Halil Ibrahim BurganAkdeniz University · Department of Civil Engineering
Halil Ibrahim Burgan
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Halil Ibrahim Burgan currently works at the Department of Civil Engineering, Akdeniz University. Halil does research in Water Science, Hydrology, GIS and Water Management.
Publications (64)
The construction sector in Iran faces substantial inefficiencies, including high material wastage, posing environmental and economic risks. This study investigated the adoption of Lean Construction (LC) practices and AI/IoT technologies in Iran's public construction sector using a mixed-methods approach. This research examined the organizational, t...
Ülkemizde ve dünyada suyun en çok sarf edildiği alanlardan biri tarımsal üretim faaliyetleridir. Tarımsal üretim faaliyetleri sürdürülürken kullanılan ve geleneksel yöntemlere dayanan bilinçsiz sulama yöntemleri, gereğinden fazla su sarfiyatına ve dolayısıyla su israfına neden olmaktadır. Bu su israfı toprakta çoraklık ve verim kaybı gibi sorunları...
Sustainable airport buildings aim to minimize environmental impacts through energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste management. This is achieved by employing green building materials and utilizing renewable energy sources to reduce their carbon footprint. In this study, life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to assess the environmental...
Hydropower is a sustainable and renewable energy source that can serve as a practical and economically viable solution to the future possible energy crisis and climate change scenarios. Moreover, they possess a higher energy density compared to other alternative energy sources as renewable energy sources such as solar, wind energy, etc. In order to...
Hydrometeorological variables are tested by trend methods to be able to detect trends in river basins. Mann-Kendall, Spearman’s rho tests are widely used as traditional trend methods. Besides that, some new trend tests are applied to hydrometeorological variables as Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA). Sediment discharge observations are more difficult...
Kuraklık yağışların kaydedilen normal seviyelerinin önemli ölçüde altına düşmesi sonucu arazi ve su kaynaklarının olumsuz etkilenmesine ve hidrolojik dengenin bozulmasına sebep olan doğal olay olarak tanımlanır. Kuraklık bölgenin coğrafi özellikleri, çevre koşulları sosyal ekonomik faaliyetleri gibi çeşit faktörlere bağlıdır. Küresel bir problem ha...
Kucuk Menderes River basin in the western part of Turkey has a great importance for different sectors. Higher demand of water together with less availability in the river basin makes it necessary to plan and manage water resources in a more efficient and productive manner. In this study, a drought analysis is performed using precipitation and strea...
Flow gauging stations in hydrological basins are mostly installed on main rivers. It is known that how difficult the prediction of daily flow with its stochastic and complicated structure. In this study, the application of time-lagged streamflow records of a gauging station is proposed as an accurate method for flow prediction. In this way, five ti...
In this study, we develop a daily flow duration curve model for ungauged intermittent subbasins of gauged rivers. The long-term mean streamflow of the river basin, one of the central parts in the model, is calculated with a regression model of annual precipitation and physical characteristics of the river basin; i.e., drainage area, basin relief, t...
Kucuk Menderes River basin in the western part of Turkey has a great importance in water resources management projects for different sectors. Higher demand of water together with less availability in the river basin makes it necessary to plan and manage water resources in a more efficient and productive manner. One fundamental instrument of the man...
Drought is one of the extreme hydrological events which may seriously affect the majority of the population in many ways such as economically, socially and environmentally. Researches on the drought analysis may prevent these adverse consequences to a significant extent. Droughts are characterized by using various meteorological and hydrological in...
A methodology using the standardised precipitation index is proposed to develop critical drought intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. We define dry periods within which we recognise droughts of different durations. The most severe drought for each drought duration in each year is called the critical drought. The total probability theorem-coup...
The estimation of precipitation data is very important while designing buildings in cities. Because of fast response of rainfall-runoff in urban areas, the stormwater infrastructure systems are developed. Especially in flood prone areas which have flash flood risks, the total precipitation, its return period and its duration should be known. For th...
