Guido H. Baltes

Guido H. Baltes
HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences | HTWG · IST - Institute for Strategic Innovation & Technology Management (

PhD Aerospace Engineering & Master in Business Administration (organization & strategy)


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Our research deals with technology strategy, strategic innovation and corporate entrepreneurship. We focus on issues of organizational design for implementing ambidexterity and entrepreneurial leadership. Currently, we are looking at embedded entrepreneurial teams as means of structural ambidexterity. We use empirical data from ~2,000 German technology companies. This quantitative research is, amongst others funded by the Kauffman foundation. Besides, we frequently coach and incubate start-ups.


Publications (73)
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Increasing demand for sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon construction materials has highlighted the potential of Compacted Mineral Mixtures (CMMs), which are formulated from various soil types (sand, silt, clay) and recycled mineral waste. This paper presents a comprehensive inter- and transdisciplinary research concept that aims to industriali...
Conference Paper
Entrepreneurship support, its influencing factors and female entrepreneurship are recently discussed topics with great relevance for society and politics. However, research on the subject has been divergent in its results and lacks a focus on the impact of support programs’ characteristics concerning different types of entrepreneurs. Thus, we...
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Times of high dynamic and growing new knowledge demand for entrepreneurial education and university engagement. Higher education institutions (HEIs) have established intensive knowledge and resources about entrepreneurial education and relating activities and formats over the last years. As smaller companies (SMEs) are increasingly experimenting wi...
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An inter- and transdisciplinary concept has been developed, focusing on the scaling of industrial circular construction using innovative compacted mineral mixtures (CMM) derived from various soil types (sand, silt, clay) and recycled mineral waste. The concept aims to accelerate the systemic transformation of the construction industry towards carbo...
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An inter- and transdisciplinary concept has been developed, focusing on the scaling of industrial circular construction using innovative compacted mineral mixtures (CMM) derived from various soil types (sand, silt, clay) and recycled mineral waste. The concept aims to accelerate the systemic transformation of the construction industry towards carbo...
Despite the increased attention dedicated to research on the antecedents and determinants of new venture survival in entrepreneurship, defining and capturing survival as an outcome represents a challenge in quantitative studies. This paper creates awareness for ventures being inactive while still classified as surviving based on the data available....
Forschungsfrage: Welche Rollen lassen sich in Corporate Entrepreneurship identifizieren? Wie unterscheiden sich diese anhand verschiedener Merkmale und welche Fähigkeiten scheinen besonders relevant für ihre erfolgreiche Ausführung? Methodik: Explorative Studie mit 56 semi-strukturierten Interviews mit Corporate-Entrepreneurship-Aktivitäten im DACH...
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What drives entrepreneurial action to create a lasting impact? The creation of new ventures that aim at having an impact beyond their financial performance face additional challenges: achieving economic sustainability and at the same time addressing social or environmental issues. Little is known on how these new hybrid organizations, aiming for mu...
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Today's markets are characterized by fast and radical changes, posing an essential challenge to established companies. Startups, yet, seem to be more capable in developing radical innovations to succeed in those volatile markets. Thus, established companies started to experiment with various approaches to implement startup-like structures in their...
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Unternehmen müssen parallel zum Kerngeschäft strategische Innovationen hervorbringen — durch Experimentieren und Lernen. Dafür ist Veränderungsintelligenz in der Führung nötig.
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Corporate venturing has gained much attention due to challenges and changes that occur because of discontinuous innovations-which seem to be promoted by digitalization. In this context, open innovation has become a promising tool for established companies to strengthen their innovation capabilities. While the external opening of the innovation proc...
The business model canvas (BMC) and the lean start-up manifesto (LSM) have been changing both the entrepreneurial education and, on the practical side, the mindset in setting up innovative ventures since the burst of the dot-com bubble. However, few empirical insights on the business model implementation patterns that distinguish between digital an...
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Warum Beidhändigkeit erfolgskritisch für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation ist,
New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) learn their business in the early-stages of their life-cycle. As a central element of the entrepreneurial learning process, the business model describes the value-creation functions that are conceptualized in different stages of the NTBF’s life-cycle. Transaction relations connect the model with the business reali...
Das Buch beschreibt die Erfolgsfaktoren von innovations- und veränderungsfähigen Unternehmen und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte wie praxiserprobte Tools und Fragebögen für die eigene Standortbestimmung. Anhand anschaulicher Praxisfälle erfährt der Leser, wie er notwendige Fähigkeiten für strategische Erneuerung, Innovation und Wachstum gezielt...
