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Harald Kindermann

Harald Kindermann
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria / Fachhochschule Oberösterreich

FH-Prof. Dr.


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Harald Kindermann currently works at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Harald does research in Applied Psychology and Consumer Behaviour. He also supports clinical studies statistically.
Additional affiliations
September 2005 - present
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • Professor


Publications (117)
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Background: Short-stem total hip arthroplasty (THA) has gained popularity due to its bone-sparing technique, but its outcomes in patients with obesity remain uncertain. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of obesity on postoperative subsidence and clinical outcomes after short-stem THA. Methods: A retrospective cohort study with a m...
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Background The long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) is a well-known source of pain in the shoulder, especially in active patients. Purpose To evaluate the outcomes and return-to-sports rate after all-arthroscopic suprapectoral tenodesis of the LHBT using a small knotless anchor. Study Design Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Methods In this re...
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Background: Reversed total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) is an established surgery for many pathologies of the shoulder and the demand continues to rise with an aging population. Preoperative planning is mandatory to support the surgeon’s understanding of the patient’s individual anatomy and, therefore, is crucial for the patient’s outcome. Methods:...
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Background: Cancer patients are highly prone to infectious diseases. While undergoing antineoplastic treatment, the risk of severe symptoms upon infection increases, necessitating efficient protective measures, such as vaccination. For patients receiving radiotherapy, there is no specific information about humoral immunity. During the COVID-19 pand...
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Downhill-mountain biking (DMB) is a high-risk sport and often leads to several injuries, especially in non-professional athletes. We retrospectively analyzed the most common injuries and profiled the injury mechanism. Until now, there is no such analysis of injuries by non-professional mountain bike athletes. We collected patient data from patients...
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Background: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) affects the biomechanics of the hip and the patient gait. The stem design influences femoral lever ratios and tissue trauma. Biomechanical changes such as these have the potential to induce knee arthritis. A varus or valgus configuration of knee arthritis is formed by asymmetric loadings. The aim of this st...
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Background and Objectives: Short-stem total hip arthroplasty has become increasingly popular in recent years. While many studies have shown excellent clinical and radiological results, very little is known about the learning curve for short-stem total hip arthroplasty through an anterolateral approach. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determ...
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Background: Glenoid wear is a common complication of anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA) with a metal-backed glenoid (MBG), and the clinical and radiological results of historical implants are poor. The aim of this work was to evaluate the clinical and radiological results of 25 participants as well as the longevity after implantation of...
Study design: Multicenter retrospective analysis of routinely collected data. Objective: The underlying aim of this study was to identify potential treatment-related risk factors for odontoid fracture nonunion while accounting for known patient- and injury-related risk factors. Summary of background data: Type II and III odontoid fractures rep...
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Background The pathological mechanism in acute spinal cord injury (SCI) is dual sequential: the primary mechanical lesion and the secondary injury due to a cascade of biochemical and pathological changes initiated by the primary lesion. Therapeutic approaches have focused on modulating the mechanisms of secondary injury. Despite extensive efforts i...
Background Evaluation of different factors in patient quality of life after minimally invasive stabilization of intra-articular calcaneal fractures, including the return-to-sports rate. Patients and Methods Patients with minimally invasive stabilization of intra-articular calcaneal fractures were collected from the database of a Level I trauma cent...
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Background: The pathological mechanism in acute spinal cord injury (SCI) is dual sequential: the primary mechanical lesion and the secondary injury due to a cascade of biochemical and pathological changes initiated by the primary lesion. Therapeutic approaches have focused on modulating the mechanisms of secondary injury. Despite extensive efforts...
Recent advances in artificial intelligence, particularly in the field of deep learning, have enabled researchers to create compelling algorithms for medical image analysis. Histological slides of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), the most frequent skin tumor, are accessed by pathologists on a daily basis and are therefore well suited for automated pres...
In the light of the fact that advertising contacts can be affected by the surrounding contents, this paper focuses on answering the question to what extent the mood, triggered by an online news article in which a banner is placed, influences the brand decision. It seems that, the content of an article will not impact the effect of the banner and th...
