Hasan Karacan

Hasan Karacan
Dicle University · Department of Eastern Languages and Literature

Ph.D. Cyprus Science University


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Publications (42)
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Inclusive education means welcoming all children, without discrimination into regular or general schools. By the change of attitude against differential treatment of education, differences in people will likely be seen in a positive perspective. The research about implementation of inclusive education is a topic of educational interest throughout t...
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Background The phenomenon of burnout among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic is a widespread problem with several negative consequences for the healthcare system. The many stressors of the pandemic have led to an increased development of anxiety and depressive disorders in many healthcare workers. In addition, some manifested symptoms...
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Stress is the result of an individual's interaction with his or her environment and can lead to serious illnesses and eating disorders, especially among young people exposed to social pressures. Eating habits are shaped by various factors, including climate, religion, culture, and individual preferences. Young people's food choices often focus on p...
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In the period of their modernization, the USSR (Soviet Russia) and the newly formed Republic of Turkey used cultural relations to promote good relations between their countries, which in our twenty-first century translates to the use of "soft power." In the period of 1922 to 1944, cultural exchange translated to mutual help with shaping new culture...
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The biblical Book of Naḥūm explains the way HaShem (The Name) deals with Evil. An inner biblical interpretive technique is used to reach this meaning, a technique inconsistent with the method of the rest of the Hebrew Bible. As a prophetic song, the Book of Naḥūm rightly prophesies the pending downfall of the Assyrian Empire. In the light of the st...
Conference Paper
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Language is used as a tool of communication in all over the world, and each society or country may adopt a different language leading various dialects or language usages. In order to interrogate different aspects, multiple question types are utilized in a language. Also, questions are globally used to get information about a topic / issue, ask for...
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Kurmanji and Zazaki are dialects of the theoretical language known as Kurdish. The various Kurdish dialects affirm the dialectical richness of the word and its sound, and show no indication of a decline in the spoken language. In general, the phoneme is thought to indicate the proximity or remoteness of language or its dialects-Kurdish is considere...
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In this article the Sêva Mîran story narrated with Hüseyin Aksaz’s variants in Toptepe (the village of Midyat), Mardin. This story has been written with Kurdish/Kurmanji dialect and the accents of Nusaybin -Midyat. In the first part of the article; stories and storytellers were investigated. In the second part; the text of the story. In the third...
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Kürt Dili ve Edebiyatı bilimine katkıda bulunan birçok araştırmacı, akademisyen ve yazarlarca KÜRDOLOJİ serisinin üçüncü cildi yayınlanmıştır. İlk cilt de 15 çalışmayla akademik hayata merhaba diyen KÜRDOLOJİ, ikinci cilt de 20, Üçüncü Ciltte ise 12 çalışmaya imza atmıştır. Bu eserde makaleler üç farklı dilde yazılmıştır: Türkçe, Kürtçe ve İngilizc...
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The language used for communication can be verbal, written or body language. There are many theories on how a language has been evolved. In fact, a language starts in the family and society we were born, and then it is shaped by differences or diversities within our live as it is a concept existing in individual and community development. In this s...
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Özet 18 ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Rusya’da eğitim alnında en büyük reformları Petro ile II. Katerina yapmıştır. Yapılan eğitim reformları Rus aydınlanmasının doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Aydınlanmanın temsilciliğini 18. yüzyılda burjuva tabakası sahiplenmiştir. Memurlar, akademisyenler, edebiyatçılar, sanatkârlardan oluşan bu tabaka Rus eğitiminde başat rol...
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An analysis of teachers’ perceptions regarding teaching Kurdish language Hasan Karacan* & Nesihat Kınay** Abstract The aim of this research is to analyze teachers’ perception for teaching Kurdish language in terms of different variables. Teachers’ perception is of great importance for identifying the success of practice and problems about it. So, i...
