Hagen LangerUniversity of Bremen | Uni Bremen · Artificial Intelligence
Hagen Langer
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June 1989 - December 1993
June 2004 - present
January 1994 - December 1999
Publications (51)
The field of autonomous robot manipulation experiences tremendous progress: the cost of robot platforms is decreasing substantially, sensor technology and perceptual capabilities are advancing rapidly, and we see an increasing sophistication of control mechanisms for manipulators. Researchers have also recently implemented robots that autonomously...
Autonomous mobile robots are employed to perform increasingly complex tasks which require appropriate task descriptions, accurate object recognition, and dexterous object manipulation. In this paper we will address three key questions: How to obtain appropriate task descriptions from natural language (NL) instructions, how to choose the control pro...
Software agents in complex, dynamic environments need to update, adapt, and improve their knowledge models for decision making in order to achieve adequate results. Their individual adaption often relies on machine learning from observational data. However, when data is not available in the required quantity and quality, alternative approaches are...
Domain-specific time limits for the execution of agent-oriented knowledge management processes constitute a significant challenge for the design of autonomous logistic control with multi-agent systems. Tailored models are needed to support the agents’ decision-making, which gives rise to questions concerning the time span agents are granted to comp...
Hypernym discovery is an essential task for building and extending ontologies automatically. In comparison to the whole Web
as a source for information extraction, online encyclopedias provide far more structuredness and reliability. In this paper
we propose a novel approach that combines syntactic and lexical-semantic information to identify hyper...
This paper presents the research activities of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 637 “Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes—A Paradigm Shift and its Limitations” at the University of Bremen. After a motivation of autonomous logistics as an answer to current trends in increasingly dynamic
markets, we sketch the structure and aims of the in...
This paper presents the research activities of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 637 “Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes—A Paradigm Shift and its Limitations” at the University of Bremen. After a motivation of autonomous logistics as an answer to current trends in increasingly dynamic markets, we sketch the structure and aims of the in...
In multiagent-based simulation systems the agent pro-gramming paradigm is adopted for simulation. This simu-lation approach offers the promise to facilitate the design and development of complex simulations, both regarding the distinct simulation actors and the simulation envi-ronment itself. We introduce the simulation middleware PlaSMA which exte...
1.1.1Introduction Logistic processes are inherently dynamic and hence require the ability to plan and re-plan in complex situations, under rigid time constraints, and in light of uncertain, incomplete, and false information. Standard scenarios of logistic processes typically have been modeled on the basis of static graph-theoretic representations....
Engineering science today copies nature by equipping technical structures with the analogue of a nervous system by providing a network of sensors, communication facilities linking them and specific hardware as well as computational methods to derive meaning from their combined signals. The size and density of such networks are ever increasing, up t...
Logistic processes are inherently complex and dynamic. This motivates the application of robust distributed methods, such as multiagent systems, for logistic planning and control. In the present paper we outline a knowledge management oriented approach for multiagent-based autonomous logistic processes. Recent results from simulations give rise to...
The trends and recent changes in logistics lead to complex and partially conflicting requirements on logistic planning and control systems. Due to the lack of efficiency of currently available strategies and methodologies, a new paradigm for logistics plan- ning and control is required. An emerging approach is the analysis and design of autonomous...
We present a framework for role-based knowledge manage- ment in a multiagent environment. Our approach focuses on roles which are carried out by rational agents. The use of roles for knowledge man- agement, which is orthogonal to the organizational entity represented by an agent, reduces the computational cost of reasoning and simplifies the agent...
We present a novel approach to enable decision-making in a highly distributed multiagent environment where individual agents need to act in an au- tonomous fashion. Our architecture framework integrates risk management, knowl- edge management, and agent deliberation to enable sophisticated, autonomous decision-making. Instead of a centralized knowl...
We present a novel approach to enable decision-making in a highly distributed multiagent environment where individual agents need to act in an autonomous fashion. Our architecture framework integrates risk management, knowledge management, and agent deliberation to enable sophisticated, autonomous decision-making. Instead of a centralized knowledge...
Most research on automated categorization of doc-uments has concentrated on the assignment of one or many categories to a whole text. However, new applications, e.g. in the area of the Semantic Web, require a richer and more fine-grained annotation of documents, such as detailed thematic informa-tion about the parts of a document. Hence we in-vesti...
Zahlreiche neuere Arbeiten für das Englische zeigen, daß statistische Analysen großer Korpora und Treebanks gute Heuristiken für die Zuordnung von Präpositionalphrasen liefern können. Entsprechende Untersuchungen für das Deutsche scheitern bisher an den fehlenden Daten. Wir zeigen jedoch, daß durch Einbeziehung weiterer Faktoren auch für das Deutsc...
Das Problem der Anbindungsambiguitäten bei Präpositionalphrasen ist zwar bereits oft und unter verschiedenen Aspekten - von der Sprachtechnologie bis hin zur Psycholinguistik - untersucht worden, es darf aber gleichwohl als nach wie vor ungelöst angesehen werden. PP-Anbindung ist ein zentrales Problem, da es sich bei Präpositionalphrasen um alles a...
In this paper we will investigate which elements of the DATR language essentially contribute to its expressive capabilities and which are dispensable for the purposes DATR has been developed for. We will consider a subset of DATR, called local path DATR (LDATR), that eliminates the concepts of node and global inheritance by redefining them in a pse...
DATR is a declarative representation language for lexical information and as such, in principle, neutral with respect to particular processing strategies. Previous DATR compiler/interpreter systems support only one access strategy that closely resembles the set of inference rules of the procedural semantics of DATR (Evans & Gazdar 1989a). In this p...
reverse query algorithm for the lexical representation language DATR
Der zentrale Untersuchungsgegenstand und das explicandum dieses Projekts ist die Kategorie Akzent, wie sie heuristisch durch operationale Verfahren als holistisches Wahrnehmungsurteil von Muttersprachlern definiert werden kann. Viele vorliegende Untersuchungen zum Akzent lassen sich genau einem der folgenden Akzentbegriffe zuordnen:
dem akustischen...
Eine systematische Rekonstruktion der in den verschiedenen linguistischen Traditionen entwickelten Bestimmungen des Kohärenzbegriffs ist insbesondere deshalb ein schwieriges Unterfangen, weil sowohl Terminologie als auch Methodik in den verschiedenen Ansätzen ausgesprochen uneinheitlich sind. So werden die zentralen Begriffe Kohärenz, Kohäsion, Kon...
This paper presents some techniques that provide a standard parsing system for the analysis of ill-formed utterances. These techniques are feature generalization and heuristically driven deletions
This article concentrates on the question To what extent can automatic morphological segmentation be achieved without the use of a lexicon? This question seems to us important in two respects. first, because of new insights into language structure, and secondly, because there are applications (for example, in information retrieval) which requ...
Zusammenfassung: Anwendungen in der Transportlogistik zeichnen sich durch eine besonders hohe Komplexität und Dynamik aus. In diesem Rahmen haben sich Soft-Computing-Ansätze für die Disposition etabliert, da sie eine effiziente Planung ermöglichen. Daneben werden in der For-schung Ansätze zur Transportplanung mit Hilfe von Multiagentensystemen unte...
Scientific articles exhibit a fairly conventionalized structure in terms of topic types such as background, researchTopic, method and their ordering and rhetorical interrelations. This paper describes an effort to make such structures explicit by providing a corpus of German linguistic articles with XML markup according to a text type schema defini...
This paper introduces a decision-making model for autonomous cooperating logistics processes (ALPs) in transport organizations, an emerging technology following the paradigm of self-organisation from an interdisciplinary perspective.