Conference Paper
In the light of the fact that advertising contacts can be affected by the surrounding contents, this paper focuses on answering the question to what extent the mood, triggered by an online news article in which a banner is placed, influences the brand decision. It seems that, the content of an article will not impact the effect of the banner and th...
Eine Grundvoraussetzung für das Überleben und die Fortpflanzung ist der Erhalt von Informationen aus der unmittelbaren Umwelt. Dabei versucht jeder Organismus seine Aktivitäten soweit zu optimieren, dass er bestmöglich mit den Gegebenheiten der Umwelt zurechtkommt. Sicherlich wichtig ist die Information, wo Nahrung vorhanden ist oder aus welcher Ri...
Das Leben auf der Erde entstand vor ca. 4 Mrd. Jahren. Im Laufe dieser enormen Zeitspanne hat sich eine Vielzahl von Lebensformen und auch der moderne Mensch entwickelt. Geprägt durch einen natürlichen Selektionsprozess entwickelten sich bei allen Lebensformen Eigenschaften und Merkmale, die ein Überleben und eine Fortpflanzung in einer kompetitive...
Unter Lernen versteht man ganz allgemein den Prozess, der mit einem gewünschten, zufälligen, beiläufigen oder weitgehend unbewussten Erwerb von neuem Wissen, Erfahrungen und Fertigkeiten einhergeht. Dieser Erwerb führt letztlich zu einer Veränderung des Verhaltens, Denkens oder Fühlens aufgrund von neu gewonnenen Einsichten und Erfahrung. Dieses Ka...
Im Prinzip kann man behaupten, dass sich bei jedem lebenden Organismus alles um das Überleben und um die Fortpflanzung dreht. Da wir Menschen uns in der Regel nur durch geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung vermehren können, ist dafür eine gegengeschlechtliche Partnerin/ein gegengeschlechtlicher Partner notwendig. Dessen Wahl sollte so getroffen werden, da...
Ausgehend von einem umfassenden und ganzheitlichen Marketing-Verständnis, das die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse der Konsumentinnen/Konsumenten in den Mittelpunkt stellt, werden die in diesem Buch vorgestellten theoretischen Erläuterungen zum Konsumentenverständnis auf relevante Fragestellungen des Marketings umgelegt. Dabei werden die Arten von unterschi...
Für jeden von uns gilt, dass wir Informationen und Objekte nicht unvoreingenommen und objektiv interpretieren. Wir bilden uns über jeden Sachverhalt immer ein „Vor“-Urteil und wir verzerren wahrgenommene Informationen und Objekte in Richtung unserer vorgefassten Meinungen. Wie sehr wir das tun, hängt zunächst von unseren persönlichen Interessen ab....
Als Gedächtnis bezeichnet man ganz allgemein die Fähigkeit, Erfahrungen, Wissen und unsere motorischen Fertigkeiten so abzuspeichern, dass wir sie für kürzere oder längere Zeit behalten und später wieder abrufen können. In diesem Kapitel wird zunächst erläutert, wie man in der Wissenschaft die unterschiedlichen Gedächtnissysteme entdeckt hat, um di...
Unsere Wahrnehmung und die Interpretation von Informationen und Reizen aus der externen Umwelt steht in engem Zusammenhang mit unseren Gedächtnissystemen und den für eine Gedächtnisbildung zugrunde liegenden, vielfältigen Lernprozessen. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt den prinzipiellen Wahrnehmungsprozess, erläutert, auf welche Reize wir besonders anspre...
In diesem Kapitel werden die vielfältigen Faktoren vorgestellt, die unsere Entscheidungen maßgeblich beeinflussen. Es wird umfassend beschrieben, warum wir uns im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes oft irrational verhalten und warum es so schwierig ist, dies selbst zu erkennen. Der Bogen wird dabei von der Dissonanztheorie, über unterschiedliche Heuristiken...
Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive ein Verständnis über den Menschen als Konsument im digitalen Zeitalter aufzubauen. Es hilft uns zu verstehen, welche Kräfte und Motive uns antreiben und was unser Tun beeinflusst. Harald Kindermann zeigt, wie wir dieses Konsumentenverständnis auf wirtschaftliche Fragestellungen eines...
