Gyula GábrisEötvös Loránd University · Department of Physical Geography
Gyula Gábris
Prof. Dr.
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July 1965 - July 2012
Publications (53)
The intensive research of the periglacial features in Hungary took place in the 1960’s, but the main problem was that only fossil phenomena could be studied in Hungary. At that time the periglacial phenomena were classified on a purely descriptive basis, according to formal similarities. The following is not a description of the entire field of kno...
External impact on the development of fluvial systems is generally exerted by changes in sea level, climate and tectonic movements. In this study, it is shown that a regional to local differentiation of fluvial response may be caused by semi-direct effects of climate change and tectonic movement; for example, vegetation cover, frozen soil, snow cov...
External impact on the development of fluvial systems is generally exerted by changes in sea level, climate and tectonic movements. In this study it is shown that regional to local differentiation of fluvial response may be caused by semi-direct effects of climate change and tectonic movement, as for instance vegetation cover, frozen soil, snow cov...
A fluvial sand succession was excavated at Tiszasas section, close to the present course of the River Tisza (Pannonian Basin). It was possible to distinguish lithologically between sediments of two different palaeorivers within the sediment record by means of heavy mineral analysis. In order to obtain age constraints for the re-arrangement of the d...
The studied 4.128 km² Central European lowland region includes the Hortobágy landscape, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most extensive protected natural grasslands of Europe. In the evolution of this semi-natural landscape human-nature interactions were characterised by gradual but extremely serious settlement abandonment during the 13t...
The paper focuses on changes in settlement patterns on the frontier zones of wetlands and areas suitable for settling in the Great Hungarian Plain, Central Europe. Based on the statistical analysis of archaeological site elevations in a 4.128 km² lowland landscape, it is demonstrated that archaeological sites of the Árpád Period (AD 970–1300) were...
A Bodrogköz térképei közös koordináta rendszerének (geomorfológiai térkép M=1:10 000-es EOV, a földhasznosítási térkép M=1:25 000-es Gauss-Krüger) és méretarányának kialakításához, valamint a további térképek, távérzékelési adatok közös rendszerbe transzformálásához az ERDAS IMAGINE 8.5 programot használtuk. Nagymértékű összevonásokkal egységes kat...
Present study provides a review of the latest results on fluvial and aeolian landscape evolution in Hungary achieved by our team during the last 20 years.
– The Hungarian river terrace system and its chronology was described with special emphasise on the novel threshold concept. A revised terrace system was created by the compilation of novel terra...
In this study the authors analyse the sands and fossil soils of three sand dunes situated along the Danube River near to Budapest, using sedimentological, pedological, xylotomical and malacological methods. The respective ages of the layers were determined by radiocarbon and luminescence methods (IRSL, TL). The main aims of the research were the fo...
The Weichselian Late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial and Holocene fluvial history of the middle Tisza valley in Hungary has been compared with other river systems in West and Central Europe, enabling us to define local and regional forcing factors in fluvial system change. Four Weichselian to Holocene floodplain generations, differing in palaeochannel ch...
The cadastral surveys of Budapest started in 1785 with the core of Pest
and its surroundings, the eastern part of the twin cities. Other parts
(the later discticts) of the city have been surveyed and high-scale maps
of them issued in the first part of the 19th century. Systematic surveys
were made and cadastral sheet series were compiled in 1871 an...
The rapidly subsiding central part of the Pannonian Basin, the flood-plain system of the Tisza River, is analyzed. Natural flood-conducting channels that were functioning prior to the construction of the water control measures of the 19th century have been identified and mapped. By now these channels have mostly disappeared; only small traces of th...
Two different methods are used in Hungary for the determination of the age of the deflation periods. At first – during the 1980’s – an indirect method was developed. If the exposures which contain intercalated fossil soil in-between the blown-sand sediments, the o...
