scales and transcend disciplinary boundar...