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August 2009 - January 2015
September 1996 - September 2002
Publications (93)
In a question answering system (QAS), question analysis component has an important task to determine the expected answer type (EAT) of a given question. Many QAS's rely their question analysis performance on manually developed patterns, such as in Open Ephyra (OE), one of a state of the art freely available QAS. Recently, there are a number of stud...
In community-based question answering (CQA) services where answers are generated by human, users may expect better answers than an automatic question answering system. However, in some cases, the user generated answers provided by CQA archives are not always of high quality. Most existing works on answer quality prediction use the same model for al...
In this study, the authors propose several prediction models for alumni, which are based on term occurrences, word class analysis, such as nouns and verbs, and the clusters aggregation method. During the data collection process, a clustering-based method to disambiguate alumni names from the search engine page results was implemented. Further, seve...
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the use of gamification in an extended learning management system (LMS). Tournament and leaderboards are the gamification features that were implemented in the LMS. As case studies, a number of experiments were performed in an informatics Bachelor programme subject, i.e. Introduction to Programming (...
Source code plagiarism is an emerging issue in computer science education. As a result, a number of techniques have been proposed to handle this issue. However, comparing these techniques may be challenging, since they are evaluated with their own private dataset(s). This paper contributes in providing a public dataset for comparing these technique...
The use of AI tools to complete class assignments has become a trend in recent years. The instructors’ tasks become more complex in monitoring and evaluating students’ progress. In this chapter, we experimented with various machine learning approaches for automatic anomaly detection, such as tree-based and parametric-based models. We also deepen th...
Good inventory management is essential in the hospital industry to overcome inventory problems. Ineffective inventory prediction methods can lead to shortages or excess stock inventory. Ultimately, this can impact the budget and availability of pharmaceutical items in the hospital. Previous traditional prediction methods often show inaccuracies. Th...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can foster education but can also be misused to breach academic integrity. Large language models like ChatGPT are able to generate solutions for individual assessments that are expected to be completed independently. There are a number of automated detectors for AI assisted work. However, most of them are not dedicated...
Online discussion forums are widely used for active textual interaction between lecturers and students, and to see how the students have progressed in a learning process. The objective of this study is to compare appropriate machine-learning models to assess sentiments and Bloom's epistemic taxonomy based on textual comments in educational discussi...
While ChatGPT may help students to learn to program, it can be misused to do plagiarism, a breach of academic integrity. Students can ask ChatGPT to complete a programming task, generating a solution from other people’s work without proper acknowledgment of the source(s). To help address this new kind of plagiarism, we performed a controlled experi...
In programming education, plagiarism and misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) assistance are emerging issues. However , not many relevant studies are focused on web programming. We plan to develop automated tools to help instructors identify both misconducts. To fully understand the issues, we conducted a controlled experiment to observe the unfa...
While ChatGPT may help students to learn to program, it can be misused to do plagiarism, a breach of academic integrity. Students can ask ChatGPT to complete a programming task, generating a solution from other people's work without proper acknowledgment of the source(s). To help address this new kind of plagiarism, we performed a controlled experi...
The sales department of a distribution company is one of the places where fraud often occurs. This fraud occurs in various ways and causes massive losses for the company. These frauds have certain patterns. The patterns that occur in these practices are studied by the company's internal auditor experts. The experience of these experts is processed...
The sudden climate change occurring in different places in the world has made disasters more unpredictable than before. In addition, responses are often late due to manual processes that have to be performed by experts. Consequently, major advances in computer vision (CV) have prompted researchers to develop smart models to help these experts. We n...
Penerapan Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) pada KA Commuter Line dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru dalam melakukan navigasi antar jalur KA Commuter Line dengan data perjalanan Commuter Line secara real. Sistem AFC memungkinkan manajemen untuk memperoleh data rinci dalam jumlah besar mengenai rute setiap komuter setiap hari. Salah satu tantangan yang...
Programming plagiarism and collusion should be mitigated in higher education. For that purpose, instructors are expected to understand students’ perspective about the matter, and how plagiarism and collusion were mitigated at earlier educational levels. Hence, a study was undertaken to investigate 42 K-12 teachers how they mitigated plagiarism and...
