Havis AravikSekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) Indo Global Mandiri Palembang
Havis Aravik
Master of Laws and Management
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Publications (105)
Mashlahat theory has historically been widely used in developing Islamic law. The public interest is a fundamental issue that must be considered when exploring Islamic law. The main objective of the development of Islamic law is to realize the mashlahat. This study examines the relevance of the mashlahat theory in the development of Islamic law. Th...
Sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) tentunya memiliki kewajiban untuk memunggut PPN, menyetorkan PPN yang terhutang serta melaporkan SPT Masa PPN dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-faktur. Sejak 20 Juli 2024 Pemerintah meluncurkan aplikasi e-Faktur V. 4.0 sehingga perlunya dilakukan update aplikasi e-faktur bagi PKP yang telah menggunakan aplikasi e-Fakt...
This article wants to discuss the basic concepts of work ethics in Islamic Perspective and its Implementation in Islamic Bank Marketing. This is important to do because ethics is one of the components that must exist in various activities including in the field of marketing in order to produce various benefits for various parties, and not harm othe...
This research aims to instill the values of character education in strengthening the Al-Quran literacy culture for teenagers at State Vocational Schools in Palembang City. This research uses a pedagogical, historical, and sociological approach where research data comes from primary data and secondary data is obtained from literature or reference bo...
Artikel pengabdian ini membahas tentang pelatihan pembuatan buku ajar pada guru-guru SMKN Sumsel. Dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pembuatan buku ajar. Buku ajar menjadi barang yang sangat penting bagi guru untuk dapat berinteraksi dan berelasi dengan siswa secara baik dalam pembelajaran. Untuk itu, buku ajar harus b...
Akuntansi bertujuan untuk menyajikan data keuangan yang baik sehingga dapat memberikan informasi kinerja Perusahaan yang dapat berguna bagi para pihak yang memiliki kepentingan dalam pengambilan kebijakan bisnis untuk menilai kemampuan Perusahaan. Tujuan pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilakukan pada PT. Jaala Artha Yasha ini untuk membantu para staff a...
This study aims to determine Junaid al-Baghdadi's sufistic economic thought. This research is a library research, using qualitative descriptive analysis technique that focuses on content analysis. The results show that Junaid al-Baghdadi is one of the Sufi figures in Islam whose thoughts outside of Sufism have contributed greatly to the development...
Muhammad Naguib Attas' educational thinking is unique because apart from being based on the values contained in Islam, he also understands the development of Islamic education through linguistic analysis. The concept of Islamic education is widely discussed, but it is not an old topic that is worth discussing. The development of the times is becomi...
This writing aims to explore the rise of Europe and Colonialism in Muslim countries, focusing on the cases of Egypt and India. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the European resurgence and Colonialism in Muslim countries such as Egypt and India, with the hope that it can serve as a valuable lesson to avoid repetition in the future. The...
This article discusses Islamic law from a historical perspective; a critical study of Josep Schacht's thought. To know more deeply about Islamic law from a historical perspective based on the thoughts of Josep Schacht. The method used is library research with data sources sourced from books by Joseph Schacht, an Introduction to Islamic Law, and The...
ABSTRAKRiba, Gharar dan Masyir merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering kali ditemukan dalam berbagai aktivitas ekonomi dan bisnis, baik konvensional maupun online. Islam membolehkan Islam membolehkan bisnis termasuk pada bidang e-commerce dengan syarat tidak mengandung riba, gharar, dan maysir. Karena ketiganya secara tegas dilarang Al-Qur’an...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang aplikasi SAP (System Application Product in Data Processing). Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah terdapat perbedaan kinerja karyawan sebelum dan setelah menggunakan aplikasi SAP (System Application Product in Data Processing) di PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang? Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuanti...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Analisis Pendapat Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Terhadap Riba dan Implementasinya Prakter Riba Pada Shopee Paylater. Adapun rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini ialah (1) Pendapat Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah tentang riba (2) Bagaimana Implementasi Pendapat Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Terhadap Praktek Penggunaan Shopee Paylater. Is...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengangkat suatu permasalahan dalam pemberlakuan tarif baru sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku dalam keputusan menteri perhubungan Nomor KP 564 Tahun 2022. kenaikan tarif baru ini merupakan tindakan yang dapat menjatuhkan layanan dalam transportasi online yang berdampak berkurangnya minat konsumen untuk menggunakan...