Since the formation of the world, it is known that the earthquakes in seismic-active regions are occurring in sequences and from their results there are losses to millions of people and buildings. As Turkey is located in one of the worldꞌs most active seismic zones there are many studies for minimizing the damages especially at buildings during ear...
A methodology using the standardized precipitation index is proposed to develop critical drought intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. We define dry periods within which we recognize droughts of different durations. The most severe drought for each drought duration in each year is called critical drought. The total probability theorem-coupled...
Meteorological drought is analyzed both in time and space by using drought indices based on site-specific precipitation and temperature data. Departure of precipitation from its normal called in this study as the Dimensionless Precipitation Anomaly Index (DPAI) is used at annual scale, while the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using precipit...
Flow duration curve (FDC) is widely used in hydrology to assess streamflow in a river basin. In this study, a simple FDC model is developed for monthly streamflow data. The model consists of several steps including the nondimensionalization and then normalization in case the monthly streamflow data do not fit the normal probability distribution fun...
Determination of trends in low flows has a great importance in water resources planning and operation. Hydrological assessment on low flows is required in water quality control problems, water supply projects, irrigation, recreation, and ecological conservation. Trends in low flows could be seen as potential evidences of climate change, and signifi...
Drought is a natural climatological phenomenon which can be defined as the water scarcity due to the temporary imbalance in water availability in a region. Basically, drought occurs when precipitation is less than normal values and it extends over time. Drought has a large scope and negative significant effects on many sectors. It is therefore impo...
ABSTRACT: In recent years, society has a growing concern over global warming and climate change. As the greenhouse gas emissions increases, global temperature raises, however the effect on the hydrological cycle, especially on the precipitation still draws attention. Numerous studies supported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...
Drought is a natural climatological phenomenon which can be defined as the water scarcity due to the temporary imbalance in water availability in a region. Basically, drought occurs when precipitation is less than normal values and it extends over time. Drought has a large scope and negative significant effects on many sectors. It is therefore impo...
Every year, thousands of people are loosing their lives and significant financial losses occur because of flood disasters. Floods stem from basin characteristics. Floods can occur due to effects of snow melts and erratic rainfall because of shallow rivers even in summer months in the Akarcay Basin. In this study, Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) model and...
Please cite the work as follows:
Eris, E., Aksoy, H., Onoz, B., Cetin, M., Yuce, M. I., Selek, B., Aksu, H., Burgan, H. I., Esit, M., Yildirim, I., Karakus, E. U., 2019. Frequency analysis of low flows in intermittent and non-intermittent rivers from hydrological basins in Turkey. Available Online 2 March 2018, ws2018051; DOI: 10.2166/ws.2018.051....
Floods affect humanlife through ecological, financial and social factors. Therefore, it is quite important to observe and record flood discharges when possible. In case no measurements are available, flood discharges can be estimated by synthetic methods for any given return period. There are however, some limitations of synthetic methods considere...
ABSTRACT: Determination of drought and its characteristics play a major role in sustainable water resources management for the determination of measures to be taken against drought, or for the preparation of drought action plans. Drought is characterized by different variables such as severity, duration and frequency. The purpose of this study is t...
Kuraklık karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi sürdürülebilir su kaynakları yönetiminde, kuraklığa karşı alınacak önlemlerde ya da kuraklık eylem planlarının hazırlanmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı; kuraklık şiddet-süre-frekans eğrilerini elde etmek, böylelikle kuraklık etkilerinin azaltılmasını sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmada Meriç havzası...
Drought is a natural phenomenon and integral part of climate variability. It has been a fact that drought event develops gradually without being noticed, causes insidious natural hazard and serious harm. Therefore, it is a must to characterize frequency, severity and duration of a drought. The objectives of this study were three-fold: 1) to show ve...
Drought which is one of the most injurious natural hazards is defined as lack of rainfall that leads to a temporary decrease or deficit in natural water availability. Droughts may result in long-term environmental, social and economic impacts. Therefore, drought forecasting is an important hydrological phenomena and it plays a major role in risk ma...
