Heidi Harju-Luukkainen

Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
University of Jyväskylä | JYU ·  Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius



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She is Professor, Vice Director of the University Consortium Chydenius, director of education unit at the University of Jyväskylä (FI). She is also Prof at Nord university (NO) and adj. Prof at Southern Cross University (AUS). She has published more than 300 scholarly papers and worked in more than 40 projects globally. She has worked in 7 countries and in 20+ universities like UCLA, USC, GU, HU. She has developed multiple university programs globally and been a PI for PISA sub-assessments.
Additional affiliations
May 2017 - December 2019
University of California, Los Angeles
  • Analyst
January 2015 - September 2020
University of Gothenburg
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2011 - December 2019
University of Helsinki
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2015 - August 2016
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Field of study
  • Specialist qualification in management
August 2010 - August 2011
University of Jyväskylä
Field of study
  • Special Education Teacher Qualification
January 2004 - November 2007
Åbo Akademi University
Field of study
  • Education


Publications (174)
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sosiaali- ja opetusalojen moniammatillista yhteistyötä systeemisenätoimintana. Lasten ja nuorten kasvuympäristön ilmiöt ja perheiden arjen kysymykset edellyttävät yhä tiiviimpää jatoimivampaa yhteistyötä sosiaali- ja opetusalan kesken. Tutkimme sosiaali- ja opetusalan moniammatillista yhteistyötä ja keskitymme siihen, mil...
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Embodiment and bodily experiences are vital parts of the development and learning in the early years. Children are believed to develop their thinking processes and language skills through sensory and motor experiences when entering and participating in early childhood education (Sommer, Samuelsson & Hundeide, 2009). The embodiment and kinesthetic e...
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Inclusion for immigrant students with special educational needs (SEN) is a neglected area of research. This edited volume addresses this problem, providing up-to-date insights into the provided support and special needs education (SNE) for immigrant students in different contexts of the Nordic countries. This important book explores the diversity...
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Finnish society has become increasingly diverse relatively recently, notably during the past few decades. This paper explores the perceptions of early childhood education and care (ECEC) teachers (n = 11) about the cultural capital of those children and families growing up in immigrant background families and their sense of belonging in early child...
A large variety of language education policies are put into practice in early childhood education contexts every day, on multiple levels of the education system. The policies are in praxis interpreted, negotiated and finally (re)constructed by the teachers. In the UK many children enter school with significantly delayed language skills, and many of...
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The reform of the education system has been an ongoing effort in Ukraine since its independence in 1991. In this chapter, these reforms, focused on early childhood education system and especially on family-professional collaboration (FPC) with families of children with special educational needs (SEN), are described closer. This is done to reveal ho...
The importance of establishing successful partnerships between home and early childhood education is well established in the policies of the Nordic countries. Both Finland and Sweden acknowledged requirements for strong collaboration between home and early childhood environments in their national early childhood education curriculums. One major cha...
Providing children right to quality inclusive education cannot be realized only by the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers. It requires a continuous collaborative effort of multiple professional groups around the child and the child’s family inside and outside early childhood institutions during early years. This chapter focuses on i...
In this chapter, we lay the foundation for all the chapters presented in this book, here with the help of a conceptual framework for interprofessional collaboration. Using this model, we introduce the central concepts connected to interprofessional collaboration. This will become a thematic connection throughout the entire volume. Therefore, this c...
Family- Professional collaboration (FPC) has been identified to have a positive outcome on multiple aspects of the child’s development. Different countries define FPC from different perspectives. The early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework (2021) sets the standards for this work in the UK. This sociocultural-oriented research is lar...
Collaboration between early childhood education, the school, and home is an important part of any child’s educational path. The Finnish national curriculum for early childhood education and basic education requires teachers to cultivate high-ability children’s talents but this should be done in collaboration with parents. However, students who are...
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Finnish early childhood education (ECE) is defined in education policies and research as an activity with an emphasis on pedagogy as a holistic and Nordic model of education. Pedagogical competence can be viewed as a special expertise of teachers responsible for the implementation of pedagogy in ECE. However, it is unclear how a teacher’s pedagogic...
