Gustavo Vergani

Gustavo Vergani
Pluspetrol SA · Geociencias

Lic. en Geología


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Publications (80)
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Chitinozoans recovered from one section of the Middle Devonian Los Monos Formation in the TCB X-1001-Tacobo borehole, sub-Andean basin of Bolivia, have been analysed. Eleven from the eighteen processed cutting samples yielded specimens that allowed taxonomic study. Eleven genera and thirty-five chitinozoan species were identified from the Los Monos...
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El Grupo Chaco se depositó en la cuenca de antepaís del subandino boliviano durante el Mioceno Tardío hasta el Presente, conformando un espeso intervalo de depósitos cenozoicos de hasta 6 km de espesor. Presenta un arreglo estrato y grano creciente, generado por la constante propagación oriental de la Faja Plegada y Corrida. Los sedimentos que lo c...
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Geological studies in the northern sector of the Chaco foreland Basin, Bolivia, yielded new fossils coming from late Oligocene-late Miocene of the Petaca Formation. Few fossil mammals were known from the Subandean Region of Bolivia. We report a partially complete mandible of a hegetotheriid Hegetotheriinae (Notoungulata, Typotheria) from Abapó (Río...
With more than 6000 m of sedimentary thickness and several superimposed petroleum systems, the Neuquén Basin of Argentina has all the elements to be considered a super basin. The basin developed during the Triassic–Early Jurassic in a rift environment that generated a localized petroleum system. Continued subsidence during the Early Jurassic result...
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The objective of this work is to discuss the paleoenvironment and age of the Los Monos Formation, in outcrop and subsurface, along a regional transect (west-east) in the southern sector of the Tarija basin. The lithofacies and ichnofacies of the Alarache, Angosto del Pescado and Balapuca outcrops and core-intervals of the Aguas Blancas xp-13, Ramos...
Palynological and organic geochemical analyses have been performed on an Early to Middle Devonian clastic marine sedimentary succession of the TCB X-1001 – Tacobo borehole, in the Foothills of the southern sub-Andean ranges of Bolivia. The studied subsurface section encompasses shallow marine deposits of the Icla, Huamampampa and Los Monos formatio...
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Resumen-La sociedad conservadora de la década de 1880 asistió pasivamente a la gesta industrial de Carlos Fader en Mendoza, concentrándose en su principal fuente de ingreso que era el comercio agroexportador. La Dirección de Minas, Geología e Hidrología tomó en sus manos el mapeo de los recursos económicos del país, destacándose la gestión del Ing....
The Neuquén Basin is constituted by a system of NW-SE rift clusters formed during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic at the western margin of Gondwana. The rifting is the result of an extensional tectonic regime triggered by the Gondwana break-up that attained a NE-trending direction (λ1) and a magnitude of extension of around 10%. The syn-rift clima...
We present the first record of an extinct procyonid for Bolivia (Tariquía Formation, La Angostura, Santa Cruz de La Sierra; Late Miocene). It corresponds to Cyonasua, the first Carnivore taxon to enter South America from North America before the Paniamian Isthmus raised and as a part of the “proto Great American Biotic Interchange” (GABI). Cyonasua...
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In the southern sub-Andean region of Bolivia, most of the structurally controlled hydrocarbon traps are related to the development of the Andean fold-and-thrust belt. The present study analyzed the structure and the hydrocarbon accumulations at the south sub-Andean "wedge-top." The structural decoupling in the allochthonous section is characterized...
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At the dawn of the 20 th Century the Argentine was in the economic rise after 90thfinantial crisis, strike ahead in the agricultural commodities exporting countries, under a strong dependence from English coal. The first steps facing the oil demand started in the Cuyo Basin around 1887, upon the effort of the pioneer Carlos Fader, who developed the...
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The objective of this work is the revision of the most conventional methods used to determine the thermal maturity of the Los Monos Formation in the Tarija Basin. For this, the thermal maturity of the formation was determined from multiple vitrinite reflectance analysis, programmed pyrolysis, index of thermal alteration and clay index. Work was don...
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El levantamiento de perfiles sedimentológicos de detalle en superficie, llevados adelante en el área de Puerto Ocopa, Cuenca de Ene, han permitido reconocer de base a techo, cinco secuencias sedimentarias de bajo orden para la Formación Chonta. Estas secuencias responden a ascensos y descensos relativos del nivel del mar, que permiten reconocer lím...
