Hans D NothdurftLudwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich | LMU · Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
Hans D Nothdurft
Prof. Dr. med.
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Publications (187)
Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is a major medical condition for travellers worldwide, particularly travellers to low- and middle-income countries. Norovirus (NoV) is the most common cause of viral AGE in older children and adults, but data on prevalence and impact among travellers is limited.
Prospective, multi-site, observatio...
European travellers to endemic countries are at risk of malaria and may be affected by a different range of co-morbidities than natives of endemic regions. The safety profile, especially cardiac issues, of artenimol (previously dihydroartemisinin)–piperaquine (APQ) Eurartesim ® during treatment of uncomplicated imported falciparum malari...
European travelers are exposed to imported malaria and may be affected by co-existing morbidities. In this context, the safety profile, especially cardiac issues, of artenimol (previously dihydroartemisinin)-piperaquine (APQ) Eurartesim® during treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria is not adequately described due to the lack of l...
Extensive global experience shows that rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) through vaccination is effective and well tolerated, yet many travellers opt not to be vaccinated when travelling to rabies-endemic countries. Previous research has identified several factors influencing the choices travellers make to reduce the risk of rabies,...
While the worldwide endemicity of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has been increasing, a lack of awareness of the risks of this life-threatening disease may be leading to an underutilization of preventive measures among travellers to TBE-endemic regions. This study’s objectives were to assess travellers’ awareness of TBE and advice-seeking...
Febrile illnesses are common in travellers returning from south-east Asia. However, malaria is a rare diagnosis in this population. A series of Plasmodium knowlesi infections was noted in German travellers returning from Thailand since 2012. Infectious disease and tropical medicine facilities registered by the German Society for Tropical Medicine a...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1155/2017/3472537.].
Purpose . Up to 30% of international travelers are affected by travelers’ diarrhea (TD). Reliable data on the etiology of TD is lacking. Sufficient laboratory capacity at travel destinations is often unavailable and transporting conventional stool samples to the home country is inconvenient. We evaluated the use of Hemoccult cards for stool samplin...
In times of mass tourism, traveler's diarrhea is one of the most common health problems of long-distance travel. Globally, some 40 million cases occur annually. Travellers to risk areas should therefore be comprehensively advised beforehand, as to what action to take in case of an acute traveler's diarrhea and what drugs to add to thei...
The magnitude of the current Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic has led to a declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO. Findings of viable viral particles in semen for several weeks are corroborating reports of sexual transmission of ZIKV. Serious consequences of a positive diagnostic result particularly in the...
The present controlled cross-sectional study aimed to assess elevated values of C-reactive protein (CRP), a positive acute-phase protein, induced by imported infectious diseases (IDs) seen in patients consulting the University of Munich (1999-2015) after being in the tropics/subtropics. The analysis investigated data sets from 11,079 diseased Germa...
Knowledge about the travel-associated risks of hepatitis A and B, and the extent of pre-travel health-advice being sought may vary between countries.
An online survey was undertaken to assess the awareness, advice-seeking behaviour, rates of vaccination against hepatitis A and B and adherence rates in Australia, Finland, Germany...
The aim of this controlled cross-sectional study was to assess the clinical validity of elevated values of three clinically relevant transferase enzymes (aspartate transaminase [AST], alanine transaminase [ALT], and gamma-glutamyl transferase [GGT]) induced by imported infectious diseases (IDs) seen among patients consulting the Division of Infecti...
The present controlled cross-sectional study aimed to assess relative and absolute lymphocytosis and lymphopenia induced by imported infectious diseases (IDs) seen among patients consulting the University of Munich (1999-2014) after being in the subtropics/tropics. The analysis investigated data sets from 17,229 diseased German travelers returning...
The aim of this study was to assess the spectrum of imported infectious diseases (IDs) among patients consulting the University of Munich, Germany, between 1999 and 2014 after being in the sub-/tropics. The analysis investigated complete data sets of 16,817 diseased German travelers (2,318 business travelers, 4,029 all-inclusive travelers, and 10,4...
Long-haul journeys are still very popular. Besides holiday trips, a growing number of families is visiting foreign countries for the reason of career development. During travel the families can acquire illnesses which are not regularly considered in the differential diagnosis in the home country. This can lead to life threatening events, for exampl...
