Guido PastorinoNational Scientific and Technical Research Council | conicet · Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
Guido Pastorino
Doctor en Ciencias Naturales
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January 1999 - present
October 1999 - present
January 1983 - January 1988
School of Natural Sciencies and Museum, National University of La Plata
Field of study
- Malacology
Publications (140)
Global awareness of introduced species as one of the primary drivers of biodiversity change-causing environmental impacts, and economic and social effects-emphasizes the need to enhance our understanding of these species. Developing a comprehensive database will enable policymakers to identify global bioinvasion patterns and strengthen their capaci...
In this study, we conduct a morphological integrative analysis, using traditional techniques and micro-computed tomography imaging, on Septibranchia species. Specimens deposited in malacological collections and samples collected aboard the research vessels Puerto Deseado and Austral off Mar del Plata (~36°S), San Jorge Gulf (~46°), and Marine Prote...
Species of Eatoniellidae are typical members of shallow, cold waters of the Southern Hemisphere; however, very little is known about their biology. This work deals with the first description of spawns and developmental stages for the family. All samples were collected from Southern Argentina and were identified as Eatoniella turricula based on shel...
A revision of the species cited in the genus Leucosyrinx from Argentine waters is conducted. Leucosyrinx argentina
sp. nov. is described after material collected off Argentina in: the Mar del Plata Submarine Canyon (528–2212 m
depth), at 39◦53.381′S, 55◦52.197′W off Buenos Aires province (772 m depth), and in the Burdwood Bank
(approximately 54◦S i...
We describe the shell morphology of the prodissoconch and early postlarval shell of Aequipecten tehuelchus (d’Orbigny), Flexopecten felipponei (Dall), and Zygochlamys patagonica (King) from the southern coast of Argentina. Aequipecten tehuelchus has a nepioconch microsculpture with fine, dense, and regularly distributed pits. The byssal notch is in...
Pachyoliva Olsson, 1956, previously considered a subgenus of Olivella (Olividae: Olivellinae), is characterized by a unique propodial morphology that enables a suspension-feeding lifestyle. As shown here, radulae of the two extant Pachyoliva species carry rachidian teeth with convex cusp-bearing edges, differing from those of other Olivellinae. Whi...
A new genus of conoidean gastropods of the family Mangeliidae, Notopropebela gen. nov., is herein described to include N. profunda (Castellanos and Landoni, 1993) previously in the genus Propebela Iredale, 1918, and two new species from the deep waters off south-western Atlantic Argentine. This new genus is characterised by small rhomboid shells wi...
Patagorbitestella new genus is here proposed to include two extant and one fossil species: P. ponderi (Linse, 2002) new combination, P. patagonica (Simone and Zelaya, 2004) new combination, and P. leonensis new species, the last described from the Punta Entrada Member of Monte León Formation (50°21′25.4”S, 68°53′05.9″W, Aquitanian to lower Burdigal...
The impacts of biological invasions remain poorly known for some habitats, regions and taxa. To date, there has been no comprehensive effort to review and synthesize the impacts of invasive mollusc species in South America. In this paper, we provide a synoptic view on what is known on documented socio-ecological impacts of aquatic no-native mollusc...
In this paper, a taxonomic review of the bivalves of the genus Cuspidaria Nardo, 1840 from the southern southwestern Atlantic is conducted. Specimens deposited in malacological collections and samples collected onboard the R/V Puerto Deseado off Mar del Plata (36S) and MPA Namuncur/Burdwood Bank area (54S), between 200 and 3,000 m depth, are the fo...
Descripción y actividad del eMIAS (especialistas sobre Moluscos Introducidos en América del Sur)
The movement of species is among the most serious environmental threats of the new millennium, as the transplantation of species beyond their native or historical range has intensified in the last five decades. Traditionally, studies on bioinvasions have focused on species that have been introduced, deliberately or accidentally, to biogeographic re...
Veintinueve especialistas en Moluscos Introducidos de América del Sur (eMIAS), de siete países, trabajan en forma cooperativa desde el año 2016, con el objetivo incrementar y fortalecer el conocimiento de la malacofauna no-nativa y trasplantada, con la cual se busca prevenir y controlar los impactos que provocan estas especies. Cada uno de los inte...
In analyses of trophic networks, the complexities of animal communities often have to be reduced by grouping species that share similar features. Which group-defining features are most meaningful in a given context is a notoriously problematic question (Simberloff & Dayan, 1991; Wilson, 1999; Blondel, 2003; Blaum et al., 2011), even in seemingly si...
Pleurotoma patagonica d'Orbigny, 1841 has been placed in several genera and families since its original description, perhaps because the type material, presumed lost, was never revised after the original description and because of the chaotic systematics of conoidean gastropods. New specimens, matching the original description and illustration and...