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ABSTRACT. A recent stratigraphic, sedimentological and paleontological survey, in the Apurucayali River, Puerto Ocopa-Río Pangá and Huantashiri creeks, have allowed to recognize and detailed the Paleogene units of the Ene and Pachitea basins, in the departments of Junín and Ucayali, in the center-eastern of Perú. The aim of this contribution is to...
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RESUMEN Recientes tareas de levantamientos geológicos de superficie en la Fm. Tariquía, realizados en los perfiles de La Angostura del Río Piray, Río Grande-Abapó y Veintemí-Charagua, han permitido conocer aspectos sedimentarios y abundantes hallazgos fosilíferos de vertebrados y algunos invertebrados, que permiten profundizar en los paleoambientes...
Conference Paper
La Formación Yecua es parte de una sucesión sedimentaria continental (con más de 5.000 metros de espesor) que rellenó la cuenca del Chaco durante el Cenozoico. Mientras se originaba esta cuenca de antepaís, en el Mioceno medio-tardío, un gran aumento eustático global sumado a la subsidencia por carga tectónica ocasionó un cambio significativo del n...
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Se presenta una descripción e interpretación de las estructuras de deformación en las diferentes posiciones estructurales (flanco, charnela) del anticlinal Tin Tin, un pliegue con núcleo de basamento formado durante la contracción cenozoica andina en el sector suroeste de la Cordillera Oriental del noroeste argentino. La gran mayoría de las estruct...
A new GPS-derived surface velocity field for the central Andean backarc permits an assessment of orogenic wedge deformation across the southern Subandes of Bolivia, where recent studies suggest that great earthquakes (>Mw 8) are possible. We find that the backarc is not isolated from the main plate boundary seismic cycle. Rather, signals from subdu...
A description and interpretation of geological structures in different structural positions (flanks, hinge) of the Tin Tin anticline, a basement-cored fold formed during Cenozoic Andean contraction in the southwest sector of the Eastern Cordillera (northwestern Argentina), is presented. The majority of the structures are west-transported thrust fau...
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Conceptos básicos de geología del petróleo. Reservorios convencionales y no convencionales. Exploración de hidrocarburos: métodos y técnicas. Reservas y Recursos.
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La Argentina posee una larga historia exploratoria y productiva de petróleo y gas en sus cuencas.
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Los registros de vertebrados fósiles en la Formación Tariquía del Grupo Chaco, Neógeno de Bolivia, son extremadamente escasos. Recientes estudios sedimentológicos y estratigráficos en del Subandino Boliviano, han permitido el hallazgo de numerosos restos fósiles en la localidad de La Angostura (S18°10‟10” – W63°29´54”), a unos 50 km al sudoeste de...
New observations from an active orogenic wedge help link the seismotectonic behavior of individual faults to wedge deformation rates and patterns over multiple timescales. We provide the first detailed constraints on the distribution and timing of deformation at the front of the Andean orogenic wedge in southern Bolivia, where a recent study sugges...
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Tineo, D.E., Bona, P., Pérez, L.M., Vergani, G.D., González, G., Poiré, D.G., Gasparini, Z.N. & Legarreta, P., 1.10.2014. Palaeoenvironmental implications of the giant crocodylian Mourasuchus (Alligatoridae, Caimaninae) in the Yecua Formation (late Miocene) of Bolivia. Alcheringa 39, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518Outcrops of the Yecua Formation (late Mioc...
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Los Monos Formation (Devonian), Tarija basin: geochemical and mineralogical approach of the potential as shale gas and shale oil The object of this study is to analyze the sedimentology and mineralogy of Los Monos Formation at Balapuca, in southern Bolivia, immediately north of the limit with Argentina, and in wells of the subandean region of Argen...
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2 Pluspetrol S.A. 3 Pluspetrol S.A. Palabras clave: Cuenca de Tarija, límite Devónico-Carbonífero, discordancias erosivas, diamictitas. ABSTRACT. The Devonian-Carboniferous limit in the Tarija Basin of Bolivia. Its interpretation from subsurface information in the Chaco Plain. The Devonian-Carbonifer...
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The La Angostura section is situated along the Piraí River (50 km southwest of Santa Cruz de la Sierra), which allow to recognize and describe different types of sedimentary facies, corresponding to different granulometries of the Yecua Formation (Late Miocene), exposed for approximately 480 m. There is a clear predominance of fine-size facies inte...
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Se da conocer la presencia de Mourasuchus (Crocodylia, Caimaninae) en el Mioceno superior de Bolivia. El material corresponde a un ejemplar (YPFB-LIT-PAL-001) de grandes dimensiones representado por tres vértebras (una cervical y dos troncales), y costillas. Este ejemplar fue hallado en asociación con restos de tortugas continentales y peces, en la...