Penelitian ini mengenai pengaruh penggunaan sistem pembayaran Shopee PayLater terhadap perilaku konsumtif masyarakat Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Kota Palembang. Rumusan Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan Shopee Paylater terhadap perilaku konsumtif masyarakat Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Kota Palembang dan bagaimana pandangan Pe...
Penelitian ini membahas Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Peningkatan Jumlah Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Al-Falah Banyuasin. Adapun rumusan masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini ialah Bagaimanakah pengaruh promosi terhadap peningkatan jumlah nasabah pada PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Al-Falah Palembang. Pada penelitian ini meng...
Financing is one of the duties of banking as a financial intermediary institution. Funding is needed to support the smooth running of the business and for planned investments. This study discusses the basic concepts of Islamic financing and the practices of Islamic banking in Indonesia. This research is library research where all the data used come...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komparatif perhitungan pajak penghasilan dengan menggunakan UU Pajak Penghasilan dan PP No 55 Tahun 2022, dengan harapan hasil komparasi tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai keputusan dalam menghemat pembayaran pajak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan UU Pajak Penghasilan jumlah paja...
Berbagai kabar dan berita seputar kasus plagiat karya ilmiah yang terjadi di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi sangat memprihatinkan. Karena akan berdampat buruk terhadap banyak hal. Oleh karena itu, perlu meminimalisasinya dengan memperbanyak sosialisasi seputar pengetahuan tentang plagiat dan berbagai Software yang bisa digunakan untuk meminimalisirnya....
Artikel pengabdian ini membahas tentang pelatihan penyusunan citation dan reference manager menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Sangat penting dilaksanakan di tengah semangkin perlunya publikasi ilmiah di satu sisi dan terbatasnya pengetahuan-pengetahuan terhadap alat bantu yang dapat memudahkan itu semua. Salah satunya adalah...
The article explores al-Ghazali's Sufistic economic concept and its potential as a solution to contemporary economic problems. Through a qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources, we identified al-Ghazali's development of homo Islamicus' importance in achieving maslahah and falah in economic activities, as well as the role of the state...
Berbagai kabar dan berita seputar kasus plagiat karya ilmiah yang terjadi di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi sangat memprihatinkan. Karena akan berdampat buruk terhadap banyak hal. Oleh karena itu, perlu meminimalisasinya dengan memperbanyak sosialisasi seputar pengetahuan tentang plagiat dan berbagai Software yang bisa digunakan untuk meminimalisirnya....
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Analisis Penerapan Etika bisnis Islam Terhadap Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Pada Rozza Bakery. Adapun rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini ialah (1) Apa yang menjadi faktor pendukung penerapan prinsip etika bisnis Islam pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan menengah (UMKM) di Rozza Bakery Palembang (2) Bagaimana resp...
This article describes the urgency of business ethics in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The article is qualitative research in the type of literature research. This research is the analytical description and data analysis using the deductive thinking method. The study results showed that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. There...
Artikel pengabdian ini membahas tentang pemanfatan aplikasi researchgate sebagai sumber literasi karya ilmiah pada Mahasiswa Perbankan Syariah STEBIS IGM Palembang. Hal ini dilakukan karena melihat rendahnya literasi mahasiswa dalam mengakses berbagai aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mencari maupun mempublikasi karya ilmiah yang telah d...
This study analyzes the effect of products and promotions on the resilience of UMKM in Babat Toman district during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample is selected using the saturated sample technique. 51 respondents’ data was collected through documentation and questionnaires. This study implements a multiple linear regression method to analyze the d...
