Gusti Oka WidanaInstitut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan · Keuangan Syariah
Gusti Oka Widana
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Publications (26)
This study aims to analyze the influence of Sharia PPR characteristics, knowledge, and religiosity factor on consumer decision in choosing non-bank sharia housing. This type of research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. The respondents of this study is consumers of Sharia Housing of Aster Village Ciwastra (AVC) with a total sample...
Using the Grover and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) techniques, this research aims to evaluate the factors that influence the financial conditions of Islamic banks from 2010 to 2021. The sample for this research was taken using a purposive sampling technique from five banks registered in OJK from 2010 to 2021. The results of this researc...
Business ethics in Islam is not only related to the trade of buying and selling transactions; it is implemented in all aspects of human life, including environmental management. One important environmental aspect that must be managed ethically is the management of Hazardous and Toxic Material waste (B3 Waste). B3 Waste has a high potential risk of...
Purpose: Having identified a gap in the literature, this study aimed to determine the role of Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) in creating high Academic Performance (APE) and Entrepreneurial Intention (ENI) among Indonesian undergraduate students. Theoretical framework: The motivation for entrepreneurship is a popular topic investigated in many studies. P...
Micro Waqf Banks are a form of innovation of Islamic social and
financial institutions by the government to provide access to business
expansion and the welfare of the productive poor around Islamic
boarding schools. Optimising product innovation for Micro Waqf Bank
customers requires changes in micro-business actors to improve their
welfare sustai...
Dalam konteks perkembangan global yang pesat, pengintegrasian nilai-nilai Islam ke dalam strategi pemasaran produk kreatif semakin penting. Kemitraan industri muncul sebagai cara yang menjanjikan untuk mempromosikan integrasi ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji peran kemitraan industri dalam mendorong komersialisasi produk kreatif Isla...
In Islamic social finance, waqf is a crucial instrument. Founded in 1912, Muhammadiyah is one of Indonesia's biggest waqf management organizations. Muhammadiyah optimizes waqf administration by implementing the Muhammadiyah Asset Administration Information System (SIMAM) through the Council for Waqf and Treasury. Nevertheless, barely 50% of waqf as...
Bank (dalam penelitian ini yang dimaksud “bank” adalah “bank umum”) menempati posisi penting dalam sistem perekonomian sehingga banyak pihak yang terkait dengan keberadaanya.Berbeda dengan jenis industri lainnya, bank adalah industri kepercayaan. Untuk itu, informasi mengenai kinerja bank adalah sangat penting didalam rangka menumbuhkan kepercayaan...
This research aims to analyze the semiotics of the commodification of Islamic teachings in Islamic bank advertising in Indonesia. The research focuses on using C. S. Pierce's semiotics approach to analyzing and explaining three main aspects: the meaning of Islamic signs in bank advertisements, the commodification of Islamic teachings, and the patte...
The objective of this research is to uncover how the promotion activity of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang in South Sulawesi Province is
implemented according to Islamic business ethics to recruit new students.
This research uses qualitative methods, namely by structured interviews
with the Promotion Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekan...
Access to social media has become a vital need around the world, especially for the younger generation. The Instagram platform is one of the most popular social media in Indonesia and is widely used by high school students. Therefore, the leadership of An Nizam Islamic High School (SMAI) Medan issued a directive for students to wisely use social me...
Drop shipping is a transaction mechanism in the e-market place that is increasingly popular because this system does not require large capital from a seller. A seller will still sell his goods to buyers directly, but the inventory is still in the supplier's possession. Thus, the tendency for ethical violations in such mechanisms is quite large. Thi...
Islamic bank is a bank that implement Islamic principles, including the implementation of policies and activities that should be in accordance with Islamic business ethics. This study discusses about how to behave ethically in solving the non-performing financing in Islamic banks. The non-performing financing has the potential to bring losses to ba...
The Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) is the Indonesia organization of zakat management (OPZ) needs to measure the effectiveness of their programs that have been implemented in alleviating zakat beneficiaries (mustahik) from poverty. In Indonesia, Cibest model is the most popular measurement tools that try to find material value and spiritual valu...
The concepts of market orientation and relationship marketing have been the center
of discussion in marketing science for decades. Both are actually rooted from the
same concept, i.e. marketing concept. These two concepts are separated in their
developments, yet these two concepts have the same focal point in customer
orientation. Market orientatio...
Islamic and conventional banks are in direct competition with one another. Theoretically, Islamic bank should have the largest market share in a country with a high population of Muslims. However, the market shares of these banks have been insignificant in Indonesia. The research questions concern why Muslims are reluctant to switch from convention...
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berbentuk asistensi kepada Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Selatan berupa penyusunan kajian kelayakan terhadap usulan Pemanfaatan Barang Milik Daerah dalam bentuk sewa dari salah satu perusahaan pengembang (Calon Penyewa) yang diajukan kepada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan melalui unit kerja yang membawahi propert...
This study aimed to develop an alternative measurement model based on the stakeholder theory that answers the critiques toward the Balance Score Card (BSC). It synthesized variables from previous studies, including Job Satisfaction (JSA), Business Process (BPR), Customer Satisfaction (CSA), and Financial Performance (FPE). Moreover, the study set n...
Optimalisasi inovasi produk membutuhkan perubahan pelaku usaha mikro dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraannya secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian untuk menganalisis inovasi produk nasabah bank wakaf mikro dengan pendekatan model evolusi sosial. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory. Pengumpulan data dari observasi, wawa...
The Indonesian government has issued retail and non-retail Cash Waqf
Linked Sukuk (CWLS). However, the cash waqf collected has not been optimal.
This shows that public interests in retail CWLS are still low. Therefore, this study
discusses possible ways to increase public interest in retail CWLS and optimize
it for state development. Data is obtain...
Islamic work ethics of Muslim employees is substantial, as many previous studies show its role in the sound performance of the employees. This study aims to propose the measurement model of Islamic work ethics for Muslim employees in the banking industry. This study identifies eight dimensions of Islamic work ethics upon intensive literature review...
The business characteristic of Islamic banks is the implementation of Islamic business
ethics. Parallel with the trend of increasing preference to ethical institution, Islamic banks
should put this as its competitive edge toward its competitor conventional competitor banks. However, only few previous studies discussed about the implementation of Is...
Entrepreneurs is important bringing advancements of a country’s economy, yet entrepreneurs are created not born. Previous researches acknowledged that entrepreneurship activities were intentional based and having strong relationship with individual’s values or culture. As for Moslem, the inherent individual culture, is in form of Islamic Work Ethic...
For the last decades, sharia banking in Indonesia has not reached a good position, in which, based on the last data, sharia banking's market share is only 5.70%. This research focuses on distributing questionnaires in Banten Province as one of some provinces with its majority citizens are Muslims, namely at 94.62% from a total of 12,448,160 citizen...
The positive of impact of market orientation toward business performance of a company is a common wisdom in the marketing literatures. Hence the prior studies recommend that the connection will depend on other strategic actions. In this regards, this study tries to assess the construct of business ethics as the precedent of market orientation in th...
Relationship marketing emphasises the importance of building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. Relationship marketing is strategic for banking institutions to have a better position in the market and to secure continuous banking relationships. Relationship marketing has inherently strong ethical roots. There is a positive rela...