Maintaining a high quality of life through physical activities (PA) to prevent health decline is crucial. However, the relationship between individuals' health status, PA preferences, and motion factors is complex. PA discussions consistently show a positive correlation with healthy aging experiences, but no explicit relation to specific types of m...
During this pandemic, the number of customers of a securities company has increased quite high. This requires securities companies to conduct analysis related to security customer data against transaction data so that the company can find out the segmentation of registered customers and also so that companies can predict the transaction patterns of...
Saat ini sistem Continuous Integration (CI)/ Continuous Delivery (CD) merupakan standar baru dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak di industri. Sistem CI/CD merupakan langkah otomatisasi dari sebagian proses dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak. Ketika suatu sistem CI/CD digunakan oleh tim pengembang perangkat lunak maka akan diperoleh banyak data pemro...
This study aims to propose methods and models for extractive text summarization with contextual embedding. To build this model, a combination of traditional machine learning algorithms such as K-Means Clustering and the latest BERT-based architectures such as Sentence-BERT (SBERT) is carried out. The contextual embedding process will be carried out...
Dalam kurikulum pendidikan K-12 Indonesia terbaru (2013), mata pelajaran Informatika tidak lagi menjadi mata pelajaran wajib, melainkan menjadi mata pelajaran pilihan pada peminatan akademik. Padahal di era digital ini, pemahaman dan implementasi praktis dari berpikir komputasi sangat diperlukan. Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Kristen Mar...
Bebras Challenge is a competition for elementary to high school students to educate informatics and computational thinking, followed by sixty countries all over the world. Bebras Indonesia Community in coordination with the International Bebras Committee holds the challenge yearly. Indonesia has participated in the Bebras Challenge since 2016. Facu...
In this research, we show a development process of engagement sub-systems in a blended-learning management system and evaluate the impact of student interaction in the whole system. We develop special sub-systems for engagement purposes via forum, course rating, and class assignment modules. During the system development process, we employ continuo...
Breast cancer (BC) is a lethal disease which causes the second largest number of deaths among women in the world. A diagnosis of biopsy tissue stained with hematoxylin & eosin, commonly named BC histopathological image, is a non-trivial task which requires a specialist to interpret. Recently, the advance in machine learning techniques driven by dee...
With the rapid development of new technologies in smartphones, understanding market trends has become an increasingly difficult task. In these circumstances, online product reviews that can reflect consumer sentiment about the product has been a concern for now. Online review analysis can help sellers understand consumer interests and desires prior...
This study discusses the analysis of retail store with time series method to obtain information about sales trend and seasonality by looking at visitor data and total transaction data at a time period. Data in the form of the number of customers who visit are obtained through CCTV video camera recordings placed at retail store X and the total trans...
We present a report of development phase of a platform which aims to enhance the efficiency of software project management in higher education. The platform accommodates a strategy known as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). The phase consists of several stages, followed by testing of the system and its deployment. For starters...
Covid-19 pandemic greatly affects student daily life. Instead of physically attend classes, they need to meet the lecturer and learn the course material via online meeting platform. The transition somehow introduces some issues like the difficulty of maintaining their focus. This becomes worse for computing students given that the assessments are n...
Automated question generation is a task to generate questions from structured or unstructured data. The increasing popularity of online learning in recent years has given momentum to automated question generation in education field for facilitating learning process, learning material retrieval, and computer-based testing. This paper report on the d...
Abstract— This paper presents a cooperation recommendation strategy between higher education institution. The recommendation is based on the contents of journals published in a university journal portal. As a case study, we concentrate our approach for the journals with information technology themes. All journals from 10 reputed universities will b...
Dalam makalah ini disampaikan sebuah hasil penelitian dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dari IBM, yaitu Watson Assistant. Watson Assistant digunakan untuk membuat chatbot terkait proses akademik. Analisis dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan berbasiskan skenario. Data-data tersebut dibuat ke dalam sebuah graph search. Watson Assistant akan menentukan...
