Guofang Miao

Guofang Miao
Fujian Normal University · School of Geographical Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (53)
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The ability to access physiologically driven signals, such as surface temperature, photochemical reflectance index (PRI), and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), through remote sensing (RS) are exciting developments for vegetation studies. Accessing this ecophysiological information requires considering processes operating at scales from th...
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Photosynthetic efficiency (PE) quantifies the fraction of absorbed light used in photochemistry and is essential for understanding ecosystem productivity and the global carbon cycle ¹⁻⁴ , particularly under conditions of vegetation stress ⁵ . However, nearly 60% of the global spatiotemporal variance in terrestrial PE remains unexplained 3,5-7 . Her...
The subtropical region of China possesses abundant forest resources and features a mountainous terrain. Under the implementation of policies such as natural forest protection, the Grain for Green Project, and other initiatives since the beginning of the 21st century, coupled with climate change, the forest resources in this region have undergone si...
The response of mesophyll conductance (gm) to CO2 plays a key role in photosynthesis and ecosystem carbon cycles under climate change. Despite numerous studies, there is still debate about how gm responds to short‐term CO2 variations. Here we used multiple methods and looked at the relationship between stomatal conductance to CO2 (gsc) and gm to ad...
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Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) provides an opportunity to study terrestrial ecosystem photosynthesis dynamics. However, the current coarse spatiotemporal satellite SIF products are challenging for mechanistic interpretations of SIF signals. Long-term ground SIF and vegetation indices (VIs) are important for satellite SIF validation and...
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Ozone soil deposition contributes a major part to the total deposition of ozone on land covered by low vegetation and perturbs the ozone budget on both regional and global scales. Large model-observation divergences in ozone soil deposition require continuous efforts to improve the mechanical understanding and model representation. Observation of o...
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The leaf area index (LAI) serves as a crucial metric in quantifying the structure and density of vegetation canopies, playing an instrumental role in determining vegetation productivity, nutrient and water utilization, and carbon balance dynamics. In subtropical montane forests, the pronounced spatial heterogeneity combined with undulating terrain...
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Forest biomass dynamics are important indicators of forest productivity and carbon sinks, which are useful for evaluating forest ecological benefits and management options. Rapid and accurate methods for monitoring forest biomass would serve this purpose well. This study aimed at measuring aboveground biomass (AGB) and stand growth from tree crown...
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key parameter for characterizing the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems, and is also one of the important structural parameters that can be retrieved from remote sensing (RS) data. LAI over mountainous areas, however, is still difficult to retrieve reliably due to the topographical variation that introduces significant un...
There remains limited information to characterize the solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF)-gross primary production (GPP) relationship in C4 cropping systems. The annual C4 crop corn and perennial C4 crop miscanthus differ in phenology, canopy structure and leaf physiology. Investigating the SIF-GPP relationships in these species could deep...
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Carbon (C) allocation and nonstructural carbon (NSC) dynamics play essential roles in plant growth and survival under stress and disturbance. However, quantitative understanding of these processes remains limited. Here we propose a framework where we connect commonly measured carbon cycle components (eddy covariance fluxes of canopy CO2 exchange, s...
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Understanding how the carbon (C) cycle of agroecosystems will respond to climate change and management variations requires long-term monitoring of ecosystem processes and their drivers. We demonstrate the importance of this through an in-depth examination of two consecutive years (2014-2015) of a 10-year eddy covariance dataset collected from a cor...
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Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measurements have shown unique potential for quantifying plant physiological stress. However, recent investigations found canopy structure and radiation largely control SIF, and physiological relevance of SIF remains yet to be fully understood. This study aims to evaluate whether the SIF-derived physiologi...
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Monitoring cambial activity is important for a better understanding of the mechanisms governing xylem growth responses to climate change, providing a scientific basis for tree-ring-based climate reconstructions and projections about tree growth under future climate scenarios. It plays an even more important role in investigating evergreen tree grow...
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Net primary productivity (NPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP) are often used interchangeably, as their difference, heterotrophic respiration (soil heterotrophic CO2 efflux, RSH = NPP−NEP), is assumed a near‐fixed fraction of NPP. Here, we show, using a range‐wide replicated experimental study in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations that RSH...
