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April 2016 - present
April 2012 - March 2016
April 2010 - March 2012
Publications (80)
There are gaps in our knowledge of the role attitudes toward suicide play in determining people’s willingness to participate (WTP) for suicide prevention. We conducted a large nationwide cross-sectional study with the aim of clarifying the relationship between WTP for reducing suicide risk and attitudes toward suicide. Ordinal logistic regression a...
The present study aimed to establish willingness to pay for suicide prevention among taxpayers in Japan. We conducted an internet-based questionnaire survey using a double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation, and analyzed data for 956 participants. The median willingness to pay to reduce the mortality risk from suicide by 25% was JPY 1,...
Nurturing gatekeepers is an effective suicide prevention strategy. Internet-based methods to screen those at high risk of suicide have been developed in recent years but have not been used for online gatekeeping.
A preliminary study was conducted to examine the feasibility and effects of online gatekeeping.
Infodemiology studies for suicide prevention have become increasingly common in recent years. However, the association between Twitter use and suicide has only been partially clarified. This study examined the association between suicide-related tweets and suicidal behaviour to identify suicidal young people on the Internet.
There has been no study that has allowed clear conclusions about the impact of suicide-related or mental health consultation-related internet use.
To investigate the impacts of suicide-related or mental health consultation-related internet use.
We conducted prospective observational longitudinal study with data collection at baseline screening (T0)...
The primary objective of this study was to scrutinize the predictive validity of the Suicidal Ideation Scale and its abridged version. Data extracted from the Internet Gatekeeper project was used to investigate whether initial scores on the Suicidal Ideation Scale could forecast the occurrence of suicide-related behaviour among the counselling clie...
【Abstract】Gratitude has received attention as a protective factor that contributes to suicide prevention,and several studies have shown that gratitude intervention in hospitalized patients has asuicide prevention effect. We conducted a gratitude intervention for suicidal internet users, andexamined the feasibility and effectiveness of the intervent...
The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics present in the consultation text of individuals at high risk of suicide in a text-based crisis intervention project for suicide prevention. We analyzed data, including online questionnaire responses and consultation text content, from 519 individuals (69.7% of whom were women and 62.8% of wh...
The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics present in the consultation text of individuals at high risk of suicide in a text-based crisis intervention project for suicide prevention. We analyzed data, including online questionnaire responses and consultation text content, from 519 individuals (69.7% of whom were women and 62.8% of wh...
Monitoring the psychological conditions of social media users during rapidly developing public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, using their posts on social media has rapidly gained popularity as a relatively easy and cost-effective method. However, the characteristics of individuals who created these posts are largely unkno...
Monitoring the psychological conditions of social media users during rapidly developing public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, using their posts on social media has rapidly gained popularity as a relatively easy and cost-effective method. However, the characteristics of individuals who made these posts are largely unknown...
Monitoring the psychological conditions of social media users during rapidly developing public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, using their posts on social media has rapidly gained popularity as a relatively easy and cost-effective method. However, the characteristics of individuals who created these posts are largely unknow...
Recently, the practice of “online gatekeeping” related to suicide prevention—placing online advertisements directed at users who search the web for suicide-related terms and leading them to email-based consultations—has been implemented. However, the effectiveness of this practice has not been examined. Therefore, we quantitatively examined the eff...
Background: By presenting advertisements during web searches of suicide-related terms, help-seeking behavior among persons at high suicide risk can be promoted. However, this type of outreach often involves more consultations with young women and less with middle-aged and older men. Aims: We explored the reasons for the low number of consultations...
Background: The relationship between search terms and suicidal ideation is not precisely known. Aims: This study examined the relationship between the types of terms used in web searches and the level of suicidal ideation among individuals who conduct such searches. Methods: A total of 508 Internet users completed a suicidal ideation scale and conv...
We investigated the association between suicidal ideation and COVID-19 preventive behaviors using a prospective observational longitudinal design (N = 6683). The baseline survey was 24 January 2020 (before COVID-19 pandemic, T1) and the follow-up survey was between April 27 and 30, 2020 (during COVID-19 pandemic, T2). The sample was the general adu...
Background: Few studies have examined the effect of pandemics on suicide-related outcomes. Aims: We examined whether suicidal ideation levels among the general population changed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic by tracking individuals between January and April 2020. Method: We used a prospective observational longitudinal design ( n = 6,683) and str...
Background: Recently, the practice of “online gatekeeping” related to suicide prevention—placing online advertisements directed at users who search the web for suicide-related terms and leading them to email-based consultations—has been implemented. However, the effectiveness of this practice has not been examined. Aim: To quantitatively examine th...