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Adjectives in Kurdish language is studied in this article, examples are taken in Northern Kurmanji dialect, while the phonetic of the most adjectives are shown in Central Kurmanji " Sorani " , and Zazaki as well. It is found that there are not major differences between Kurdish dialects in terms of morphology. The taken adjectives mostly are same or...
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Atasözleri, milletlerin tarihsel süreç içerisinde yaşamış oldukları coğrafi, siyasi, soysal, ekonomik vb. gibi durumlardan kaynaklı olarak tarihsel sürecin derinliği içerisinde ortak bir havzada anlamlandırdıkları gelenek, görenek ve örflerin didaktik yönlerini de dikkate alarak sonraki jenerasyonlara aktarılmasıdır. Ayrıca atasözleri taşıdıkları a...
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Kurtce; Ermenistan, Azerbaycan, Iran, Irak, Suriye ve Turkiye’de konusulan bir Hint- Iran dilidir. Bazen farkli diller olarak kabul edilen birkac lehceye ayrilmaktadir. Bu rapor sozcuk islevi, dil bilgisi (Lexical Functional Grammar) cercevesi icinde Kurtce isim tamlamasinin analizini amaclamaktadir. Ozellikle Kurmanci diye adlandirilan Kurtce lehc...
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Bu çalışmada dokuz sene önce yazımı biten ve Kürtçenin Kurmanci lehçesiyle yazılan Mele Süleyman Kurşun’un Mewlida Pêxember mevlidi ile Kürtçenin Kurmanci lehçesinde yazılmış olan en eski mevlidi olarak kabul edilen Mele Hüseynê Bateyî’nin Mewlid-i Nebi mevlitlerinin tanıtımı yapılmıştır. Ayrıca bu mevlitlerde işlenen konular esas alınarak tasnif e...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT:Proverbs can retain the content as moral, social, economic or any content concerning people thanks to the meanings that they have. With this aspect, they can include metaphor meanings as direct real meanings in everdays life‘s usage. In this article, the comparison of metaphor and real meanings of proverbs having common meanings or carryin...
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Farkli diyalektlerin varligi butun diller icin var olan bir gercekliktir. Kurtce de bu dillerden bir tanesidir. Butun dunya dilleri gibi Kurtcenin farkli diyalektigi, dilin zayifligindan ziyade kelimeler ve sesler acisindan zenginligini gostermektedir. Dillerin veya lehcelerin birbirlerine olan yakinligi veya uzakligini gosteren unsurlardan bir tan...
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It is a reality that all the languages have different dialects. The Kurdish is also one of these languages. Like all the other world languages, the different Kurdish dialects affirm the word and sound richness of this language, rather than a weakness. One of the elements indicating the proximity and the remoteness of the languages or dialects is "p...
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The most famous folk singer (dengbej) that is known as the first in Kurdish culture is Evdale Zeynike. He generally thematizes life, death, birds, nature, girls, boys and love subjects in his ballads. In his life nature, dreaming, Serhad (Eastern Turkey), Surmeli Mehmed Pasha (Smutty Admiral Mehmed) and Temo have important roles. Meeting with Surme...
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It is a reality that all the languages have different dialects. The Kurdish is also one of these languages. Like all the other world languages, the different Kurdish dialects affirm the word and sound richness of this language, rather than a weakness. One of the elements indicating the proximity and the remoteness of the languages or dialects is "p...
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The most famous folk singer (dengbej) that is known as the first in Kurdish culture is Evdale Zeynike. He generally thematizes life, death, birds, nature, girls, boys and love subjects in his ballads. In his life nature, dreaming, Serhad (Eastern Turkey), Surmeli Mehmed Pasha (Smutty Admiral Mehmed) and Temo have important roles. Meeting with Surme...
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Erivan Devlet Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr. Knyazê Îbrahîm (Mîrzoyêv) Berbang Yayınevinden Wezîrê Nadirî’ye ait olan dört ayrı kitabı bir araya getirerek “Berevok (Şiir,Anı,Piyes Antolojisi)” adlı kitabı yayımlamıştır. ISBN:978-601-06-0467-4.Yazarın 2009 yılı Aralık ayında yayımlanan eseri yayınevinin derleme (anı-eser) dizisi arasında yer almakta olup,...
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Conference Paper
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Abstract: in this study, generally the problems of learning foreign languages, specifically the difficulties of learning Russian language in the T urkish universities were discussed. The main problems of learning foreign languages are speaking and not having authentic, mutual learning materials with four skills (reading, writing, listening and spea...