Penelitian ini di lakukan di BRI Unit Tanjung Batu Cabang Kayu Agung . Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit Usaha Rakyat Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Kecamatan Tanjung Batu diMasa Pandemi Covid-19 . Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif yaitu metode analisis yang berdasarkan perhitungan yang d...
Starategi pemasaran pembiayaan murabahah dan mekanisme pembiayaan murabahah pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Kantor Cabang Simpang Patal Palembang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemasaran pembiayaan murabahah pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Kantor Cabang Simpang Patal Palembang. . metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian lapangan...
Penelitian ini berjudul peran pembiayaan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) Syariah terhadap perkembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Di Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Kantor Cabang PIM Palembang. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Bagaimana implementasi pemberian pembiayaan KUR Syariah terhadap UMKM di Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Kantor Cabang PIM Palemban...
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bank Syariah Indonesia (EX BSM) KC Palembang Demang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana strategi yang diterapkan Account Officer dalam penentuan kelayakan pengajuan pembiayaan pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (EX BSM) dan untuk menjelaskan faktor pendukung & penghambat Account Officer dalam menentuk...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Strategi Pemasaran Tabungan BTN Emas iB Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Bank BTN Syariah KC Kapten A. Rivai Palembang. Adapun rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini antara lain: (1) Bagaimana Strategi Pemasaran Tabungan BTN Emas iB Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Bank BTN Syariah KC Kapten...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran produk tabungan tasbih di masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Cabang Pembantu Km 12 Palembang, selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan apa saja yang terjadi dalam memasarkan produk Tabungan Tasbih di masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Cabang...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pelaksaanan tabungan Qurban di PT. BPRS Al-Falah, yaitu dengan membantu memberikan kemudahan pada nasabah untuk menyisihkan uangnya secara pelan-pelan namun tetap aman dan terencana serta bagi masyarakat menengah kebawah untuk bisa mempersiapkan perencanaan ibadah qurban dari jauh hari. Metode yang digunakan adalah m...
This article describes the contribution of Afzalur Rahman`s thought to Islamic economics from the epistemological aspect to the concept of wages in Islam. This article is a type of library research, with the data presented being qualitative data. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources and analyzed with a qualitative descriptive meth...
This study aims to see how much influence the CAMEL Ratio on the Financial Sustainability Ratio on Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia in the period from June 2014 to February 2022. Analytical Techniques for the collection of research data using multiple linear regression analysis techniques using the stepwise method assisted by using SPSS v.26 s...
This study discusses the Effect of Musyarakah, Mudharabah, and Murabahah Financing on Return On Assets (ROA) During the Covid-19 Pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Musyarakah, Mudharabah, and Murabahah Financing on Return On Assets (ROA) during the COVID-19 pandemic at Islamic Commercial Banks (period 2019 – 2021). Thi...
Artikel pengabdian ini membahas peningkatan kualitas dan kompetensi guru melalui pelatihan bahan ajar pada guru SMA Bina Warga 2 Kota Palembang. Hal ini dilakukan karena melihat bahwa kualitas dan kompetensi guru sangat penting karena guru menjadi daya dukung, sekaligus penentu muara pendidikan ke depan. Tujuan dari pengabdian supaya guru memiliki...
Artikel ini membahas meningkatkan pemahaan literasi finansial pada Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Palembang. Hal ini dilakukan karena literasi finansial sangat penting dipahami dan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan, menjadi salah satu dari enam dasar literasi. Tujuannya agar setiap siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Palembang memiliki pemahaman tentang liter...
This study aims to determine the difference in the income of the STEBIS IGM academic community during the covid 19 pandemic and the new normal from the Chair to the OB. The methodology used is a two-sample t-test. The results of the significance of the t-paired t-test show the number 0.000. This figure is smaller than 0.05, which means that there i...
