Gürol Yokuş

Gürol Yokuş
Sinop University · Curriculum and Instruction

Doctor of Philosophy


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I focus on improving students' higher level thinking and attempt to produce original solutions to the problems in the field of curriculum and instruction based on theory and research. I am working on research in relation to instruction, educational mobile apps, curriculum development and evaluation.


Publications (18)
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Bu çalışmada formasyon öğrencilerinin öğretmenliğe ilişkin öz-yeterlik algılarını, "formasyon eğitimi ve öğretmenlik" kavramlarına ilişkin metaforik algılarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Tschannen-Moran ve Hoy (2001) tarafından geliştirilen ve Türkçe için geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalış...
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This research aims to explore educational leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspectives of higher education students and to develop a guiding model of educational leadership for ‘new normal’ with the novel emerging components. This research is conducted using grounded theory method and social network analysis. The first study group...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye'de 2007-2019 yılları arasında kavram karikatürlerinin Fen Eğitimi dersi akademik başarısı üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen deneysel çalışmaların meta-analizini yaparak genel etki büyüklüğünü hesaplamak ve bu etkinin çeşitli moderatörlere göre anlamlı farklılık gösterip göstermediğini belirlemektir. Araştırma kapsamında b...
This study examines the views of undergraduate students in Education Faculty related to mobile learning and reveals their mobile usage behaviors. Mobile usage behaviors include students' view about effectiveness of mobile learning, their mobile design preferences, use of mobile device for purpose of learning, the activity types conducted with mobil...
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This study focuses on designing outdoor school learning experiences integrated into curriculum to provide motivation for achieving curriculum’s learning objectives. Within this study, pre-service teachers have experienced outdoor learning as a part of formal curriculum of their elective course. After experiencing outdoor activities in outdoor schoo...
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This study aims to explore critical pedagogy levels of pre-service teachers and then analyze whether there is a relationship between critical pedagogy and classroom management styles of pre-service teachers, and also to present practical suggestions for critical pedagogy practices in higher education. An explanatory mixed design has been used as re...
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Researcherly disposition is a quality which is rarely studied with pre-service teachers. For developing researcherly disposition, online networks are borught to agenda now rather than libraries. This study aims to design an online professional learning network (PLN) and to investigate its effect on pre-service teachers’ researcherly dispositions. I...
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This study aims to provide a realistic viewpoint based on academicians' views about what the quality of scientific publication means and to provide criteria / recommendations for determining the quality of a scientific research. From qualitative research methods, case study has been preferred in this study which allows comprehending an event or sit...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin yansıtıcı düşünme eğilimlerini belirlemek ve çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelemektir. Araştırmanın verileri “Yansıtıcı Düşünme Eğilimleri Ölçeği’ ile toplanmıştır. Tarama modelindeki araştırmanın örneklemini Hatay İli Antakya İlçesi’nde görev yapan 202 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, öğr...
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Pre-school stage is a critical period for socio-emotional development of children. Children gain a variety of competences like respect, social share, labor division, individual rights and responsiblities, social environment during pre-school; therefore children go through a preparation process for adult life. This study aims to identify the current...
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Günümüzde oldukça yaygınlık kazanan sosyal ağların öğrenme amaçlı kullanılması informal öğrenme açısından bakıldığında oldukça önemli ve değerli görülmektedir. Sosyal ağların ve sosyal medya uygulamalarının artık Sosyal Web (Web 2.0) olarak adlandırılan bir dünyanın parçası haline geldiği, eğitimcilerin öğrenme eylemini bireye özgü ve kişiselleştir...
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Performance, motivation and incentive concepts are considered significant for higher education institutions. This study aims to identify academicians’ views related to academic incentive system which started in 2015. This study is a qualitative research in descriptive model. The study group consists of 27 academicians working at different universit...
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For the new generation, defined as digital native learners, mobile learning and mobile applications constitute a motivation source with no alternative. For individuals who know the language of information technology and the internet, and who communicate easily by this language, mobile learning has become a matter of concern as a new teaching method...
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This study aims to identify the perceptions of university students related to higher education service quality and their sense of belongingness. This study has been conducted in Education Faculty of a state university in Mediterranean Region. Within the context of research, the data have been collected via Higher Education Service Quality Scale and...
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This study examines the views of undergraduate students in Education Faculty related to mobile learning and reveals their mobile usage behaviors. Mobile usage behaviors include students' view about effectiveness of mobile learning, their mobile design preferences, use of mobile device for purpose of learning, the activity types conducted with mobil...
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Yenilikci materyal tasarlamanin sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin yenilikcilik duzeylerine etkisini ve yenilikci materyal tasarlama surecinden sonra ogretmen adaylarinin yenilikcilik algisini ortaya cikarmak amaciyla gerceklestirilen bu calisma durum calismasi olarak tasarlanmistir. Arastirma grubunu 2013-2014 ogretim yilinda Mersin Universitesi Egitim F...
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There is an incredible development in twentieth first century in the area of education and technology. These changes affect education system as they do all systems. When we look at contemporary educational approaches, we see that education system proceeds toward distance education and web-based education. Today individuals want that they could get...


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