Background: To devise effective railway suicide countermeasures, it is necessary to identify stations where suicide is likely to occur. Aim: We explored the characteristics of stations where railway suicides have occurred and locations within the stations. Method: (Study 1) Using suicide data from between April 2014 and September 2019 provided by a...
Background: Cross-sectional studies have shown associations between suicide risk factors and COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Aims: We investigated the impact of suicidal ideation on COVID-19 preventive behaviors to augment literature focused on suicide risk factors and COVID-19 preventive health measures. Significant findings may reveal factors that...
Background: Cross-sectional studies have shown associations between suicide risk factors and COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Aims: We investigated the impact of suicidal ideation on COVID-19 preventive behaviors to augment literature focused on suicide risk factors and COVID-19 preventive health measures. Significant findings may reveal factors that...
Online gatekeeping is a psychological consultation service using e-mail intended for Internet users with suicide risk. One of the problems is that some users do not respond to initial contact e-mails sent. This research aimed to clarify the relation between continuation rate of the service and the reply speed to user’s first-contact e-mails. Specif...
Online gatekeeping is a psychological consultation service in which e-mails are sent to Internet users who are at risk of suicide. This research aimed to clarify the relation between the continuation rate of the service and the speed of response to the user's first-contact e-mails. We analyzed 290 initial e-mails that arrived at [author's instituti...
The aim of the study was to examine COVID-19 preventive behaviours among individuals with mental health problems.
Study design
This is a pooled cross-sectional study.
Online survey data were analysed from 2000 Japanese adults collected in April and May 2020. Information was obtained on 13 COVID-19 preventive behaviours and anxi...
2019年の和光大学新入生に対して、健康診断時に精神的健康度に関するスクリーニング調査(K6)を実施し、その結果を先行研究と比較した。新入生全体(n = 887)の平均点は3.7点(SD = 4.6)、中央値は2点、最頻値は0点であった。いずれの学科においても中央値は4点未満であり、男子学生よりも女子学生の方が高い得点を示した。本学の新入生の結果を他の調査の結果と比較したところ、2019年度の新入生の精神的健康度が他の大学の学生と比して悪いとは考え難いと判断された。ただし、重症精神障害のカットオフポイントとしてよく使用される13点以上の学生は全体で6.1%であり、50名以上の学生が入学時に精神的健康に問題を抱えていることも示唆された。そのため、少なくとも6%以上の学生が学生相談サービスを受け...
Background: Few studies have examined the effect of pandemics on suicide-related outcomes. Aims: We examined whether suicidal ideation levels among the general population changed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic by tracking individuals between January and April 2020. Method: We used a prospective observational longitudinal design (n = 6,683) to condu...
Objectives: To examine COVID-19 preventive behaviours among individuals with mental health problems.
Study design: A pooled cross-sectional study.
Methods: Online survey data were analyzed from 2000 Japanese adults collected in April and May, 2020. Information was obtained on 13 COVID-19 preventive behaviours, and anxiety and depressive symptoms u...
The purpose of this study was to examine what elements of ad content were likely to promote help-seeking behaviors of suicidal people who search for suicide-related keywords on the Internet. We added one of the headlines direct messages (“please consult”) or empathic messages (“You feel painful”) to a basic ad content that encourages suicidal peopl...
Background: It is necessary to identify stations where suicide is likely to occur to devise promising railway suicide countermeasures. Aim: We examined the relationship between station characteristics and the occurrence of suicide. Methods: (Study 1) Using suicide data between April 2014 and September 2019 provided by a major railway company in Jap...
Aims: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may have detrimental mental health consequences. However, there is limited understanding of its impact on the mental health of the general population. The aim of this study was to examine the mental health of the Japanese general population by conducting the first systematic survey during the pandemic with a part...
One factor that has been studied as a protective factor for suicide is character strength and there are many studies that examined the relationship between gratitude and suicide. The problem of character strength research on suicide prevention is that the link between various character strengths and suicide has not been comprehensively examined. We...
We aimed to clarify if the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) predicted change in suicidal ideation in the general population. This study used a prospective cohort design (4-week survey interval) (N = 3,295). The online survey covered the BHS, suicidal ideation, depression/anxiety tendencies, and demographic details. Hierarchical multiple regression ana...
【研究1 ICTを活用した地域自殺対策の実態調査】 157自治体を対象に、ICTを活用した自殺対策の実施状況や課題を尋ねる質問紙調査を行い、105自治体から回答を得た。アウトリーチは20自治体、メール相談事業は9自治体、SNS相談事業は13自治体でそれぞれ実施され、全体で自治体の約3割がICTを活用した自殺対策を行っていた。各自治体は自殺対策に係る予算や人員の不足、ICTを活用することの知識や経験の不足を課題として認識していた。
【研究2 ICTを活用したアウトリーチに関するインタビュー調査】 関連分野の専...
