Gumersindo Feijoo

Gumersindo Feijoo
University of Santiago de Compostela | USC · Department of Chemical Engineering

Doctor of Engineering
Teaching and research in the field of Chemical & Environmental Engineering. Vice-Chancellor of Digital Transformation


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1.- Positions • Professor of Chem. Eng. USC (since 2007) • Vice Chancellor for Strategic Planning of the USC (since 2018) • Member of CRETUS Research Institute (since 2019) • Head of the Dept of Chem. Eng. (2008–2017) • President of the Spanish Conference of Directors and Deans of Chem Eng (2016-2019) 2.- Research Topics • LCA. Environmental footprint • Circular Economy. Ecodesign • Biodegradation of pollutants by ligninolytic enzymes • Development of bioreactors for wastewater treatment
Additional affiliations
October 2008 - January 2017
University of Santiago de Compostela
  • Head of Department
July 2008 - present
University of Santiago de Compostela
  • Professor (Full)
August 2012 - September 2012
University of Arizona
  • Life cycle assesment of products and processes
September 1991 - May 1994
University of Santiago de Compostela
Field of study
  • Chemical and Environmental Engineering


Publications (589)
Marine algae are considered promising resources both at present and in the near future. Their availability, together with their molecular structure and properties, increases their applicability in various sectors: food and feed, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and bioenergy. However, the "bio" qualification does not always imply a lower impact compared...
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Proper waste management is a key element in the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy. Population growth and the demand for food and services have led to an ever-increasing production of biotic waste whose disposal in landfills is no longer considered a sustainable option. For this reason, efforts are being made to find an appropriate management s...
The Conversations - España:
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The transition to a sustainable bioeconomy requires the development of advanced materials with improved functional properties, in particular bio-based products that could have a low environmental impact. Chitosan, derived from crustacean chitin, is a biodegradable biopolymer with multiple applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food sector...
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The combination of techno-economic process modelling and life cycle assessment is an integrated methodology that addresses quantitative operational data, and evaluates the emissions associated with any process under development. In particular, the valorisation of waste streams within the context of the circular economy could be considered a valid a...
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The European Bioeconomy Strategy aims to accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy to maximize its contribution to the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as to the Paris Agreement on climate change. In this context, transport is considered as a key sector, with aviation and shipping playing an imp...
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An appropriate food model should move towards sustainable food systems that promote healthy food choices. Current food systems have a significant impact on the health of people and the planet and guide producer decisions and consumer food choices not only in households but also in the HORECA (HOtels, REstaurants and CAtering) sector. This work uses...
Nowadays, food production systems play a relevant role as the steady increase of global population and food demand. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a suitable approach to tackle resources management associated with these three pillars recognizing synergies and trade-offs. Different approaches have been used in the literature to measure the WEF...
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The food industry requires new production models that include more environmentally friendly waste management practices, considering that the environmental loads of solid waste and wastewater associated with this sector cause damage to the receiving ecosystems. The approach considered in this study focuses on the design and environmental assessment...
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In the transition towards climate neutrality, biorefinery models are considered promising alternatives to processes based on fossil fuels and non-renewable materials. This consideration is attributed to the reduction of dependence on non-renewable systems, in line with greener and lower impact technological strategies. However, they imply a profoun...
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One of the main hotspots in the agricultural sector is related to the extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides, which leads to direct environmental impacts, such as eutrophication, and indirect ones, such as the energy demand associated with their production. Faced with these limitations, the use of biostimulants has emerged as a suitable and ef...
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Anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater has been recognized as a feasible technology to reduce energy demand from the valorization of streams with high-organic load. However, there are many factors that influence the environmental and economic profiles of the process, such as the effluent pollutant load, operating temperature and methane emissio...
The main challenge in wastewater treatment is changing the perception of wastewater as a waste product to be treated or disposed of, and instead seeing it as a source of energy and other valuable byproducts. This approach is in line with the basic principles of a circular economy, which replaces the ‘end-of-life’ concept with reducing, reusing, rec...
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There is an urgent need to switch from fossil to bio-based fuels in the transport sector, particularly in shipping and aviation. The growth of the world's population has resulted in a significant impact on passenger transport, with a noticeable increase in greenhouse gas emissions, depletion of fossil resources and associated risks in all three pil...