Akarsu havzalarında kuraklığın incelenmesi, olası iklim değişikliği senaryoları göz önüne alındığında su kaynaklarının planlanması ve işletilmesi açısından dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de büyük önem arz etmektedir. Kuraklığı izlemek için birçok kuraklık indisi ge li ştiri lmi ş olup Standart Yağış İndeksi (SYİ) gerek dünyada gerekse ülkemizde yaln...
***Extended Abstract***
Low flows observed in the stream at certain times of the year are studied frequently due to their importance in water supply, water quality, transportation and stream ecology. Long low flow periods increase the probability of drought. Low flows become more important under dry weather conditions. Low flow frequency analysis i...
A flow duration curve (FDC) plots the percentage of time that flow in a stream is equal to or exceeding a given value. In a gauged basin, it is obtained by sorting the observed flow from the largest to the smallest, and plotting against the corresponding exceedance probability. At ungauged basins where no data exist, the need for developing empiric...
Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is widely used in hydrological modeling studies. GIS based hydrological models always need Digital Elevation Models (DEM) data. This study is based on a comparative flood vulnerability defined by wetness indices using different resolution DEMs. Study area is selected as Guneskaya Catchment in Meric (Ev...
Low flows are frequently studied for determination of amount of water needed for any purpose under dry weather conditions. Frequency analysis is a tool to be used for this aim. In this study, frequency analysis of low flows in four hydrological watersheds, Meriç-Ergene, Gediz, Seyhan and Ceyhan, were performed. The 2-and 3-parameter Gamma, log-norm...
Predetermination of the quantity of water is important for all water resources projects. It becomes vital particularly when low and high extreme events; i.e., low flows, droughts and floods, are dealt with. Streamflow data are used in the determination of available amount of water to provide for the demand. Therefore, it is important to have a wide...
Frequency analysis of runoff is one of the major approaches in modeling and estimating the
probabilistic behavior of discharge in rivers. Two intermittent rivers, one in Turkey another in
Iran, Shahar-Chay and Akarcay both located between 30–40 Northing latitude are selected for
comparative investigations. Both rivers show similar behavior in mom...
Flow duration curve can be used to determine discharge at any exceedance probability of time. Determination of the discharge is important in such watershed management practices as the design of irrigation systems and hydroelectric power plants. In this study, flow duration curves are modelled for use in ungauged basins. The model is based on the no...
This study attempts to find out the best-fit probability distribution function to low flows of Meric-Ergene, Gediz, Seyhan and Ceyhan hydrological basins in Turkey. Different duration days are used in frequency analysis of low flows. Analysis in this study is performed on minima of 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 273 days calculated from...
Akarsu havzalarında taşkın ile ilgili çalışmalar yaygın bir şekilde yürütülmektedir. Hassas bir konu olan taşkın araştırmaları için detaylı çalışmalar yapılmakta ve çok sayıda veri kullanılmaktadır. Buna karşın akarsu havzasında taşkına meyilli bölgelerin belirlenmesi için sadece topografyaya dayalı tahmin yapan modeller geliştirilmiştir. Bu modell...
Synthetic hydrologic data can be produced from stochastic model techniques. The autoregressive (AR) model specifies that the output variable depends linearly on its own previous values and on a stochastic term (an imperfectly predictable term); thus the model is in the form of a stochastic difference equation. AR models have been extensively used i...
Flood disaster effects directly people in terms of life, economy and
social subjects. Also, industrial and agricultural areas are effected by flood disaster. There are a lot of statistical, empirical or experimental flood models to estimate flood damage. Flood hazard assessment can be determined using GIS-based flood models. In this study, Adaptive...
Synthetic hydrologic data can be produced from stochastic model techniques. The autoregressive (AR) model specifies that the output variable depends linearly on its own previous values and on a stochastic term (an imperfectly predictable term); thus the model is in the form of a stochastic difference equation. AR models have been extensively used i...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are widely used in
most studies on water resources. Especially, when the topography and
geomorphology of study area are considered, GIS can ease the work load.
Detailed data should be used in this kind of studies. Because of, either the
complication of the models or the requirement of highly detailed data, model...
