Gürsel KaracaApplied Sciences University of Isparta · Plant Protection
Gürsel Karaca
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Gürsel Karaca currently works at the Department of Plant Protection, Applied Sciences University of Isparta, Turkey. Gürsel does research in Plant Protection. Their current project is 'Combined effect of Trichoderma and PGPR on Fusarium wilt of eggplant'.
Publications (65)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is an important fruit species for both human nutrition and the pharmaceutical industries, and is also an important export product for Türkiye. Pomegranate root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora nicotianae and P. palmivora is the main disease of this crop and the major limiting factor in production in Türkiye. Th...
Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger L.) is an important medicinal plant rich in tropane alkaloids with significant pharmacological effects. To extract these valuable metabolites, seeds are mostly used as the initial material in tissue culture techniques. Due to the intricate surface structure of the seeds, coupled with cultivation of the plant under un...
Kumluca has an important place in terms of greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Melon is among one of the main vegetables grown in the district on about 3200 decare of land. Various diseases cause decrease in the yield and quality of melons grown undercover in Türkiye. Among them, Fusarium wilt and gummy stem blight diseases especially have caused sig...
In this study, antagonistic effects of Pythium acanthophoron, P. lycopersicum, P. oligandrum and P. paroecandrum against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and Botrytis cinerea were investigated by in vitro and in vivo trials. In vitro mycoparasitic activities of Pythium species were determined by dual culture, inverted plate culture and agar di...
In order to preserve natural sources and reduce the amount of waste, sustainable materials and
their use in product design have gained importance in recent years. Fungi, which can
transform organic wastes in nature with their complex enzyme systems, have attracted
attention as biological materials that can be used in the design of novel environm...
Due to the increasing problems related to environmental pollution, sustainable and biodegradable materials gained importance. Fungi are among the most promising sources as biomaterials and have recently been used in product design. Sclerotia are compact hyphal masses produced by fungi under certain conditions, especially for survival. In this study...
Antalya province is the main center of vegetable production in Türkiye. Tomato comes first in terms of crops cultivated under protection. Phytophthora species causing root and collar rot are among the factors negatively affecting tomato yield and quality. This research aimed to determine; the prevalence of root and collar rot of tomatoes grown in A...
The fungal load of seeds is among the factors related to seed quality. Seed-borne fungi can cause significant crop losses and may produce mycotoxins, which are harmful to human health. This study aimed to determine the seed-borne fungi of bean, which is among one of the most important crops cultivated in Isparta province. Seed samples from the 2015...
Effects of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF); Beauveria bassiana , Isaria fumosorosea and Pupureocillium lilacinum against tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), which is one of the most economic pests of tomato, were investigated in Petri dish, pot and greenhouse experiments. Commercial bioinsecticide Met 52 wa...
The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is widespread, harmful species that causes huge losses in agricultural production due to its wide host range and high reproductive rate and the difficulty of control with acaricides. This study investigated isolates of the fungi, Beauveria and Isaria, as potential biological control agents of T...
This study was designed to test the capability of electrokinetic technology to remediate the soils contaminated with pesticides and metals. A non-polluted soil sample was collected from a forest area, not affected by the human activity. The soil sample was characterized for physical and chemical properties and then spiked with Cu and imidacloprid,...
Entomopathogenic fungi are used as biocontrol agents against plant pests. However, recent studies showed that they could also be effective in controlling plant pathogens, either directly or indirectly. Direct effects are related to three mechanisms of antagonism; I) parasitism, II) competition for energy sources around the host plant, and III) prod...
In this study, effects of single and combined applications of biocontrol agents; Trichoderma spp. (T. atroviride, T. virens) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas koreensis, Bacillus subtilis) on growth, wilt disease severity caused by Verticillium dahliae and plant defence-related enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalan...
During the period of June to October in 2018, a widespread decline was observed on kiwifruit vines in the vineyards located in Altınordu, Fatsa, and Perşembe districts of Ordu province. The symptoms were associated with reddish-brown rots expanding from the root to the collar with sparse off-color foliage. Based on the percentage of the total infec...
Pythium genus includes significant and destructive soil borne plant pathogens causing losses on many plants, especially by root rot and damping-off diseases. Like other soil borne pathogens, control of the diseases caused by this group is rather difficult. Usually fungicides are used against Pythium species, but investigations on alternative method...
