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Gyorgy Ivan Neszmelyi

Gyorgy Ivan Neszmelyi
Milton Friedman University



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June 2013 - April 2016
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (103)
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Background and introduction: The East and Southeast Asian newly industrialized economies have shown spectacular economic development by their export-oriented development policies during recent decades, which resulted in not only economic wealth but enabled them to be technology exporters and investors. Their products, their flagship brands today ar...
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In academic and professional circles and in European politics, the Western Balkan region has been in the spotlight. The policy makers of the European Union and the member states have declared that the six countries in the Western Balkans aspiring for EU membership should not be left behind, even under the geo-political situation that emerged after...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate what barriers exporters of the processing industry face during export. The research is a qualitative study that looks at if the country’s origin and the economic and political situation affect exports. Easing poverty and supporting the economy, export has been considered a vital aspect of development for...
Conference Paper
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The reduction of poverty, assurance of food security, and sustainable development of a country are all closely tied to infrastructural development. Developing nations face significant economic growth challenges due to inadequate transport infrastructures. Although the importance of transport infrastructures has been studied, the impact of the distr...
Conference Paper
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This study examines the impact of brand recognition on consumer decisions in the technology sector, using the eye-tracking technology to assess engagement with top technology brands. In an increasingly saturated market, brands play a crucial role in differentiating products and services, guiding consumer choices by offering trust, quality, and emot...
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Infrastructure development plays an important role in reducing poverty, assuring food security and sustainable development of a country. One of the key challenges hindering the economic growth of developing countries is the lack of proper transport, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and energy sector infrastructures. This research aim...
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Általánosan elfogadott nézet, hogy az arab világ országai többé-kevésbé egységesnek látszanak abban, hogy a palesztin–izraeli kérdésben az előbbiek oldalán állnak, és a zsidó államéval ellentétes nézetet fogalmaznak meg. Ez azonban felületes általánosítás, amely az arab és az iszlám szolidaritás elvén, illetve az Izrael-ellenességen alapul, miközbe...
Sustainability is a core concept enabling favorable and sustainable conditions for the next generation; that is why, all governments in the world are trying to adopt measures that provide and create a business environment in which all types of business enterprises can thrive while concerning to preserve and converse the current resources in the wor...
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On March 28, 1991, Prime Minister Josef Antall delivered an important speech in front of the Atlantic Council, reaffirming his nation’s willingness to adhere to Euro-Atlantic values. He expressed gratitude to the Alliance for safeguarding the western part of Europe throughout the Cold War, emphasizing that its establishment in 1949 had consistently...
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The global seed trade has reached and conquered Northern Ghana, squeezing out local suppliers. Considering ongoing population growth, rapidly urbanizing communities, changing diets, and vast quantities of imported food products, the endeavours of enterprises that try to reduce the local food production deficit should be more appreciated. Rice, maiz...
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In the last 5 years, the center of gravity of terrorism has shifted from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to sub-Saharan Africa. As of 2018, this region had the highest number of fatalities and the greatest material damage. This paper assesses the situation of the countries most affected by terrorism in the WCA (West and Central-Afric...
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Research background: Ever since Deng Xiaoping introduced the reform and opening-up subpolicy in 1978, China has been able to carve out a distinct socialist economic development path with Chinese characteristics. This trajectory has been instrumental in propelling China towards unprecedented levels of economic growth, albeit accompanied by a host of...
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In the Visegrad countries, online sales increased generally by double-digit growth in the last 5 years. The research examines how the changing processes affected by the pandemic and consequently the macroeconomic environments and the distributors were confined because of the restrictions and lockdown of borders. It is observed that many traders mov...
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This study aims to investigate and evaluate the status of sustainable development in the Fujian, Guangdong, and Zhejiang provinces over a decade (2011-2020) using the quantitative analysis approach of the entropy weight TOPSIS method. Based on the 12th and 13th Five-Year Plans, this research analyzes the three provinces' social, economic, and envir...