This article discusses Abdul Munir Mulkhan's progressive educational thinking from the Philosophical Perspective of Islamic Education. With the aim of knowing the progressive educational thinking of Abdul Munir Mulkhan from the Philosophical Perspective of Islamic Education. The method used is qualitative which bases the data on library sources, na...
Ethics is a crucial component in human interaction, including in the field of marketing in Islamic banks. This article discusses the marketing ethics of Islamic banks: a theoretical study. The aim is to know the marketing ethics of Islamic banks comprehensively. The type of research used in this article is qualitative, which bases on library data f...
Legal development is a necessity for the Indonesian people. Having its product law becomes the identity of a free nation. The original Indonesian law will later become a national law that is free from colonial legal products. This study aims to describe the terminology of legal development and reform and the urgency of developing a national crimina...
Ali Syariati is a modern century Islamic figure who inspires the Islamic world with various ideas and ideas. Syariati important thinking about tauhid as a solution to exploitation and economic injustice. This study will discuss tawhid as a solution to exploitation and injustice in the economy. The approach used in this research is philosophical. Th...
ABSTRAKPesatnya kemajuan teknologi informasi dengan segala kemudahannya dalam menggali informasi-informasi tidak diimbangi dengan penanaman etika dan moral sebagai pembentukan karakter seorang anak. Kemampuan anak dalam menyaring informasi yang diperoleh dapat dilakukan dengan cara memberikan pendidikan karakter kepada anak sedini mungkin, salah sa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pelayanan marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah BSI KC Demang Palembang Pada Tahun 2021. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh pelayanan marketing ditinjau dari beberapa dimensi yaitu produk, harga, promosi, lokasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bank Syariah Indonesia KC Demang P...
Pada era revolusi industri 4.0 saat ini, perkembangan teknologi dan informasi telah merubah perilaku generasi modern khususnya generasi milenial (generasi yang lahir pada tahun 1980-2000). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku generasi milenial yang kuliah di Sekolah Tnggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Syariah Indo Global Mandiri (S...
This study discusses the influence of motivation and knowledge of Islamic banking products on the decision to become a customer of Bank Syariah Indonesia (Case Study of Ex Bank Syariah Mandiri Kcp Palembang Km 6). Descriptive quantitative research method, with a population of 3,612 customers and 97 samples. While the data collection technique using...
BPRS Al-Falah Banyuasin itself is a financial institution that has a very important role in saving funds and distributing funds, in this activity the distribution of funds can be given to the community to obtain benefits, one of which is the benefit of services. In this case, the demand for multiservice financing products is less than other financi...
The political direction of the law in Indonesia in the development of national law simplifies legislation. The scope of national legal development is not only through legislation. There is the functionalization of the law that lives in society. The purpose of the research describes the political urgency of law in the development of national law and...
Islamic economy is a progressive and dynamic economy. Various new theories have been raised as an offer for the development of Islamic economics, one of which was carried out by Abbas Mirakhor. This article discusses the main principles of the economic system to the role of the state; an offer of Abbas Mirakhor to Islamic economics. To know more de...
Training activities for the use of Author ID for Lecturers in the STEI Al-Furqon Prabumulih environment can be carried out well and smoothly due to the collaboration of the Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) Indo Global Mandiri Palembang with STEI Al-Furqon Prabumulih which was held on April 6, 2021 in the STEI Hall Al-Furqon Prabum...
Penelitian ini membahas etika bisnis Islam sebagai solusi praktis dalam lingkup e-commerce. Tujuan penelitian untuk menjawab bagaimana solusi yang ditawarkan etika bisnis terhadap ruang lingkup bisnis e-commerce. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis objek penelitian yang b...
Ultimum remedium is one of the principles contained in Indonesian criminal law which says that criminal law should be made a final effort in the case of law enforcement. However, law enforcement through the criminal justice system is currently still dominated by the positivism mindset, a way of (criminal) law enforcement which is only based on laws...
