Hartini Hartini

Hartini Hartini
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup, Indonesia · Guidance and Counseling

Doctor of Education


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Publications (28)
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Analysis of Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Post Pandemic Covid 19 as a Basis for Service Development: High Schools, Vocational High Schools and Madrasah Aliyah. The aim of the research is to analyze the implementation of post-pandemic covid 19 guidance and counseling services in senior high schools, vocational schools and Islamic high sc...
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This study aimed to assess students' proficiency in utilising Information and Communication Technology-based advice and counselling services. The analysis was conducted considering factors such as gender, semester level, and age range. The research method employs a quantitative approach by utilising a questionnaire instrument consisting of a total...
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Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada dasarnya akan tercapai dengan peningkatan kualitas dan profesionalitas guru BK. Salah satu kegiatan peningkatan kualitas guru BK yaitu melalui kegiatan supervisi/pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah maupun pengawas sekolah. Supervisi merupakan bagian dari tahapan penyelenggaraan p...
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Dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi layanan konseling, maka dibutuhkan supervisi bimbingan konseling. Dalam melaksanakan supervisi ini, hal yang paling umum dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan sesi kontak dengan individu yang dianalisa selama beberapa periode waktu. Terdapat model proses supervisi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mejelaskan beberapa mas...
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This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based on integrated instructional strategy. Namely the BK service supervision strategy which consists of a set defined by each component, which helps ensure it is embedded in the design and instructions. This strategy can also be an alternative for BK teachers...
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Education is something that is important to humans because education teaches them how to deal with all the problems in the universe and keep their lives going. Teachers of guidance and counseling have a lot on their plates. In order for teachers to meet the challenges of Islamic education in the era of society 5.0, where students are required to be...
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Dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi layanan konseling, maka dibutuhkan supervisi bimbingan konseling. Dalam melaksanakan supervisi ini, hal yang paling umum dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan sesi kontak dengan individu yang dianalisa selama beberapa periode waktu. Terdapat model proses supervisi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mejelaskan beberapa mas...
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This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based on integrated instructional strategy. Namely the BK service supervision strategy which consists of a set defined by each component, which helps ensure it is embedded in the design and instructions. This strategy can also be an alternative for BK teachers...
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Education is something that is important to humans because education teaches them how to deal with all the problems in the universe and keep their lives going. Teachers of guidance and counseling have a lot on their plates. In order for teachers to meet the challenges of Islamic education in the era of society 5.0, where students are required to be...
p>Hasil pengamatan pada peserta didik di SMK Negeri 1 Kotabumi Lampung Utara bahwa memang ada sebagian kecil peserta didik yang belum memahami pentingnya nilai-nilai piil pesenggiri dalam kehidupan dan fakta yang ditemukan bahwa memang masih ada beberapa peserta didik yang memang kurang memiliki karakter positif sehingga membutuhkan peran guru bimb...
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This study aims to analyze student interest in learning so that data can be used as a basis for providing guidance and counseling services in tertiary institutions. The research method uses a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 46 students. The research instrument is a questionnaire. Data analysis using percentage technique. The...
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This study aims to look at the role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in inclusive schools at Muhammadiyah Curup junior high school. Self-happiness is an important thing that must exist in inclusive group rooms; therefore, counselors need to understand the characteristics of students to unite normal children and children with specia...
p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk meningkatkan toleransi antar suku dengan layanan bimbingan klasikal yang diberikan oleh guru BK dan dilaksanakan oleh guru BK dan peserta didik yang sesuai dengan variabel penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.Sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu se...
p> Multikultural adalah mempersiapkan agar mampu bertahan hidup dan berinteraksi dalam dunia dengan diversitas yang tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, multikultural juga bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas komunikasi individu dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain melalui partisipasi secara aktif dalam proses berinteraksi dan dengan mengunakan segala pengalaman...
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Adanya COVID-19 yang menyebar keseluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia telah menimbulkan banyak korban jiwa. Hal ini memaksa pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, diantaranya melalui daring, agar kegiatan pendidikan tetap berjalan, termasuk Pendidikan Agama Islam. Tentunya guru memerlukan perencanaan strategi yang berbeda dari pe...
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The purposes of this research are to find out a) the strategies in human resources development to improve the quality of Postgraduate lecturers at IAIN Curup, (b) supporting factors, and (c) the obstacles of human rights development. Using qualitative research method, the data were collected through interviews and documentary study. The research re...
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According to the Directorate General of Corrections, more than 7,000 children perpetrate criminal offenses on a yearly basis. To reduce this crime rate, it is of great necessity to reinforce Religion, values, and morals (RNM) through appropriate counseling services to inmates child at the Rejang Lebong Class II A Curup Correctional Institution. The...
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This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, openness of experience, and exploration. In particular, we will measure the differences in curiosity assessed from the points of semester level and gender. The study involved 234 students in their third, fifth, and seventh...
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This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, openness of experience, and exploration. In particular, we will measure the differences in curiosity assessed from the points of semester level and gender. The study involved 234 students in their third, fifth, and seventh...
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In this study we described the curiosity of education faculty students in learning based on aspects of interest, noveltyseeking, the openness of experience and exploration. We used cross-sectional survey with a quantitative approach to collect data and to measure curiosity in learning we used questionnaire. The participants were 286 spread across 9...
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The aim of this study resulted in a description of the learning culture of the Rejang ethnic. The scope of the study includes: 1) description of the learning culture of Rejang, 2) description of cultural differences in learning of Rejang tribe by gender, and study program 3) The implications of learning culture on the guidance of academic flow in i...
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The aim of this study resulted in a description of the learning culture of the Rejang ethnic. The scope of the study includes 1) description of the learning culture of Rejang, 2) description of cultural differences in learning of Rejang tribe by gender, and study program 3) The implications of learning culture on the guidance of academic flow in im...
Conference Paper
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21st century education is challenged to form a superior generation capable of mastering a number of science and technology that can be competed and have high adaptability. Achievement of students now, not able to compete because of the mastery of a number of science has not been in line with expectations. For that we need collaboration between coun...
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Pengkajian tahap perkembangan hendaknya dapat memberikan pemahaman dan informasi yang berguna bagi remaja, orang tua, orang dewasa maupun guru di sekolah. Berbagai perubahan-perubahan yang dialami remaja sering menimbulkan kebingguan dan permasalahan yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis remaja dan orang-orang disekitar para remaja sehingga sa...
Conference Paper
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Parents are the primary educators and foremost for their children. Mindset parents about the child's success in learning at school is the responsibility of the school to be improved because of the educational process is a collaborative process of family (parents), school and community. Children experience learning difficulties will be resolved thro...


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