Nachhaltiger Unternehmenserfolg erfordert die Umsetzung von Ambidextrie in der Organisation: Das Nebeneinander von effizienter Optimierung im Kerngeschäft und strategischer Innovation und Transformation in neue Geschäftsfelder. „Eingebettete Unternehmerteams“ werden in diesem Kapitel als eine konkrete Form der Implementierung hierzu vorgestellt. Mi...
Die Welt um uns herum verändert sich derzeit nachhaltig und tiefgreifend – und das in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit. Diese Herausforderung als Chance nutzen zu können, erfordert eine neue Qualität von Wandlungsfähigkeit und Veränderungsarbeit in Unternehmen. Die Voraussetzung dafür ist ein differenziertes Verständnis der Treiber dieses (digitalen...
Die persönliche Agilität von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften gilt laut verschiedenen Studien als einer der wichtigsten Befähiger für eine agile Organisation. Die individuellen Fähigkeiten, in der sogenannten VUKA-Welt (Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität, Ambiguität) erfolgreich zu agieren, sind ein wesentlicher Wettbewerbsfaktor für agile Unte...
Der radikale Wandel im Unternehmensumfeld bringt Unsicherheit und Komplexität mit sich. Daher ist ein Paradigmenwechsel im Management gefordert, denn scheinbar bewährte Rezepte funktionieren nicht mehr. Dieses Kapitel zeigt dazu, wie Führung 4.0 oder Digital Leadership die notwendigen dynamischen Fähigkeiten in der Organisation implementiert. Darüb...
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Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) supports the strategic renewal of established companies. Corporate venturing represents one key concept of CE that supports companies to strengthen their innovation capabilities. For the successful implementation of corporate ventures dual structures are recommended. The question, how the interface should be designed...
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Growth is a key indicator of the prosperity of an economy. In today's Germany the " Gründerzeit " still describes a period of enormous economic growth. Factors that lead to growth haven't been investigated in the context of the different life cycle stages of early-stage technology ventures so far. This paper proposes a model of early-stage ventures...
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Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) supports the strategic renewal of established companies. Corporate venturing represents one key concept of CE that supports companies to strengthen their innovation capabilities. For the successful implementation of corporate ventures dual structures are recommended. The question, how the interface should be designed...
Conference Paper
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We examine to what extent a transaction relation-based value network maturity status of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) is related to their survival. A specific challenge of NTBFs is their lack of market-orientation, which is why the maturity of the ties they form towards the market in terms of customers, financiers, personnel and partners is su...
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LEGIC, a technology provider in the field of identification technology, has successfully mastered a challenging transformation from being analogue-driven to becoming a digitally driven business model. It began as a product business, which because of proprietary features had some stickiness. This, however, diminished and the product commoditized ove...
Conference Paper
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What drives entrepreneurial action to create a lasting impact? The creation of new ventures that aim at having an impact beyond their financial performance face additional challenges: achieving economic sustainability and at the same time addressing social or environmental issues (Dean & McMullen 2007). These so-called hybrid organizations try to b...
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Software startup companies develop innovative, software-intensive products within limited time frames and with few resources, searching for sustainable and scalable business models. Software startups are quite distinct from traditional mature software companies, but also from micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises, introducing new challenges...
Conference Paper
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This paper builds upon the widely-used resource-based approach to explaining survival of new technology-based firms (NTBFs). However, instead of looking at the NTBF's initial resource configuration, a process-oriented perspective is taken by focusing on the entrepreneur's ability to transform resources in response to triggers resulting from market...
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The business plan is one of the most frequently available artifacts to innovation intermediaries of technology-based ventures' presentations in their early stages [1]–[4]. Agreement on the evaluations of venturing projects based on the business plans highly depends on the individual perspective of the readers [5], [6]. One reason is that little emp...
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corporate entrepreneurship is one tool for established companies to strengthen their capabilities for strategic renewal and innovativeness. The question, however, which factors are influencing the success of a corporate entrepreneurship initiative requires further attention. The corporate entrepreneur who is acting as both the leader of embedded en...
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Technology commercialization is described as the most dreadful challenge for technology-based entrepreneurs. The scarcity of resources and limited managerial experience make it a daunting task, putting in danger the whole firm emergence. Prior research has often build upon the resource-based view to propose that the new firms' performance is depend...