Conference Paper
The Global Postal Network (GPN) has encountered various challenges in its attempt to satisfy the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) when engaging in foreign markets. By providing parcel and package delivery and collaborating with express and courier services, GPN has a vital role in global supply chains and is an indispensable part of the...
Conference Paper
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This article deals with the classification and creation of logistic distribution models. The main objective of the article is to create the methodology for designing a global distribution network (GDN). The suitable GDN could play a significant role in the global supply chain and try to fulfil the needs of companies while entering foreign markets....
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The development of the digital economy is a strategic choice to build a new pattern of China’s economic development and a necessary path to promote the high-quality development of China’s economy. In addition, the digital economy has become a new driving force for China’s economic growth and quality improvement. This paper constructs a comprehensiv...
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China’s digital economy development is a strategic decision to construct a new development model for the nation’s economic growth and to pave the way to fostering high-quality economic growth. Since the Chinese government first introduced its strategy for developing digital economy in 2016, the Chongqing Municipal Government has responded positivel...
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East African region is one of the underdeveloped regions in the world with untapped natural resources. With the increase in population size, countries’ infrastructural development is a key in assuring sustainable development and hence assures food security. Although the region has a huge economic development potential, yet it is well characterized...
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In the present study the authors examined the spatial disparities of the Visegrad four countries to see whether the lasting cooperation of the four countries resulted in harmonious economic development or increasing gaps between the years 2000 and 2018. Based on the research results it can be concluded that regional disparities between core and per...
Ethiopia is the second-most populous country in Africa with rainfed agriculture as a backbone of its economy. Most of the population, 79.3%, are rural residents. Sustainable rural development can be achieved if great attention is given to the labor-intensive sector of the country, agriculture, by improving the level of productivity through research...
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When we read or talk about Taiwan, we attribute a number of ideas and thoughts about a distant island from Europe which was one of the well-known East Asian economic miracles, the so-called Asian new industrialized economies (ANIEs), together with Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea (ROK). The rich bibliography describing and analyzing...
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In many low and middle-income countries, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in providing employment, increasing the level of gross domestic product and export share, and in alleviating poverty and inequality. Therefore, governments and international donor organizations take action to diversify and provide access to sus...
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Abiy Ahmed, the current premier and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2019, is the third prime minister to lead Ethiopia since the overthrow of Derg. Although he had high approval ratings at the beginning of his administration across the coun- try including Tigray, the premier has lost the trust of the TPLF, and most of its leaders have left the capital...
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Land use plan is a fundamental pillar for shaping the future of urban development plans to deal with national and regional issues. There is a merger between land use objectives as a resource and general development objectives to define clearly the importance of a developmental system for comprehensive land-use planning. Most regional plans do not f...
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Globally, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as pivotal contributors to the country’s economy. The main goal of this paper is to investigate country specific barriers to the internationalization process in SMEs in the transition country’s context. SMEs in transition countries deal with the common challenges that are usua...
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Online courses are gaining popularity because they provide extensive and varied course material, information, knowledge, and skills, whilst also creating an effective educational online community. This research adopts a case study approach to focus on the teaching method and the manner in which a strategic commitment to eLearning provides scope for...
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The smart city concept is a comprehensive approach to the functioning of the urban region. It concerns various areas of life such as culture, infrastructure, environment, energy, and social services. Public perceptions of the smart city concept are not commonly addressed. The aim of this paper is to examine perceptions of the smart city concept amo...
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In the first part of the study the authors gave an insight into the experiences of euro adoption of Hungary and of Slovakia. The lessons and experiences of Slovakia are well comparable to the Hungarian ones. Moreover, the first part also covered the pros and cons of the adoption of euro and of keeping the national currency. In the second part the a...
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In this two-part study, the authors provide a comprehensive overview on the possible advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of the common European currency in Hungary by analysing macro-economic data and also referring to international experiences. Even though, the adoption of euro is not on the agenda in Hungary, there is not even a target d...