With the biodiversity crisis continuing unchecked, we need to establish levels and drivers of extinction risk, and reassessments over time, to effectively allocate conservation resources and track progress towards global conservation targets. Given that threat appears particularly high in freshwaters, we assessed the extinction risk of 1428 randoml...
The nominal species referred to the endemic southern South American genus Buccinanops are revised, clarifying the definition of Buccinanopsinae. All valid Recent species are redescribed based on type material and other specimens emphasizing anatomy and illustrated using SEM photographs of radulae, embryos, and shell ultrastructure. Only seven of 13...
Macroplastic debris recorded in the Mariana Trench and accumulated on some deep-sea canyons worldwide has aroused great public concerns. Large plastic debris dumps found in canyons of the Xisha Trough, South China Sea have become hot spots for deep-sea pollution, with 1 order of magnitude higher abundance than in other investigated canyons. Here we...
Between 2012-2013 we study the reproductive mode of deep-sea invertebrates from the Southwestern Atlantic after a series of cruises on board of the B/O “Puerto Deseado”, with focus on the submarine canyon of Mar del Plata (about 38°S and up to 3,500 m depth). This region of the world is poorly known and is very interesting because like other deep-s...
Theta lyronuclea (Clarke, 1959), a North Atlantic deep-water species, is recorded for the first time from the southwestern Atlantic. This constitutes the first record of the genus and the second mention of the family Raphitomidae off Argentina. The samples were collected in the Mar del Plata Submarine Canyon on the Argentine Continental slope on bo...
Non-native species have been introduced at escalating rates during the last decades, mainly due to the dispersion generated by the increasing trade and transport worldwide. Mollusks, the second largest metazoan phylum in terms of species richness, are no exception to this pattern, but, to date, a comprehensive synthesis of non-native mollusk specie...
Spawn and specimens of Toledonia biplicata comb. nov. were collected from Burdwood Bank during March 2013. Species-level identification was derived from radular, shell and spawn characters. A low number of eggs laid per spawn (one to three), absence of an external gelatinous mass and a considerably thickened capsule wall (~50 µm) constitute a uniqu...
Non-native species have been introduced at escalating rates during the last decades, mainly due to the dispersion generated by the increasing trade and transport worldwide. Mollusks, the second largest metazoan phylum in terms of species richness, are no exception to this pattern, but, to date, a comprehensive synthesis of non-native mollusk specie...
We analyse the distribution of Gastropods and Chitons from shallow to deep waters along the southwestern Atlantic Ocean off Argentina and discuss possible factors determining the observed biogeographic patterns.
Three major biogeographic groups are defined on the basis of Gastropod and Chiton species associations, i.e., cont...
Abstract.—Gastropods of the southwestern Atlantic genus Antistreptus Dall, 1902 from extant and Neogene deposits
are reviewed. Fossil specimens come from the Punta Entrada Member of the Monte León Formation (50°21′25.4′′S,
68°53′05.9′′W). Extant samples are from museum collections and two expeditions on board the R/V “Puerto Deseado”
to Burdwood Ba...
Scaphander Montfort, 1810, is a genus of deep-sea soft-bottom gastropods composed of approximately 23 species distributed worldwide. The systematics of the genus in the Atlantic was recently revised and eight species were recognized. The present study describes a new species ( S. meridionalis sp. n.) from the Argentine continental slope using morph...
The buccinulid genus Savatieria, endemic to the Magellanic region, is revised. New descriptions of shell, opercular and radular characters are provided for all valid taxa. Type material of all species ever included in Savatieria are illustrated, most of them for the first time. Five of those species are considered valid, but only three belong to th...
A new species of the buccinulid genus Parabuccinum Harasewych, Kantor, and Linse, 2000 is described from Southwestern Atlantic deep waters (~54°S, 60°W). Parabuccinum politum sp. n. differs from all other species in the genus in having a smooth shell. Radula, operculum, and soft parts match the other species of the genus. New data on the distributi...
A series of cruises to the Mar del Plata Submarine Canyon (38°S/54°W) off Argentina in 2012–2013 have provided biological material that enables insights into the various modes of development of deep-sea invertebrates at depths up to 3500 m. This study describes the unusually large encapsulated embryos of the globose moon snail, Falsilunatia eltanin...
Pastorino, G. & Griffin, M., March 2018. A new Patagonian long-lived species of Cyclochlamys (Bivalvia: Pectinoidea). Alcheringa XX, xx–xx.
A new species of the bivalve family Cyclochlamydidae is described from the southwestern Atlantic in Argentine waters. Cyclochlamys argentina sp. nov. is the second representative of the genus known to live in t...