Nowadays internet access is getting easier to get. Because of the ease of access to the internet, almost all internet users have social media. Social media is widely used by users to call out their opinions or even to make complaints about a matter and also discuss a topic with other social media users. From many existing social media, one that is...
Most modern browsers record all previously visited web pages for future revisitation. However, not all users utilise such feature. One of the reasons is that the records are displayed at once as a single list, which may overwhelm the users. This paper proposes a predictive model to decide whether a web page will be revisited in the future based on...
Along with the advancement in technology, todays community begins to abandon conventional shopping methods where buyers must come to the seller's shop. Nowadays community mostly doing online shopping because the process is considered more convenience. Because of this, there are more and more online marketplace users. Much more data can be retrieved...
International Bebras Community is an organization which its purpose is educating informatics and computational thinking for students. Since 2016, Komunitas Bebras Indonesia consistently once a year hold Bebras Challenge. Faculty of Information Technology Maranatha Christian University has participated as a Bebras partner since 2016. As a Bebras Bur...
Conventional practices for recording student attendance in a classroom, such as roll-call and sign-in-sheet, are proven to be inefficient in terms of time and staff-workload. In addition, they are also prone to human error and bogus attendance, which introduce inaccuracy in the recorded data. A number of studies have been conducted to improve the w...
The rapid development in face detection study has been greatly supported by the availability of large image datasets, which provide detailed annotations of faces on images. However, among a number of publicly accessible datasets, to our best knowledge, none of them are specifically created for academic applications. In this paper, we propose a syst...
Educational data mining(EDM) has been used widely to investigate data that come from a learning process, including blended learning. This study explores educational data from a Learning Course Management System (LMS) and academic data in two courses of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics at Maranatha Christian University, which are Chang...
This research explores educational data mining (EDM) from a learning course management system (LMS)
and academic system at the Faculty of Information Technology at Maranatha Christian University in Bandung,
Indonesia. The main objective of this study was to discover whether the students have used the LMS effectively to complete their learning proce...
Gereja Bethel Indonesia host a large number of people in its congregation, With it, problems on registration and ticket management arise during Christmas celebration. Aside from the problem of having too many people, the church have a lot of branches and multiple sermon conducted in different times. This contributes more problem for the Christmas c...
Share one of our recent research in big data processing
A large number of doctors and wide range of medical specialties can cause confusion in choosing the right medical specialist. This research aims to build a medical specialists retrieval system that corresponds with the user's disease. To make the system whole, it requires the ability to differentiate a query from common words and relate it to a dis...
Alumni database is a valuable information source for the development of a university. However, alumni database tends to be incomplete. There are always possibilities of changing phone numbers, home, or email addresses. In this study, we propose an information collection strategy by gathering information spread across the Internet through search eng...
Faculty of Information and Sciences, Toyo University, Japan
Generating schedule for personnel is one of the classic problems in organizations. Although there are many techniques have been introduced, there is no ultimate solution has been known. In this sense, there are always some aspects which are unique and specific applied in an organization. In this paper we propose an approach to generate personnel sc...
With the advance of social media, people tends to be very reactive on issues which are happening around the globe. Everybody can show their opinions freely, and sometimes uncontrollable, no matters what their job is. This research investigates the tendency of words choice in someone’s job based on the style of language he/she used in his/her twitte...
Dalam laporan penelitian tahap pertama ini dilaporkan langkah awal pemanfaatan algoritma klusterisasi Unsupervised Person Name Disambiguation (UPND) untuk data alumni. Pemilihan algoritma UPND didasari pada asumsi bahwa untuk sebuah nama orang dapat dihasilkan banyak
halaman web hasil temu balik yang dapat mengacu pada orang yang berbeda-beda. Algo...
Penelitian tahap kedua kali ini difokuskan pada kajian lebih jauh terkait pemanfaatan algoritma pembentukan kluster Unsupervised Person Name Disambiguation (UPND) untuk memprediksi jenis pekerjaan seorang alumni. Disamping itu, dalam laporan ini diberikan pula uraian mengenai
eksplorasi yang telah dilakukan dalam rencana pemanfaatan Application Pro...