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The Russian language first appears in the Ottoman period life in the history of Turkey. Education in the Russian language first appeared in the madrasas, and later in the military institutions, and then in the fields of medicine, law and commerce. Before the proclamation of the Republic, the Russian language had been taught in official state instit...
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In this study in the southeastern parf of Anatolia in Batman district in Beşiri town, about 100 years ago there were two big tribes, one of them was Etmanka and the other was Reshkota. There was tribe fighting between them and the fight has been evaluated from the songs that song writers and singers Salihê Qubînî and Karapetê Xaço sang at that...
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Abstract In this article, the words and proverbs meaning comparison in Kurdish and Russian cultures were taken place. Comparison was studied on words and meaning similarity with different words but similar meaning. Comparison was studied on the similarity of words and meaning with the different words but similar meaning. In this article, great...
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Bu çalışmada Erasmus öğrenci değişim programlarından yararlanan Rus dili ve edebiyatı bölümünde okuyan öğrencilerin yurtdışında dilsel, kültürel ve sosyal farklılıklar ve etkilerinin etraflıca değerlendirmeleri ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda Erasmus değişim programına katılan öğrenciler üzerinde bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Erasmus öğrencileri beş...
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In this study, education, language and literature reforms are examined in the period of the Russian enlightenment during 18th and 19th centuries. Fundamental changes have been made in education that has an important place in Russian Enlightenment period. Language and literature studies have emerged which have been in the world. Especially the write...
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Educational relations between Turkey and the Russian Federation are developing rapidly. Turkey has established long-standing relationships. One of the most important established relations is the educational relationship. The ground for the basis of positive developments in the educational relations today was prepared in 1921. In this study, the lon...
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Minority schools and schools of foreign countries in Turkey have always been curious. There are many books and articles written in these subjects. However, in these studies minimum level of information about Russian Schools are given. In this study, collecting the given datas in Russian, it would be useful for academic employees who work on Russian...
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Обучение русскому языку вошло в турецкое образование в период Османской империи. Сначала он преподавался в медресе, далее – в военных структурах и на медицинских, юридических и коммер- ческих отделениях. После объявления Турции республикой Мустафа Кемаль Ататюрк в 1936 г. создал отделение русского языка и литературы на факультете языка, истории и г...
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In this study, generally the problems of learning foreign languages, specifically the difficulties of learning Russian language in the Turkish universities were discussed. The main problems of learning foreign languages in spite of using four skills (Reading, writing, listening and speaking) the students have not been satisfied with them and they h...
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The general purpose of the research is to evaluate the Educational impacts of Russian language on Kyrgyz educational system which were applied in the example of Kyrgyzstan and based on compounds of aim, content, process of basic education program with the connection of basic education, teachers and parents’ points. For this aim firstly evaluating o...
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Türkiye’de Rusçanın eğitimdeki rolü çok önemlidir. Son yıllarda iki ülke arasında her alanda pekçok yakınlaşmalar ve aşamalar gerçekleşmiştir. Eğitim, kültür, ticaret, turizm, askeri vb. alanlarda ilişkilerin gelişmesi sonucu Rus diline olan ihtiyaç artmıştır. Türkiye’de yeni kurulanlarla birlikte toplam 172 üniversite vardır. Bunların 105’i devlet...
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DİYARBAKIR 2007 2 ÖZET Araştırmanın genel amacı; Kırgızistan örneğinde farklı dille öğretimin temel eğitim düzleminde eğitsel doğurgularını, temel eğitim programının amaç, içerik, süreç, ölçme-değerlendirme bileşenleri üzerinden eğitim duruşunu öğretmen ve veli görüşleri bağlamında değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla öncelikle farklı dille öğretimin eğiti...


Questions (2)
1st Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences, which is held in Antalya, Turkey in 22-24th May, 2017.
I have published several papers on Kurdish studies. You may follow them and critic each paper to me.


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