A total of 132 mycoparasitic Pythium isolates were obtained from the soil samples taken from fruit orchards, vegetable fields, carnation greenhouses, sugarbeet fields and cereal fields in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. The Oomycetes were isolated by using; surface soil dilution plate, sclerotia bait and precolonised plate methods. Isolate...
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is an important fruit-tree at southwestern Turkey, as this region (Antalya and Muğla provinces) produces and exports the great majority of the pomegranate fruits of the country. Pomegranate orchards showing severe dieback and tree mortality in the region were surveyed to determine the role of Phytophthora spp. in sympt...
Bu çalışmada, Antalya ilindeki çilek ekim alanlarında hastalığa neden olan fungal patojenlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla, ilde çilek yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığı 8 ilçede, toplamda 28 farklı serada örnekleme yapılarak, toprak ve hastalıklı bitki örnekleri alınmıştır. Örneklerden yapılan izolasyonlar sonucunda 12 fungus cinsi belirlenmiştir. Topraktan y...
Bees are essential elements of agricultural production because of their role in pollination. However, some practices during production, especially pesticide applications have negative effects on bee life and behaviours. In order to decrease the side effects of pesticides, alternative methods, especially biological control, gained importance. In thi...
Değişik bitki türleri üzerinde külleme hastalığına neden olan Erysiphaceae (Erysiphales,
Ascomycota) familyasına ait funguslar önemli biotrofik bitki patojenleri olarak bilinmektedir. Bu funguslar değişik kültür bitkilerinde ve bazı orman ağaçlarında külleme hastalığına neden olmakta, sonuçta ekonomik olarak önemli kayıplar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Erys...
Pathogens are among agents causing yield losses on crop plants. Generally chemical control methods is applied against disease causing yield losses on crop plants. However, alternative control methods gain importance because of the side effects of chemicals on human health and environment, and the development of tolerant strains of pathogens. Among...
This study was performed in 2010, to determine the fungal agents on 25 bread wheat
seed samples imported from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Hungaria and Russian
Federation, for consumption. Fungal load of seed samples were determined by examining 100 seeds from each sample by blotter and agar tests. As a result of agar test, Alternaria altern...
This study was performed in 2010, to determine the seed-borne fungi on 41 corn seed samples collected from Artvin, Giresun, Kastamonu, Ordu, Samsun, Tokat, Trabzon and Zonguldak provinces where corn cultivation is common. Fungal load of 100 seeds from each sample was investigated by blotter anda gar tests. As a result, Acremonium strictum, Alternar...
In this study, in vivo efficiency of two mycoparasitic isolates; Trichoderma atroviride P.Karst. isolate 10.T.TR.5 and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai isolate 10.T.TR.7 against root rot disease agent Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 HG-I (M-62 isolate), was investigated. Trichoderma inoculum used in the study was grown on wheat bran / peat mixture and used 5 g/...
In this study, it was investigated that how the use of plastic soil cover affects the tomato yield and weed development. For this purpose, 20 micron thick transparent and black colored polyethylene soil covers were laid under the tomatoes grown in the open field. By observations at certain intervals, the effect of polyethylene covering application...
In this study, possibilities of using wheatgrass juice, as an encouraging or activator of seedling growth on corn, were investigated. In order to obtain grass juice, wheat seeds (bread wheat) were sown in plastic boxes and were harvested on the 10 th day. Wheatgrass juice was obtained by using an electronic juicer. Pots with 10-15 cm diameter were...
Diseases, especially caused by seed borne fungi, are among the factors decreasing yield and quality of wheat. Common bunt is also an important seed borne disease of wheat worldwide. The objective of the study is to determine the effects of clove, ginger, mint, oregano and thyme oils on the fungal load of wheat seeds. In addition, effects of the oil...
Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. and Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) is an important pest of pine trees in central and southern Europe, including Turkey. This study was conducted in Sam-sun Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey to identify potential biological control agents of T. pityocampa. Four fungi, Isaria farinosa, Beauveria bassian...
Waitea circinata Warcup & Talbot, which is related to the anamorphic form-genus Rhizoctonia D.C., is a world wide distributed soil-borne fungal pathogen. Several molecular based studies have been published based on rDNA-ITS sequences to determine the phylogenetic relations between and within the different Rhizoctonia groups. It is generally accepte...