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La Formación Yacoraite está constituida por rocas carbonáticas de color gris blanquecino-amarillento y en menor proporción también por margas y areniscas color gris medio, limolitas color verde claro a rojo violado y arcilitas negras. Las intercalaciones pelíticas negras constituyen la roca madre de hidrocarburos y los carbonatos conforman el reser...
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Palabras claves: Cerro Lotena, discordancias angulares, estratigrafía, paleontología. El Cerro Lotena se encuentra ubicado a 170 km al sudoeste de la ciudad de Neuquén, capital de la provincia del mismo nombre sobre el sur andino de la República Argentina. El mismo está situado en las cercanías del paraje La Amarga, al este de la Meseta de la Barda...
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The Yacoraite Formation lithology is mainly composed by carbonate rocks of gray whitish-yellowish colors and also by marls, siltstones, sandstones and claystones of middle gray, pale green or reddish-purple color. The interbeded black claystones are the hydrocarbon source rock and the carbonates are the reservoir. It is deposited in the Cretaceous/...
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alargadas, con rumbo N-S y NNE-SSW, que representan la expresión topográfica de anticlinales apretados, asociados a fallas inversas (Hernández et al., 2009). El acortamiento andino dio lugar a la generación de sistemas de fracturación de diversa escala, de impacto en la generación de una porosidad secundaria de interés petrolero (Lúquez et al., 200...
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La Formación Yecua en la localidad de La Angostura (unos 50 km al sudoeste de Santa Cruz de la Sierra), del Neógeno del Subandino de Bolivia, presenta abundantes concentraciones de bivalvos y gasterópodos, asociados a niveles delgados de psamitas, intercalados en espesos paquetes de pelitas. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las distintas fo...
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En este trabajo presentamos evidencias sobre la presencia de estructuras compresivas transversales al orógeno en las Sierras Subandinas, propuestas como estructuras previas, reactivadas durante la orogenia andina, que no habían sido mencionadas anteriormente. Entre ellas se destacan corrimientos con grados de acortamiento y plegamiento variables en...
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The common elements and differences of the neighboring Austral (Magallanes), Malvinas and South Malvinas (South Falkland) sedimentary basins are described and analyzed. The tectonic history of these basins involves Triassic to Jurassic crustal stretching, an ensuing Early Cretaceous thermal subsidence in the retroarc, followed by a Late Cretaceous–...
Bs.As.; 2 Patagonia Exploración, Bs.As.; 3 Pluspetrol, Bs. As.; 4 M&P System, Bs.As; 5 Repsol YPF, Bs.As. Abstract. The Five Coexisting Petroleum Systems in the Southeast Area of the Neuquén Basin: Geochemical Definition and Comparison through a 150-km Transect This paper deals with the geochemical appraisal of five productive petroleum systems of...
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The Upper Member of the Agrio Formation and the Chorreado and Lower Troncoso Members of the Huitrín Formation (Early Cretaceous) are three of the main hydrocarbon producing units at the Puesto Hernández Field in the Neuquén Basin. Reservoirs, composed of clastic units with some calcareous components, are associated with litoral sandstones and congl...
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As a consequence of the Nazca and the Southamerican plate convergence, several sedimentary basins related to the Andean uplift were generated during the last 45 m.y. Basins analyzed in this paper (between 25º and 26º S lat.) host major thicknesses of sediments (more than 6000 m), mainly of continental origin. From stratigraphic analyses of these or...
The fish are assessed as paleoenvironmental indicators. According to the ichthyofauna and geologic evidence, the fossiliferous beds were deposited near sea-level, the lake was fresh-water, and had no marine influence at this time. Taxa recorded to date are clupeids, cichlids and serrasalmine characids. All these teleosts are typical of basins of lo...
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A sedimentary and stratigraphic model for lowstand deposits of the North of the Neuquén is studied. This model responds to the development of incised valleys in an exposed shelf during an abrupt shallowing in the early Hauterivian. This process originates channels and interchannels zona filled up by fluvial and eolian facies. These confined deposit...
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Se describen e interpretan algunos rasgos estructurales de esta amplia depresión intermontana de rumbo meridiano. Las diferencias de estilo y vergencia existentes se las relaciona a variaciones de espesor y competencia del prisma sedimentario involucrado, tanto en sentido vertical como lateral, deformado a fines del Cenozoico. Se interpretan en par...


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