本研究の目的は、自殺念慮尺度の短縮版を作成し、その信頼性・妥当性を検証することである。自殺方法に関する表現を含む項目を除外し、安全な測定を実現することも尺度短縮の目的である。自殺の研究者および自殺予防に従事する臨床家が13 項目版の自殺念慮尺度の項目内容を検討し、内容的妥当性を確保した上で短縮版に含める項目を選定した。その結果、6 項目を短縮版に含めることが適当だと判断された。次に、選定した6 項目版の自殺念慮尺度の信頼性および妥当性を検討するため、二波のパネル調査を実施した(N=2,486)。その結果、短縮版自殺念慮尺度は、高い内的一貫性(Cronbach’ s α=0.89)、4 週間後の得点との再検査信頼性(Spearman’ s ρ=0.84, P<0.001)、構造的妥当性、十分な...
Background: Studies focused on gratitude as a suicide prevention strategy that strengthens protective factors are increasing. However, previous studies did not examine the relationship between the actual occurrence of gratitude behavior and its suicide prevention effect. Aim: We examined whether the occurrence of gratitude behavior is related to su...
In high school baseball games, choosing when to bat influences the likelihood of winning, teams batting second having a significantly higher winning percentage. Three hypotheses can be considered for explaining this trend: the weaker school chooses to bat first (Hypothesis 1), an additional strategy change can favor the team that bats second (Hypot...
Previous studies have shown that high income was associated with low risk of death by suicide; however, the extent to which household income reduces suicidal ideation remains unclear. We performed a survey to examine the relationship between annual household income and suicidal ideation and determine the level of annual household income at which su...
In Japan, implementation of suicide prevention policies is mainly supported by public funds. However, it is unclear what kinds of suicide prevention strategies people prefer. We conducted a survey to clarify people’s preferences regarding suicide prevention strategies adopted in Japan. This was a cross-sectional self-administered questionnaire surv...
The purpose of this study was to clarify how psychological research contributes to suicide prevention.
First, we introduced previous reviews dealing with this problem from two perspectives: the theory on prediction
of suicide occurrence and validated suicide prevention methods. Although not fully dealt with in
previous reviews, we next reviewed stu...
近年、若年層の自殺を防ぐためにオンラインの相談体制を整える動きが活発化し、ICT を用いた自殺予防対策の実施は急務となっている。本研究では、ICT を用いた自殺対策の 1 つとしてインターネット・ゲートキーパーを取り挙げ、2 つの研究を実施した。【研究 1】自殺関連用語を利用した検索連動型広告の自殺誘発性を評価し、広告を出稿するためのガイドライン案を作成することを目的とした研究を実施した。「死にたい」「自殺 方法」など 13 の自殺関連用語を用いて全国から検索連動型広告を収集し、52 種類の広告の内容を質的・量的に評価した。その結果、自殺関連用語を検索用語として使用し、危険がないと評価された検索連動型広告は半数以下であった。自動的に検索結果が組み込まれる広告、人の死後に関わる事業の広告、自殺...
Gatekeeper training is an effective suicide prevention strategy. However, the appropriate targets of online gatekeeping have not yet been clarified.
We examined the association between the outcomes of online gatekeeping using the Internet and the characteristics of consultation service users.
An advertisement to encour...
Baseball is a thriving sport in Japanese high schools. However, there have been demands to shorten the instructional time for school extracurricular activities, resulting in a need to increase the effectiveness of such instruction. The present study was designed to examine the effects of three elements of team strength in high school baseball—pitch...
In this study, we reexamined the reliability and validity of suicidal ideation scale, which is one of the scales
to measure suicidal ideation available in Japanese. As a result of a two-wave panel survey conducted at three
month intervals using the Internet, data were obtained from 850 participants aged between 20 and 40 years.
It was newly confirm...
Increases in mental health problems within Japan’s school population have led the Japanese government to initiate school counselling services. However, the development of counselling services is hindered by the lack of public appreciation for the magnitude of mental health problems and the lack of clarity regarding the economic benefits of such cou...
This study examines the relationship between willingness to pay (WTP) for suicide countermeasures and attitude toward suicide. For this purpose, a contingent valuation survey was conducted among 106 Japanese university students in Tokyo, Japan. The results showed that the median WTP for reducing the risk of death by suicide by 20% was JPY 1,000 (va...