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate sports activity before anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and after surgical treatment of ACL rupture comparing ACL repair with an Internal Brace to ACL reconstruction using either a hamstring (HT) or quadriceps tendon (QT) autograft. Methods Between 12/2015 and 10/2016, we recruited 69 patient...
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Background Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can lead to reduced function, meniscal lesions, and early joint degeneration. Preservation of a torn ACL using the Internal Brace® technique might re-establish normal knee kinematics, avoid donor-site morbidity due to tendon harvesting, and potentially maintain proprioception of the knee. Methods F...
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate sports ability and the rate of return to sports after implant-free iliac bone graft for recurrent, anterior shoulder instability and anterior glenoid bone loss. Subgroups of younger and older patients and patients who had previous arthroscopic Bankart surgery and those who did not have such surgery...
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate sports ability and the rate of return to sports after implant-free iliac bone graft for recurrent, anterior shoulder instability and anterior glenoid bone loss. Subgroups of younger and older patients and patients who had previous arthroscopic Bankart surgery and those who did not have such surger...
Authors first and last names have been interchanged. The correct presentation is given above.
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Funktionstestung und "Return to sports"-Kriterien nach operativ versorgter Kreuzbandverletzung 12-18 Monate nach Versorgung Obwohl mehrere Studien über gute Er-gebnisse nach Rekonstruktion des vorde-ren Kreuzbandes (VKB) berichten, zeigten Biau et al., dass nur 33-41 % der Patienten eine volle Funktion des Kniegelenkes er-langen und nur 67-76 % ihr...
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Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate sleep disturbance prospectively before and after short-stem hip arthroplasty. Methods A prospective study on 25 patients undergoing a primary unilateral total short-stem hip replacement was conducted. Patients were observed for six months. To evaluate the sleep quality and daytime sleepiness, the P...
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There is dual sequential pathological mechanism in acute spinal cord injury (SCI): the primary mechanical lesion and the secondary injury due to a cascade of biochemical and pathological changes initiated by the primary lesion. Therapeutic approaches have focused on modulating the mechanisms of secondary injury. Despite extensive efforts in the tre...
Conference Paper
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Die Digitalisierung ist in aller Munde und schon Teil des täglichen Lebens. Auch in der Lehre wird die Anwendung von digitalen Medien im Unterricht an Schulen und an universitären Bildungseinrichtungen zunehmend gefordert-meist in der Hoffnung und im Glauben, die Lehrergebnisse zu verbessern-aber auch, um die Lernenden zu motivieren, sich mit kompl...
Objectives: Objective return to sport (RTS) criteria after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury are lacking. Study purposes were (1) to report Limb Symmetry Index (LSI) values achieved in a test battery, (2) to detect how many subjects meet RTS criteria 12-18 months post-operative and (3) to identify whether patient-administered scores predict...
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Die implizite und explizite Wirkung von Banner Ads wird empirisch untersucht.
Purpose: Evidence on objective criteria to facilitate the decision for a return to sport (RTS) release in patients after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is lacking. This might be a contributing factor to explain re-ruptures after ACL reconstruction. The purpose of the study was to detect how many surgically treated subjects meet the RTS cri...
When we buy a product of a brand, we trust the brand to provide good quality and reliability. Therefore, trust plays a major role in consumer behavior. It is unclear, however, how trust in brands is processed in the brain and whether it is processed differently from interpersonal trust. In this study, we used fMRI to investigate the neural correlat...
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We investigated the role of initial trust in an e-commerce context (hereafter e-Trust) that individuals perceive based on the information that is presented on the landing page of an app in an app store. In order to establish external validity, we collected data based on a set of realistic sport tracking apps and conducted an online experiment. Base...
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Everyone has experienced emotions and everybody knows what they are – at least, we think we know. Asked for an explanation, the response will likely be something along the lines of “happiness is an emotion” or “if I’m scared of something, it is also an emotion.” Such imprecise and in the narrower sense incorrect definitions are entirely sufficient...
