Hai Vu PhamInstitut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement · Social and Human Sciences
Hai Vu Pham
Ph.D in Economics
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Publications (65)
Le prix des vignes sous appellation d’origine contrôlée (AOC) a fortement augmenté ces dernières décennies, au point de questionner sa connexion aux revenus issus de la vente de vin. Dans cet article, nous utilisons le modèle de capitalisation pour confronter les prix observés lors des mutations foncières aux revenus d’exploitation estimés à partir...
Cet article étudie la vente informelle de légumes dans l’espace urbain de la ville de Hanoï au Vietnam, phénomène jusqu’à présent peu étudié dans la littérature économique. De manière à analyser le rôle et le fonctionnement de la vente informelle, nous avons réalisé un travail de recensement afin de cerner son ampleur et sa répartition spatiale, pu...
This article studies the informal sale of vegetables in the urban space of Hanoï City, Vietnam, a phenomenon that has been little studied in the economic literature until now. In order to analyse the role and the scope of informal selling, we carried out a spatial screening of Hanoï, mapped the distribution of informal vendors. We then interviewed...
Ecological approaches to farming are gaining increasing interest in the EU's Rural Development (RD) policy. From a societal perspective, these approaches are expected to deliver public goods in terms of environmental and social benefits for both consumers and rural actors. This study aims to investigate the policy discourses that are being used in...
Pham and al., (2021) The Hanoi's distribution system of vegetables, Mapping and measuring the flows. Technical report of the ISITE Food2C Project. July 2021. 61 pages.
Cet article a pour objet de présenter le travail réalisé depuis quelques années par une équipe pluridisciplinaire sur la question des conflits d'usage de l'espace et de révéler la méthodologie d'enquête et de collecte de données, ainsi que la structure de la base de données qui en est issue. Dans un premier temps nous procédons à une définition du...
This text aims to present the methodology of study of land-use conflicts performed in recent years by a multidisciplinary team, and to reveal the methods of survey and data collection, as well as the structure of the resulting database. We first define the scope of our study by providing a definition of these conflicts, of their characteristics and...
La crise écologique majeure que l’ensemble des sociétés traversent a fait prendre conscience que l’environnement est un bien commun qui fait l’objet d’usages parfois incompatibles. Les entreprises au cours de leurs actes de production sont à l’origine d’effets externes technologiques négatifs en dégradant certaines ressources communes. En France, u...
This article uses the Ostrom’s notion of socio-ecological system in order to characterize agricultural practices generating social and environmental benefits and to identify factors that ease or limit their implementation. The methodology is based on three case studies in France on sustainable agricultural practices in Langres, about preservation o...
Bài viết này trình bày mô hình blockchain và yêu cầu cơ bản của việc truy xuất thông tin thực phẩm, với mục đích đem đến những hiểu biết cơ bản về triển vọng ứng dụng blockchain để truy xuất. Về lý thuyết, blockchain không chỉ là tiền ảo, mà còn là một công nghệ cho phép thực hiện truy xuất thông tin tới tận gốc, một cách minh bạch và đảm bảo. Nó đ...
Nghiên cứu này tập trung vào hệ thống phân phối rau xanh của thành phố Huế. Tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế có diện tích sản xuất rau khiêm tốn, và rau trồng địa phương chủ yếu là ăn lá và gia vị. Hệ thống phân phối rau của Huế phụ thuộc vào hai chợ bán buôn là chợ đầu mối Phú Hậu và chợ Đông Ba, trong đó chợ Phú Hậu là trọng điểm nơi tập trung hơn 70% rau đi...
Bài báo này trình bày kết quả một khảo sát người tiêu dùng được tiến hành theo hai bước, định tính và định lượng tại Việt Nam. Mẫu khảo sát thu được có một phần lớn là người tiêu dùng thành thị, nữ giới, có độ tuổi từ 24 - 39, nghề nghiệp văn phòng. Các kết quả trong tổng thể do đó tương ứng với các tiêu chí lựa chọn thực phẩm của mẫu khảo sát này....
Bài báo này tổng hợp các tài liệu khoa học xung quanh khái niệm Hệ thống thực phẩm. Hệ thống thực phẩm khái quát sự liên kết giữa các khâu sản xuất nông sản, chế biến thực phẩm, phân phối và tiêu dùng. Thị trường nông thực phẩm không phải là một thị trường hoàn hảo. Cách tiếp cận qua hệ thống cho phép nhìn thấy những khiếm khuyết của thị trường này...
Parts of European rural development policies are meant to empower local decision makers. These policies are implemented in very different multilevel governance contexts in the member states. We question the extent to which the institutional differences at the different levels affect the implementation of LEADER (an approach for Community-led Local...