Many individuals show negative attitudes toward the use of taxes for suicide prevention. Activities that enhance knowledge and awareness of suicide and suicide prevention may increase willingness to pay (WTP) for suicide prevention. WTP is the amount that a consumer will pay for a product or service. The present study examined the influence of educ...
Google Adwords を用いて自殺関連語の検索に対して、無料のメール相談を受ける旨の広告を出した。相談を受け付けたのは2014 年10 月から2015 年12 月までの間であり、その間に受信した全てのメールについて相談事業を行った。相談の目的は、相談者の状況をアセスメントし、悩みの解決を目的として対面で利用可能な援助資源に対して援助要請行動を引き起こすことである。
1 年3 カ月の間に、約200 名からの新規相...
In communities including many people with high suicide risk, nurturing gatekeepers are effective in preventing suicide. Evidence regarding suicide prevention through gatekeeping has been obtained at a quasi-experimental level. In recent years, novel attempts have been made to provide a basis for gatekeeping, such as extracting internet data indicat...
Many previous studies have estimated the willingness to pay (WTP) for reduction in the risk of dying in a road accident, while there is few studies estimating the WTP for suicide countermeasures in Japan. Therefore, a contingent valuation survey was conducted among 111 Japanese university students in Tokyo, Japan, for the purpose of estimating the...
Background: Previous analyses of the Werther effect have focused on the role of traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, failing to consider the similar influence that online media may bear. Aim: This study examined the link between Internet reports about incidents of suicide and searches employing suicide-related terms. Methods...
Mental health issues in the student population seem to be increasing and have resulted in an increase in the number of counselors. Such increase in student counseling services is observed even in Japan and is an important research topic. However, no study has examined the economic value of these services in the Japanese context. This study aimed to...
Previous studies have shown that suicide-related Internet use can have both negative and positive psychological effects.
This study examined the effect of suicide-related Internet use on users' suicidal ideation, depression/anxiety tendency, and loneliness.
A two-wave panel study of 850 Internet users was conducted vi...
The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of information based on the theoretical concept of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that was provided on a suicide-prevention website. We maintained a website from August 2008 to July 2010 that presented objective information about suicide and suicide prevention. CBT contents were added in Augus...
自殺の危険の高い人への危機介入において,共感的/傾聴的対応が重要である ことは多くの研究者が指摘するところである。しかし,共感/傾聴の具体的な方法やその 方法が推奨されることの理論的背景については十分に検討されているとは言い難い。そこ で,本稿では,共感的な対応を基調とする面接法の一つである動機づけ面接およびその効 果の理論的背景と目される自己決定理論と自己知覚理論の観点から,自殺への危機介入に おける共感的/傾聴的対応のあり方の検討を行った。その結果として,自殺の危機介入に おいて共感/傾聴により関係性を築くことの重要性を示すとともに,生への意志決定に向 けた戦略的共感を行うための方法及びその背景理論を示すことができた。また,今後の研 究課題としては,行動の変化を引き起こす要因の文化差につ...
This study aimed to clarify the association between the experience of searching for deliberate self-harm (DSH)-related Internet content and the mental states and lifetime suicidal behaviors of Japanese young adults (n = 1000) using an online questionnaire. The results were assessed using χ(2) and t-tests, which revealed that the experience of DSH-r...
An online questionnaire (n = 301) was conducted to analyze the cross-cultural influence of the use of suicide bulletin board systems. Factor analysis demonstrated that participants had two types of motives: the constructive motive of mutual help and the destructive motive of suicide preparation. The results showed that suicidal thoughts did not wor...
The purpose of this study was to know the contents of the suicide-preventive postings on so-called “suicide message board”, a kind of online bulletin board system (BBS), and to examine the difference in the effects of postings among user types classified by the role in self-help activity on BBS. Subjects were 137 users of suicide BBSs in Japan, who...
Cross-correlation was examined for the volume of suicide-related Internet searches and suicide death rate. Analysis of Google data and figures released by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare indicated that the volume of searches using the search terms jisatsu (suicide) and jisatsu houhou (suicide method) are not correlated with the suicide...
This study explored the motivation for using "suicide message boards", a type of online bulletin board system (BBS). It classified users according to their motivation, and identified the influence of the suicide BBS on the users' suicidal thoughts. The participants were 137 users of suicide BBSs in Japan, who were asked to answer an online question...
The purpose of this study was to discuss the possibilities of using the internet as a new means to help people who are at a high risk of suicide. First, the help-seeking features of the media were discussed, and a comparison was drawn between the internet and a telephone hotline. As a result, it was shown that the asynchronous communication shared...