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Purpose: The paper aims to investigate the role of all types of networking on SMEs' internationalization process in general. Then, to compare SMEs' networking approaches in the selected three countries and their main differences in terms of network creation and operation. Finally, to report effective SMEs' internationalization practices in Malaysia...
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Abstract: Purpose: This study suggests introducing two new institutions in Vietnam, the Public Warehouse, and the Commodity Exchange. Based on these institutes, recommends three commodity-financing methods for financing agricultural commodities, the classical public warehousing-based Lombard financing, the combined version of this with commodity ex...
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Successive crises and shifts in geopolitics necessitate a more coherent Europe, with the euro as a key instrument, yet the enlargement of the euro area is unfinished. The paper reconstructs diverging trends in non-EA countries, and considers the motivations of key stakeholders in countries without commitment to enter. The approach applied is dual:...
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The main function of public transport systems is the mobility which contributes to the competitiveness and to the appropriate quality of life and cohesion of the society. The main actors of the transportation systems are the passengers, the suppliers of services and the decision-making authorities and organizations (like the government, local gover...
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The participants of the Hungarian agriculture - both the governmental side and the business sector - face much difficulties due to the underdeveloped information-infrastructure. Underdevelopment - in this sense of meaning - is not only the shortage of computers, but the lack or unavailability of up-to-date and reliable information (performance indi...
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The study aims to provide the readers with a thorough insight into the political, economic, cultural and social aspects of the 3-decade old, but impressively enhanced and still developing relations of the Republic of Korea and Hungary
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The enlargement of the euro area (EA), an unfinished process, was low on the European agenda in the period between the 2008 and the 2020 crises. The socio-economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and frictions in geopolitics would call for a coherent Europe, yet new and old fault-lines appeared in the EU involving the eastern periphery whe...
Conference Paper
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On the February 1st 2019, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and the Republic of Korea were commemorated. In that international context – characterized by the still existing bipolar world – this gesture sent a firm political signal which showed far beyond the bilateral context: it served as a pattern w...
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The government-guided establishment and incubation of the retail sector in Taiwan has achieved striking success and generated high consumption. This success was even more striking because when the increase of consumption began, the country had not enough retail shopping centers and it was to accept some foreign retail investments. Originally there...
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The purchase decisions require information on where each phase in aretail supply chain should be placed. The presented method is an integrated tool for retail supply chain totransaction cost optimization. The model does not only present a company-level lean management’s decisions within a supply chain, but it also shows the exact method to optimize...
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The practice of animal husbandry has played an important role in enhancing sustainable development and improving food security of the community. However, the contribution of this sector towards the national as well as regional economy is very small. The focus of this research is to identify the main reasons why rural farmers do not own rear crossbr...
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The paper, beyond a comprehensive geographical, social and economic introduction of the most populous country of Africa, attempts to provide an insight to those challenges and problems which Nigeria faces nowadays. Beyond the rapid growth of the population, another main factor is the exploitation and export of crude oil which has been providing Nig...
The main function of the public transport systems is mobilty, which contributes to the competitiveness and to the appropriate quality of life and cohesion of the society. The main actors of the transportation systems are the passengers, the servicing suppliers and the decision-making authorities and organizations (such as government, local governme...
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Szlovákia a rendszerváltási folyamat második felében dinamikus gazdasági pályát futott be, és sikeresen teljesítette európai integrálódásának intézményi feladatait. A társadalom, valamint a politikai és a gazdasági döntéshozói kör számára viszonyítási keretnek számító visegrádi országcsoportból elsőként – eddig egyedüliként – lépett be az euróöveze...
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This paper provides the reader with a thorough insight into the bilateral economic relationship between Hungary and Taiwan. Due to the One-China policy Hungary – and most countries in the world – do not have formal diplomatic or political contacts with Taiwan, however Taiwan as an autonomous economic entity seems to be a promising partner for Hunga...