Conflicts of infrastructure associated with land-use changes happen in various forms among different stakeholders and disturb them socially and economically. The article takes into account the case study of Diamer Bhasha dam in Pakistan and examines the various issues and factors responsible for socioeconomic disturbances of affected people and gen...
The deliverable D6.1 of the LIFT project explores what types of discourses are used in six European Union (EU) member states’ Rural Development Programs (RDP) and other agricultural policy docu-ments and how they incorporate ecological approaches across three Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) periods. This multiple case study highlights similarities...
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, food safety has become a societal issue that has received considerable attention in Vietnam. Cases of food intoxication are copiously reported in the press, while scientific reports show that the risk is imminent and is particularly underestimated due to lack of statistics and appropriate knowledge r...
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In 2008, public authorities in Algeria created the "Syrpalac" mechanism in order to reduce price fluctuation of consumption potatoes. The mechanism calls private storage operators for the constitution of the stocks of regulation. It is a voluntary policy, whose success is depending on the effective implication of these storage operators. Our resear...
Fermentation has been used for centuries to produce food in South-East Asia and some foods of this region are famous in the whole world. However, in the twenty first century, issues like food safety and quality must be addressed in a world changing from local business to globalization. In Western countries, the answer to these questions has been ma...
L’article analyse le changement institutionnel dans la mise en œuvre du Règlement de Développement Rural. Il décrit la décentralisation et le rôle des conseils régionaux dans le 2nd pilier de la PAC ainsi que les priorités, répartitions, et évolutions budgétaires de la programmation 2014-2020. Le rôle et l’implication de l’État français en termes d...
Ce livre fut le résultat de la journée d’étude SAFAS, organisée par l’Institut national supérieur des Sciences agronomiques, de l’Alimentation et de l’Environnement AGROSUP DIJON, en collaboration avec la plateforme Market and agricultural linking chains in Asia MALICA à Hanoi, en Juin 2015. La journée a réuni à l’Académie de l’Agriculture du Vietn...
On a souvent le sentiment diffus d’une montée de la conflictualité liée aux usages de l’espace, laissant à penser que ces conflits occupent un rôle important dans la société française et qu’ils viennent s’immiscer dans les processus de développement en marquant une opposition déclarée à certains projets décidés par l’État, des entreprises ou des pa...
"The Vietnam is facing an unprecedented crisis of food safety at present. Since the adoption of market's principles in 1986, the country has given priority to a quick economic development, leading the State to lose controls on foods market. Many foods sold on the market don't respect safety norms, and don't have nor labelling neither traceability,...
This report examines the choices made by EU Member States in preparing
their Rural Development Programmes for the 2015-2020 period. It finds
much continuity compared to the previous period but some notable
changes, including more funding for knowledge and co-operation and
greater focus upon the goals of environmental management and
investments for...
A l’heure où est engagée une vaste réflexion sur le « produire autrement » visant le renouvellement des modes de production en agriculture et l’adaptation des modalités de leur accompagnement public, les enseignants-chercheurs co-rédacteurs de cet ouvrage ont pour objectif d’alimenter la discussion sur ce que sous-tend cette notion de bien public e...
On a souvent le sentiment diffus d’une montée de la conflictualité liée aux usages de l’espace, laissant à penser que ces conflits occupent un rôle important dans la société française et qu’ils viennent s’immiscer dans les processus de développement en marquant une opposition déclarée à certains projets décidés par l’État, des entreprises ou des pa...
Face to the ecological crisis, societies move towards the consideration that the environment is a common good, which is used in incompatible way. When firms produce private goods, they also produce negative external effects damaging environmental common goods. In France, command and control system has longtime been used to regulate polluting facili...
Les données permettant d’analyser la conflictualité sont peu nombreuses, et souvent lacunaires, pour deux raisons principales : le faible intérêt marqué pour ce domaine jusqu’aux années 2000 et la forme complexe prise par les conflits (tribunaux, médiatisation, violence…), ce qui interdit l’usage d’une seule variable représentative. Le chercheur do...
Chapitre 1, Première partie : Structure, Acteurs et Territoires
Les données permettant d’analyser la conflictualité sont peu nombreuses, et souvent lacunaires, pour deux raisons principales : le faible intérêt marqué pour ce domaine jusqu’aux années 2000 et la forme complexe prise par les conflits (tribunaux, médiatisation, violence…), ce qui interdit l’usage d’une seule variable représentative. Le chercheur do...