The paper discusses the Quaternary evolution of the Danube and Tisza rivers and their main tributaries in the context of evolution of the entire Pannonian Basin, which is Europe's largest intramontane basin, within the Alp-Carpathian orogen. The palaeo-drainage reconstruction of the Pannonian Basin for the pre-Quaternary period is outlined in conne...
The present-day drainage system of the Carpathian Basin originates from the gradual regression of the last marine transgression (brackish Pannonian Sea). The flow directions of the rivers including the Danube, are determined by the varying rates and locations of subsidence within the region. The Danube, which forms the main axis of the drainage net...
Springing from Western Hungary the Zala river originally headed for northeast, towards the Little Hungarian Plain. During the middle Pleistocene thedepression in Lower Zala cut off the northerly continuation of Old Zala, and directed the waters towards the Drava river to the south. From the location of the river-piracy in the wide north-westerly va...
Springing from West Hungary the Zala River originally headed for northeast, towards the Little Hungarian Plain. During the middle Pleistocene the depression in Lower Zala cut off the northerly continuation of Old Zala, and directed the waters towards the Drava River to the south. From the location of the river-piracy in the wide north-westerly vall...
The Great Hungarian Plain (GHP), the central part of the Pannonian Basin, has been mapped geomorphologically for decades (most recently eg. Gábris et al. 2001; Vandenberghe et al., 2003). Although digital elevation models (DEMs) provides very useful auxiliary information for such mapping, they are used in the geomorphologic studies of the GHP just...
Based on geomorphological field investigations, sediment analysis, radiocarbon and palynological data, changes in fluvial style have been recognized on one of the most important low-angle fluvial-dominant alluvial fans on the margin of the Great Hungarian Plain (Hungary). Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic and tectonic controls are reflected pa...
The Late Glacial and Holocene climatic oscillations in Hungary are manifested by changing fluvial and aeolian sand deposition, as well as by intercalated soil formations. The sand-blown territories have special interest since the buried fossil soils provide detailed information about climate and environment changes. During the past two decades the...
Gully erosion can be widely observed on cultivated hillslopes in Hungary. Loose sediments covering two thirds of the total area of the country are prone to gully erosion.A detailed study of gully formation was carried out in the Rakaca catchment (58 km2), northeastern Hungary. The objectives include (1) a detailed survey of the present gullies, (2)...
In the first part of the study, based on geomorphological and sedimentological evidence, the author showed that in the section below the Tokaj, before the appearance of today's Tisza, there was a river with a water yield far exceeding the small watercourses of the Northern Central Mountains. In...
In the Tisza River Basin the recent years were characterised by the enormous increasing of flood level, causing also catastrophes. Peak levels of the floods of 1999 and 2000 have broken all previous records and created a new situation along the River Tisza in which the traditional flood defence practices of continuously increasing the flood levees...
The present watercourse and the relict meander system of the Tisza, the main river of the Great Hungarian Plain, were analyzed to draw conclusions about the vertical movements in the late Quaternary. Since the relief of the study area is extremely low (20 m in 200 km) river meander geometry bears geological information about the relative uplift and...
Ravine and gully development in the loess mantled hills of Hungary are caused by a combination of natural and anthropogenic processes, mainly trafficking and cultivation. In the non-loessial Cserhát Hills, gully erosion was linked to areas with less than 30%
forest and where cultivation had extended to slopes greater than 17%. Human action is the m...
The Bag Tephra is a widespread tephra layer interbedded in Quaternary loess deposits along the Danubian valley of Hungary
and Slovakia. Its age is poorly defined between 788 and 380 ka B.P. The glass and mineral composition – micropumice clasts
of phono-tephrite and blocky shards of tephri-phonolite associated with two kinds of clinopyroxene, fass...
The application of both thermoluminescence and infrared stimulated luminescence dating to the extensively studied “classical” Hungarian loess/paleosol sequences from Basaharc, Mende, and Paks provides a reliable chronological framework and climatostratigraphic reconstruction for the last interglacial/glacial cycle. Based on this combined luminescen...