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Taiwan still faces the problem of identifying its relationship and developing its attitude within the Cross-Strait Relations, not only due to the well-known political considerations and diplomatic isolation, but also because it is widely perceptible that Taiwanese investors and the Taiwanese government are scared of the possible implications of a t...
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The collected volume “External Relations of the Republic of Korea: The Present and The Past” emerged over the course of 2019 and 2020. The obvious occasion for the launch of this booklet was the anniversary of the 30 years diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Hungary. The maybe less obvious reason for this volume is that Korea has...
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The collected volume “External Relations of the Republic of Korea: The Present and The Past” emerged over the course of 2019 and 2020. The obvious occasion for the launch of this booklet was the anniversary of the 30 years diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Hungary. The maybe less obvious reason for this volume is that Korea has...
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The study offers an insight into the economic development policy of the Republic of Korea, in particular the activity and the role of development banks. Since the beginning of the 1960s, the particular and successful Korean way of economic development has been largely based on the Japanese model of the developmental state, which includes, as a pecu...
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Much more evidence has accumulated over the past ten years to indicate that changes in many physical and biological systems are linked to global warming. Then, needing an action for mitigating the climate change impacts through regional development policies target all regions (urban, rural and undeveloped areas) and cities in order to support job c...
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This paper attempts to provide insight into the challenges and problems Taiwan faces today. As one of the Asian economic miracles of the 1970s and 1980s, Taiwan implemented a special way that consisted, at least in part, of the adoption of many core elements of Japan’s experiences, namely the so-called developmental state model that was followed by...
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Agriculture employs more Yemenis than any other sector and spate irrigation is the largest source of irrigation water. Spate irrigation however is growing increasingly difficult to sustain in many areas due to water scarcity and unclear sharing of water amongst users. Mostly due to high population growth, misguided agricultural development and the...
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The main question of this study is the present and future challenges that influence Taiwan’s development and competitiveness. From among these traits the issue of the high exposition (especially in terms of FDI) and growing dependence on mainland China (the People’s Republic of China), the need for a shift in terms of the main drivers of the future...
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This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the incentive policy and instruments being implemented in the Republic of Korea (South Korea, hereinafter Korea). Korea has been famous for its impressive economic development since the 1960s and one of the major factors behind the economic success was the guiding role of the state (government)...
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After nearly seven years, the political metamorphosis called Arab Spring swept away President Mubarak's three-decade rule, but by now, it looks the recent years brought more disappointment than success for the Egyptian people. This six-year period can be divided into several stages: military governance, then moderately radical Islamist rule, then m...
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A kereskedelmi vállalatok az általuk forgalmazott áruk kereslete alapján döntik el, hogy mennyi munkaerőt foglalkoztassanak. Az áruk iránti kereslet a folyó jövedelemtől, illetve a felhalmozott tartalékoktól függ, így a vagyon különféle szintjei, különböző nagyságú munkanélküliségi rátákhoz vezetnek. Az egyes háztartások vagyona attól függ, hogy mi...
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Beyond a comprehensive review on Taiwan’s economy, the main objective of the present study was to find answer to two questions. The first issue is whether Taiwan followed a classical model of the Asian Newly Industrializing Economies (ANIEs), or in spite of similarities at first sight, it rather had its own, individual way of development. To examin...
Conference Paper
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The main objective of the present study is to find answer to two questions. The first issue is whether Taiwan followed a classical model of the Asian Newly Industrializing Economies (ANIEs), or in spite of similarities at first sight, it rather had its own, individual way of development. To examine this question the author made a comparison between...
Conference Paper
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The authors of the present study aimed to examine the main economic, social and political characteristics of the relations developed between two regional integration, the European Union and ASEAN, with special focus on the relations of Hungary, a member of EU28 and ASEAN countries. The importance of the topic of this research is underlined by the d...