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Importance The universal call to action for healthier and more sustainable dietary choices is the framework of the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals. The Atlantic diet, originating from the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, represents an example of a traditional diet that aligns with these principles. Objective To explore a 6-month...
By 2050, food production's environmental impacts are projected to double without intervention. Crucial changes in dietary habits are needed, and seafood can be pivotal. The focus in calculating burdens using life cycle assessment (LCA) indicators has shifted towards exploring interconnections within the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus. Addressing thi...
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The presence of organic micropollutants in water bodies represents a threat to living organisms and ecosystems due to their toxicological effects and recalcitrance in conventional wastewater treatments. In this context, the application of heterogeneous photo-Fenton based on magnetite nanoparticles supported on mesoporous silica (SBA15) is proposed...
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This article proposes a two-dimensional model that allows for the evaluation of teaching and research based on quantitative indicators. Regarding teaching performance, the hours of face-to-face classes and those of supervised theses were considered. In the case of research activity, several indicators were proposed (e.g. books and book chapters, ar...
Artículo en la plataforma en abierto: The Conversation - España
The agri-food industry creates a vast amount of waste each year. This is not just a problem for waste management, in terms of finding space to store waste and preventing escape of harmful waste into the environment; it also represents a loss of resources: the chemicals and energy which have gone into the production of this waste. If current waste s...
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Energy transition has implications not only for economic growth and social welfare but also for the planet. It is therefore important to provide a framework of quantifying how this transition might affect these aspects from a triple perspective. In this regard, an in-depth and critical analysis of the available reports, policy frameworks and initia...
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Biomass is one of the renewable resources with the greatest potential, not only because of the possibility of energy recovery but also because of its content in components of interest. In this context, the regions of Galicia and Portugal have large areas of land dedicated to forestry, agriculture and livestock, and the large amount of waste generat...
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Innovation in digitalization and low-carbon technologies are leading the way for the production sector. In the context of the bioeconomy, a path is opening up for the integration of bio-based processes into the value chain as alternative production schemes to fossil fuel-based production models, although process modeling and optimization is needed...
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One of the most promising alternatives to face the environmental deterioration and handling of waste is the development of biotechnological processes. In this context, the winemaking process of red grapes gives rise to waste streams whose properties are suitable for the biotechnological production of high-value-added products, such as resveratrol,...
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Resveratrol, a natural organic polyhydroxyphenolic compound, has gained significant attention in the last years given its potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be directly extracted from plants, vegetables, and related products and waste resources, but also chemically/enzymatically/m...
Artículo en la plataforma en abierto: The Conversation - España
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Moving from the linear production model to the circular economy approach is the main concern of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan. Population growth coupled with high demand for goods has led to a significant increase in solid waste, especially food waste, triggering the depletion of natural resources and the environmental burdens associated to t...
Artículo en la plataforma en abierto: The Conversation - España
Technical Report
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Nº 17 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicado a problemas de unidade de lodos activos.
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Número 16 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química. Este número está adicado ao deseño de filtros percoladores (interesantes para núcleos rurais pola súa simplicidade na operación). Inclúe dous casos prácticos
Technical Report
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Nº 15 da Colección de Notas de Enxeñaría Química co que se inicia unha serie de números adicado ao tratamento de augas residuais. Este número engloba o deseño dun canal de oxidación para o tratamento de materia orgánica e nitróxeno das augas residuais urbanas de pequenas poboacións.
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The conditions of social distancing and home confinement imposed to contain the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) pandemic have changed the dietary patterns and lifestyle of society. These changes have had significant consequences not only for our personal well-being but also for the health of the planet. In...
Technical Report
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Número 14 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química. Este número pecha a serie adicada á Destilación
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The overexploitation of resources, the increase of the world population and the trend of consumption based on “use and throw away” is causing an increasing pressure on waste management. In this sense, it is necessary to promote sustainable practices in the valorization of waste streams as a strategy for the co-production of bioproducts and bioenerg...
Technical Report
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Número 13 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicada á Destilación Binarias e aplicación do Método de Ponchon-Savarit, como exemplo de método rigoroso.
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Número 12 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicada a transferencia de materia en etapal múltiples e de xeito específico a aplicación do Método de McCabe-Thiele á destilación binaria.