The presence of nearby public facilities has an impact on real-estate values; for this reason, the market may reasonably anticipate that public infrastructure projects will affect house prices. But undesirable and semi-desirable facility location choices may be contested by nearby residents, as they are a source of negative externalities or expecta...
This text aims to present the methodology of study of land-use conflicts performed in recent years by a multidisciplinary team, and to reveal the methods of survey and data collection, as well as the structure of the resulting database. We first define the scope of our study by providing a definition of these conflicts, of their characteristics and...
Conflicts over Public Utility Infrastructure in Ile-de-France: signal of imperfections in public decision-making process in French rural and periurban areas
The article offers an empirically-based analysis of conflicts over public utility infrastructures in the Paris region. It sheds some light on public decision-making process and on the role conf...
L'existence de stratégies judiciaires de la part des groupes d'intérêts environnementalistes est susceptible de jouer un rôle important, non seulement pour éviter des projets dommageables, mais aussi pour susciter de manière préventive de meilleures performances environnementales. L'enquête présentée ici montre cependant que la capacité des riverai...
The article offers an empirically-founded analysis of conflicts on public utility infrastructures in the region surrounding Paris It sheds some light on public decision-making process and on the role conflicts play in the process of land availability in the Paris region. Empirical evidence based on courts records show that conflicts on infrastructu...
Process which respects social preferences for territorial planning. That's why these methods are no longer the appropriate framework to build collective choice. The increasing volume of land-use conflicts proves that it is more and more difficult to carry out new projects, particularly in public facility construction. This article defends the idea...
In France, public decisions about industrial infrastructures are mainly based on a cost-advantage analysis but they are much and much depending on the public choice principle. While cardinal utility based approach refuses social dimension in decision making, the society turns more toward a democratic deliberation process which respects social prefe...
Index JEL : H54 - Infrastructures; Other Public Investment and Capital Stock, K41 - Litigation Process, O18 - Regional; Urban; and Rural Analyses, R11 - Regional Economic Activity: Growth; Development; and Changes
Nous proposons de montrer comment les dimensions conflictuelles, qui sont à l’origine de bien des oppositions locales et naissent souvent au sujet de décisions publiques jugées injustifiées, contribuent à l’élaboration de la décision publique et y jouent un rôle non négligeable, en matière de bancs d’essais de l’action publique. Le travail se focal...
Cet article cherche à analyser la conflictualité liée aux projets d'infrastructures polluantes ou semi-polluantes jugées nécessaires au développement urbain et à juger du lien entre ces conflits et les variations de prix constatées sur le marché des biens immobiliers. Le travail porte sur deux cas de conflit correspondant à des projets d'infrastruc...
Le chapître IV est co-rédigé en anglais par Hai-Vu Pham, Arnaud Simon et André Torre. La thèse étudie l’opposition des riverains à des projets d’aménagement de l’espace. Elle défend la vision selon laquelle cette dimension conflictuelle, fréquemment rencontrée lors de la réalisation des projets d’infrastructure, n’est pas un état de dysfonctionneme...
The presence of nearby public facilities contributes to real estate values; that is why the market may expect public projects to affect house prices. But undesirable and semi-desirable facility location choices can be contested by close inhabitants, because they are source of negative externalities or negative expectations. In Paris' suburban zones...
The presence of nearby public facility contributes to real-estate’s value, that’s why the market may expect impact of public project on house’s price. But undesirable and semi-desirable facility location choices can be contested by close inhabitants, because they are source of negative externalities or negative expectations. In suburban zones of Pa...
This article aims to present the research conducted in recent years by a multidisciplinary team on the questions of land-use conflict, and to reveal the methodology of survey and data collection, as well as the structure of the resulting database. We first define the scope of our study by providing a definition of these conflicts, of their characte...
The article provides an analysis of land-use conflicts extract from the rulings of French Administrative Courts from 1981 to 2005. It focuses on Paris's suburb, where the urbanisation process and the diversity of land-use require a deeper comprehension of the problem. Our results show that the land-use conflict's evolution is correlated with the ur...
Land-Use Conflicts and Administrative Law Litigation. The case of the Ile-de-France area
The article provides an analysis of land-use conflicts extract from the rulings of French Administrative Courts from 1981 to 2005. It focuses on Paris’s suburb, where the urbanisation process and the diversity of land-use require a deeper comprehension of the p...
Cet article cherche à analyser la conflictualité liée aux projets d'infrastructures polluantes ou semi-polluantes jugées nécessaires au développement urbain et à juger du lien entre ces conflits et les variations de prix constatées sur le marché des biens immobiliers. Le travail porte sur deux cas de conflit correspondant à des projets d'infrastruc...