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Technology-based ventures provide an important route for successful technology transfer [1], [2]. Their founders are supported in successful technology commercialization by innovation intermediaries [3]. Accordingly, the performance of an innovation system, at least to some extent, depends on the efficiency of these intermediaries in terms of the i...
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This research in progress paper elucidates the multidimensional phenomenon of autonomy which determines the success of teams developing a new business in small and medium-sized high-tech firms. In a previous inductive study we had revealed that this phenomenon is described through four autonomy dimensions: functional autonomy, decision autonomy, st...
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This research in progress paper investigates new business development in small and medium sized (SME) German enterprises. Germany is known for its "hidden champions", little publicly known global market leaders in niches. We find that they successfully mandate business development teams that engage in close market interaction and develop the busine...
Conference Paper
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The paper builds on the argument that cross-functional teams require autonomy for developing a new business. The paper add on the ongoing discussion to develop a concept of autonomy that defines the playing field for those teams. It is argued that the concept of autonomy inheres the dimensions functional, decision making and strategy making autonom...
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The risk of New Product Development (NPD) investments is that they are wasted if users and customers do not accept their results. Living Labs set out to involve users early on in the process to reduce this risk. The paper tells the story of how Coliquio discusses the contribution of Living Labs to NPD. User acceptance is a well-known performance in...
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In technologiedominierten Märkten stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, beständig innovieren zu müssen, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Innovation rückt damit in den strategischen Kern und bestimmt die Überlebensfähigkeit der Organisation, Innovation muss daher strategisch geführt werden. Diese strategische Führung muss auf organisationa...
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The range of inter-organisational innovation networks existing in the global economy today show a wide variance in structure, purpose, location, lifespan and maturity. These differences between network instantiations highlight the need for deeper understanding of the operation of these networks in order to enable efforts to improve network performa...
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Zunehmend rückt Innovation in den strategischen Kern zur Sicherung der Überlebensfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Anpassungsfähigkeit der Organisationen ist dafür eine Voraussetzung. Diese Fähigkeit wird auch durch die individuellen Veränderungskompetenzen in der Organisation bestimmt. Um individuelle Veränderungskompetenz durch beobachtbare Verhaltenswe...
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Zusammenfassung Technologiemärkte stellen Unternehmen heute vor die Herausforderung beständig innovieren zu müssen, um im globalen Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Innovation wird somit weniger ein Element erfolgreicher Differenzierung sondern Kern-frage der Überlebensfähigkeit und rückt somit in den strategischen Kern. Die Lö-sung dieser Aufgabe ste...
Conference Paper
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The following paper addresses the intermediary role of Living Labs in open innovation processes. This paper adds to the ongoing discussion on developing a generally accepted methodology for Living Lab implementation. It is argued that not only lead users and technology providers but also entrepreneurs play a vital role in the process of Living Lab...
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Das Wettbewerbsumfeld heutiger Unternehmen ist zunehmend durch dynamische Veränderung geprägt – und das nicht erst seit der aktuellen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Schon seit längerem sind wesentliche Treiber dafür höhere Innovationsraten sowohl im Produkt- wie im Dienstleistungssektor. Besonders prägnant sind diese Entwicklungen und ihre Folgen in...
Technology-oriented SMEs face global competition. Differentiating in the technology position they meet this challenge by offering customer-individual solutions. Sales configurators help to provide those efficiently. In addition, however, these tools provide, successfully implemented the opportunity to initiate strategic change, allowing for revised...
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Zusammenfassung Der Zeit-und Innovationswettbewerb in vielen, heute globalisierten Industrien stellt Unternehmen vor besondere Herausforderungen. Dies erfordert die Entwick-lung neuer Führungsmethoden für Innovationsprozesse. Diese müssen auf die ef-fizientere Gestaltung des Übergangs von Technologieentwicklung zu erfolgreicher Kommerzialisierung g...
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This issue of IBIS covers the proceedings of the 1 st Workshop on “Productivity in Sales based on interoperability” which was held in April 2009 at Lake Constance. The workshop’s focus was on interoperability in context of improvements in sales productivity as well as increasing efficiency in dynamic sales reaction. The workshop was held and organi...
Purpose – “Guerrilla marketing” describes unconventional marketing strategies with which to achieve significant effects – with a fraction of the budget of “traditional” marketing campaigns. This article aims to give an introduction to “guerrilla marketing” principles and discuss suitability of this marketing approach for information services. Desi...


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