Artikel ini membahas tentang dinamika kepribadian dalam perspektif psikologi Islam; telaah konsep amarah, lawwamah, dan muthmainnah, serta korelasinya dengan Iman, Islam dan Ihsan. Dengan tujuan utnuk mengetahui dinamika kepribadian dalam perspektif psikologi Islam; telaah konsep amarah, lawwamah, dan muthmainnah, serta korelasinya dengan Iman, Isl...
Sharia banking is currently on the rise and has become a reference for people to invest their funds for various needs. For this reason, various Islamic banking products must be able to be understood by the public, one of which is wadi'ah savings products. This study will discuss the analysis of Wadi'ah savings products at PT. Al Falah Banyuasin Sha...
Types of jobs today vary widely in scope and size and may even have some practices that are unique to the job. Practices such as mentorship and internships also characterize most institutions in higher education. It is that the essence of working life is found in its culture. Work culture includes emotional and psychological climate or atmosphere....
Sharia banking is currently on the rise and has become a reference for people to invest their funds for various needs. For this reason, various sharia banking products must be able to be understood by the public, one of which is the application of the mudharabah contract to savings products. This article discusses the application of the Mudharabah...
This research aims to analyze Punishment & Reward, organizational climate and potential for the productivity of the scientific work of PDRI South Sumatra lecturers. The research method used is quantitative research with descriptive and verification confirmative survey methods, with a population of 234 PDRI members in the Whatsapp (WA) group and 132...
Islamic economic thought became increasingly prevalent with the birth of various schools of thought in Islamic economics. One of them is the critical alternative school that was pioneered by Timur Kuran. This research will discuss from Islamic economics to the urgency of prohibiting usury; an offer of the East Kuran Islamic economy. With the aim of...
Critical theory was one of the most phenomenal philosophical discussions of the late 19th century. The critical theory was initiated by the Frankfurt School with one of its characters being Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse analyzed various social inequalities due to the industrialization of technology capitalism. This research will review Herbert Marcuse's...
The Ghazwul Fikri book review workshop: A New Pattern of Attacking Islam at LIDMI Kendari City was carried out in collaboration between the Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) and the Lingkar Dakwah Mahasiswa Indonesia (LIDMI) Kendari City which was held in three sessions, starting with 28 November, 9 December and 23 December 2020. T...
In the financial sectors, fraud has become a world phenomenon, ranging from fraudulent financial reports, assets misappropriation and corruption. These three types of fraud are practices carried out deliberately against the law which harm many parties. This study aims to analyze fraudulent financial reporting, where the presentation of misstatement...
Artikel ini membahas tentang fenomena fundamentalisme dalam perspektif antropologi. Artikel ini berbasis studi kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan (library research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran atau mendeskripsikan kenyataan yang ada atau apa yang terjadi atau kenyataan sebenarnya pada o...
The environment is an important component of human life and is one main study in in Islamic economic politics and legal politics in Indonesia. This study discusses the concept of environmental conservation in the perspective of Islamic economic politics and legal politics in Indonesia. This study is a qualitative research using the library research...
Studi ini membahas tentang klasifikasi ilmu menurut Ibn Sina. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi ilmu menurut Ibn Sina dan sejauh mana peran dan pengaruh pemikiran Ibn Sina terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam. Studi merupakan studi kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan (library research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif...
The principles of Islamic law have contributed to the development of modern law science. This is reasonable because Islamic law has already experienced development. This study aims to explore the contribution of law principles to the development of modern law science. This research uses a normative approach. The results of this study indicate that...
The purpose of this study is intended to analyze the role of human resource management (MSDM) on service performance at each Service Area PT. PLN (Persero) Region of South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu (WS2JB). The survey method applied, and also parametric statistics were used. For the data collection, questionnaires and direct interview methods wer...
This study aims to get the analysis result of organizational climate, punishment and reward, and competence have an effect on the capacity building of the lecturers in writing scientific papers partially and simultaneously, the organizational climate, punishment and reward, competence and capacity building effect lecturers' scientific work producti...