Beauveria bassiana, Fusarium sambucinum, Paecilomyces sp. and Aspergillus sp., were isolated from T pityocampa larvae collected from pine forests. To determine their efficacy against T pityocampa larvae, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design under laboratory conditions with ten replications, each including 10 third instar...
Glow discharge plasma was applied on barley and corn seeds in order to decrease the number of seed-borne fungi. It was found that the fungal loads of the seeds of both plant species decreased with the increasing exposure times of plasma. The initial germination and seed growth characteristics evolution together with the fungal load inactivation ind...
This work focuses on the effect of accelerated electrons (0.1-6.2 kGy) on naturally attached fungi on maize seeds. The fungal viability and corresponding inactivation kinetics were determined. The inactivation and radiosensitivity of the most abundant species in the contaminant fungi detected on maize seeds (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. and F...
The majority of WRKY transcription factors (TFs) play a role in the regulation of defense response in plants. Three WRKY genes, PtrWRKY1, PtrWRKY2 and PtrWRKY3, were previously identified in Poncirus and their expressions were characterized in response to cold and drought in Poncirus and Citrus. In this study, expressions of these WRKY genes were s...
In this work, biocontrol efficacy of the two Trichoderma harzianum sensu stricto and Trichoderma atroviride (teleomorph:Hypocrea atroviridis) isolates against root rot disease agent Rhizoctonia solani (teleomorph Thanatephorus cucumeris) and related biostimulation effect on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were investigated. Efficacy of the agents was co...
In this study, we analysed a collection of Waitea circina-ta comprising 20 isolates (17 var. zeae; one var. circinata and two var. oryzae) from different localities and hosts with macroscopic anastomosis tests, PCR-RFLP and phyloge-netic analysis of the 18S-28S rDNA-ITS region. Macro-scopic anastomosis was not useful for the identification of W. ci...
Fungi belonging to the family Erysiphaceae (Ascomycota) are obligate biotrophs causing powdery mildew disease on various host plants. Most of the species in this family are ectoparasitic while the genus Phyllactinia is known to be partly endoparasitic. Phyllactinia guttata is one of the most important powdery mildews among Phyllactinia species caus...
A total of 434 isolates of Rhizoctonia belonging to 10 anastomosis groups were obtained from the roots and rhizosphere soils of bean and soybean plants grown in Samsun, Turkey. AG-4 was found to be the most common group on bean and soybean plants and AG-5, AG-6, binucleate AG-A, AG-B and R. zeae were other groups isolated from the both plant specie...
Bu çalışmada, kök çürüklüğü etmeni Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 HG-I (M-62)'e karşı mikoparazit funguslar olan Trichoderma atroviride P.Karst. (10.T.TR.5) ve Trichoderma harzianum Rifai (10.T.TR.7)'ya ait 2 izolatın in vivo koşullardaki etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan Trichoderma inokulumu buğday kepeği/perlit karışımında geliştirilmiş v...
The effect of increased concentrations of potassium bicarbonate (KHCO 3) as a possible alternative to synthetic fungicides for controlling Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 HG-I and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was evaluated in vitro, in this study. In addition, the effect of potassium bicarbonate on Trichoderma sp., a natural antagonist on R. solani AG 4 HG-I a...
As a result of three year surveys performed in the apple orchards in Isparta region, 19 pest species belonging to 4 orders were determined and it was found that the main pest was codling moth. Most of the predators and parasitoids were effective against aphids and they were mostly found in the orchards where selective pesticides were used. Apple sc...
Pythium stipitatum is a slow-growing oomycete and has been isolated from soil samples and plant materials from France, Tunisia, Turkey and India. Its morphological characteristics are reminiscent of those of Pythium ramificatum, discovered in Algeria by the corresponding author. Unfortunately, the Algerian isolate was not deposited in any culture c...
Pythium lycopersicum sp. nov. has been isolated from soil samples taken in an agricultural land in the Isparta region of Southern Turkey. This oomycete is characterized by its contiguous sporangia having globose to elongated elements linked with hyphal filaments, ornamented oogonia, and monoclinous antheridia with large antheridial cells. The oomyc...
Root rot disease is very common in the bean, soybean, faba bean and pea plants growing areas in Samsun province. Disease incidence and severity were detected the highest at 93.8% and 55.4% in the bean growing area, and the lowest at 64.0% and 24.3% in the faba bean growing area respectively. In this study, a total of 2714 fungal isolates were obtai...