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Web-based teaching and learning are increasing in popularity across the globe. Web-based studying and learning are both possibilities and challenges for adult students, and they require a special focus in both planning and implementation of the teaching (Sharma and Hannafin in Interactive Learning Environments 15:27–46, 2007; Wang in Interactive Le...
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The diversity of pupils and their different difficulties challenge teachers' skills and methods in teaching. Some behavioral challenges require rapid intervention and a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach from the teachers. An internationally recognized tool, TCM (Teacher Classroom Management), aims to support pupils' socio-emotional d...
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COVID-19 rapidly and extensively changed the normal everyday practices of societies, and there is no going back to the past. Universities also had to adapt and re-establish their normal routines, from policies to practices. In this article, we explore university students’ experiences of web-based learning, their well-being, and engagement during th...
Aims: The aim of this study is to fill a gap in research on students' experiences of learning in student-centered assessment feedback practices. The article examines what students tell us about their learning in the context of student-centered feedback practices in higher education during online learning. Study Design: The study was conducted as a...
Presents perspectives of childhood from around the world. Each chapter presents a different focus on early childhood showing the diversity and complexity across multiple countries. Issues emerge around multi-language development, nationalism and multiculturalism and cultural theories of every-day life.
Presents perspectives of childhood from around the world. Each chapter presents a different focus on early childhood showing the diversity and complexity across multiple countries. Issues emerge around multi-language development, nationalism and multiculturalism and cultural theories of every-day life.
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Teamwork is a key part of almost any person’s working life. At its best, teamwork embodies a good team spirit and increases employee well-being, but at its worst, a team is characterized by mistrust or competition between members where action and development is not possible. In this study we explored what types of emotions early childhood education...
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Basic psychological needs and people’s experiences affect the choices they make, and further shape the trajectories followed through school. The present study focuses on the perspectives of people who left school without graduating. Through narrative interviewing processes we collected the storied experiences of eleven imprisoned early school leave...
Monitoring the ECEC system’s different levels on national and international level, is not an idea developed in isolation. This discussion has been brought up hand in hand with increased understanding of the importance of early years and the international student assessment debate. International student assessment, such as TIMSS, PISA, and PIRLS hav...
Parental education background, their expectations towards their child as well as socioeconomic variables have a significant impact on child’s educational outcome. In this study, our aim is to examine how parental attitudes and the socioeconomic status of student’s family are related to student’s early literacy and numeracy skills and, further, to s...
Kun ryhmässä on esimerkiksi käyttäytymisellään reagoivia oppilaita, tarvitaan nopeaa puuttumistasekä moniammatillisen ja monitieteisen näkökulman hyödyntämistä. TCM-ryhmänhallintamenetelmän tavoitteena on tukea oppilaan sosioemotionaalista kehitystä, ­parantaa opettajan ja oppilaan vuorovaikutusta sekä vahvistaa koulun ja kodin yhteistyötä. Opettaj...
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The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a global state of emergency and disrupted the routines of societies, including the educational institutions that children attend. The Convention of the Rights of the Child describes that children have the right to have their voices heard in all decisions that affect them (United Nations, 1989). However, the reality...
The education systems across the Nordic countries have adopted international frameworks; indeed, starting from ECEC, the entire education systems are formed around key principles on equity and full participation possibilities for all children. This chapter gives readers a summary and outlook on the different chapters of this book. It describes some...
Political and social attention to early childhood education and care (ECEC) has increased over the past decade, with many countries undertaking ongoing educational reforms (Garvis et al., 2018). Children’s access to preschool provision has been broadened across the world because policymakers have recognised the benefits of good-quality ECEC on chil...
Children who are high achievers in mathematics are statistically uncommon. For this reason, very little evidence is available on how this group is supported in preschool and later on in school contexts. In Finland, the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (FNAE, National core curriculum for early chilhdood education and care 2016. Regu...