The current Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccination regimen requires two doses and 4 weeks to complete, which may not always be feasible for travelers on short notice. One of the primary endpoints of this phase III study was to demonstrate noninferiority of immune responses to a JE vaccine following an accelerated 1-week JE vaccination...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden insgesamt 497 Patienten mit mikroskopisch gesicherten Helminthiasen hinsichtlich epidemiologischer und klinischer Daten sowie auf indirekte Laborparameter (Eosinophilie und Gesamt-IgE-Erhöhung) und die Resultate immundiagnostischer Verfahren untersucht. Hierbei wurden die Ergebnisse von 329 Reiserückkehrern und 168...
Long-haul journeys are still very popular. Besides holiday trips, a growing number of families is visiting foreign countries for the reason of career development. During travel the families can acquire illnesses which are not regularly considered in the differential diagnosis in the home country. This can lead to life threatening events, for exampl...
Malaria has been shown to change blood counts. Recently, a few studies have investigated the alteration of the peripheral blood monocyte-to-lymphocyte count ratio (MLCR) and the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte count ratio (NLCR) during infection with Plasmodium falciparum. Based on these findings this study investigates the predictive values of blood coun...
An investigational tetravalent vaccine combining pre-pandemic, MF59(®)-adjuvanted A/H5N1 vaccine with non-adjuvanted, trivalent, seasonal influenza vaccine has been developed, which has the potential to be used for pre-pandemic priming and to improve levels of compliance and coverage. It is important to determine whether the safety and immunogenici...
Anaemia is a frequently diagnosed condition which can develop as a consequence of numerous factors, including infectious diseases (IDs). Travelling, especially in sub-/tropical regions, leads to an elevated risk of contracting IDs. The aim of our study was to assess the epidemiological significance of IDs in inducing anaemia among a large cohort of...
Travelers diarrhea affects millions of tourists each year. Most cases are caused by a variety of bacterial enteropathogens: toxigenic Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, Shigella, Salmonella, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas and non-cholera vibrios. Treatment may include antibacterial therapy with either ciprofloxacin, or azitrhomycin, or rifaximin. Viral patho...
Fernreisen in tropische Lander sind weiterhin sehr beliebt. Neben der Erweiterung des Erfahrungshorizonts besteht immer die Moglichkeit, wahrend der Reise Erkrankungen zu erwerben. Bei Reiseruckkehrern treten hauptsachlich Durchfall- und Hauterkrankungen, aber auch fieberhafte Allgemeinerkrankungen bis hin zu schwerwiegenden Infektionen wie Malaria...
About 50 million people travel each year from industrialized countries to destinations in the tropics and subtropics. Among them, there are more than 2 million minors traveling. Although their number is increasing constantly, data on health risks during travel are limited.
This study analyzed demographic, travel, and clinical data of 890 travelers...
International Reisende haben ein Risiko für eine Vielzahl von Erkrankungen, die in Deutschland kaum oder gar nicht auftreten. Durch ein verändertes Verhalten während der Reise besteht die Gefahr des Erwerbs von Infektionserkrankungen oder der Einnahme von toxischen Substanzen. Dabei kann es zu schweren Leberschädigungen kommen. Erkrankungen wie Mal...
Thrombocytopenia is a frequent finding among ill returned travellers and may be caused by a large number of different conditions, including infectious diseases specific or typical for tropical and subtropical regions. In order to assess the diagnostic significance of thrombocytopenia we investigated a large cohort of returned travellers.
This was a...
Travel Medicine, 3rd Edition, by Dr. Jay S. Keystone, Dr. Phyllis E. Kozarsky, Dr. David O. Freedman, Dr. Hans D. Nothdruft, and Dr. Bradley A. Connor, prepares you and your patients for any travel-related illness they may encounter. Consult this one-stop resource for best practices on everything from immunizations and pre-travel advice to essentia...
To evaluate the causes and risks for imported skin disorders among travellers.
Data of 34,162 travellers returning from tropical and non-tropical countries and presenting at the outpatient travel medicine clinic of the University of Munich, Germany, between 1999 and 2009 were analyzed for this study. Of these, 12.2% were diagnosed with skin disorde...
A central aspect of travel medicine is to counsel and to vaccinate the traveller to prevent hazardous infectious diseases. The growing number of international travellers and the expanding risk areas of infectious diseases formerly specific for tropical countries e. g. Dengue or Chikungunya, which may be a possible result of climate change, increase...