Conference Paper
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It is expected that the potential of biorefineries will continue to grow in the coming years, so that their development can be beneficial for promoting economic, environmental and social welfare, in accordance with the pillars of sustainable development. In this sense, it is necessary to ensure the effective implementation of these emerging biorefi...
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Número 11 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicada a Destilacion Flash. Achégase como exemplo un caso prácticos resolto con excel, matlab e aspen plus (v12).
Resolución en excel e con indicación de matlab para un caso práctico de destilaciónf lash.
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Colección "Notas de Enxeñaría Química" - nº 10 adicado a Destilación (I): Concepto de etapa de equlibrio. No mesmo faise referencia a natureza do equilibrio, representación dos diagramas de equilibrio e cálculo da temperatura de burbulla.
Resolución do caso práctico 4.2 incluido no número 10 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicado a Destilación (I): Concepto de Etapa de Equilbrio
Resolución en excel do Caso práctico 4.1 para a creación de diagramas de equilibrio líquido-vapor
Resolución en excel e matlab do caso práctico 4.3 incluido no número 10 de Destilación (I): Concepto de etapa de equilibrio, nomeadamente o cálculo da temperatura de burbulla.
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Advanced oxidation processes such as Fenton reaction-based processes have attracted great interest in recent years as a promising alternative for the removal of persistent pollutants in wastewater. The use of nanocatalysts in advanced oxidation processes overcomes the limitations of homogeneous Fenton processes, where acidic pH values are required,...
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Nº 9 da Colección de Notas en Enxeñaría Química adicada ao deseño de cambiadores de calor.
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Colección Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº 8 adicado ao deseño de evaporadores, considerando tanto o efecto sinxelo como múltiple.
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Looking for renewable energy sources is one of the main targets in the transition to low-carbon economies. Bioenergy appears as an alternative with great potential, but firstly, it requires addressing all aspects that can limit its environmental viability. Stillage has been identified as an environmental concern of the bioethanol production. Thus,...
Technical Report
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Colección de "Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº 7" adicado a Filtración. Faise especial fincapé na filtración a baleiro.
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Orientado a alumnado de Bacharelato ou como curso "O" na universidade. Notas sobre aspectos relacionados coas reacción química: estequiometría, equilibrio químico, solubilidade, reaccións ácido-base, reaccións redox e cinética química.
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Colección "Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº6" adicado aos fundamentos e deseño dos equipos de flotación.
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Colección de "Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº5" sobre Sedimentación. Inclúe modelos e métodos de deseño para desareadores, sedimentadores primarios e secundarios. Incorpora divesos casos prácticos
Technical Report
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Colección "Notas en Enxeñaría nº 4" adicado ao estudos do fluxo de fluídos compresibles. Amósanse casos prácticos sobre toberas e deseño de compresores mono e multietapa
Cow milk is a fundamental nutrients source for the human diet at all stages of life. However, the decline in cow milk consumption over the years has been driven by increased consumer awareness of animal welfare and the environmental burdens associated. In this regard, different initiatives have emerged to mitigate the impacts of livestock farming,...
Indicators from life cycle assessment methodologies (i.e., footprints) have emerged as useful tools for identifying and communicating the environmental impacts of a system thanks to they are accessible and intuitive and easy to understand to non-expert public. However, the focus on a single environmental problem is one of their main drawbacks. From...
Technical Report
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Colección de "Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº3" que recolle os aspectos sobre o fluxo de fluídos non newtonianos, especificamente os plásticos de Bingham e aqueles que seguen a Lei da Potencia. Entre os casos prácticos amósase a dedución da ecuación Buckingham-Reiner
Technical Report
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Colección de "Notas en Enxeñaría Química - nº 2". Cálculo de caudal, presión, diámetro e potencia no fluxo de fluídos incompresibles
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Colección "Notas en Enxeñaría Química" nº 1. Análise Dimensional e Módulos Adimensionais. Descríbese o método de Buckingham e de Rayleigh para á aplicación da análise dimensiónal. Teoría da semellanza e descrición físicas dos principais módulos adimensionais. Exemplos prácticos de aplicación con ambos métodos.