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Aerosols can affect crop photosynthesis by altering radiation and meteorological conditions. By combining field observations, mechanistic modeling, and satellite‐retrieved solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), we assessed aerosols' impacts on crop photosynthesis from leaf to regional scale. We found that the initial increase in aerosol opti...
The influence of aquaporin (AQP) activity on plant water movement remains unclear, especially in plants subject to unfavorable conditions. We applied a multitiered approach at a range of plant scales to (i) characterize the resistances controlling water transport under drought, flooding and flooding plus salinity conditions; (ii) quantify the respe...
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Globally, soils store two to three times as much carbon as currently resides in the atmosphere, and it is critical to understand how soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and uptake will respond to ongoing climate change. In particular, the soil-toatmosphere CO2 flux, commonly though imprecisely termed soil respiration (RS), is one of the largest car...
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The influence of aquaporin (AQP) activity on plant water movement remains unclear, especially in plants subject to unfavorable conditions. We applied a multitiered approach at a range of plant scales to (i) characterize the resistances controlling water transport under drought, flooding and flooding plus salinity conditions; (ii) quantify the respe...
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Forested wetlands are an important carbon (C) sink. Fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) dominate belowground C cycling and can be functionally defined into absorptive roots (order 1–2) and transport roots (order ≥ 3). However, effects of microtopography on the function-based fine root dynamics in forested wetlands are poorly understood. We studied fine ro...
Knowledge of the dynamics of methane (CH4) fluxes across coastal freshwater forested wetlands, such as those found in the southeastern US remains limited. In the current study, we look at the spectral properties of ecosystem net CH4 exchange (NEECH4) time series, and its cospectral behavior with key environmental conditions (temperature (Ts5), wate...
Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measured from space has been increasingly used to quantify plant photosynthesis at regional and global scales. Apparent canopy SIF yield (SIFyield apparent), determined by fluorescence yield (ΦF) and escaping ratio (fesc), together with absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), is crucial in d...
Wetlands store large carbon (C) stocks and play important roles in biogeochemical C cycling. However, the effects of environmental and anthropogenic pressures on C dynamics in lower coastal plain forested wetlands in the southern U.S. are not well understood. We established four eddy flux stations in two post-harvest and newly-planted loblolly pine...
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Sun‐induced fluorescence (SIF) has been found to be strongly correlated with gross primary production (GPP) in a quasi‐linear pattern at the scales beyond leaves. However, the causes of the GPP:SIF relationship deviating from a linear pattern remain unclear. In the current study conducted at two maize sites in Nebraska in 2017 summer growing season...
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We mapped tidal wetland gross primary production (GPP) with unprecedented detail for multiple wetland types across the continental United States (CONUS) at 16‐day intervals for the years 2000–2019. To accomplish this task, we developed the spatially explicit Blue Carbon (BC) model, which combined tidal wetland cover and field‐based eddy covariance...
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Soil respiration (Rs), the largest carbon emission flux in ecosystems, is usually modeled as an empirically parameterized function of temperature, and sometimes water availability. The likely contribution by other factors, such as carbohydrate substrate supply from photosynthesis, has been recognized, but modeling capacity to use this information i...
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Phytoremediation offers a nature based solution (NBS) for contaminated soil remediation; however, its application under a brownfield redevelopment context has not been well studied. Moreover, climate change could impact large numbers of contaminated sites, yet there remains little research on the potential impacts for re-mediation. This study exami...
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Hummock-hollow microtopography is a unique feature of wetland ecosystems, but our understanding of its effects on soil carbon and nutrient cycling is limited. We investigated effects of microtopography on hydrology, phenol oxidase activity (POX) and nutrient availability in a freshwater forested wetland of coastal North Carolina. Water table depth...
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Coastal wetlands represent an ecotone between ocean and terrestrial ecosystems, providing important services, including flood mitigation, fresh water supply, erosion control, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat. The environmental setting of a wetland and the hydrological connectivity between a wetland and adjacent terrestrial and aquatic sys...
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Accurate estimation of terrestrial photosynthesis has broad scientific and societal impacts. Measurements of photosynthesis can be used to assess plant health, quantify crop yield, and determine the largest CO2 flux in the carbon cycle. Long-term and continuous monitoring of vegetation optical properties can provide valuable information about plant...