To evaluate knowledge about risks, prevention and consequences of infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) among travellers from four low HBV risk, European countries.
Individuals from an internet panel and based in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden were invited to take part in an online survey. A total of 4203 respondents met the...
Worldwide 250 million people per year still fall ill to malaria, almost one million die each year.The largest proportion of infections is registered in Africa (78%), followed by Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Middle/South America. Malaria, though, is not only of relevance for the population in Africa, Asia and Latin America but also for Europe...
The second edition of this popular text features a team of international experts who discuss all aspects of travel medicinefrom immunizations and pre-travel advice for adults and childrento the latest information on cruise travel, bird flu, and SARSto the essentials of post-travel screening. It reflects current best practices and remains both the l...
To objectively compare the mood profiles of users of malaria chemoprophylaxis regimens (atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine-proguanil, doxycycline, or mefloquine) in a group of nonimmune tourists to sub-Saharan Africa.
In a randomized, double-blind, four-arm study with placebo run-in phase conducted at travel clinics in Switzerland, Germany, and Isra...
Die japanische Enzephalitis (JE) ist eine
in Teilen Asiens vorkommende virale
Infektionskrankheit, die ursprünglich
in Japan als japanische B-Enzephalitis
beschrieben wurde. Sie ist jedoch wesentlich
weiter verbreitet, vor allem
in ländlichen Gebieten Asiens. Die
Infektion wird durch Stechmücken
der Gattung Culex übertragen und
kann neben den Einhe...
Traveller's diarrhoea (TD) constitutes the most common disease relevant to travel medicine with ETEC as the leading causative pathogen. Cholera is the most serious, but very rare form of TD. ETEC and cholera share pathogenic mechanisms by producing a toxin that has an 80% amino acid homology. A consensus of German-speaking experts sees the indicati...
The global disease burden associated with hepatitis A virus (HAV) is expected to increase in the coming years due to a shift in the epidemiological pattern of the disease. A decrease in the prevalence of natural immunity is leading to an increased number of adolescents and adults susceptible to a disease that is associated with greater morbidity, m...
The efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of malaria in nonimmune populations are not well defined. In this study, 165 nonimmune patients from Europe and non-malarious areas of Colombia with acute, uncomplicated falciparum malaria or mixed infection including P. falciparum were treated with the six-dose regimen of artemet...
The second edition of this popular text features a team of international experts who discuss all aspects of travel medicinefrom immunizations and pre-travel advice for adults and childrento the latest information on cruise travel, bird flu, and SARSto the essentials of post-travel screening. It reflects current best practices and remains both the l...
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has sponsored the Travel Clinic of the Havenziekenhuis Rotterdam for carrying out survey on travel-related risks among vaccines attending the vaccination outpatient clinic with an unconditional grant. GSK has also provided an unconditional grant for carrying out surveys on the travel-related risks among travelers. The ad hoc T...
An average of 800 malaria cases are recorded annually in Germany. One person in a hundred dies of the disease. Travel advice given by experienced physicians is essential to raise awareness of malaria risk in endemic areas. Rational mosquito protection on skin and textiles reduces the risk of malaria and other arthropod-transmitted diseases (e. g. d...
In Deutschland werden jhrlich ca. 800Malariaflle gemeldet. Fr ca.1% der nicht immunen Reisenden endet die Krankheit tdlich. Um diese Situation zu verbessern, ist die Information durch die beratenden rzte entscheidend: das Risikobewusstsein der Reisenden vor, whrend und nach einer Reise in endemische Gebiete muss geschrft werden. Ein konsequenter Mc...
Die Reisediarrhoe ist die häufigste Erkrankung bei Fernreisen und wird besonders durch Enterotoxin-bildende Escherichia coli-Stämme (ETEC) hervorgerufen. Die Cholera kommt in einigen tropischen Gebieten endemisch vor, bei Reisenden stellt sie jedoch nur ein marginales Problem dar. Der Pathomechanismus von ETEC ist dem von V. cholerae vergleichbar:...
A 33 year old woman from Lebanon presented with recurrent hemoptysis, subfebrile temperature, dyspnoe in stress, fatigue, weight loss, and pruritus. Serological tests and results from chest X-ray and computer tomography revealed cystic echinococcosis with pulmonary involvement. After refusal of surgical therapy a medical treatment with albendazole...
