Héctor J. PavésUniversidad Santo Tomás | UST · Centro Bahía Lomas
Héctor J. Pavés
Dr. in Science, Systematics and Ecology, Mar. Bio.
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Doctor in Sciences (Marine Ecology), Marine Biologist, International Scientific Observer (CCAMLR) and specialist in Biology and Conservation of Marine Mammals. Spent over last 10 years researching the population dynamics, feeding ecology, behavioral ecology and conservation of marine mammals in Chile. His work and research lines are Conservation Biology, Interest Group birds and marine mammals; Trophic ecology and food webs Modeling; Environmental Education as a tool for Animal Conservation
Additional affiliations
April 2022 - March 2024
- Managing Director
- El Doctorado en Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad tiene como objetivo "Formar investigadores independientes con sólidos conocimientos en conservación biológica y gestión de la biodiversidad, que integren el conocimiento científico con una visión transdisciplinaria para la resolución de problemas ambientales, contribuyendo al desarrollo sustentable". Más información: https://www.postgradoust.cl/programas/doctorados/doctorado-conservacion-gestion-la-biodiversidad/
March 2017 - March 2022
University Santo Tomás (Chile), Osorno, Chile
- Managing Director
December 2015 - present
Publications (61)
The latitudinal effect of reproductive patterns for Otaria flavescens suggests the existence of behavioral and physiological adaptation to local environmental conditions. The identification of intraspecific behavioral pattern changes due to these environmental conditions suggest a relation among them. We pretend here to determine reproductive synch...
The southern fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) has colonised an ample geographic coverage in South America. The population should present there reproductive synchronization and a strong latitudinal effect on its reproductive activities. This research intends to review those reproductive activities on Guafo island (43°33' S, 74°51' W, Chile) lookin...
Anthropogenic (aquaculture) changes in environment nutrient concentrations may affect phytoplankton (biomass and taxa composition) in marine coastal waters off the Chilean Patagonia. The effects of adding nitrate (NO(3) (-)) to natural phytoplankton assemblages were evaluated considering biomass, cell abundance, and taxonomic composition. Microcosm...
During four breeding seasons (2004-2008), 78 necropsy examinations were performed on South American fur seal pups (Arctocephalus australis gracilis) found dead on Guafo Island, southern Chile (43°36'S, 74°43'W). Tissue samples from 65 pups were examined microscopically. The primary causes of death were enteritis with microscopical lesions of bacter...
Eleginops maclovinus is a common fish in littoral, estuarine, and tidally influenced riverine environments in southern South America and the Malvinas Islands. Its feeding habits were previously studied in littoral and estuarine environments, where it was observed to feed on autochthonous fauna (estuarine mussels, marine crustaceans, polychaets, etc...
A rise in pinniped-fisheries interactions has been observed due to the global decline in fish populations primarily attributed to overfishing, and/or due to the recent population recovery of several pinniped species. Although many studies have quantified these interactions, a limited number delve into their behavioral aspects. We consulted 374 stud...
Pinnipeds face increasing challenges which affect how maternal foraging and nursing strategies transfer key resources for immune function and ultimately the survival of their offspring. We evaluated how foraging strategies and maternal care in South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) affect male and female pup growth, physiology and immun...
The success of maternal foraging strategies during the rearing period can greatly impact the physiology and survival of dependent offspring. Surprisingly though, little is known on the fitness consequences of foraging strategies during the foetal period. In this study, we characterized variation in maternal foraging strategy throughout pregnancy in...
Interspecific interactions are key drivers of individual and population level fitness in a wide range of animals. However, in marine ecosystems, it is relatively unknown which biotic and abiotic factors impact behavioral interactions between competing species. We assessed the impact of weather, marine productivity and population structure on the be...
Adenoviruses are medium size nonenveloped viruses with a trend of coevolution with their hosts. We surveyed South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) and Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) for adenoviruses at two sites from 2009 to 2012. Despite the common pattern of host specificity, some of the adenoviruses in our study were presen...
This study describes the assemblage and habitat use of birds in the Trumao wetland and its seasonal variation according to the hydrological regime during spring 2017 and summer 2018 (not flooded) and winters 2017 and 2018 (flooded). Overall, 29 species of birds were recorded with a total abundance of 2,341 individuals. The total number of accumulat...
Entanglement of pinnipeds with plastic debris is an emerging conservation and animal welfare issue worldwide. However, the origins and long-term population level consequences of these entanglements are usually unknown. Plastic entanglement could produce a combination of wounds, asphyxiation, or inability to feed that results in the death of a certa...
Marine mammals (MM) are key components of marine ecosystems, becoming important predators in them. Its monitoring allows to know the state of its populations and the health of the ecosystem. For this reason, the diversity, abundance and spatial and temporal distribution of MM in the center-south of Chile will be determined. Scientific observers rec...