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Theoretical and eddy‐covariance studies demonstrate that aerosol‐loading stimulates canopy photosynthesis, but field evidence for the aerosol effect on tree growth is limited. Here we measured in‐situ daily stem growth rates of aspen trees under a wide range of aerosol‐loading in China. The results showed that daily stem growth rates were positivel...
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Recent development of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) technology is stimulating studies to remotely approximate canopy photosynthesis (measured as gross primary production, GPP). While multiple applications have advanced the empirical relationship between GPP and SIF, mechanistic understanding of this relationship is still limited. GPP:S...
Wetlands store a disproportionately large fraction of organic carbon relative to their areal coverage, and thus play an important role in global climate mitigation. As destabilization of these stores through land use or environmental change represents a significant climate feedback, it is important to understand the functional regulation of respira...
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The southeastern United States hosts extensive forested wetlands, providing ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, water quality improvement, groundwater recharge, and wildlife habitat. However, these wetland ecosystems are dependent on local climate and hydrology, and are therefore at risk due to climate and land use change. This study...
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Riverine floodplains and coastal margins of the southeastern United States host extensive forested wetlands, providing myriad ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, water quality improvement, groundwater recharge, and wildlife habitat. However, these ecosystems, which are closely dependent on wetland hydrology, are at risk due to human-...
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Gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) in tropical forests varies both with the environment and with biotic changes in photosynthetic infrastructure, but our understanding of the relative effects of these factors across timescales is limited. Here, we used a statistical model to partition the variability of seven years of eddy covariance-derived GEP in...
This thesis studied carbon dynamics in an African rainforest, Kakamega National Forest in Kenya, using CoupModel, a process-based model with an over-simplified modeling strategy. Bayesian calibration was achieved based on the pre-existing carbon storage data in Kakamega and previous studies of CoupModel in Swedish forests. An integrated picture of...
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Throughout the southern US, past forest management practices have replaced large areas of native forests with loblolly pine plantations and have resulted in changes in forest response to extreme weather conditions. However, uncertainty remains about the response of planted versus natural species to drought across the geographical range of these for...
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key component of the hydrologic cycle in terrestrial ecosystems and accurate description of ET processes is essential for developing reliable ecohydrological models. This study investigated the accuracy of ET prediction by the DRAINMOD-FOREST after its calibration/validation for predicting commonly measured hydrological...
[1] Anthropogenic and environmental pressures on wetland hydrology may trigger changes in carbon (C) cycling, potentially exposing vast amounts of soil C to rapid decomposition. We measured soil CO2 efflux (Rs) continuously from 2009 to 2010 in a lower coastal plain forested wetland in North Carolina, U.S., to characterize its main environmental dr...
Conference Paper
Background/Question/Methods Deep root water uptake and hydraulic redistribution (HR) has been shown to play a major role in forest ecosystems during drought, but little is known about the impact of climate change on root-zone processes influencing HR and its consequences on water and carbon fluxes. Using data from two old growth sites of the west...
Recent evidence suggests that old soil carbon may become mobilized with climate change, contributing to a decadal increasing trend in soil respiration (SR) rates. If true, the high carbon densities in the organic soils of forested wetlands may be particularly sensitive when subject to changing temperature and hydrology. Here we report on soil CO2 e...
Conference Paper
Background/Question/Methods The complexity of soil respiration (SR) process determines the difficulties of quantification and mechanism theory development. Recent development of automated chamber technology provides the CO2 flux datasets with improved frequency, and also brings the uncertainties related with temporal variations. Besides the broad...
Organochlorine (OC) pesticides have been used broadly in China's past, yet very little is known about their atmospheric concentrations and transport. In this work, air samples were collected in the Taihu Lake Region, China, from July 23 to August 11, 2002, to measure concentrations of OC pesticides in air. The average concentrations of alpha and ga...
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The measurement of atmospheric hydroxyl radicals (OH) in Beijing was carried out using two methods based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The diurnal variation of OH concentration was obtained. The maximum concentration during sunny daytime was about 8 x 10(7) cm-3 in summer, while it decreased to about 2 x 10(7)-4 x 10(7) cm-3 in...


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