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Purpose: There is sparse evidence for return to sport criteria after knee injury. Functional performance deficits, particularly in fatigued muscular condition, should be verified prior to the attempt to return to high-risk pivoting sports. The purpose of this study was to generate reference values for the limb symmetry index (LSI) of healthy subje...
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Die Präsentation gibt einen Überblick über angeborene Mechanismen, anhand der wir Objekte und Situationen beurteilen. Ein Bezug zur Werbung wird hergestellt.
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Es werden wichtige Kundenbindungs-Treiber beschrieben.
Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung erfordert ein Umdenken für KFZ-Betriebe.
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Es werden die eCommerce-to Dos und Möglichkeiten für Hersteller im B2C-Betreich aufgezeigt.
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Research has shown that physical activity is essential in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease (CVD). Smart wearables (e.g., smartwatches) are increasingly used to foster and monitor human behaviour, including physical activity. However, despite this increased usage, little evidence is available on the effect...
Figure data. This file contains the data that is behind Fig 6. (SAV)
Figures data. This file contains the data that is behind Figs 1–5. (XLSX)
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In this study, we investigate the effects of using smart wearables by patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. A field experiment involving 29 patients was designed and participants were either assigned to the study group (N=13 patients who finished the study and used a self-tracking device) or the control group (N=16 patients who finished the s...
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Es wird annahnd wissenschaftlichen Studien erläutert, wie die intensive Nutzung von neuen Medien das Lernen erschwert.
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The emotional perception of brands, explicit as well as implicit, is of interest to any brand manager. An implicit association test (IAT) could have the potential to detect unconscious attitudes and therefore evaluates intangible brand values. In a pilot study, we conducted an IAT online survey to test this implicit method to measure the emotional...
Conference Paper
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Omnichannel retailing is an approach that enables customers to use multiple online and offline channels of retailers during a customer journey and combine them simultaneously. By embedding digital devices in brick-and-mortar retail stores, retailers are able to better observe customer behavior, to collect customer data, analyze their needs and prov...
Conference Paper
Banner advertising is usually placed on suitable, highly frequented websites. The extent to which the brand of a banner ad and the brand of the website influence each other, has not yet been sufficiently investigated. This article provides initial results based on a pilot study which reveals that a positively perceived website can shift a negative...
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Es geht um einfache und umsetztbare Strategien, die der stationären Handel umsetzen muss, wenn er nachhaltig überleben will.
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Es wird eine neue, kosten- und zeiteffiziente Testbatterie zur Ermittlung der ”Return to Sport”-Fähigkeit nach Verletzungen des vorderen Kreuzbands entwickelt.
Conference Paper
In light of the situation that banner ads are normally ignored by the target group, the question arises of whether the placement of such ads is reasonable. Referring to the mere exposure effect and priming mechanism, some impact can be derived, however, not always as desired. Depending on existing positive or negative predispositions toward a speci...
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Unternehmen werden von der Öffentlichkeit oft spontan und ohne genauer Kenntnis der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen beurteilt. Bei dieser intuitiven Beurteilung spielen Marken eine bedeutende Rolle. Selbst Kunden können sich von den dahinterliegenden (biologischen) Mechanismen nicht gänzlich lösen und werden von teils angeborenen, adaptiven Reaktion...
Conference Paper
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Die Anwendung von digitalen Medien im Unterricht an Schulen und an universitären Bildungseinrichtungen wird zunehmend gefordert und teilweise auch gefördert - letztlich mit dem Ziel, die Lehrergebnisse zu verbessern. Um dies zu erreichen, wird oft die multimediale Aufbereitung des Lernstoffes in Erwägung gezogen bzw. empfohlen. Ein weiterer Grund f...
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Die Ergebnisse eines Experiments zeigen, wie Online-Banner wirken.
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The everyday life of students is characterized by hours of learning in order to pass exams. After learning they tend to opt for an occupation that provides them with a great deal of entertainment. It is obvious that it would be advantageous if the chosen activity had a positive impact on memory consolidation. Due to the circumstance that such activ...