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For an Indigenous population,there is a need foran inclusive educational space from the language and culture srevitalisation perspective. This is especially important during the early years when the basics of thelanguage are formed alongside cultural knowledge. This paper takes a closer look at a South Sámi preschool language learning environment t...
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Mixed methods have become a very popular method in many fields of research. In this chapter, we will reflect on the mixed methods approach as one of the main research paradigms, and how it is implemented across the Nordic countries in the field of early childhood education (ECE). We will share our insights based on a blend of research methods and r...
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Viimeisten vuosien aikana erityisen suuren muutoksen edessä on ollut var-haiskasvatus. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden (2018) sekä var-haiskasvatuslain (540/2018) perusteella varhaiskasvatus on osa suomalaista koulutusjärjestelmää sekä yksi tärkeä vaihe lapsen oppimisen ja kehittymisen polulla. Varhaiskasvatuksen lainsäädäntö sekä ohjaavat...
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The LangPeda tool has been developed to answer the need to develop language-aware ap- proaches in early childhood education and care and to support the Finnish language learning of multilingual children in particular. The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2018) calls for the support of children’s linguistic and cultur...
This book explores policies and practices in special education in the early years, highlighting shared enablers and barriers. It examines research, policies and practices from different Nordic countries and discusses the theory and empirical data underlying the research. It looks at specific issues including gifted children, social inequality and e...
The quality of early childhood education and care (ECEC) is linked with societal values, understanding of curricula, and future goals. In the hands of motivated and qualified practitioners and stakeholders, the methods and practices of the evaluation could thrive, sustain, and secure a better future. In this book, we explore and define the assessme...
Exploring the importance of parental engagement in early childhood education, this book delves into research and practices in 25 countries to bring students, researchers, teachers and policy makers insights into working families around the world. The incorporation and consideration of parental engagement and involvement in early childhood education...
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Exploring the importance of parental engagement in early childhood education, this book delves into research and practices in 25 countries to bring students, researchers, teachers and policy makers insights into working families around the world. The incorporation and consideration of parental engagement and involvement in early childhood education...
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The concept of pedagogy is the key to understanding pedagogy in early childhood education (ECE) in the Nordic countries, which are known for their high quality of life and education. However, in ECE, there are several different approaches toward pedagogy and it can be said that pedagogy is a multidimensional and dynamic concept. In this paper, the...
The authors draw upon the metaphor of the ‘infinite game’ (Harré, N., Grant, B. M., Locke, K., & Sturm, S., The university as an infinite game: Revitalising activism in the academy. Australian Universities Review, 59(2), 5–13, 2017) and show how they have become responsible for change in the university and created spaces supportive for women. They...
The political and social attention on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has increased over the past decade, with many countries undertaking educational reforms that are still ongoing. In Finland ECEC is seen as an investment into the future. The ECEC system of the country is one of the most equal in the world and understood through its holi...
In this chapter we create a framework around the concept of play as a multimodal attitude or experience in early childhood education. In the Finnish curriculum for ECE play is considered essential for learning and is supported with a systematic and goal-oriented approach to scaffold children into engaging in learning opportunities. Therefore, teach...
In this chapter we discuss the conclusion of this book as well as take an orientation towards the future of ECEC. The authors of this book have raised critical questions to policymakers and practitioners of ECE both in Finland and globally. Each chapter’s implications and recommendations show a critical understanding and holistic conceptualization...
Family-related factors, like parent’s educational level, expectations and socio-economic variables have a significant impact on students’ educational outcomes. In this study our aim is to examine how parental attitudes and the socioeconomic status of student’s family are related to student’s early literacy and numeracy skills and, further, to stude...
The political and social attention on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has increased over the past decade, with many countries undertaking educational reforms that are still ongoing (see closer Garvis, Phillipson & Harju-Luukkainen, 2018).We hope that the chapters of this book will be appealing to an international audience as they showcase...
