H. Michael CrowsonUniversity of Oklahoma | ou · Department of Educational Psychology
H. Michael Crowson
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I am an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Oklahoma. My research interests are in the areas of educational, social, and political psychology. I teach courses on quantitative research methods, including introductory and intermediate statistics, multivariate statistics, SEM, and HLM. Currently, I am involved in a project aimed at disseminating open source content on various statistical concepts and procedures.
I have an open-source introductory statistics text (https://sites.google.com/view/statisticsfortherealworldagent/home), as well as an open-source site for multivariate statistics (https://sites.google.com/view/statistics-for-the-real-world/home)
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August 2002 - present
Publications (71)
Enhancing special educators’ data literacy is critical to informing instructional decision-making, especially for students with learning disabilities. One tool special educators commonly use is curriculum-based measurement (CBM). These data are displayed on time-series graphs, and student responsiveness is evaluated. Graph construction varies and m...
Previous research reveals that rejection sensitivity is associated with both sexual violence victimization and self-silencing behavior, yet the association among these variables has not been examined. As the foundation for this study, we propose a theoretical model that integrates these constructs. Using mediational analyses with bootstrapping, the...
Pain is a common symptom reported in COVID-19 patients. Impaired endogenous pain-modulatory mechanisms such as conditioned pain modulation (CPM), and exercise-induced hypoalgesia (EIH) have been found in chronic pain conditions but is often overlooked in acute conditions that evoke painful symptoms, such as COVID-19. The purpose was to compare pres...
Through time-series graphs, teachers often evaluate progress monitoring data to make both low- and high-stakes decisions for students. The construction of these graphs—specifically, the presence of an aimline and the data points per x- to y-axis ratio (DPPXYR)—may impact decisions teachers make. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact...
BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services provided eight years’ worth of de-identified data on transition-aged clients to be examined in this study. OBJECTIVE: This study presents information on the predictive impact of work experiences, age at time of application for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, and priority group...
Through time-series graphs, both special education and general education teachers often evaluate progress monitoring data to make both low- and high-stakes decisions for students with and at risk for disabilities. The construction of these graphs–specifically the presence of an aimline and the data-points per x- to y-axis ratio (DPPXYR)–may impact...
Workplace demographic changes and evidence of religious discrimination suggest that management educators should prepare students for multi-faith workplaces. However, quantitative research is lacking on the impact of courses designed to prepare students for multifaith workplaces or organizations where spirituality is expressed. This quasi-experiment...
Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is a minimally invasive procedure used for the treatment of lesions in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There is increased usage of hemoclips during EMR for the prevention of delayed bleeding. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hemoclips in the prevention of delayed bleeding after EMR of upper...
Background: Young adults are adopting wearables ahead of research. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the use of trackers through Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Methods: SCT-guided individual interviews were conducted with young adults (n = 57). Typical case sampling was used to recruit college students (n = 35) and straight-to-work...
This pilot study in a small group of individuals (n=21) examined the effect of walking intervention among inactive adults (age=40-64 years) with dyslipidemia. Participants were randomly assigned to a Walking-Plus (WP) or Walking-Only (WO) group. Groups engaged in walking (30 to 60 min/day; 50-60% of HRmax) and were encouraged to accumulate 10,000 s...
This study examined a model of servant leadership's relationship to organizational commitment through structural and psychological empowerment, focusing on leader–follower dyads in a nonprofit organization. Survey data was collected from 128 employees of a nonprofit organization in a northeastern U.S. city. After model re-specification, a well-fitt...
This investigation employed a longitudinal design to examine the influence of a one-shot growth mindset intervention on ninth-graders’ implicit beliefs about intelligence and related achievement goals in four different samples. The intervention conformed to characteristics of ‘wise interventions’. Participants’ incremental beliefs about intelligenc...
Historically, much of the research on right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation has proceeded from the assumption that they are unidimensional. Recently, researchers have begun to seriously consider the possibility that they are multidimensional in nature and should be measured as such. Several studies have examined the unique re...
Novel approaches are needed to improve health outcomes among adults with Type II Diabetes.This study reports the results of a process evaluation of a 12-week intervention administered to universityfaculty and staff aimed at 1) increasing walking and 2) interrupting sedentary time. The intervention wasimplemented as planned with 16 participants rece...