Eine 33-jhrige Patientin aus dem Libanon stellte sich mit rezidivierenden Hmoptysen, subfebrilen Temperaturen, Belastungsdyspnoe, Abgeschlagenheit, Gewichtsabnahme und Pruritus vor. Die serologischen und bildgebenden Untersuchungen fhrten zu der Diagnose einer zystischen Echinokokkose mit Lungenbeteilung. Da die Patientin eine chirurgische Interven...
The reactogenicity and safety of an experimental hepatitis B (HB) vaccine containing adjuvant system (AS04) was compared with a licensed vaccine in a phase III, single-blind, randomised study in healthy volunteers >or=15 years of age. A total of 1303 subjects were enrolled to receive either two doses of HB-AS04 (0, 6 months) or three doses of the c...
Hepatitis A and B continue to represent a risk for travelers. Those traveling to tropical countries are usually aware of this risk, while those visiting a Mediterranean country often are not. This investigation presents a destination-related risk assessment and vaccination recommendations for travellers, on the basis of incidences and prevalences o...
Der Name Malaria ist ein Sammelbegriff für eine Gruppe von Infektionskrankheiten, die durch mehrere einander verwandte Parasitenarten hervorgerufen werden. Die zum Genus Plasmodium gehörenden, durch Mücken der Gattung Anopheles übertragenen Malariaerreger sind sowohl morphologisch unterscheidbar als auch in der Einwirkung auf den menschlichen Körpe...
The European Travel Health Advisory Board conducted a cross-sectional pilot survey to evaluate current travel health knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) and to determine where travelers going to developing countries obtain travel health information, what information they receive, and what preventive travel health measures they emp...
To compare the tolerability of malaria chemoprophylaxis regimens in non-immune travellers.
Randomised, double blind, study with placebo run-in phase.
Travel clinics in Switzerland, Germany, and Israel.
Proportion of participants in each treatment arm with subjectively moderate or severe adverse events.
623 non-immune travellers to sub-Saharan Afric...
Failures of mefloquine prophylaxis in travellers returning from Africa have been reported repeatedly. Non-compliance to chemoprophylaxis is considered to be a major factor for failure. Only few reports on mefloquine prophylaxis failure in sub-Saharan Africa were able to report blood levels of the drug that were sufficient for prophylactic effective...
Wir berichten von einer 31-jährigen iranischen Patientin, die mit kolikartigen Oberbauchbeschwerden, Fieber sowie Ikterus
stationär aufgenommen wurde.Wegweisend in der weiteren Diagnostik war neben der Erhöhung der Cholestaseparameter eine deutliche
Eosinophilie.Diese wies neben den charakteristischen Befunden der bildgebenden Verfahren (mobile cho...
The etiological agents of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and typhoid fever share similar patterns of global distribution, and cause significant disease burden in travelers to endemic countries. Combined vaccination against all three diseases, based on currently available vaccines, would promote compliance and convenience for travelers. This clinical stu...
The proportion of travellers who fall ill varies from 15 to 43%. In general, diarrhoea and gastrointestinal infections account for 50–65% of health problems, followed by upper respiratory tract infections (14–30%), fever (12–15%) and skin disorders (10–12%). Sexually transmitted diseases account for 0.5–2% or more. Malaria in travellers remains imp...
Increasing travel stresses the requirement for rapid protection against infections such as hepatitis A and B.
This randomised, multicentre study investigated an accelerated vaccination schedule using a combined hepatitis A and B vaccine (Twinrix, Smithkline Beecham Biologicals) compared with simultaneous administration of the two corresponding mono...
This study was conducted to investigate the predictive value of blood eosinophilia (total white blood cell count with ⩾8%
eosinophils) for the diagnosis of travel-related infections in 14,298 patients who returned from developing countries. The
data show that blood eosinophilia in travelers returning from developing countries has only limited predi...
Concerns about the tolerability of mefloquine highlight the need for new drugs to prevent malaria. Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone;
GlaxoSmithKline) was safe and effective for prevention of falciparum malaria in lifelong residents of malaria-endemic countries,
but experience in nonimmune people is limited. In a randomized, double-blind study, nonimm...