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As a result of the stalemate of Doha-round, and of the financial and economic crisis in 2008-2009, a new trend seems to emerge in the field of trade liberalization in the world: instead of striving for a comprehensive, multilateral framework, a growing number of “new generation” free trade agreements have been emerging that are concluded on bilater...
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A gazdasági globalizáció olyan átfogó folyamat, amely szinte teljesen átrendezte világgazdaságunk térképét a 21. századra. Ezt a lehetőséget Kína sikeresen meg is ragadta, mivel az elmúlt három évtizedben, a nyitás politikájának kezdete óta, gazdasága nagymértékű változásokon ment keresztül. Kína és a szubszaharai afrikai országok - elsősorban a kö...
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Preface The Oriental Business and Innovation Center (OBIC) was set up by the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences and the Central Bank of Hungary in 2016. One of the main goals of the initiative was to contribute to a better understanding of Asian cultures, economies, and languages in Hungary. OBIC’s activities aim to improve th...
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The goal of this study is to give an insight to and make a comparison between the agricultural cooperative systems of Denmark,-a success story of the family based farming even in the frames of the EU,-and of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), one of the Asian newly industrializing economies (ANIEs). Although Denmark and South Korea are quite far...
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The economic globalization is a comprehensive process which has almost fully rearranged the map of our world's economy by the 21 st century. China successfully took this opportunity as in the course of the recent three decades, since the beginning of its opening policy, its economy has gone through incredible changes. The relationship between China...
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Nobody likes to pay taxes. The most popular means of compelling people to pay taxes is the policy of deterrence. Combating of tax evasion and hidden economy and reducing their scale are an important policy goal for each country. The causes of hidden economy are examined extensively through multiple research methods. The basic model of tax evasion i...
Beyond a comprehensive review on Taiwan’s economy, the main objective of the present study was to find answer to two questions. The first issue is whether Taiwan followed a classical model of the Asian Newly Industrializing Economies (ANIEs), or in spite of similarities at first sight, it rather had its own, individual way of development. To examin...
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The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of the trade agreements existing in Nigeria to find out their contribution to the development of the economy. There are several such agreements, however, the authors investigate how much they really operate and serve the wellbeing of people as well as food security and safety. There have been various i...
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This paper provides the reader with a thorough insight into the bilateral economic relationship between Hungary and Taiwan. Due to the One-China policy Hungary – and most countries in the world – do not have formal diplomatic or political contacts with Taiwan, however Taiwan as an autonomous economic entity seems to be a promising partner for Hunga...
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Beyond a brief review of the economic integration process among the states of the ASEAN region, the authors of the present study aimed to examine and analyze the main economic, social and political characteristics of the Hungaro-ASEAN relations. The importance of the topic of this research is underlined by the fact that the Hungarian government con...
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This study intends to give an insight to the past and present state of the South Korean agriculture. After a brief overview on the country itself the paper attempts to discuss main topics as follows: the historical roots of the present agricultural land and production structure, the main roles of the agriculture in South Korea, the main features, s...
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Beyond providing a comprehensive introduction to the most populous country in Africa, this paper attempts to provide insight into the challenges and problems that Nigeria currently faces. In addition to the rapid growth of the population, one main challenge is the exploitation and export of the rich crude oil resources that has been providing Niger...
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In our research, we examined the territorial disparities in the four countries of the Visegrad group, which joined the EU in 2004, for the period between 1995 and 2015. We used as our theoretical starting point the Williamson-hypothesis which focuses on the correlations of economic catching up, with the developed regions growing faster than the les...
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The examination of disadvantaged regions goes back to a long history, greatly influenced by the ever-changing natural, economic and human resources. Consequently, while examining the disadvantaged areas, we face new systems of coherences. Today's regional policy also needs to answer the question whether the spatial development funds of the past hav...
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Regional disparities can be explored from many aspects, however, most researchers agree in that due to political and economic changes, the former trend of decreasing regional disparities turned back and started to increase rapidly. In the early 2000s, a new structure with more competitive, more innovative areas and also with lagging settlements and...