This article discussed The Qur'an hermeneutics; Study of Muhammad Syahrur's thoughts on the of men and women equality. The study aimed to find out more about the concept of men and women equality in Muhammad Syahrur's hermeneutics. This article used a literature approach (Library Research) by describing and analyzing research objects, namely readin...
The trend of counter-terrorism is shifting in line with the shifting action of terrorism. Each country has a different strategy in tackling terrorism. This is due to the difference of the night, the center of the rest and national interests. Research aims at reviewing the counterterrorism trends in ASEAN, and identifying their strengths, weaknesses...
This dedication is the socialization of the dangers of riba to the Miftahussa'adah Islamic Boarding School in Nusa Makmur village, Kec. Air Kumbang. With the aim of knowing the extent of knowledge and understanding of the dangers of riba, so that it can be implemented in everyday life. The method used in this procurement is by way of exposure to ma...
Madani society referred as a society built by the Prophet Muhammad located in the Medina city. This society has become the best example for the fulfillment of human rights. The research discusses on the concept of civil society as a form of implementing human rights in the civilization. It is aimed for futher understanding related to the concept of...
This article discusses the economic portrait during the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt; The history and thought by aiming to find out how the Islamic economy during the Mamluk
dynasty in Egypt was. This research used qualitative research based on the library (library
research) with a descriptive qualitative approach and technical analysis and also content...
The problems of the nation in the future are predicted to lead to identity channels, both in religious, economic, political, cultural, educational, ideological and other identities. Therefore, with the diversity of identity, tolerance becomes a necessity that must be understood, instilled and carried out for unity. The trilogy of tolerance transfor...
Artikel ini membahas tentang perekonomian pada masa dinasti Umayyah di Andalusia sejarah dan pemikiran. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perekonomian Islam pada masa dinasti Umayyah di Andalusia. Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan teknis analisis...
As part of the teachings of Islam, Islamic economic law is important to be taken into account in the formation of national law. Factually Islamic economic law is a living law (the living law) in Indonesian society since the entry of Islam into the archipelago. This research was conducted analytically descriptively, that is a study that described an...
This study discusses the corona virus that occurred in parts of the world, including Indonesia to find solutions in the form of policies issued by the government, with reference to events in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, including his policy in dealing with outbreaks in the masses, this research is descriptive qualitative using primary and seco...
This study discussed the thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal about the study of hermeneutics in hadith. The study aimed to find out how Muhammad Iqbal's thought about the study of hermeneutics in hadith. The study is a qualitative study based on the library (library research). The approach used is descriptive qualitative which aimed to illustrate or describ...
The issue of leadership has always been an important and interesting theme to be discussed since it is one of the influencing factors of the success or failure of an organization. Therefore, this article seeks to discuss the sharia bank leadership concept through a theoretical study to provide a clear picture of the leadership concept in sharia ban...
Responsive law discourse is influenced by law conditions and situations. Responsive law was initiated in the United States and it was influenced by the atmosphere of law discourse in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is; describing responsive law theory, mapping law thinking in Indonesia, analyzing the workings of law theory responsive to the...
This article discusses taqlid and talfiq in the conception of Islamic Law. With the aim
of knowing taqlid and talfiq in the conception of Islamic law and the extent to which
both affect people's understanding of Islam. This article uses qualitative research
based on the library (library research) with a descriptive approach to qualitative and
This study discusses the economic thought of Ibn Thufail from the story of Hayy bin Yaqzhan to Economic Morality. With the aim to find out more about Ibn Thufail's economic thought, especially seen from the story of Hayy bin Yaqzhan to economic morality. The study is descriptive qualitative using primary and secondary data relating to Ibn Thufail a...
This study aims to explain and study the other side of Ibn Sina as the expert in Islamic economics. This is important because so far Ibn Sina has always been identified as a doctor, chemist, and philosopher of Islam, and such identification is very far from economic ideas. While many economic ideas were originated from Ibn Sina. His works such as a...