Abstraksi Hubungan antar manusia sering kali mengalami gangguan karena perbedaan kepribadian. Tipe-tipe kepribadian pada dasarnya memiliki kesamaan dan perbedaan yang sudah dikelompokkan oleh teori Hippocrates, yaitu: sanguinis, kholeris, melankolis, dan phlegmatis. Deteksi kepribadian di GKI Anugerah masih dilakukan secara manual dengan membagikan...
Dalam makalah ini dipaparkan suatu kajian mengenai peran big data dalam riset-riset teknologi informasi terkini, pengaruh, serta potensinya dalam perkembangan ilmu komputer. Secara khusus dipaparkan mengenai peran temu balik informasi sebagai salah satu bidang riset dalam ilmu komputer untuk pengelolaan big data. Dari beberapa eksperimen yang telah...
Animes fans are sometimes hard to find suitable animes that match their needs since information about animes is very limited. In this research, a Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)-based animes recommendation system is proposed. LSI is chosen since it has the ability to index shared words between various documents. Since users preferences are usually b...
(apologize: document is still in Indonesian, can be retrieved via lib.ui.ac.id)
The task of a question answering system (QAS) is to find an answer given a natural language question. Two novel techniques are proposed in this doctoral research. The first is the snippets' reranking model which is developed by using the question-answer pairs' characte...
PT Berdikari Indo Super Grosir is a company which provide one stop shopping experience, especially in providing households and hardwares. Due to manual management of transactional data, there are some managerial problems exist. One of the problem is to provide effective marketing program for existing customers. In this research a Customer Relations...
Penglihatan manusia dapat melakukan hal-hal yang menakjubkan seperti mengenali objek, navigasi dalam menghindari rintangan, ataupun mengenali mood di dalam sebuah adegan. Lain halnya dengan komputer yang memerlukan sensor guna menerima persepsi dari lingkungan dan program komputer yang berfungsi sebagai pemroses data dari sensor tersebut. Computer...
PT. Jasamedika Saranatama, is a national-wide company which is engaged in the hospital software business. The human resources divison of the company conduct the recruitment process for the entire company. Sometimes it is difficult to determine objectively which applicants meet the requirements based on the criteria expected by the company. Based on...
Abstrak — In this paper, an approach to construct a dynamic feature weighting in question answering system is proposed. In order to find a set of optimum weights for a question and its answer (candidate) pair(s), a combination of genetic algorithm and logistic regression technique are introduced in our approach. As part of our experimental study, a...
In this paper we report our work on a factoid question answering task that avoids named-entity recognition tool in the answer selection process. We use semantic analogical reason-ing to find the location of the final answer from a textual passage.We demonstrate that without employing any linguistic tools during the an-swer selection process, our ap...
In this paper we study whether a question and its answer can be related using analogical reasoning by using various kinds of textual occurrences in a question answering (QA) task. We argue that in a QA passage retrieval context, low cost language features can contribute some positive influence in the representation of the information need that also...
In this paper we describe our submissions to the TREC 2011 Entity Track. We have experimented with several combined approaches to search the entity candidates, i.e.: by resolving the linguistic relation of the given entity, query expansion by example to broader the retrieval results, and ontology approach to identify the named entity from the searc...
ABSTRAK Sistem tanya jawab sebagai sebuah penerapan penelusuran informasi sangat memerlukan identifikasi tipe pertanyaan untuk dapat memperkirakan bentuk jawaban akhir dari sebuah pertanyaan. Penelitian-penelitian terkini dalam identifikasi pertanyaan lebih banyak mengandalkan pendekatan berbasis aturan yang disusun secara manual. Dalam makalah ini...
Recent approaches to question answering (QA) attempt to model the relation between existing question-answer pairs, and apply this model to the construction of answers to novel questions. In this paper we study whether a question and its answer can be related using simple word occurrence features, and whether this relational model can improve the pa...
This year we participated in the English monolingual paragraph selection task at ResPubliQA 2010. Our general strategy is to find the supporting word context from query and candidate passages during the paragraph selection. We use the techniques of state-of-the art publicly available question answering systems, i.e. Open Ephyra and JIRS, and the ra...