The Flow duration curve (FDC) is one of the most fundamental pieces of information that feeds into the design of a low-flow, hydropower, water supply and pollution studies. Because of the scarcity of available streamflow data, acquisition of FDC at the basins is important. By the help of FDC, flow at any time exceeded by a certain probability can b...
Su kaynakları ile ilgili çoğu çalışmada Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yazılımları yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle hidrolojik model çalışmalarında arazi topoğrafyası ve jeomorfolojisi dikkate alındığında CBS yazılımlarının büyük kolaylık sağladığı ortadadır. Bu tip çalışmalarda genellikle detaylı veri gerekmektedir. Gerek modellerin...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are widely used in most studies on water resources. Especially, when the topography and geomorphology of study area are considered, GIS can ease the work load. Detailed data should be used in these kind of studies. Because of, either the complication of the models or the requirement of highly detailed data, obta...
A conceptual model was made for Akarcay Basin using AdH (Adaptive Hydraulics) model in Surface Water Modelling System (SMS) software. This model outputs include water velocities, water depths in the river and wet/dry areas on the basin. These outputs give future flood risks at the basin. The AdH model was selected because it uses 3-D Navier-Stokes...
In this study, water quality trends from 2006-2011 of Akarcay River were analyzed. In river, physical and inorganic chemical parameters defined in Water Quality Control Regulation have been measured by State Hydraulic Works since 1991. Measured physical and inorganic chemical parameters in Araplı River, Afyon sewage output, sugar factory output and...
Duyma çevremiz hakkında bilgi algılamada görme duyusundan sonra en önemli, iletişim kurmada ise başta gelen yeteneğimizdir. Kaybedildikten sonra yeniden kazanılma olasılığı olmayan duyma yeteneğimizin çok dikkatli olarak kullanılması şarttır. Gürültü ise insanların fizyolojik ve psikolojik dengesini bozan, iş başarısını azaltan, çevrenin sessizliği...
In this research, we investigated flood modelling of Akarçay Basin which is located between Central Anatolia, Aegean and Mediterranean regions in Turkey and is on 30° - 32° east longitude and 38° - 39° north latitude. Akarçay Basin which has an impermeable soil layer and has drainage area which is 7 340 km2 is a closed depression basin. With the ef...
Termografik görüntülerin elde edilmesinde kullanılan termal kameralar günümüzde, enfrarujlu kameralar olarak da bilinmektedir. Özelliklerinden dolayı bir çok alanda kullanım imkanı bulunan termal kameralar pek çok sektörde problem teşhis etme aracı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Çorum bölgesinden temin edilen kil ve çeltik kavuzu kullanılar...
Afyon plain which is only for a completely closed basin is located between Central Anatolia, Aegean and Mediterranean Regions is a depression plain, as well as an impermeable soil layer. The plain is a very small slope of Eber lakes and Akşehir. In addition, due to erratic rainfall and melting snow in the plain in some rivers during the summer mont...
In recent years the bridge collapse are subject that must be careful due to damage to human life and it caused serious financial damage. In this study, the reasons of bridge collapseand matters that can be caution are investigated in the river and especially in recent years on the Black Sea Region of our country.Therefore, factors that caused the b...
Akarsularda kirlilik 2 şekilde olmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisi evsel ve endüstriyel atıkların suya karışması şeklinde ve diğeri de yüzeysel kirlenme şeklinde olmaktadır. Akarsuda taşkın durumunda birinci durumun su kirliliği üzerinde çok fazla değişiklik yapmadığı önceki çalışmalardan bilinmektedir. Fakat yüzeysel kirliliğin yağışların etkisiyle ar...
Hearing is first ability to communicate for us and it the most important in the debriefing after vision sense about our environment. The hearing ability, which without the possibility of reacquisition after loses, must be used physiological and psychological balance, reducing job success, change by reducing or destroying of silence of environment a...
Today thermal cameras which are used obtaining of thermographic images, known as infrared cameras. Thermal cameras which are used in many areas used for to diagnose of problem due to they have the properties in many areas. In this study, the region were used. After that, these brick samples combined with each other. The surface temperatures of the...