Hanne Haavind

Hanne Haavind
University of Oslo · Department of Psychology



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Publications (77)
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How people in long-term recovery (clinical and personal) in first-episode psychosis (schizophrenia and bipolar spectrum disorders) experience the mental health and welfare services they interact with is not frequently studied but has significant implications. We therefore aimed to explore which aspects of these services people with FEP evaluate as...
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Background: Qualitative research frequently characterises recovery, but more knowledge on subjective experiences of facilitators of long-termrecovery in psychosis is needed. This interview study aimed to explore what people with first-episode psychosis (FEP) highlight as important for their long-term recovery. Methods: Interviews with 20 individual...
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Introduction Many people with lived experience from psychosis recover and thrive, contrary to the common stigmatizing belief that they will be chronic “patients”. But there are several ways to understand recovery, one is as a subjective process best explored through qualitative interviews with people who have recovered from psychosis. However, ther...
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The effects of psychotherapy for men perpetrating violence toward their female partners have been found to be modest or equivocal; therefore, further research is necessary to determine how therapists can intervene to help clients stop acting violently. To obtain a better understanding of successful therapist strategies in a particular case, we cond...
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Hva er det som skjer når en psykoterapeut inndrar en av sine klienter i et seksuelt forhold? Dette forklares vanligvis medhenvisning til begreper som overføring og motoverføring; egne seksuelle følelser kan gli ut av terapeuters kontroll, og egenterapiskal forhindre at dette skjer. Denne forståelsesmodellen kan ikke forklare at dette oftest skjer n...
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In the present paper, we explore the impact of singing for girls in rural Bangladesh. Previous findings in this field-based interview study (with 18 girls) have demonstrated that singing can act as a driving force in young girls’ psychological individuation processes, implying increased agency and autonomy. A critical question, however, is to what...
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De traditionella könsrollerna är stadda i upplösning och vad kön skall betyda är idag något som vi ständigt måste förhandla om. Detta hävdar Hanne Haavind i sin analys av nya interaktionsmönster mellan kvinnor och män. Hennes huvudintresse ärmaktförhållandet: vad händerför närvarande med mans dominans en och den kvinnliga underordningen?
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In this article the aim was to explore how therapists handle suicide risk assessment in connection with patient’s experience of alliance in psychotherapy. In a naturalistic, longitudinal study, 19 suicidal patients were interviewed three times: just before they started in therapy (T1), during the early phase (T2), and again after one year (T3). 17...
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Self-harm is associated with mental illness and suicide risk. The present study aims to increase knowledge of adolescent girls’ pathways into and out of self-harm. The participants were 19 girls, 13 to 18 years of age, who were strategically selected from an outpatient care unit. A naturalistic multiple case study was done with personal interviews....
First-hand experience of being a client is regarded by many psychotherapists as making an essential contribution to professional development. Although research has not established any direct influence on client outcome, arising from therapist participation in personal therapy, qualitative studies have explored how therapists transfer learning from...
Conference Paper
Most studies of psychotherapy will assess the outcome according to independent standards. In naturalistic therapies the termination has to be a matter of negotiations. Thereby outcomes will be an integral part of the process of ending. We have explored how clients and therapists reach shared notions about what they have accomplished through psychot...
Men in treatment for intimate partner violence (IPV) do often present with problem formulations that do not fit the therapeutic endeavor of personal change and may, therefore, challenge therapists in their effort to build an alliance. However, the therapist’s initial contributions are also likely to influence whether the client finds it worthwhile...
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There is a need for studies that advance our knowledge of therapist effectiveness, expanding the definition of what constitutes therapeutic success. In the present study, four aspects of clinical outcome were analyzed using a sample of highly experienced psychotherapists (mean years of experience as therapy practitioners = 30) who also serve as cli...
Systematic analyses of initiatives and responses from mediators working with parents in intense conflicts about child custody and care brought forward variations in effective strategies. The findings are presented along six dimensions: The topics that were addressed, how the agenda for the sessions was decided, focus on agreement vs relational topi...
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Persistent medically unexplained symptoms have debilitating consequences for adolescents, dramatically altering their social world and future aspirations. Few studies have focused on social and moral aspects of illness experience relevant to adolescents. In this study, the aim is to explore these aspects in depth by focusing on a single case and to...
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What makes young people—most often young women—inflict damage on their own bodies? Epidemiological studies drawing on surveys have estimated incidence and identified risk factors, but studies that explore the individuals’ experience and understanding of self-harm, which typically comprise a small series of persons, are omitted in many reviews. We c...
A significant proportion of parents in mediation present destructive and escalating conflicts. In a naturalistic study of sessions with high-conflict couples, we observed dialogues with frequent interruptions, rapidly shifting subjects, and emotional attacks. A systematic search revealed eight distinct sources of conflict that interfered with the m...