During the last few years all steering documents in Finland, on the field of early childhood education, have been renewed. This have had its effects on the practices on the field, but also on the teacher education. In this paper we explore, with the help of content analysis, three different policy documents that are steering the quality of teacher...
During the last decade we have seen a large increase in studies indicating the importance of early years. This has led to a discussion on how to enhance the quality of early learning environments. Teacher students are future professionals working with these questions on a daily basis and how they interpret good quality is further actualised in thei...
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Julkaistu 1.6.2021. Sivistys, hallinto ja tutkimus blogissa https://tjsh.blogspot.com/ Varhaiskasvatus murroksessa-tulevaisuuden suuntaviivoja etsimässä! Jonna Kangas, KT, dosentti, varhaiskasvatuksen yliopistonlehtori, Helsingin yliopisto Elina Fonsén, KT, dosentti, varhaiskasvatuksen yliopistonlehtori, Helsingin yliopisto Heidi Harju-Luukkainen,...
In the last three decades, Lithuania has implemented substantial reforms towards inclusive educational practises on both legislative and further on practical level as well. Despite these positive developments students with special educational needs (SEN) and their families face barriers to access high-quality inclusive education. The aim of this ch...
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In Russia a broader discussion and theoretical development of inclusion and inclusive education began after a reasonably recent adoption of the Federal Law of Education (FLE) in 2012. However, equal educational opportunities for all are not yet fully provided in practice. The aim of this chapter is to investigate teachers’ attitudes towards inclusi...
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Abstract Family-related factors, like parent’s educational level, their values and expectations have a significant impact on child’s early skills and later educational outcomes. Further, parents provide their child, alongside with other learning environments, a broad mathematical and early literacy input. This study investigates the relationship be...
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In this study we modelled possible causes and consequences of student burnout and engagement on academic efficacy and dropout intention in university students. Further we asked, can student engagement protect against the effects of burnout? In total 4,061 university students from Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, the United Kingdom, the United States o...
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Early childhood education and care is a current interest in many countries. Many international studies have highlighted the importance of high-quality early education environments where learning and play are integrated. Studies show that these types of learning environments have a positive impact on children's future prospects and overall developme...
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Kielitietoisen pedagogiikan kehittäminen varhaiskasvatuksessa (KieliPeda) -työväline KieliPeda-työväline on kehitetty vastauksena varhaiskasvatuksen tarpeeseen kehittää kielitietoisia toimintatapoja ja tukea erityisesti monikielisten lasten suomen kielen oppimista. Kolmiosainen KieliPeda-työväline tukee osaltaan kielitietoista varhaiskasvatusta, j...
The synergy, or lack thereof, between large‐scale and classroom assessment has been fiercely debated in both academic and policy spheres for decades around the world. This paper seeks to explicate how different countries are utilizing large‐scale testing and test results at the classroom level. Through country profiles, this paper analyzes contempo...
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Julkaistu 6.5.2020 Sivistys, hallinto ja tutkimus blogissa osoitteessa https://tjsh.blogspot.com Koulutuksen arviointi on muutakin kuin PISA pistemäärä Eri maiden opetuksesta vastaavat ministeriöt julkaisevat tämän tästä koulutukseen liittyviä arviointeja ja hienovirittävät koulutusjärjestelmiään näiden pohjalta. Ylikansalliset toimijat, kuten...
https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030389680 This book draws together leading student assessment academics from across Europe exploring student monitoring policies and practices in a range of countries across 22 chapters. The chapters in the first part offer a broad overview on student assessment covering history and current status, aims and ap...
This book has highlighted through its 22 chapters different monitoring policies and practices across Europe. It has given readers an opportunity to understand the different strategies and used indicators. When it comes to monitoring and developing policies and practices, there are many similarities across the chapters of this book. In this last cha...
How does educational assessment look like in the twenty-first-century Europe? There are naturally different perspectives on how educational assessment is viewed and implemented in different countries across Europe. These differences are reflected in each country’s policy documents, assessment strategies and further also in research conducted on the...