The gastropods Odontocymbiola pescalia and Provocator corderoi and their egg capsules were collected by the R/V Puerto Deseado from the Mar del Plata Submarine Canyon (~ 37°53′S, at depths of 291–1404 m) and from Burdwood Bank (~ 54°27′S, 128–785 m). Odontocymbiola pescalia egg capsules measured 15.67 ± 3.38 mm in diameter. They were subspherical i...
En este trabajo se analiza la presencia de gasterópodos y bivalvos marinos en contextos arqueológicos generados por los grupos humanos que habitaron el norte de la región pampeana de Argentina durante el Holoceno tardío. Los ejemplares estudiados provienen de distintos depósitos arqueológicos localizados en dos unidades de paisaje diferenciadas, la...
This revision of the buccinulid genera Pareuthria Strebel, 1905, Glypteuthria Strebel, 1905 and Meteuthria Thiele, 1912
includes all the reported nominal species and type specimens. A total of 13 valid species included in six genera are described
and illustrated. All but one –P. fuscata– live in shallow waters around the Magellanic region and even...
The globose moon snail Bulbus carcellesi Dell, 1990 (Naticidae), and its egg masses were collected from the Mar del Plata Submarine Canyon at depths of 201–2082 m) in August 2012 and May 2013. Embryos of this species undergo encapsulated development, and the egg capsules are the largest ever recorded for this family, 8.8–14.1 mm in diameter. The la...
The presence of Laubierina peregrinator Warén & Bouchet, 1990 (Tonnoidea: Laubierinidae) is reported for the first time in the continental slope of Argentina at a depth of 2934 m. This constitutes the first mention of the species in the literature other than the original description. Minor differences of shell and radula are compared with the origi...
A new species of the conoidean genus Aforia is described from the Southwestern Atlantic in Argentine deep waters. Detailed study of the type material of nominal species, Aforia goniodes (Watson, 1881) and its synonym Pleurotoma clara Martens, 1880, both described from deep waters off Argentina, allowed recognition of a new species. Aforia obesa sp....
Reproductive strategies are thought to have played a major role in the adaptive radiation of neogastropods, but data are still lacking for important taxa, and the extent of plasticity in reproductive strategies is not well understood. Females of the Patagonian neogastropod Trophon geversianus are here shown for the first time to have plastic egg ca...
A new species of tube-dwelling anemone of the genus Ceriantheopsis (Cnidaria: Ceriantharia),
Ceriantheopsis lineata
sp. nov., is described and can be found in fine sand or mud in the sublittoral zone (0–200 m) from Argentina to Brazil (Warm Temperate South-western Atlantic). This new species is distinguished from its congeners by a number of featur...
El conocimiento científico de las profundidades marinas frente a la Argentina y de los seres
vivos que las tienen como hábitat abre el camino del descubrimiento de tipos biológicos únicos y
permite conocer interacciones biogeográficas con otras cuencas submarinas.
Radular ontogenies of four species of the neogastropod family Muricidae are described through comparisons of early post-metamorphic and adult developmental stages, with specific focus on the rachidian (central) tooth. The degree of rachidian transformation during ontog-eny varies from minor shape change to addition or loss of structural features im...
A new species of bivalve belonging to the family Vesicomyidae, Laubiericoncha puertodeseadoi, n. sp., is described. The material was collected during several cruises to the continental margin of Argentina on board of the R/V “Puerto Deseado”. The distribution of the genus Laubiericoncha is expanded to include the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The de...
Hippoporidra is a cheilostome bryozoan that predominantly encrusts gastropod shells inhabited by hermit crabs. The genus has a Pan-Atlantic distribution and its fossil record ranges from the Eocene to Holocene. Cellepora patagonica Pallaroni is here transferred to Hippoporidra and its autozooids and avicularia are described for the first time based...
This is the first formal report of members of the family
Caecidae in Argentine waters. Caecum striatum de Folin,
1868, C. strigosum de Folin, 1868, and C. achirona (de Folin,
1867) are re-described from shallow waters off Piedras
Coloradas (�40�53.0810 S, 65�07.5920 W), Rı´o Negro Province,
Argentina. This is the farthest south record of these spec...
ABStRACt the anatomy and taxonomy of two western African nassariids are explored, based on samples collected in Morocco. the species are Dorsanum miran, the type species of the genus, and Bullia granulosa, a charac-teristic member of Bullia. Both possess the typical morphological and anatomical features of the family, including a pair of metapodial...
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is defined as the variety and
variability of living beings and the ecological complex they are part of
(Wheeler 1990). One of these three components, the number of species
(variety) recognized fluctuates between 1.5 and 1.75 million (Crisci 2006).
A little over a million of these are animals and 96% of those a...
Muricid gastropod radulae are more complex than those of most other neogastropods, especially in the number and variety of cusps, denticles, and interlocking mechanisms. How this complexity evolved, however, is unknown. Morphological gaps between higher taxa within the Muricidae are substantial, and there are few unambiguous intermediates. Here, we...