Objective: Young men constitute one of the highest risk groups for suicide in most countries. This gives reason to explore how meanings attached to masculinity can be evoked and handled when a young man takes his life. Method: In-depth interviews with five to eight informants for each of ten suicides, as well as suicide notes, were analysed usin...
How do clients and therapists reach shared notions about what they have accomplished through psychotherapy? This is a question about the dynamic between improvement and coming to an end. A reanalysis of a qualitative study of twelve processes of psychotherapy where clients and therapists negotiated and decided about ending, demonstrated how improve...
How do clients consider their own contribution and that of their therapist in the last phase of therapy when they are moving toward the end? Thirty-seven clients who had received therapy from highly experienced clinicians were interviewed. Since the time for ending had not been decided at the onset, clients in both short- and long-term therapies we...
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p>In this article we respond to the commentaries by Altman and Miller (2016), Bohart (2016), and Timulak and Keogh (2016) on our case of “Cora,” which involved over 121 psychotherapy sessions with a client with a history of severe relational trauma that had led to difficulty in forming close relationships, as well as a series of suicide attempts (H...
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p>The present paper presents a case study of long-term (121 sessions over three years), integrative therapy with "Cora," a client with a history of severe relational trauma that had led to difficulty in forming close relationships, and a history of hospitalization resulting from a series of suicide attempts. Despite these challenges, Cora reported...
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Mindfulness has attracted increased interest in the field of health professionals’ education due to its proposed double benefit of providing self-help strategies to counter stress and burnout symptoms and cultivating attitudes central to the role of professional helpers. The current study explored the experiential aspects of learning mindfulness. S...
Objective: To explore ways that psychotherapists and suicidal patients handle suicidality as a topic, and how it impacts the bond between them. Method: Nineteen suicidal patients and their therapists participated in a naturalistic study. Patients were interviewed before they started in therapy, and both patients and therapists were interviewed a...
The high drop-out rate and modest outcome for men in treatment for intimate partner violence (IPV) have highlighted the question of how therapists can establish an effective working alliance with these clients. The aim of this study was to conceptualize the variety of ways in which male clients using violence against a female partner might present...
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This study explores self-esteem in suicide among young males with no earlier history of suicide attempt(s) or treatment in mental health services. The data come from an ongoing psychological autopsy study; 10 cases of young men aged 18 to 30, were selected to generate a phenomenologically based understanding of the psychological mechanisms and proc...
This study aimed to explore how the life history of suicide victims with no history of treatment in mental health care or of attempted suicide seemed to presdispose them to maladaptive perfectionism. The study is part of an ongoing psychological autopsy study. It aimed to produce a phenomenological understanding of the vulnerability to suicide rela...
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In a study of 154 couples in precourt mandatory mediation in Norway, a majority of the thirty-eight high-conflict (HC) cases left the mediation after two sessions and without any agreements. Eighteen months later, five of ten HC couples were still without an agreement. With seven sessions available free of charge, the mediation system seems to fail...
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ABSTRACT This study explored the final stages of the suicide process among six men characterized as maladaptive perfectionists. These men, aged 22 to 58, had no history of suicide attempts or mental health treatment. In-depth interviews with five to nine informants for each person were analyzed by utilizing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis....
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This study explores suicide in relation to perfectionism among individuals who died by suicide with no history of treatment in mental health care or of suicide attempts. The study is part of an ongoing psychological autopsy study (PA-study). It aimed to produce a phenomenological understanding of the dynamics/processes from perfectionism to suicide...
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When young men unexpectedly take their own lives, those close to the deceased will ask themselves if there were any signs that might have indicated suicide in the near term. Ten young men, aged 18-30, were selected from a psychological autopsy study of suicides among individuals with no prior psychiatric treatment and no previous suicide attempts....
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This study explores the developmental history of ten young men who completed suicide in the transition to adulthood. The young men, aged 18-30, had no previous history of suicide attempts or treatment in mental health. In-depth interviews with four to eight informants for each suicide were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Th...
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How do emotions enter into children’s negotiated understandings and situated uses of categories of identity? This question guided a revisit to an ethnographic study of a multi-cultural context in Oakland, California. A focus group discussion among four Chinese American girls just graduating from elementary school and an interviewer, also Chinese Am...
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Objectives: When psychotherapy is open-ended, the question of termination is a matter for negotiation. A model based on both content and the process of ending may explain how ‘good enough’ psychotherapies can be brought to ‘good enough’ endings. Design: Twelve processes of ending were explored through a combination of audio recordings made during t...
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“Culture” is often considered in terms of identifiable artifacts, rules, and practices, with less attention given to how investment in these features comes about. Using data extracts from a case study of a young woman who is becoming a mother for the first time, we pay attention to how people react to cultural processes in terms of how they “feel.”...
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Objectives: When psychotherapy is open-ended, the question of termination is a matter for negotiation. A model based on both content and the process of ending may explain how 'good enough' psychotherapies can be brought to 'good enough' endings. Design: Twelve processes of ending were explored through a combination of audio recordings made during t...