Two recent meta-analytic studies addressing the relationship between cognitive style and right-wing attitudes yielded some discrepancies. We argue that these discrepancies can be accounted for when one considers the types of cognitive style measures included in those analyses. One of these analyses primarily relied on self-report measures, whereas...
Physical activity is beneficial at all stages of life, and has been linked as a protective factor from obesity, and other chronic health conditions. Despite the benefits of physical activity, less than half of US children meet the current recommendations, and activity levels decline with age. When planning physical activity interventions, behaviour...
This article models key motivational factors that contribute to youth effort and future intentions to resist risk behaviors for HIV/AIDS. Quantitative questionnaire data were collected from 6,816 youth ages 10–24, in high-risk communities in Kenya and Tanzania. Lisrel 9.1 analysis tested a best-fitting model for individual and environmental predict...
Relationships between Interest (I) and Deprivation (D) type epistemic curiosity (EC) and self-regulation were evaluated in two studies. In Study 1 (Italians, N = 151), I-type EC correlated positively with positive outcome-expectancies and risk-taking, but negatively with thinking about negative outcomes. D-type EC correlated positively with emotion...
This study addressed predictors of pre-service teachers’ opposition toward the practice of educating students with disabilities in mainstream classroom settings—a practice known as inclusion. We tested a hypothesized path model that incorporated social dominance orientation (SDO) and contact as distal predictors, and intergroup anxiety, stereotype...
Research on human and civil rights has only rarely addressed people's attitudes toward disability rights in the context of American society. This study was designed to gain a better understanding of why certain individuals might oppose expanded rights for people who have disabilities. Pearson's correlations revealed that individuals high on social...
This paper describes the development and preliminary testing of an intermediate concept measure (ICM) of moral thinking for adolescent populations. First proposed by Rest and Narvaez (1994), intermediate concepts are described as more context specific than moral stages defined within the Kohlberg tradition, but are more abstract than assessments of...
This study examined individual differences in motivations to respond without prejudice to students with disabilities. Internally motivated individuals respond without prejudice out of a desire to act in a manner that is consistent with deeply held non-prejudiced standards; whereas, externally motivated individuals are driven to respond without prej...
The purpose of this study was to re-assess the factorial validity of Roets and Van Hiel's (2011) 15-item Need for Closure Scale (NFCS) while correcting for methodological limitations associated with their initial validation of the measure. Four hundred twelve adult volunteers completed the NFCS as part of an unrelated study. Confirmatory factor ana...
Questionnaire instruments are frequently administered in digital formats, largely web-based, without much systematic investigation of possible effects from these administration methods. Furthermore, little attention has been given to the contextual lack of control for extraneous factors that may influence user responses. In this study, 263 universi...
The Indicators of Successful Inclusion Scale (ISIS) was developed to measure pre-service and practicing educators’ beliefs regarding factors that contribute to educating students with disabilities in general education classrooms. The measure was designed to assess teachers’ beliefs and attitudes related to inclusive education and to consider their...
What are the fundamental determinants of security and insecurity in international affairs? International relations (IR) theorists are remarkably divided on this basic issue. Neorealists such as Ken Waltz have argued that threat is perceived solely as a function of material factors such as the balance of military power.1 Many liberal and constructiv...
What impact does ideology have on American attitudes and policy preferences toward China? Based on two large N surveys, we first utilize exploratory factor analysis to uncover six distinct American ideological dimensions and two distinct
dimensions of attitudes toward China that distinguish between its government and its people. We then utilize str...
Globalization affords greater opportunities to learn about foreign peoples than in the past. What impacts do interpersonal contact, media exposure to and knowledge about China have on the American people's China policy preferences? Two large surveys of U.S. citizens were conducted in the summers of 2008 and 2009 to explore whether knowledge about C...
What is the nature of Chinese patriotism and nationalism, how does it differ from American patriotism and nationalism, and what impact do they have on Chinese foreign policy attitudes? To explore the structure and consequences of Chinese national identity, three surveys were conducted in China and the US in the spring and summer of 2009. While patr...
The authors extend their understanding of learner motivation by addressing questions around the construct of classroom need for closure in a high school sample. First, they established that their classroom need for closure measure demonstrated adequate psychometric properties when used with high school students. Subsequently, they explored relation...
Recent survey research suggests that, on average, Americans of all political stripes hold more positive attitudes towards the Chinese people than they do towards the Chinese government. This tendency appears more pronounced, however, among Republicans and conservatives, who are significantly more negative about the Chinese government than Democrats...