The Finnish education has received a lot of attention after decades of relatively high performance in international student assessments. Even though the Finnish education system has received a lot of interest, very little attention has been paid to the model of the Finnish educational assessment system and the lack of standardised measurement and c...
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SpråkPeda är ett verktyg som har tagits fram för att svara på småbarnspedagogikens behov av att utveckla språkmedvetna verksamhetssätt och stödja lärandet i svenska, i synnerhet hos flerspråkiga barn. I Grunderna för planen för småbarnspedagogik (2018, 26, 43) föreskrivs att man ska stödja barnets kulturella identitet och det förutsätter även en sp...
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Academic engagement describes students’ involvement in academic learning and achievement. This paper reports the psychometric properties of the University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI) with a sample of 3992 university students from nine different countries and regions from Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia. The USEI operationa...
Pada bab ini, kami hendak menjelaskan definisi "Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan" berdasarkan literatur Finlandia maupun Internasional, serta defisini "Bermain" berdasarkan Pedoman Kurikulum Pendidikan dan Perawatan Anak Usia Dini di Finlandia (ECEC).
Modern societies organize ECEC services from their own cultural, social and political contexts, which is also reflected in the steering documents of the country and further in the work of teachers (Garvis, et al., 2018). In many of the countries children’s access to preschool has broadened and the benefits of high quality ECEC have been recognized....
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Swedish and Finnish are the official languages of Finland according to the constitution. In Finland the most popular language immersion programme is the Early Swedish Immersion (ESI). This approach has been adapted to Finland from the Early French Immersion programme that was developed in Canada in the 1960's. ESI has been an attractive alternative...
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Largely as a result of social policies and cultural factors, the Nordic countries continually score high in lifestyle measures, quality of life and children’s outcomes. This book brings together authors from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) to share knowledge and understanding regarding families, children, primary...
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The Nordic countries continually score high in lifestyle measures, quality of life and children’s outcomes. With a combined population of over 26 million people, innovative policy is often implemented to deal with a small but spread-out population. For over 200 years the countries have kept peace with each other and have substantial cooperation acr...
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This chapter explores the differences in parental involvement in early childhood education and care (ECEC) between Finland and Sweden. While Finland and Sweden share a border and have a common language (Swedish), the way the two nations approach parental involvement in ECEC differs. The differences relate to teacher training, traditions, cultural c...
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In 2012, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) proposed an assessment for early learning outcomes known as the International Early Learning and Child Well-Being Study (IELS). The assessment, dubbed ‘baby PISA,’ will explore the learning and well-being of five-year-olds. Worryingly, early childhood educators, researchers...
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In this chapter we outline the definition of play-based learning in both Finnish and international literature as well as describe how Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) curriculum guidelines describe play. Further we describe play activities in early childhood education practices from the viewpoints of operational cultures and the le...
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In the United States, how to provide a high-quality education to all students has been a focal discussion, especially in urban settings. One potential solution that has emerged to confront this issue involves urban teacher residency (UTR) programs that provide innovations concerning the recruitment, preparation, and retention of teachers in high-ne...
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In Finland, the most popular language immersion programme is the Early Swedish Immersion (ESI). This approach has been adapted to Finland from the Early French Immersion programme that was developed in Canada in the 1960s. ESI has been an attractive alternative for children of Finnish-speaking families for over 30 years in Finland. Despite this fai...
In 2015 a migration crisis hit Europe. During this time more than a million migrants and refugees crossed Europe, coming mainly from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and Albania. Germany was ranked sixth among the European countries to receive the greatest number of asylum applications in relation to the country’s population (European Statistical...
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies
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Being able to speak different languages is important in today's global world to allow communication and understanding. Countries may vary in how they support early language learning with immersion programmes. This paper specifically explores the steering documents in Finland, Sweden, and Australia for children attending early childhood education se...
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Social contacts as well as networks are important and necessary in order to position oneself in the academia. Academics gain career capital and symbolic value along their career and they use it differently to gain recognition and to develop. In this paper I reflect upon my own experiences as a relocated women researcher moving from Finland to the U...