Resumen • El presente trabajo provee información sobre la dieta de subadultos de Pato Quetru no Volador (Tachyeres pteneres) en cuatro islas del sur de Chile durante los periodos estivales de los años fecas en cuatro islas del centro y sur de Chile: Isla Guamblin, isla Guapiquilán, isla Lacaos e isla Guafo. Se comparó el consumo de presas entre isl...
Given the limited results of the top-down approach of technical assistance in the development of Rural Tourism in Chile and Latin America, we propose a strategy to implement a rural tourism development program from the local rural entrepreneurs dimension, through strategies of active participation of all involved, participant linkage of the profess...
Resumen • El presente trabajo provee información sobre la dieta de subadultos de Pato Quetru no Volador (Tachyeres pteneres) en cuatro islas del sur de Chile durante los periodos estivales de los años fecas en cuatro islas del centro y sur de Chile: Isla Guamblin, isla Guapiquilán, isla Lacaos e isla Guafo. Se comparó el consumo de presas entre isl...
Hookworms of the genus Uncinaria parasitize pinniped pups in various locations worldwide. Four species have been described, two of which parasitize pinniped pups in the southern hemisphere: Uncinaria hamiltoni parasitizes Otaria flavescens and Arctocephalus australis from the South American coast, and Uncinaria sanguinis parasitizes Neophoca cinere...
Increases in ocean temperature are associated with changes in the distribution of fish stocks, and the foraging regimes and maternal attendance patterns of marine mammals. However, it is not well understood how these changes affect offspring health and survival. The maternal attendance patterns and immunity of South American fur seals were assessed...
The dramatic increase of microplastics (plastic fragments <5 mm) in marine environments is a problem that has attracted public attention globally. Within the different types of microplastics, microfibres are the least studied (size <1 mm). We examined 51 female scats from a population in Northern Patagonia. Our results showed no presence of micropl...
The chiloense marine ecoregion, at the Northern Chilean Patagonia, has been considered a hotspot of marine mammal diversity, yet little is known regarding specific sites used by these species for reproduction, nursing, refuge, and foraging. This information is critical for proper spatial ecosystem planning and conservation of marine resources. In t...
The strategies that parasites use to exploit their hosts can lead to adverse effects on human and animal populations. Here, we describe the life cycle, epidemiology, and consequences of hookworm (Uncinaria sp.) disease in South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis), and propose that hookworm adaptation to fur seal life history traits has led...
1. South American fur seals, Arctocephalus australis, were intensively hunted for centuries, leaving
the species at the edge of extinction. After the cessation of commercial hunting in the 20th century
the overall population has increased to an estimated population of 250 000–300 000
individuals, with Guafo Island being the largest breeding colony...
Global marine litter pollution is increasing dramatically, and oceanic islands are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems due to their high debris accumulation rate compared to continental sites. Remote areas, such as inhabited islands, represent a perfect study case to track marine debris sources, due to the assumed low rates of local production of...
During five reproductive seasons, we documented the presence, extent and origin of perineal wounds in South American fur seal pups (Arctocephalus australis) on Guafo Island, Northern Chilean Patagonia. The seasonal prevalence of perineal wounds ranged from 5 to 9%, and new cases were more common at the end of the breeding season (February), when pu...
The South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) is widely distributed along the southern Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America with a history of significant commercial exploitation. We aimed to evaluate the population genetic structure and the evolutionary history of South American sea lion along its distribution by analyses of mitochondrial...
List of individuals that bear each mitochondrial DNA control region haplotype, and the respective GenBank number.
Absolute frequency in the sample and geographic distribution of haplotypes for South American sea lion.
List of individuals that bear each mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b haplotype.
Absolute frequency in the sample and geographic distribution of haplotypes for South American sea lion.
Extended Bayesian skyline plot showing the effective population size fluctuation of South American sea lions populations throughout time based on the mtDNA control region.
Internal dashed lines are median estimates and thin lines and coloured areas are the 95% Central Posterior Density (CPD) intervals. Nef, effective female population size (log sca...
Extended Bayesian skyline plot showing the effective population size fluctuation of South American sea lions populations throughout time based on the mtDNA control region.
Internal black dashed lines are median estimates and thin lines are the 95% CPD intervals. Thin green lines are the individual population trajectories. Nef, effective female popu...
Species and access number of sequences downloaded from GenBank used to estimate the Bayesian phylogeny (Fig 3).
Genetic diversity of South American sea lions for each locus per clustered localities and for the species as whole.
(A) Number of alleles, (E) = exclusive alleles, (Ho) observed heterozygosity, (He) expected heterozygosity.* Loci that deviated from HW equilibrium after Bonferroni correction.
