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Harold E. Puthoff

Harold E. Puthoff
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin



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Publications (78)
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Under consideration in this paper are two seminal statements and their concomitants, currently unknown, as follows: 1. There is an unidentified phenomenon interacting with the current human population on Earth; 2. It is currently unknown whether the phenomenon is exclusively extraterrestrial, extradimensional, crypto-terrestrial, demonic/djinn, p...
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A remarkable feature of atomic ground states is that they are observed to be radiationless in nature, despite (from a classical viewpoint) typically involving charged particles in accelerated motions. The simple hydrogen atom is a case in point. This universal groundstate characteristic is shown to derive from particle-vacuum interactions in which...
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A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept that empty space itself (the quantum vacuum, or spacetime metric) might be engineered so as to provide energy/thrust for future space vehicles. Although far-reaching, such a proposal is solidly grounded in modern physical theory, and therefore the...
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A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept of "propellantless propulsion" or "field propulsion." One version of this concept involves the projected possibility that empty space itself (the quantum vacuum, or space-time metric) might be manipulated so as to provide energy/thrust for future...
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In addition to the development of the canonical tensor formulation of GR, alternative approaches have emerged over time for investigating metric changes in other formalisms. One such formulation, the polarizable vacuum (PV) approach, derives from a model by Dicke and is related to the THεµ formalism used in comparative studies of gravitational theo...
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It is well understood that various alternatives are available within EM theory for the definitions of energy density, momentum transfer, EM stress-energy tensor, and so forth. Although the various options are all compatible with the basic equations of electrodynamics (e.g., Maxwell's equations, Lorentz force law, gauge invariance), nonetheless cert...
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In the spirit of analog models of and for general relativity, we explore the isomorphism between the equations of linearized turbulent fluid flow and those of the linearized form of GR, gravitoelectromagnetism. The correspondence between the truncated Reynolds system for turbulent fluid flow and the Maxwell-like gravitoelectromagnetic equations for...
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In 1953 Casimir proposed a semiclassical model for the electron based on the concept that net inward radiation pressure from the electromagnetic vacuum fluctuation fields (as in the Casimir effect, generally) might play the role of Poincare stresses, compensating outward coulomb pressure to yield a stable configuration at small dimensions. Given th...
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In 1953 Casimir proposed a semiclassical model for the electron based on the concept that net inward radiation pressure from the electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations fields (as in the Casimir effect, generally) might play the role of Poincare stresses, compensating outward coulomb pressure to yield a stable configuration at small dimensions. Given t...
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We review concepts that provide an experimental framework for exploring the possibility and limitations of accessing energy from the space vacuum environment. Quantum electrodynamics (QED) and stochastic electrodynamics (SED) are the theoretical approaches guiding this experimental investigation. This investigation explores the question of whether...
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Implementation of faster-than-light (FTL) interstellar travel via traversable wormholes, warp drives, or other spacetime modification schemes generally requires the engineering of spacetime into very specialized local geometries. The analysis of these via Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (GTR) field equations plus the resultant equations of...
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The polarizable vacuum (PV) representation of general relativity (GR), derived from a model by Dicke and related to the TH formalism used in comparative studies of gravitational theories, provides for a compact derivation of the Levi–Civita effect (both magnetic and electric), herein demonstrated.
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It has recently been argued that anthropic reasoning applied to inflation theory reinforces the prediction that we should find ourselves part of a large, galaxy-sized civilisation, thus strengthening Fermi's paradox concern- ing "Where are they?" Furthermore, superstring and M-brane theory allow for the possibility of parallel universes, some of wh...
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Laboratory observation of high-density filamentation or clustering of electronic charge suggests that under certain conditions strong coulomb repulsion can be overcome by cohesive forces as yet imprecisely defined. Following an earlier suggestion by Casimir, we investigate here the possibility that Casimir forces can lead to charge clustering of th...
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The polarizable vacuum (PV) representation of general relativity (GR), derived from a model by Dicke and related to the "TH-epsilon-mu" formalism used in comparative studies of gravitational theories, provides for a compact derivation of the Levi-Civita Effect (both magnetic and electric), herein demonstrated.
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Topics in general relativity (GR) are routinely treated in terms of tensor formulations in curved spacetime. An alternative approach is presented here, based on treating the vacuum as a polarizable medium. Beyond simply reproducing the standard weak-field predictions of GR, the polarizable vacuum (PV) approach provides additional insight into what...
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Standard pedagogy treats topics in general relativity (GR) in terms of tensor formulations in curved space-time. An alternative approach based on treating the vacuum as a polarizable medium is presented here. The polarizable vacuum (PV) approach to GR, derived from a model by Dicke and related to the TH formalism used in comparative studies of grav...
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A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept of "propellantless propulsion" or "field propulsion." One version of this concept involves the projected possibility that empty space itself (the quantum vacuum, or space-time metric) might be manipulated so as to provide energy/thrust for future...
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It is well known that the third-order Lorentz-Dirac equation admits `runaway' solutions wherein the energy of the particle grows without limit, even when there is no external force. These solutions can be denied simply on physical grounds, and on the basis of careful analysis of the correspondence between classical and quantum theory. Nonetheless,...
