Hannes Hartervesta sustainability consulting
Hannes Harter
Doctor of Engineering
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Publications (26)
Urban growth strains housing resources. Sustainable cities prioritize eco-friendly construction and resource efficiency. Norway has established itself as a leading country in sustainable construction. To address the mentioned challenges in Norway, it is necessary to analyze the local building stock in the first place, to gather information about th...
The goal of this study is to develop life cycle based implementation strategies for the realization of buildings with a positive ecological footprint (EF). Since there is no methodological approach existing which covers this topic, first a method was developed to calculate the ecological land demand of buildings (the area required for ecological co...
The aim of the research project is to develop implementation strategies for the realization of ecologically and economically optimized serial type houses for affordable housing. Existing obstacles in regard to the realization of cost-effective and ecological buildings in affordable housing will be identified and suitable measures will be developed....
The goal of this research is to develop ecologically and economically optimized implementation strategies for social housing. Therefore, a case study is analysed over its life cycle using life cycle assessments (LCA) and life cycle costs (LCC) regarding the global warming potential (GWP) and its environmental impact costs (cost per ton of CO 2 ). T...
The German and European climate action programs and the ongoing discussion of resource efficiency require an in-depth analysis of the building sector, especially with the background of the German refurbishment backlog and high energy demands of the German building stock. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on the city quarter level allows fast and effici...
The aim of this study is to compare and validate a building energy simulation model of a university building with monitored data. In addition, different building services engineering concepts are compared with each other regarding their ecological life cycle-based performance using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods. Optimizing these performances...
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Energy simulations in the urban context are valuable tools for decision-makers and policy-making. Different data requirements need to be fulfilled for considering the buildings in dynamical building simulations. The information stored in City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) can build the basis for semantic and geometrical data requirements. Thi...
The project described in this paper investigates the
energy-relevant behavior of window control actions
of the occupants of an office building in Regensburg,
Germany as a case study. The extensive data
monitoring regarding energy consumption, indoor as
well as outdoor climate, and window control actions
(state of the window handle) started in 2017....
manavmahan.singh@kuleuven.be 2,3,4 {patricia.schneider|hannes.harter|w. lang}@tum.de 5 geyer@tu-berlin.de The reduction of energy consumption of buildings requires consideration in early design phases. However, modelling and computation time required for dynamic energy simulations makes them inappropriate in the early phases. This paper presents a...
Reducing the demand for non-renewable resources and the resulting environmental impact is an objective of sustainable development, to which buildings contribute significantly. In order to realize the goal of reaching a climate-neutral building stock, it must first be analyzed and evaluated in order to develop optimization strategies. The life cycle...
Ziel des im Rahmen dieses Berichts beschriebenen Folgeprojekts war das Monitoring thermischer und behaglichkeitsbezogener Parameter während der Nutzung,
bzw. dem Bewohnen des Gebäudes. Hierunter versteht man die Erfassung der
Komfortbedingungen im Innenraum, des Wärmeübergangs im Bereich der Gebäudehülle und des Heinzenergieverbrauchs. Auch hier wu...
The early stages of building design involve the consideration of different design variants and their assessment regarding various performance criteria including energy consumption and costs. During the design process, the involved experts from different disciplines frequently exchange building information to develop a design that satisfies the proj...
With current efforts to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of buildings in the operational phase, the share of embedded energy (EE) and embedded GHG emissions is increasing. In early design stages, chances to influence these factors in a positive way are greatest, but very little and vague information about the fut...
Households’ heating energy consumption is one of the most important sources of a nation’s total CO 2 emissions. But there remains uncertainty about the impact of occupant behaviour on heating energy consumption, especially in multi-apartment buildings. In bringing together apartment specific data of occupant behaviour and physical building properti...
Klimawandel und Bevölkerungszunahme stellen Städte vor besondere Herausforderungen. Wie kann
trotz der zunehmenden baulichen Verdichtung eine leistungsfähige grüne Infrastruktur in die Stadtentwicklung
integriert werden und welche Rolle spielen dabei Akteure der Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und
Zivilgesellschaft, um Klimaschutz und vor allem Klimawandela...
Das Forschungsprojekt „Eco+Office AS-Bau“ hat es zum Ziel ein lebenszyklusbasiertes
treibhausgas-neutrales Plusenergiegebäude, am Fallbeispiel des Büro- und
Verwaltungsgebäudes der AS-Bau Hof GmbH, zu planen und realisieren. In
Kooperation zwischen dem Lehrstuhl für energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges
Planen und Bauen der Technischen Universität Mü...
Ziel des Bauprojekts ist die Entwicklung eines integrativen Gesamtkonzepts zur Schaffung eines Bürogebäudes im KfW-Effizienzhaus 55-Standard, unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Massivbauweisen und Lowtech-Lösungen. Die verschiedenen Massivbauweisen werden im Rahmen des Monitorings (Laufzeit Januar 2017 bis voraussichtlich Dezember 2018) auf Basis d...
During building design and especially in early stages, important decisions influencing the lifecycle-based energy demand of buildings are made. Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) is used to evaluate this energy demand already in early stages of design. However, at that point, the building design and the related information can quickly change and a...
To increase the sustainability of buildings already in early design phases, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) should be integrated into Building Information Modelling (BIM). However, LCA and thus the calculation of embedded energy and greenhouse gases in early design phases can only be performed with a certain level of inaccuracy/uncertainty. This is cau...
In this study, a method for evaluating the energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions during the three life cycle stages production, use and end-of-life of a building or city quarter is presented and applied to different case studies. The main result is that from the life cycle energetic point of view, refurbishment to a high building standard is b...
In the building sector, the energy and the greenhouse gases embodied in the building materials arebecoming increasingly important. Combined with the operational primary energy demand and the end-of-life, the whole life cycle of buildings can be assessed.In this paper, a comprehensive method for calculating the life cycle of individual buildings is...
In this study, a new method based on 3D urban geometry in CityGML format is presented and used to evaluate the energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions during the different life cycle stages of a city quarter. The method is applied to a case study in Stuttgart/Germany, while considering the specific building characteristics of the city quarter. F...