Plots from STRUCTURE HARVESTER performed with Evanno’s method.
(A) Highest value of (ΔK) = 79.20 on K = 2. (B) Mean of estimated Ln probability of data (± sd) averaging ten runs from K = 1 to K = 10.
STRUCTURE bar plot from the test for migrants or hybrids between oceans using the sampling locations (in this case the ocean basin) and the USEPOPINFO model.
Each bar is one individual and each colour represents the assignment probability of the individual to belong to that genetic cluster.
Se presenta un estudio de caso donde se aplicó una estrategia no tradicional para potenciar un destino de turismo sostenible en la zona norte de la Región de Los Lagos (Chile), a través de la participación activa de los emprendedores locales de turismo en naturaleza, rural y étnico (Mapuche-Huilliche) y una vinculación participante de los profesion...
The South American fur seal (SAFS) is distributed from Peru (Pacific Ocean) to Uruguay (Atlantic Ocean). However, there is a section of coastline of about 2,300 km along the Chilean coast where no SAFS are recorded. Based on morphological comparisons 3 geographic forms have been reported (Peruvian, South Chilean, Atlantic), whereas preliminary gene...
The establishment of clinical pathology baseline data is critical to evaluate temporal and spatial changes in marine mammal groups. Despite increased availability of studies on hematology and biochemistry of marine mammals, reference ranges are lacking for many populations, especially among fur seal species. During the austral summers of 2014 and 2...
A case study is presented here. We applied a non-traditional strategy to promote a Ecotourism and Ethnic Tourism destination in the Province of Osorno, Lakes Region (Chile). By strengthening active participation of local entrepreneurs in nature, rural and ethnic tourism (Mapuche-Huilliche) and also with a participant linking with technicians Santo...
Informe final del proyecto FIP 2006-50.
The fjords and channels of the Chilean Patagonia are unique, and their high biological diversity is mainly associated with physicochemical characteristics of local water masses. The topography, depth, and extension of the Patagonian basins affect the extent to which water is exchanged between the inner and outer parts of the fjords, determining the...
Eco-guide to the coastal region near the city of Valdivia including a field guide to the marine flora and fauna
Analysing a 529 bp segment of the mitochondrial control region, we evaluated the role that Pleistocene glaciations may have had in shaping the genetic structure currently found in the two southernmost breedingareas of the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis. Additionally, we analysed if these two breedingareas correspond to different c...
The size composition of primary producers is important for how energy is channeled through a food web and on to the higher trophic levels and eventually to fisheries. To evaluate this, we studied the productive patterns for large (micro) versus small (nano) phytoplankton in two south marine Patagonian ecosystems: The Inner Sea of Chiloe—ISCh and, M...
As part of population dynamics studies of the South American fur seal (Arctophoca australis gracilis) rookery at Punta Weather in Guafo Island (43◦36’S, 74◦43’W), the causes and extent of pup mortality were monitored. During four breeding seasons, daily counts of live and dead pups were carried out to determine pup production and pup mortality. Dea...
As part of population dynamics studies of the South American fur seal (Arctophoca australis gracilis) rookery at Punta Weather in Guafo Island (43°36'S, 74°43’W), the causes and extent of pup mortality were monitored. During four breeding seasons, daily counts of live and dead pups were carried out to determine pup production and pup mortality. Dea...
The "robalo" Eleginops maclovinus (Valenciennes 1830) is a common fish in the littoral, estuaries and rivers (under tidal effects zone) of southern South America, including the Falkland islands. The feeding habits of this species is known mainly in the two first mentioned habitats, where it consumes mostly animals from marine and estuarine origin....
Trophic interactions and the relevance of the “classical” (CFW) versus the “microbial” (MFW) food webs were studied in the upwelling system of Antofagasta (23°S), northern Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile. Biological and ecological data gathered from the study area during 1996 and 1999–2002 and complementary data from the literature were ana...
The southern fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) has colonised an ample geographic coverage in South America. The population should present there reproductive synchronization and a strong latitudinal effect on its reproductive activities. This research intends to review those reproductive activities on Guafo island (43°33′ S, 74°51′ W, Chile) lookin...
Many animal species benefit from resources provided by other species. Such species may develop or coevolve particular interspecific relationships (for example: competition, depredation and mutualism). During two sea lion breeding seasons (1996-97 and 1997-98), we observed behavioral interactions at the Punta Lobería Southern Sea-lion Otaria flavesc...
The latitudinal effect of reproductive patterns for Otaria ftavescens suggests the existence of behavioral and physiological adaptation to local environmental conditions. The identification of intraspecific behavioral pattern changes due to these environmental conditions suggest a relation among them. We pretend here to determine reproductive synch...