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Publications (97)
Hayden White borrows the title for The Practical Past from philosopher Michael Oakeshott, who used the term to describe the accessible material and literary-artistic artifacts that individuals and institutions draw on for guidance in quotidian affairs. The Practical Past, then, forms both a summa of White's work to be drawn upon and a new direction...
Ce livre, qui est une histoire de la conscience historique dans l’Europe du xixe siecle, se veut aussi une contribution a la reflexion actuelle sur le probleme de la connaissance historique. S’il rend compte de l’evolution de la reflexion historique pendant une periode donnee, il offre de surcroit une theorie structurelle d’ensemble du mode de pens...
For where there is no law, there is no transgression.
You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.
Ever since I met him—in the spring of 1969—I have thought of Ralph Cohen as "master of gen...
[C]riminal organizations, cannily mirroring the practices of their legitimate counterparts, have exploited economies of scale, developed worldwide partnerships, and cultivated new markets. As a result, bank fraud, human trafficking, protection rackets, narcotics smuggling, state-sanctioned embezzlement, assassinations, and even old-fashioned politi...
hayden white is University Professor, Emeritus, at the University of California and Professor of Comparative Literature at Stanford University.
ABSTRACTI am grateful to Dirk Moses for taking the time to study my work so assiduously and to comment on it so perspicuously. His essay is eminently well-informed and even-handed, and I have little to add to or correct of his characterization of my many, long on-going, and admittedly flawed attempts to deconstruct modern historical discourse. He u...
Je li prošlost priča? Oko tog kratkog i, na prvi pogled, suvišnoga pitanja vrti se ne samo esej koji je pred nama, već i čitava postmodernistička rasprava o povijesti. U jedno nema sumnje: prošlost predstavljamo kao priču i prošlost rekonstruiramo (uglavnom) na osnovu priča. Ovime smo ukratko opisali povijest kao istraživačku (znanstvenu) djelatnos...
New Literary History 34.2 (2003) 367-376
THE EIGHT ESSAYS before us approach the topic of genre by considering specific examples of genderizing practices. They are less concerned with theory than with the uses and misuses to which the notion of genre can be put, the procedures or operations by which things are genderized, and the social value attac...
New Literary History 34.3 (2003) 597-615
IN THIS COMMENTARY I will consider a topical thread that runs through most of the essays comprising this issue of New Literary History and the one before it. The topic is the relation between history and theory in literary studies. In his contribution to this symposium, Michael Prince cites Ralph Cohen's sug...
This is a response, written especially for Rethinking History, to Georg Iggers' essay 'Historiography Between Scholarship and Poetry: Reflections on Hayden White's Approach to Historiography'. The argument is that Iggers' critique of White's theories of historiography and conception of the history of modern historical writing is based upon an uncri...
A treatment of Hegel's Logic as "tropical" discussion of the schemata of the Understanding. Hegel thought that Kant's logic (purely Aristotelian) could not deal with ordinary language in which figurative elements overrode any effort to deconstruct it in a conceptual register. The Logic of Hegel's (Lesser) Logic conceptualizes the tropes of classica...
Traducción de: The content of the form. Narrative, Discourse and historical representation En los 8 ensayos que componen este volumen, White plantea la cuestión de la idoneidad del discurso narrativo para representar esa parte de la realidad que denominamos Historia. En ultima instancia, sugiere White, el unico significado que puede tener la histor...
Traducción de: Tropics of Discourse Traducción de: Figural Realism
Traducción de: Metahistory : the historical imagination in nineteenth-century Europe Incluye bibliografía e índice
1. české vyd. Pub. vychází v rámci výzkumného záměru MSM 0021620824 Základy moderního světa v zrcadle literatury a filozofie, řešeného na FF UK v Praze
It is a distinguishing feature of modern Western historical thought that it has striven self-consciously to free itself from the use of non-historical categories of explanation in order to consitute itself as an autonomous, self-explanatory and self-justifying form of thought. Croce believed this movement to be a late phase of humanism and identifi...
Scholarly opinion is generally agreed that the order of Cluny reached its apogee during the abbacy of St. Hugh, who ruled from 1049 to 1109, and began its decline as a result of the misrule of his successor, Pontius of Melgueil, abbot from 1109 to 1122. The rule of Pontius' successor, Peter the Venerable (1122–1157), is generally regarded as an att...