Two studies were conducted to evaluate the validity of the Interest (I) and Deprivation (D) type epistemic curiosity (EC) distinction in non-students. In Study 1 (N=263), responses to two EC measures, the Epistemic Curiosity Scale (ECS; Litman & Spielberger, 2003) and the Curiosity as a Feeling-of-Deprivation Scale (CFDS; Litman & Jimerson, 2004) w...
Little is known about how the political orientations and party affiliations of ordinary Americans impact their perceptions
of China. Based on our surveys, we find that partisanship does indeed impact American views of China. Self-reported “conservatives”
perceive significantly greater threat in China’s rise, hold more negative views of the Chinese...
International students provide a variety of benefits to higher education institutions within the United States (J. J. Lee, 200725.
Lee , J. J. 2007. Neo-racism toward international students. About Campus, 11: 28–30. View all references; J. J. Lee & C. Rice, 2007). Despite these benefits, many international students experience prejudice and discrim...
RESUMEN Este artículo trata el tema de por qué algunos americanos tienen actitudes ne-gativas hacia el pueblo y el gobierno de China, y el impacto que dichas actitudes producen en sus políticas chinas prefe-ridas. Partimos del supuesto de que los efectos de autoritarismo de derechas (RWA) y la orientación de la dominación social (SDO) en el apoyo d...
This paper explores the impact that increased exposure to China during the two and a half weeks of the Beijing Olympics had on American attitudes towards China. A large N longitudinal survey revealed a significant increase in negative attitudes towards China from the beginning to the end of August 2008. Statistical analysis revealed no dominant exp...
This study addresses community members' attitudes toward inclusion, the practice of including students with disabilities in regular education classroom settings. Participants in Study 1 were 271 community adults, completing measures of prior contact with people with disabilities, social dominance orientation (SDO), economic conservatism, intergroup...
Questionnaire instruments are routinely translated to digital administration systems; however, few studies have compared the differential effects of these administrative methods, and fewer yet in authentic contexts-of-use. In this study, 326 university students were randomly assigned to one of two administration conditions, paper-based (PBA) or web...
A primary goal of educational systems is to provide learners with the information, skills, and dispositions needed to be an
effective member of a complex and information-rich society. To effectively address this goal, educators and educational psychologists
need to understand both the ability and the willingness of learners to grapple effectively w...
The author addresses the question of whether cultural and economic conservatism differ among American citizens in their relation to measures of epistemic beliefs and motives, dogmatism, death-related anxiety, and the tendency to exhibit dogmatic aggression against those who hold beliefs and values that diverge from one's own. Data from this study s...
The author addressed the construct validity of B. Altemeyer's (1996) Dogmatism (DOG) scale. Confirmatory factor analyses of the scale provided evidence of unidimensionality, despite apparent method effects related to item wording. DOG scale scores correlated strongly and positively with the belief that knowledge is certain, providing convergent val...
Within the published empirical record, a limited number of investigations exist that study the association between socio-political
ideologies of preservice teachers and their attitudes toward disability-related matters within schools. To the extent that
individual socio-political ideology and discomfort with disability remain mostly unexplored, thi...
This study addressed questions of whether right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) would be related to perceptions of terrorists as either symbolic or realistic threats to the United States. RWA was expected to be positively associated with the perception of terrorists as a symbolic threat, whereas SDO was expected t...
The present research tests a model of predicted relationships among right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), nationalism, internationalism, perceived United Nations (UN) irrelevance, and support for the use of aggressive military action against countries perceived to support terrorism. In the hypothesized model, nation...
The purpose of this study was to test an integrative model in which worldview beliefs were treated as antecedents of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO), and two sets of attitudes related to the War on Terror: endorsement of restrictions on human rights/civil liberties and support for the US military invasion of...
This research tested a path model for how rural high school students' self-perceptions and environmental perceptions influence their course-related interest, school engagement, and ultimately, post-graduation intentions. Participants were 414 students in all four grades, in 10 rural, public high schools. Correlation and path analyses (in LISREL 8.5...
Need for closure, as formulated by Kruglanski and colleagues [Kruglanski, A. W. (1990). Lay epistemic theory in social-cognitive psychology. Psychological Inquiry, 1(3), 181–197; Kruglanski, A. W., & Webster, D. M. (1996). Motivated closing of the mind: Seizing and freezing. Psychological Review, 103, 263–283; Webster, D. M., & Kruglanski, A. W. (1...