Relationships between meander parameters and discharge from values for rivers in Hungary. The rivers studied fall into two groups by gradient, channel material and the amount of load transported. The discharges of palaeochannels in the Great Hungarian Plain, dating back to various phases of the Holocene, were not determined by the equation, but thr...
The Hungarian-Czechoslovak border runs on a long section along the Ipoly river. This may be a reason for the incompleteness of the physical geographical studies concerning this river. The relative proximity to Budapest and the numerous debated issues, however, made the left side of the valley the site of regular field-trips of the Budapest Universi...
The author outlines the main methods for measuring drainage density in given areas. Examples are given for the Borzszony Mountains in North-East Hungary, part of the southern most foothills of the Tatra Carpathian chain. Relationships are calculated between drainage density, relative relief and precipitation with reference to various geological dep...
PÉCSI, M.-SCHWEITZER, F. eds. Quaternary environment in Hungary. Studies in geography in Hungary 26. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
Several aspects of a tephra layer present in ten loess sections in Hungary and in Czechoslovakia were investigated: grain size, mafic mineral suites, and chemical composition of bulk samples as well as clinopyroxenes. The tephra is identical in all localities, and the name "Bag Tephra' was given to it. This tephra allows us to propose a new stratig...
Relationships defined between meander planform characteristics and present river discharges are used to estimate palaeoflow properties for dated, abandoned Holocene meanders. -from Author
In order to reveal the relationships between major structural elements and the drainage, statistics of directions were analyzed and the results are presented here. The peaks of the statistics of lineament directions are also maxima in the drainage and active to the immediate past; they are interpreted as neotectonic structures (not necessarily rece...
After covering briefly the conceptual and practical issues of drainage density, author presents his attempt at determining the factors controlling drainage density in the Borzsony Mountains. Using the climate (annual precipitation), relief (relative relief) and geological data gathered in square grid system from the area, uni- and multivariate corr...
On the basis of some selected space images, Hungarian astronaut map-sketches are constructed for use mainly in secondary-level education. -K.Nemerkenyi
Using Hack's method the author determined the slope index values for the water-courses of the Borzsony Mountains and represented the slope curves of the major streams in a semilogarithmic system. From the data of 284 sites in the mountains of 570 km 2 area, he drew a map of slope indices. Its analysis allowed conclusions to be drawn for the evoluti...
Starting from the dimensions of river meanders, author has calculated - with the help of empirical functions showing the relationships between dimensions and discharges for streams in the Great Hungarian Plain - the mean and high water discharges of several lowland rivers for various stages of the Holocene period. With these numerical results it be...
Drainage density is calculated (0.5-0.6 km per 0.25 km2) with an 8% frequency, although an exception is found in the Borzsony Mountains where it is 1 km per 0.25 km2. Results suggest that the Borzsony and Visegrad Mountains are the most dissected parts of the Hungarian volcanic ranges, because they are most exposed to linear erosion. With the excep...
Physical geographical conditions in the environs of the Ahaggar Mountains and the Tassilis are described based on climatological data and geomorphological observations. Special attention is devoted to the evolution of pediments in the pluvial phases. -D.Loczy
In the Intercosmos programme, the Hungarian cosmonaut, Bertalan Farkas made a photographic record of the Earth during a flight in 1980, which took place between 26th May and 3rd June. These photographs were then subjected to analysis in Hungary's various geography departments of the country's universities. Examples are given here of three main area...
After a general introductory section on forest evaluation methods the author expounds the values of air photography for vegetation analysis together with types of cameras and filters used. Technical data is given on seasonal and diurnal variations in reflection intensity, light values, their use in summarising vegetation change; chlorophyll absorpt...
Shows the influence of vegetative cover and the steepness of slopes on the occurrence of water erosion in hilly country. The genetic method made it possible to establish the interdependence between vegetation and the steepness of slopes on one hand and the occurrence of water erosion on the other, and also to obtain numerical values illustrating th...