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Recently Van Flandern concluded from astrophysical data that gravity propagates faster than light. We demonstrate that the data can be explained by current theory that does not permit superluminal speeds. We explain the origin of apparently instantaneous connections, first within EM, and then within strong-field GR.
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Standard pedagogy treats topics in general relativity (GR) in terms of tensor formulations in curved space-time. Although mathematically straightforward, the curved space-time approach can seem abstruse to beginning students due to the degree of mathematical sophistication required. As a heuristic tool to provide insight into what is meant by a cur...
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Recently it has been experimentally demonstrated that non-local (instantaneous) communication between two beams of light (spin direction) can randomly occur. The effect is described as a consequence of the physics of quantum mechanics. Other research has experimentally demonstrated that the zero point radiation/fields (ZPF), which pervade space-tim...
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A NASA-funded research effort has been underway at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto and at California State University in Long Beach to develop and test a recently published theory that Newton's equation of motion can be derived from Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics as applied to the zero-point field (ZPF) of the qu...
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Quantum theory predicts, and experiments verify, that empty space (the vacuum) contains an enormous residual background energy known as zero-point energy (ZPE). Originally thought to be of significance only for such esoteric concerns as small perturbations to atomic emission processes, it is now known to play a role in large-scale phenomena of inte...
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We have studied the harmonic content of current generated by a field emitter in order to determine if there is spatial or temporal coherence between the electrons. Harmonic content was observed to be identical and high (2nd harmonic/fundamental < 0.45) for both high rates (16,000 events/sec) and low rates (15 events/sec). Statistical analysis shows...
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Thermal and field electron emission from a modified electron microscope W source were measured with an energy-dispersive counting system. Thermal-emission spectra were consistent with random emission of single electrons, while field-emission spectra were consistent with multiple-electron emission in random events. As many as 11 electrons were detec...
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Previous studies of the physics of a classical electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF) have implicated it as a possible basis for a number of quantum phenomena. Recent work implies that the ZPF may play an even more significant role as the source of inertia and gravitation of matter. Furthermore, this close link between electromagnetism and inertia...
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In SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) conventional wisdom has it that the probability of direct contact by interstellar travel is vanishingly small due to the enormous distances involved, coupled with the velocity-of-light limitation. Alcubierre's recent "warp drive" analysis [Class. Quantum Grav. 11, L73 (1994)] within the context of...
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Under the hypothesis that ordinary matter is ultimately made of subelementary constitutive primary charged entities or partons'' bound in the manner of traditional elementary Planck oscillators (a time-honored classical technique), it is shown that a heretofore uninvestigated Lorentz force (specifically, the magnetic component of the Lorentz force)...
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Relatively recent proposals have been made in the literature for extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the use of the Casimir force. The basic thermodynamics involved in these proposals is analyzed and clarified here, with the conclusion that, yes, in principle, these proposals are correct. Technological considera...
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Although mathematically self-consistent, Carlip’s approach to the reanalysis of Sakharov gravity is flawed by the neglect of important physical constraints associated with the interaction, and leads to an incorrect 1/R4 spatial dependence for the force. When appropriate physical cutoffs are incorporated into the modeling, however, inverse-square-la...
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In considering an Olbers-type radiation model for the source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy (ZPE), we compare Wesson's ``time-of-formation'' interpretation for the range of sources of the ZPE [preceding Comment, Phys. Rev. A 44, 3379 (1991)] with the Puthoff-Santos ``optical depth'' interpretation, and suggest that the latter may be mo...
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A missing redshift factor in my paper [Phys. Rev. A 40, 4857 (1989)] brought to my attention by E. Santos is corrected. The correction results in a better match between theory and observation, thereby strengthening the original argument that the zero-point energy fields are dynamically generated by the quantum-fluctuation motion of charged particle...
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Nature provides us with two alternatives for the origin of electromagnetic zero-point energy (ZPE): existence by fiat as part of the boundary conditions of the universe, or generation by the (quantum-fluctuation) motion of charged particles that constitute matter. A straightforward calculation of the latter possibility has been carried out in which...
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Sakharov has proposed a suggestive model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamental force, but rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations (ZPF's) of the vacuum, in much the same manner as the van der Waals and Casimir forces. In the spirit of this proposal we develop a point-particle--ZPF interaction model that...
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We show here that, within the stochastic electrodynamic formulation and at the level of Bohr theory, the ground state of the hydrogen atom can be precisely defined as resulting from a dynamic equilibrium between radiation emitted due to acceleration of the electron in its ground-state orbit and radiation absorbed from zero-point fluctuations of the...
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TARG AND PUTHOFF1-3 have described investigations of an extrasensory remote viewing ability which they claim may be widely distributed in the general population. We have carried out duplicate experiments, but our results do not verify their conclusions.
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For more than 100 years, scientists have attempted to determine the truth or falsity of claims for the existence of a perceptual channel whereby certain individuals are able to perceive and describe remote data not presented to any known sense. This paper presents an outline of the history of scientific inquiry into such so-called paranormal percep...