The tendency of current criminal justice is that it favours more criminals. Meanwhile, crime victims receive less attention. As a result, the objective of sentencing is rendered ineffective. This study aims at 1) Describing the development of thoughts on the criminal justice system, 2) Formulating the idea of a criminal justice system which would g...
The construction of national law is one of the projects that has not been completed to this day in Indonesian law. Legal development should ideally pay attention to existing legal sources, especially laws that have become community culture. The results of this study show that legal development must be able to produce legal product reforms to replac...
This article discusses Islamic economics during the Fatimid Dynasty. With the aim to find out how Islamic economics during the Fatimid Dynasty. This article uses literature-based qualitative research (library research) with a qualitative descriptive approach and technical descriptive analysis and content analysis. The results of this study show tha...
Purpose: This article discusses about the other side of al-Farabi, an Islamic economic thinker. With the aim that an open paradigm of thinking new in seeing al-Farabi, not only political experts and famous philosophers, but also as a reliable Islamic economic thinker.
Design/Method/Approach: This article uses library-based qualitative research (qu...
The history of Islamic thought is inseparable from the transformation of knowledge from cultural thoughts outside of Islam, including Greek philosophy. The project was initiated by the Abbasids and reached its peak when power was held by the Caliph al-Harun Ar-Rasyid and al-Makmun. The most meritorious person and considered the first philosopher in...
The study investigates the government policies in the waqf's regulation in Indonesia and the essence of waqf as an important instrument of economic empowerment in Islam. The study aims to provide solutions to the lack of the benefits of waqf for people's welfare, especially in terms of economic empowerment. It is qualitative research with a normati...
The Law on the Conduct of Hajj Pilgrimage mandates the management of the Hajj pilgrimage is organized by the government. This management includes the coaching, service, and protection of the pilgrims from Indonesia, in Saudi Arabia, to returning to the homeland. This law also stipulates that the authority to conduct Hajj pilgrimage management is no...
This study discusses how the legal position of plastic surgery is in the perspective of Islamic law. The results of this study state that plastic surgery is one of the problems faced by Muslims in the contemporary era. Plastic surgery is generally divided into two parts, namely plastic surgery which is permitted because for the purpose of plastic s...
p>Inflasi merupakan masalah utama dalam perekonomian suatu negara terutama negara berkembang termasuk di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh BI rate dan nilai tukar (kurs) terhadap inflasi yang terjadi di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2012-2017. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil pe...
Penelitian ini membahas konsep kerja dalam perspektif Islam. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan normatif, menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan realitas yang ada atau apa yang terjadi atau realitas sebenarnya dalam objek yang diteliti. Islam sebagai ag...
This study discusses the ethics of rationalism versus voluntarism ethics, where morals in principle have been debated by experts for a long time, among them Mu'tazilah with the ethics of rationalism and Ash'ariyah with voluntary ethics. For the Mu'tazila morality is a rational act of man in seeing which is good and what is bad, not merely determine...
p>This study discusses the impact of religious tourism bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar to the economy around boarding school IGM Al-Ihsaniyah Palembang City with the aim to know how the impact of religious tourism bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar to the economy around the boarding school of IGM Al-Ihsaniyah of Palembang City. This research is a mixture of research...
Studi ini membahas pemikiran ekonomi Sayyid Qutb, dengan tujuan mempelajari pemikiran ekonomi Sayyid Quthb. Ini penting karena selama ini, Sayyid Qutb selalu diidentifikasi dengan tokoh-tokoh politik fundamentalis dan jauh dari ide-ide ekonomi. Faktanya, banyak ide ekonomi lahir dari Sayyid Qutb. Bahkan karyanya adalah Al-Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah fi...
Shahrur is a controversial thinker from Syria who offers a new
epistemology called Theory of Limit. This is to respond the stagnation
in the study of Islamic legal thought, as well as a critique to the literal
and rational groups that have failed to offer modernity to the people. The
thought of the Shahrur reaped much criticism and insult. Some cou...