This paper presents an initial attempt to develop a semantic analyzer component of a question answering system that handles linguistic information at the discourse level. Using the well-known Discourse Representation Theory as implemented in Blackburn & Bos' systems, linguistic rules for Indonesian are adapted from an existing system and used to co...
One of the major problems in Question Answering System is how to classify a question into a particular class that further will be used to find exact answers within a large collection of documents. Kernel Dimensionality Reduction (KDR) is an alternative method that can be used for features reduction, and in the same time classify question type by us...
Pemanfaatan FOL untuk merepresentasikan fakta adalah salah satu teknik dasar yang sudah sejak lama dipakai untuk dapat mengkodekan bahasa alami ke dalam bentuk formal. Dengan menggunakan FOL, diharapkan fakta (dan juga pertanyaan) dapat direpresentasikan secara tepat ke dalam konteksnya masing-masing, sehingga jawaban akhir yang dikembalikan kepada...
This paper describes a pattern based approach to Indonesian question answering system using the Open Ephyra. In this study, we classify the factoid questions types into 8 categories, where each group is trained using specific questions. The results demonstrate the potential of the approach in an automated Indonesian question answering system.
Smart Download is a mobile application that dedicated to search electronic documents in Indonesian
(Bahasa Indonesia) throguh the Web. This application use the Advanced URL Google (spyder) to retrieve the
documents from the Internet, that further will be enchanced with Porter Stemmer and the combination of
TF/IDF and vector space algorithm. The doc...
Parents are regularly facing difficulties identifying their childrens’ psychological situation.
Based on that fact, an expert system has been developed. This expert system consists of two
applications, mobile and web application. The main features of this systems are knowledge
acquisition and consultation capabilities. The system will give indic...
Since a database administrator is not always be in a fix place, we need something that make it possible for the administrator to manage the database anywhere. A Mobile SQL technology is flexible enough for an administrator to do this maintenance job immediately, such as for query operation, and database recovery. Our goal is to develop such applica...
Kecerdasan majemuk merupakan salah satu teori kecerdasan yang pada awalnya menimbulkan pertentangan. Pertentangan timbul karena kriteria penilaian yang umumnya berlaku tentang kecerdasan hanya cenderung mengarah pada kecerdasan formal, yaitu: lingusitik dan logikal. Dalam berbagai penelitian mengenai kecerdasan majemuk yang dipelopori oleh Howard G...
1. Mitos-mitos kepemimpinan
2. Konteks kepemimpinan
3. Dasar kepemimpinan
4. Konsep diri dalam kepemimpinan
5. Self leadership and management
6. Kepemimpinan melalui kecerdasan manusia
7. Positive mental attitude
8. Adversity quotient
9. Ciri pribadi dan sikap seorang pemimpin
10. Becoming a great communicator for leader
11. Membangun tim...
Pointbill is an application to manage the integration of billing, system, and user administration in the Internet Service Provider. Inside the application, the ISP will be have many facilities like access limit between end users, administrator, and accounting, add and modify the user data, client, abonement, prepaid voucher and maintain the Frequen...
Dewasa ini manusia kian dituntut untuk selalu memiliki mobilitas yang tinggi terutama dalam hal pekerjaan. Bahkan tidak jarang, sebagian orang karena tuntutan pekerjaannya juga diharuskan untuk kerap kali bepergian ke luar kota atau bahkan ke luar negri. Kondisi ini tentunya menjadikan orang tersebut harus berada jauh dengan rumahnya dan membawa ko...
Perpustakaan sebagai salah satu unit organisasi yang penting pada suatu universitas dituntut untuk
dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada pengguna / anggota: mahasiswa, dosen dan umum.
Dengan cara ini diharapkan para anggota perpustakaan dapat terpenuhi kebutuhannya terutama
berkaitan dengan ketersediaan sumber-sumber ilmu dan pemanfaatan kole...
The aim of this research is to identify the usage level and user’s perception about collections and services at the Maranatha Christian University Library. The research is done through questioning 390 users and analyzing the statistical correlation of the questionnaires results. The results show that the usage level of the library is high, this can...