Hans Böhm

Hans Böhm
Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz · Energy Technology



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Research associate at the Energy Technologies department at the Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz with primary expertise on techno-economic assessment. Working on evaluations of future technology and energy costs and development of according assessment models. Recent research is focussed on hydrogen technologies and power-to-x processes, but also assessment of novel approaches for cross-sectoral energy technologies. www.energieinstitut-linz.at
January 2013 - January 2015
Graz University of Technology
Field of study
  • Mechanical Engineering
October 2009 - January 2013
Graz University of Technology
Field of study
  • Mechanical Engineering


Publications (28)
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Technological learning is a major aspect in the assessment of potential cost reductions for emerging energy technologies. Since the evaluation of experience curves requires the observation of production costs over several magnitudes of produced units, an early estimation of potential future technology implementation costs often presumes a certain d...
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Power-to-gas (PtG) is widely expected to play a valuable role in future renewable energy systems. In addition to partly allowing a further utilization of the existing gas infrastructure for energy transport and storage, hydrogen or synthetic natural gas (SNG) from electric power represents a high-density energy carrier and important feedstock mater...
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This study investigates the theoretical potential and limitations of green carbon dioxide sources for technical valorisation approaches. The emission of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, must be rigorously reduced in order to achieve the European and global climate objectives. As CO2 is an increasingly valuable resource for industries and new disru...
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Numerous studies suggest that power-to-hydrogen (PtH2) will take a decisive part in future sustainable energy systems. District heating (DH) networks are also assigned a crucial role for the overall efficiency of such. In this regard, heat flows resulting from PtH2 may lead to synergies with the heat supply of DH systems. This paper discusses the p...
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Energy-intensive industries still produce high amounts of non-renewable CO2 emissions. These emissions cannot easily be fully omitted in the short- and mid-term by electrification or switching to renewable energy carriers, as they either are of inevitable origin (e.g., mineral carbon in cement production) or require a long-term transition of well-e...
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Efforts towards climate neutrality in Europe must prioritise manufacturing industries, particularly the energy-intensive industry (EII) subsectors. This work proposes a novel approach to assessing transformation options for EII subsectors. At the center of this approach we position a potential analysis of technologies’ impact on subsector decarboni...
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Hydrogen and regional energy infrastructure are significant for the European Green Deal and was the focus of the SuperP2G research Project (Synergies Utilising renewable Power Regionally by means of Power to Gas). Five national projects (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and Italy) cooperated to investigate power-to-gas feasibility. The energ...
We present a techno-economic assessment of a novel ethylene oxide (EO) production process, which converts carbon dioxide (CO2) and water electrocatalytically to ethylene (C2H4) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which are further synthesized into EO. To ensure environmental sustainability, the primary focus was on available CO2 from biogenic sources (bi...
The hydrogen economy is currently booming and in view of the supply crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine, there are increasingly intensive efforts to provide a suitable legal framework for hydrogen projects in Europe and Austria. This article briefly discusses the current legal developments in this area, as well as the economic benefits such proj...
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The efforts required to achieve the climate targets set in the Paris Agreement and the associated transition of energy generation and supply necessitate the implementation of new energy technologies. In addition, the remaining carbon budgets involved in reaching these targets require early and effective action. Therefore, policy- and decision-maker...
The increased integration of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power is a growing challenge to the new flexible model of energy production. This integration has led to the development and promotion of energy storage systems with new long-term storage options such as power-to-gas. Power-to-gas refers to the chemical storag...
Techno-economic assessment of the simultaneous electrocatalytic synthesis of CO2 and water to valuable base chemicals such as Ethylene
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This analysis estimates the technically available potentials of renewable gases from anaerobic conversion and biomass gasification of organic waste materials, as well as power-to-gas (H2 and synthetic natural gas based on renewable electricity) for Austria, as well as their approximate energy production costs. Furthermore, it outlines a theoretical...
Life Cycle Assessment of decarbonization options: A case study of CCU and electrochemical production of chemicals
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Energieintensive Industrien produzieren immer noch große Mengen an fossilen CO2-Emissionen. In vielen Fällen ist deren Vermeidung durch Elektrifizierung oder den Einsatz erneuerbarer Brenn- und Rohstoffe kurz und mittelfristig auch nicht absehbar. Dies ist teilweise auch bedingt durch weitgehend unvermeidbare Rohstoff-gebundene Emissionen, oder die...
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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Supporting Information available online For a successful energy tra...
Poster about CO2 and renewable power spatial analysis for CCU in Europe. Study conducted within the H2020 CO2EXIDE project.
Technical Report
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Als Basis für die gemeinsame Arbeit des österreichischen Konsortiums im IEA IETS Annex 19 „Elektrifizierung der Industrie“ und als Orientierung für die österreichischen Stakeholder erfolgt die Ausarbeitung eines thematischen Fundaments, in dem die Elektrifizierung der Industrie in ihrer gesamten Breite (Power-to-Heat, direkter Stromeinsatz, Speiche...
Since the European Union's target a domestic greenhouse gas emission reduction of 80% till 2050, as compared to the value of 1990 (European Commission, 2011), there has been an increasing interest in greening large industrial processes. Thus, gas greening and alternative emission reduction processes are gaining importance. In this study, a gas gree...
Thermochemical energy storage provides opportunities for pressure-less and low-loss seasonal storage at high energy densities. For that purpose, appropriate storage concepts are drafted and examined in technical, ecological and economic terms, considering suitable materials, energy sources, and charge and discharge reactor concepts. The results ill...
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Sensitive storage systems as currently in focus of demonstration projects in common district heating (DH) grids for the seasonal storage of excess heat show high space requirements, investment costs and heat losses. As an alternative, the usage of thermochemical storage (TCS) materials seems reasonable in certain scopes. By the use of reversible ch...
Technical Report
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Um die Ziele hinsichtlich Energieeffizienz, Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes und Steigerung des Anteils von Erneuerbaren zu erreichen, kommt Wärmenetzen eine zentrale Rolle zu, besonders da etwa die Hälfte des Endenergiebedarfs in der EU als thermische Energie anfällt. Energieangebot und Wärmenachfrage stimmen oft zeitlich und örtlich nicht überein, wodur...
Die Beheizung denkmalgeschützter Gebäude, wie Burgen und Schlösser, unter Rücksichtnahme auf die Energieeffizienz stellt gewisse Herausforderungen an die Integration des Heizungssystems. Dies gilt vor allem in Hinblick auf die Schonung der Bausubstanz. Die auf Burg Rabenstein installierte Luft/Luft-Wärmepumpe stellt in dieser Hinsicht einen geeigne...


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