Stem rot disease of rice has previously reported from Turkey many years ago. Since it did not cause severe damage on rice crop, was forgotten for years. Recently, rice growers in Samsun province (Turkey), complained about stem rot disease and Sclerotium oryzae was isolated from the diseased plants. In the present study, incidence and severity of th...
This study was conducted in order to determine the agents of shoot blight and dieback of Calabrian pines at Asagı Gökdere, Isparta province, in 2005 and 2006. Ninety trees were selected systematically in the stand. One dead branch from each tree was cut and the shoots were investigated under the stereomicroscope for the presence of fungal structure...
In this study, the effect of AMF application on growth and Fusarium wilt disease severity of melon plants were investigated. At first, G. caledonium, G. clarum, G. etunicatum, G. intraradices, G. mossae and the cocktail containing these five species were inoculated to the plant samples and it was determined that G. etunicatum interacted best with m...
Forty-two isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were obtained from onion in Amasya, Turkey. Of these, 29% were Rhizoctonia solani (AG-4), 69% were Waitea circinata var. zeae (Rhizoctonia zeae) and 2% were binucleate Rhizoctonia (AG-B). Most of the isolates were recovered from rhizosphere soil. In pathogenicity tests on onion, R. solani AG-4 caused the great...
To determine the species of Rhizoctonia on bean and soybean plants grown in Samsun (Turkey), field surveys were performed at 104 locations during 2001 and 2002. Rhizoctonia spp. were obtained from isolations from the necrotic lesions on the hypocotyl and rhizosphere soils. Species were identified according to Ogoshi (3) on the basis of hyphal and c...
A total of 169 species of macrofungi were determined in Samsun province between 1997 and 2001, of which 19 belonged to the Ascomycota, 149 to the Basidiomycota and one to the Myxomycota. Among these, 51 species were edible, 67 inedible, 28 edible but not worthwhile or best avoided because of possible confusion with poisonous species, and 12 species...
Root-rot disease of cucumber plants is widespread and causes severe damage in the greenhouses in Samsun province. Rhizoctonia solani and binucleate Rhizoctonia-like fungi were isolated from the diseased cucumber plants. Cultural characterization, anastomosis grouping and pathogenicity of the isolates were determined. It was found that the most comm...
Pythium species are among the agents of root-rot disease of bean plants, causing poor growth and yield. Identification and pathogenicity of Pythium species isolated from bean roots were investigated. P. ultimum was the most common species followed by P. sp. (HS- group). In the pathogenicity test, P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum caused severe damping...
The potential use of binucleate Rhizoctonia-like fungi in the suppression of root-rot diseases of various crops has been widely investigated. In the present study, pathogenicity of two Rhizoctonia repens Bernard isolates, previously obtained from wild orchids in Samsun was determined, on eight plants from different families. Both of the isolates ca...
Anastomosis groupings and virulence of 229 Rhizoctonia solani isolates, obtained from bean plants and soils in Samsun province, were determined. About 59 % of the isolates belonged to anastomosis group AG 4, 31 % to AG 2-2 and the remaining 10 % to AG 5. All the isolates selected for the pathogenicity test were found to be virulent at varying degre...
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is the most important crop in the Blacksea Region of Turkey. Disease symptoms consisting of blight and drying of the hazelnut twigs have been observed for several years. Leaves wilt and dry and shoots turn brown, especially on young branches (Fig.1). A fungus with white mycelia producing numerous acervuli with black d...
Root rot disease is widespread throughout bean growing areas in Samsun province. It was found, in this study, that the incidence of the disease was 92% and severity was 63% in Samsun. The most common fungi isolated from the infested root and soil samples were Fusarium spp., multinucleate Rhizoctonia solani (MNR) and binucleate Rhizoctonia-like fung...
In this study, fungal root-rot agents associated with onion (Allium cepae L.) fields in Amasya province and their incidence and severity were investigated. For this purpose, totally 110 onion fields were examined in 2000 and 2001. Finally, Fungal root-rot was determined to be common and severe disease. In the first year of the study, 95,7% and in 2...
Question (1)
We tried to inoculate by making a wound on the stem and placing an agar plug with mycelia. We also incorporated sclerotia to the soil around the roots. After a few weeks, there is no visible symptom on the plants. Maybe our isolate is not a virulent one.