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WE present results of experiments suggesting the existence of one or more perceptual modalities through which individuals obtain information about their environment, although this information is not presented to any known sense. The literature1-3 and our observations lead us to conclude that such abilities can be studied under laboratory conditions...
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The Cerenkov effect is considered as a source for far and vacuum ultraviolet radiation. Power per unit wavelength compares favorably with synchrotron emission, and the radiation is well collimated and confined to a small solid angle. The absence of spectral lines in the emission provides a source that is useful for certain types of spectroscopic st...
Extension of the molecular rate equations for a dye laser to include the effect of very rapid transverse flow shows that spatial transit times comparable to the dye intersystem crossing time prevent the buildup of a large triplet state population. This new technique enables limiting the triplet-triplet absorption loss without using triplet quenchin...
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The power‐versus‐wavelength characteristic for a high‐power, continuously tunable far‐infrared source has been experimentally determined and compared with theory. Utilizing a Q‐switched ruby laser as the pump and stimulated polariton scattering in the crystal LiNbO 3 as the scattering mechanism, peak powers outside the crystal of ∼ 3 W at 200 μ are...
We report a reversible optical damage effect when KDP is illuminated in the presence of an applied electric fieid. The damage is slight and has a relaxation time of seconds, but it produces a substantial reflection when the illumination takes the form of a standing wave. An experiment to observe this phenomenon, using a ring laser, is described. Th...
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In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena , as remote viewing "might have any utility for intelligence collection".' Thus began disclosure to the public of a two-decade-plus involveme...
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In researching innovative energy sources, we are faced with a good news/bad news situation. On the good news side, new arenas of research activity are being opened up and pursued vigorously. These range from relatively mainstream approaches to develop solar energy, to highly innovative approaches to extract energy from vacuum fluctuations. On the b...
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Yilmaz has proposed a modification to Einstein's equations in which the gravitational stress-energy pseudotensor is replaced by a true tensor (1,2). Application of the Yilmaz approach to such solar system phenomena as redshift, light bending, perihelion advance and radar delay yields results indistinguishable from standard GR. Application of the Yi...
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A series of experiments has been performed with the CETI RIFEX kit. In each experiment an electrolytic cell with a cathode composed of metal-coated plastic beads was operated for two weeks. The cathode beads were then analyzed by x-ray fluorescence for evidence of nuclear transmutations. Several elements were observed to appear in the reacted beads...
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Abstract ‐ Quantum theory predicts, and experiments verify, that empty space,(the vacuum),contains,an enormous,residual background,energy known,as zero-point energy (ZPE). Originally thought to be of significance only for such esoteric concerns,as small perturbations,to atomic,emission processes, it is now known to play a role in large-scale phenom...
The objective of this work was to obtain an ultraviolet source using Cherenkov radiation. Both the spontaneous and stimulated Cherenkov effects were studied theoretically and experimentally, to determine their feasibility as uv sources. From a classical analysis of the spontaneous Cherenkov effect a brightness formula was derived for a relativistic...
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We report the first observation of tunable stimulated Raman emission. A Q‐switched ruby laser was used to excite the A 1 symmetry 248‐cm<sup>-1</sup> polariton mode in a LiNbO 3 crystal. The crystal, at room temperature, was placed in a resonator external to the laser cavity which was tuned to the Stokes frequency. It was possible to vary the Stoke...
Consideration is given to the possibility of using stimulated Compton scattering for obtaining laser action. The advantages of a Compton laser are that it is voltage tunable over a wide frequency range and may provide intense, coherent radiation in portions of the spectrum where other sources are not readily available. It is found that appreciable...
The investigation of nonthreshold, phase-matched second-Stokes generation in benzene is reported. Using an off-axis resonator to enhance the fields in the appropriate direction, we find that the phase-matching angle is in reasonable agreement with theory.
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The stimulated Raman effect provides an efficient means for producing coherent optical signals throughout the visible and infrared portion of the spectrum using a single laser source as exciter and either a crystal or a cell containing a gas or liquid as the target. The Raman-shifted output retains the high-intensity well-collimated monochromatic p...
Transition probabilities are given for dipole—dipole and dipole—quadrupole multiple-photon processes and these values are compared with the results of two-, three-, and four-photon absorption experiments in anthracene and napthalene.
The use of an off-axis resonator system to study the generation of first-Stokes radiation in benzene is considered both theoretically and experimentally. The primary advantage of the off-axis system concerns the fact that the resonator is driven by a temporal and spatial average of the exciting laser beam, thereby minimizing light trapping effects....
A discussion of the stimulated Raman effect, with special emphasis on the possibility of constructing a tunable Raman laser in which tuning over tens of angstroms can be expected, is presented. The requirement which must be satisfied to obtain a broad tuning range is that the vibrational transition involved in the Raman scattering be simultaneously...
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A theoretical study is made of oscillations in an ion plasma, which is in an electron beam. The effect of ion motion on the electrons is neglected, and the ions and the electrons are assumed to have constant and equal density in the equilibrium position. Symmetric and transverse oscillations are studied, both in planar and cylindrical geometry. For...


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