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Aim: To explore the process of ending in psychotherapy, in particular how clients and therapists draw on their notions of client improvements and prepare for the upcoming end. Data: The data comes from an intensive process-outcome study at the University of Oslo, Norway. The study includes audio-recording from all sessions and separate post-therapy...
Aim: When the duration of therapy is not preset and the outcome is a matter for negotiation, the decision to end psychotherapy will be an experiential concern for the two participants. This case study draws attention to how ambiguities may be settled in a process where ending is initiated by the therapist and resisted by the client. Method and anal...
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Aim: When the duration of therapy is not preset and the outcome is a matter for negotiation, the decision to end psychotherapy will be an experiential concern for the two participants. This case study draws attention to how ambiguities may be settled in a process where ending is initiated by the therapist and resisted by the client. Method and anal...
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How do parents support their children after a high-impact disaster? To answer this question, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 51 Norwegian parents. These parents and children were all severely exposed to the trauma of the tsunami disaster. The analyses show how parents interpret their children's signs of distress, as well as their own st...
First-person narratives are meaning-making devices that can be used as powerful tools to direct developmental changes. For young people who have endured difficulties in their lives, the selection and configuration of such experiences may contribute in significant ways to how they come to understand themselves and what possibilities they hold. Repea...
The Nordic welfare states – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – declared gender equality as a political ambition at an early stage. Consequently, research that documented the living conditions of women and their subordination in public and private social arenas has received some institutional and financial support. This chapter describes...
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The ways in which mothers—and fathers—organize care for their children in the first three years of life are undergoing cultural and institutional changes all over Europe—and in the Nordic countries in particular. Psychological studies of babies and toddlers bring new knowledge about the capacities and vulnerabilities of small children during these...
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The aim of each article in this Special Issue is to show how the format of everyday life is important for the understanding of psychological phenomena. All five articles are in the Nordic sociocultural context, but their claims to knowledge reach beyond a description of the state of affairs in this region. The authors combine application of theoret...
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Aim: A good alliance established during the early sessions of psychotherapy will most likely lead to a good outcome. As a result, there is much to learn from a case in which both the patient and therapist regarded the alliance as being poor for an extended period (the first 15 sessions), yet still managed to develop a solid and stable alliance and...
In the social transition between childhood and adolescence, boys draw on discourses of masculinity that address the male body in constituting themselves as adolescents. They make themselves as no longer children and acquire a sense of themselves as adolescents by performing bodily practices that position them within some of these discourses. Repeat...
Bullying is a socially and culturally complex phenomenon that until now has largely been understood in the context of the individual. This book challenges the dominance of this approach, examining the processes of extreme exclusion that are enacted in bullying - whether at school, through face-to-face meetings or virtual encounters - in the context...
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The aim of this study was to understand how relational difficulties in psychotherapy may be handled to represent possibilities for change. Temporary interruptions and subsequent reestablishment of contact were chosen as the strategic focus in one severely challenging case of long term psychodynamic psychotherapy where outcome was known to be good....
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The aim of this study was to understand how relational difficulties in psychotherapy may be handled to represent possibilities for change. Temporary interruptions and subsequent reestablishment of contact were chosen as the strategic focus in one severely challenging case of long term psychodynamic psychotherapy where outcome was known to be good....
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The use of qualitative methods in a case by case study of fifteen psychotherapies with children allowed for inquiries into how the working alliance can be established when children are involved. Therapy hours were recorded, and the children’s, their caregivers’ and the therapists’ views about what happened during therapy were collected at the end o...
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I dette nummer er følgnde bøger blevet anmeldt:Karin Garde: Køn, psykisk sygdom og behandling.Katarina Leppänen: Rethinking Civilization in a European Feminist Context: History, Nature, Women in Elin Wägner’s Väckerklocka.Helen Krag: Mangfoldighed, Magt og Minoriteter. Introduktion til minoritetsforskningens teorier.Anette Borchorst og Ann-Dorte Ch...
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In every school some boys will display such extensive rule-breaking behaviour during their 13th year that each appears to be a candidate for the diagnosis of anti-social personality disorder. When a selection of such boys were studied as participants in a social landscape in and out of a school with a multi-ethnic body of students, their involvemen...
Any political assessment of psychotherapy practice will have to consider both the context of the therapeutic work and the guiding theoretical ideas that the therapist subscribes to. In my case, psychotherapy is linked to my teaching, and the experiences work as inspiration for my research. The kind of service that I belong to is cheap and easily ac...
Psychology as a modern social science has been developed through the construction of neutral positions for the observation of human behavior. Gender neutrality in psychology is presented as a platform consisting of six legs. The building of the platform has solved certain theoretical problems and contributed to widening possibilities for social act...
During four years (1978–82), 25–30 Norweigian women social scientists formed a research network of small local groups, studying ‘Women's mutual relations’ in various settings. Women's friendships, their cooperation in factories and local communities and in women's organizations were the focus of our research. This article, however, is not about the...


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