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Die Präsentation beschreibt eine wissenschaftliche Studie über die Wirkung von Online-Banner.
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Es wird umfassend dargestellt, inwieweit sich die Nutzung neuer Medien auf Jugendliche auswirkt.
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This report suggests a single-item measure, the so-called BE_AB index, of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) with the aim of capturing this index to control a brand in the long run, particularly in light of competing brands. This approach is inspired by aspects from evolutionary psychology (EP) and neuroscience (NS). The empirical data (N=299 subje...
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This paper tries to link findings from evolutionary psychology and neuroscience with the aim to adapt traditional buying models and, as a result, shed new light on the different buying behavior. Out of these theories one can derive that (online) buying behavior is in a general sense twofold. Need-oriented-buying behavior: We purchase goods because...
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The neuroactive hormone oxytocin (OT) has significant influence on human behavior, and it has been measured peripherally in venous blood and in saliva in many behavioral neuroscience studies. Assessment of salivary hormone levels is popular due to non-invasiveness, but there is a controversy as to whether OT can be reliably measured in saliva and h...
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In today’s society, as computers, the Internet, and mobile phones pervade almost every corner of life, the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on humans is dramatic. The use of ICT, however, may also have a negative side. Human interaction with technology may lead to notable stress perceptions, a phenomenon referred to as tec...
Conference Paper
Understanding human information needs worldwide requires the analysis of much data and adequate statistical analysis methods. Big interaction data from empirical studies regarding cultural human computer interaction (HCI) was analyzed using statistical methods to develop a model of culturally influenced HCI. There are significant differences in HCI...
Conference Paper
Playing with highly activating computer games is a huge pastime for male students at the age of 15 to 19 years. Particularly shooter-games are very popular and favoured by these individuals. The consequences of such behaviour are discussed most contradictory within the scientific community. One group posits a causal negative impact on aggressivenes...
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Despite the positive impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on an individual, organizational, and societal level (e.g., increased access to information, as well as enhanced performance and productivity), both scientific research and anecdotal evidence indicate that human-machine interaction, both in a private and organizational co...
Despite the positive impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on an individual, organizational, and societal level (e.g., increased access to information, as well as enhanced performance and productivity), both scientific research and anecdotal evidence indicate that human-machine interaction, both in a private and organizational co...
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Sowohl die wissenschaftliche Forschung als auch Einzelberichte aus der Praxis zeigen, dass die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion zu beträchtlichen Stresswahrnehmungen bei Benutzern führen kann. Diese Art von Stress wird als Technostress bezeichnet. Die meisten der bislang veröffentlichten Studien im Bereich Technostress basieren auf Fragebögen. In diesem...
Sowohl die wissenschaftliche Forschung als auch Einzelberichte aus der Praxis zeigen, dass die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion zu beträchtlichen Stresswahrnehmungen bei Benutzern führen kann. Diese Art von Stress wird als Technostress bezeichnet. Die meisten der bislang veröffentlichten Studien im Bereich Technostress basieren auf Fragebögen. In diesem...
Conference Paper
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User-centered Web design essentially impacts a website’s success and therefore directly or indirectly influences a classic or digital enterprise’s prosperity. “Conformity with user expectations” as one of seven dialogue principles according to the ISO 9241-110 standard is one critical success factor as it regards efficient and effective task comple...
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Some basic applications with eyetracking are explained.
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Es werden die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes kurz und übersichtlich dargestellt.
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Apart from acquiring new customers, instruments of direct communication also aim at intensive customer service to increase the loyalty of existing customers. In this context, an important question arises: under what conditions can direct mailings generate value for companies? By means of experimental research, the present paper wants to gain knowle...
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Der Einsatz von Instrumenten der Direktkommunikation zielt neben der Neukundengewinnung auf die intensive Betreuung bestehender Kunden ab, um dadurch eine Verbesserung beziehungsweise Erhöhung der Kundenbindung zu erreichen (Meffert et  al. 2008, S. 670). Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich auf Basis einer experimentellen Erhebung mit der Evaluierun...