The family Pteriidae is well represented in tropical and subtropical continental shelf regions. Two names belonging to the genus Pteria are usually recorded in the literature from the southwestern Atlantic: P. colymbus (Röding) and P. hirundo (Linnaeus). The study of living specimens sampled off Buenos Aires coast aboard of the R/V Puerto Deseado a...
A revision of the Cenozoic Ampullinidae and Naticidae from a wide range of localities and stratigraphic units in Patagonia revealed the occurrence there of thirteen species referable to these families. Ampullinid species described are Tejonia? tapia (Feruglio, 1935); Tejonia arroyoensis n. sp. and Pseudamaura dubia (Petersen, 1946). Naticids are re...
Intertidal communities from rocky shores of the southwestern Atlantic are dominated by
two small-sized mussels of the genus Brachidontes, B. rodriguezii (d’Orbigny, 1846) and B.
purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819). Their generic placement, separation of specimens based on
external conchological characters and geographic distribution are problematic. We cond...
The authors revised the Atlantic species of the genus Trochita. Two valid species are recognized. Trochita pileus (Lamarck, 1822) and T. pileolus (d'Orbigny, 1841) are redescribed and the type material of each species is illustrated. Both species range from the coast of Buenos Aires province to Tierra del Fuego. Trochita pileus is a common subtidal...
Two new species are described from Brazil. Notocochlis laurae new species from the Canopus Bank, a seamount located 160 Km off Fortaleza, Ceara´, is characterized by its large size, the umbilical and parietal calluses separated by a notch, a straight sulcus, and a moderately developed funicle, brownish-white color, with axial and oblique bands exte...
The worldwide distributed family Mactridae Lamarck, 1809, is well represented in the western Atlantic Ocean. An exhaustive literature research revealed 54 nominal species from the Brazilian coast. The study was done using morphological characters of shell and in some cases mantle cavity organs. All type material was examined and illustrated. Eleven...
The phenotypic shell shape variation of Mactra isabelleana was tested using the geometric morphometric method. Four localities were sampled along the Río de la Plata estuary and the coast of Buenos Aires province. Principal component analysis and canonical variates analysis of the first principal components were performed to reveal the shell variat...
Living bivalves of the family Mactridae from Northern Argentina and Uruguay are herein revised. A bibliographical research yielded 22 nominal species reported from this area. Material from several institutions as well as fieldwork from La Paloma, Uruguay to San Blas, Argentina was studied. In addition, all type material were illustrated and redescr...
Three new species (Mysella donaciformis n. sp., Cosa helianthea n. sp., and Lissarca saraballentae n. sp.) of small bivalves are described from early Miocene rocks in southern Patagonia. The outcrops lie along the coast of the province of Santa Cruz, within the boundaries of the Monte León National Park. The fossil-rich rocks exposed there at the b...
A new species of chiton is described from early Miocene deposits of the Monte Leó n Formation, in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Callochiton monteleonensis n. sp. clearly differs from known fossil and Recent species of the southwestern Atlantic because the central area of its intermediate valves has a stepped appearance, in which each step is mark...
Phenotypic variation on shell size and shape of Olivancillaria carcellesi from four representative localities is confirmed using geometric morphometric techniques. This species lives along the entire range of the genus in subtidal soft bottoms from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) to Punta Pardelas (Chubut, Argentina). Thickness of columellar callus, length...
The genus Olivancillaria is revised and restricted to eight living species: O. deshayesiana, O. carcellesi, O. urceus, O. contortuplicata, O. orbignyi, O. teaguei, O. auricularia and O. vesica. The last two species were previously considered as subspecies. The name O. uretai is a junior synonym of O. orbignyi. The genus Olivancillaria is endemic to...
The worldwide family Mactridae Lamarck, 1809, is well represented in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Literature research revealed 22 living nominal species linked to Magellanic forms. Within this context, a taxonomic revision of the species belonging to the family Mactridae that inhabit the Magellanic area was carried out. The analysis was done by...
Moluscos marinos, Adelomelon brasiliana, Artefactos de obsidiana, Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina.
MOBILITY, EXCHANGE NETWORKS AND CIRCULATION OF GOODS IN SOUTHWESTERN NEUQUEN, NORTHERN PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA: THE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM TRAFUL LAKE. In this article the origin of fragments of marine shells found at Los Cipreses and Lariviere rock-shelters is presented. Consistent with studies by other authors in nearby areas in greater proximity to t...
The new genus Trophonella is described from the outer shelf and upper continental slope of Antarctica and islands within the Antarctic Convergence. Four previously known species that had been attributed to the genus Trophon (Trophon scotianus Powell, 1951; T. echinolamellatus Powell, 1951; T. enderbyensis Powell, 1958; and T. eversoni Houart, 1997)...