Many people believe that an informed and thoughtful citizenry is essential to the maintenance of democratic ideals within the United States and the spread of those ideals abroad. Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the evidence that Americans consider issues of human dignity and rights when making judgments about the U.S. government's...
Epistemic beliefs are notoriously difficult to measure with self-report instruments. In this study, the authors used large samples to assess the factor structure and internal consistency of 3 self-report measures of domain-general epistemic beliefs to draw conclusions about the trustworthiness of findings reported in the literature. College student...
Research on the association between the development of moral judgment (as measured by the Defining Issues Test [DIT]; J. R. Rest, 1979) and political attitudes has demonstrated that these factors are often reliably related. N. Emler (1987, 1990) and colleagues have asserted that DIT scores actually measure test-takers' political identity rather tha...
Since the 1960s Rokeach's conception and measurement of dogmatism has dominated the landscape of dogmatism research. In 1996, Altemeyer proposed a new conception of dogmatism, suggesting that it is best defined as an unchangeable and unjustified certainty in one's beliefs. This conception was operationalized in the form of the DOG Scale with validi...
Law students (N = 102) at a Southwestern university completed measures of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), human rights attitudes, perceived threat, and self-identified political and religious conservatism. RWA and SDO were each positively correlated with support for restricting human rights and both, when ente...
The authors investigated predictive relationships among student characteristics that influence motivation for learning and achievement. Participants were students (N = 900) from all 4 grade levels in 18 rural public high schools in the south-western United States. The authors used AMOS 4.0 (J. L. Arbuckle & W. Wothke, 1996) to test a hypothesized p...
Emler, Renwick, and Malone (1983) argued against a developmental interpretation of the Defining Issues Test (DIT), suggesting instead that it actually measures a social psychological phenomenon – political identification. On the other hand, Sanders, Lubinski, and Benbow (1995) have argued that DIT scores measure intellectual ability. In this study,...
Translation of questionnaire instruments to digital administration systems, both self-contained and web-based, is widespread and increasing daily. However, the literature is lean on controlled empirical studies investigating the potential for differential effects of administrative methods. In this study, two university student samples were administ...
The authors examined relationships among authoritarianism, personal need for closure or structure, perceived threat, and post-9/11 attitudes and beliefs. Participants were 159 undergraduate students in the Southeastern United States. The authors collected data 1 week before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Correlation and regression ana...
Research indicates that achievement goals influence cognitive engagement, which, in turn, influences academic achievement. We believe that there are other individual difference variables in the realm of personal epistemology that may also directly or indirectly influence cognitive engagement; specifically, epistemological beliefs and epistemologica...
Since the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, Americans have been faced difficult choices about how to balance concerns over safety and security with issues of human rights and international cooperation during the War on Terror. We hypothesized that two individual difference factors, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominan...
The authors performed 2 studies that tested the distinction between conservative political ideology and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). Across these studies, moderate relationships emerged between RWA and our measures of cognitive rigidity, whereas the relationship between rigidity and mainstream conservative ideology was not as strong. The auth...
Path analysis was used to test predictions of a model explaining the impact of students' perceptions of classroom structures (tasks, autonomy support and mastery and evaluation) on their self-efficacy, perceptions of the instrumentality of class work, and their achievement goals in a particular classroom setting. Additionally, the impact of self-ef...
This study assesses the dimensionality and correlates of individuals' attitudes toward human rights. In previous research, the Attitudes Toward Human Rights Inventory (ATHRI) was assumed to measure a unidimensional phenomenon and, as such, was used as an omnibus measure of human rights attitudes. In this study, factor analysis revealed the presence...
The relationships among instrumentality, task value, and intrinsic orientation were investigated among undergraduate students. The sample comprised 207 undergraduates who were participating in a lower-division human development course. Results confirm that endogenous instrumentality is an independent construct, which—although related to task value...
This study investigated the dynamic interaction, over time, between volitional strategy use and perceptions of endogenous instrumentality, two constructs associated with choice and executive motivation. The Academic Volitional Strategy Inventory and the Perceptions of Endogenous Instrumentality scale were administered at multiple points throughout...
This article discusses moral development in light of recent advances in biofunctional cognition. We begin by discussing moral development from three contemporary approaches, namely, the cognitive-developmental, narrative, and educational perspectives. Clearly, these perspectives have changed substantially our understanding of moral development. How...