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Da miña época como profesor axudante, achego esta pequena xoia coa dedución da ecuación de Buckingham-Reiner que describe o fluxo dun dos fluídos non-newtonianos máis característicos, os plásticos de Bingham (por exemplo, a pasta de dentífrica) De mi época como profesor ayudante os dejo esta pequeña maravilla de la deducción de la Ecuación Bucking...
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Beyond the commercial exploitation of macroalgae as food and as a source of phycocolloids, this bioresource could represent a third-generation feedstock to obtain a wide range of bioactive compounds as well as biostimulants and bioenergy from biomass valorization. However, seaweed biorefineries are less advanced than those based on terrestrial biom...
The definition of the term gastronomy encompasses both the knowledge of food and its handling, preparation and consumption. Beyond a sense of cultural identity and tradition, gastronomy also represents a pole of tourist attraction. This is the case of Galicia, a region in north-western Spain. Within this framework, local dishes, which include disti...
The unprecedented crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact of planetary magnitude on the socioeconomic development of society. COVID-19 has put the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at risk. In particular, productive activities for food provision must address the degree of compliance with SDGs 6 (Clean Wa...
Acceso a la plataforma en abierto The Conversations España:
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VOSviewer es un software gratuito desarrollado por Nees Jan van Eck y Ludo Waltman del CWTS Leiden University (The Netherlands) para construir y visualizar redes bibliométricas. Estas redes poden ser de revistas científicas, investigadores o publicaciones individuales, basadas en la citación, la co-citación o las relaciones de coautoría. VOSviewer...
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Nos últimos 30 tivo lugar un troco copernicano na xestión bibliográfica da investigación, pois a liña de tempo dende o primeiro envío á revista científica ata a súa publicación acurtouse vertixinosamente, cunha redución de máis dun 200%. Así dende que se enviaba o artigo por primeira vez á revista, análise da revisión e publicación final o tempo me...
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The Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations established a roadmap on the way to a sustainable society based on a circular economy in which the residual fractions of process streams emerge as raw materials for the provision of material goods and services. In this context, the approach of biorefineries as the technological scheme...
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A sustainable city implies socioeconomic characteristics that allow citizens to maintain a certain quality of life. However, the effect of overtourism in some tourist cities negatively affects the community. In this study, a methodology was developed to analyze how tourism affects the way of life of residents in Santiago de Compostela. This work ai...
Carbon footprint (CF) has become a crucial piece to develop strategies to tackle the climate change issue. Its implementation makes it possible establishing a path towards decarbonisation with the aim to comply with European and global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions guidelines and commitments. Currently, several tools for calculating the CF are a...
The effects of climate change and water scarcity on food security in Latin America and the prevalence of metabolic risk factors that increase the likelihood of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among Chilean citizens are considered two significant challenges. The 2020 Sustainable Development Goals Report shows that an increasing number of people are...
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Climate change and water scarcity are clearly related environmental problems, making them global environmental issues. Accordingly, the water cycle management deserves a revision in its approach, integrating the concept of circular economy within an efficient and sustainable management of water resources and the design of wastewater facilities. In...
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The current energy and environmental crisis, linked to increasing industrialisation, has progressively driven the adoption of solutions focused on circular life cycle thinking, such as waste management with resource recovery and decarbonization of technologies. In this context, this study was built to quantify the environmental performance of a two...
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The role of the bioeconomy based on the use of renewable resources and also on the valorization of bio-based waste could contribute to a higher degree of sustainability. In this sense, biobased processes and products should exhibit values for indicators that demonstrate and outperform their competing counterparts. To this end, it is essential to ap...
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The valorization of agro-industrial waste streams and residues for the production of antioxidant compounds is a good strategy for circular economy approaches. However, to demonstrate its suitability and operational feasibility, it is necessary to develop environmental assessments to ensure the effectiveness of the production strategy. In this sense...
Aprovechemos las vacaciones de los más pequeños para incorporar paulatinamente hábitos alimentarios saludables y sostenibles. Será nuestro mejor legado para su futuro y el del planeta donde desarrollarán sus vidas. De momento, solo tenemos una Tierra. Enlace en abierto:
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The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must address the balance between sustainable growth and tackling climate change. In this context, forests can help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, unfortunately, equivalent solutions in the ocean are often overlooked. Moreover, the complexity in determining the real impact of fis...
