Guénaëlle Corre-HellouGroupe ESA Higher education and research in life sciences · Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology and Agroecology (LEVA)
Guénaëlle Corre-Hellou
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Publications (87)
Soybean is prone to weed infestations and yield variability. With the proposition of using intercropping to overcome these problems, this study explored the effects of combinations of different associated crop species and spatial arrangements on grain production and weed control.
In a two-year field experiment in western France, soybean was intercr...
Cereal-legume intercropping has gained increased interest in Europe. Nevertheless, performance and especially the percentage of each species at harvest are often considered highly variable. Nitrogen (N) fertilisation can be a relevant driving factor affecting the percentage of each species at harvest. Soil N availability influences competition for...
Lupin (Lupinus sp.) produces protein-rich grains, but its adoption in cropping systems suffers from both its low competitive ability against weeds and its high yield variability. Compared with legume sole cropping, grain legume–cereal intercropping benefits include better weed suppression and higher yield and yield stability. However, the potential...
DiverIMPACTS practice Abstract -
Intercropping lupin with another crop can help overcoming two common issues in lupin sole crops: weeds and yield varibility. This practice abstracts gives information on what services to expect from the cereal added in the lupin and practical recommendation test this practise.
Grain legumes provide numerous nutritional, agronomic and environmental benefits and are at the core of the sustainability challenges of agricultural systems. Yet, grain legumes are hardly cultivated in Europe, not least because of strong agronomic constraints that reduce their yields and increase yield. Two PhD theses were performed to 1) assess t...
Summary on performances of lupin-cereal and lentil-cereal intercrops in France and Sweden: productivity and weed control. Underlying mechanisms related to the more efficient use of available resources by intercrops compared to legume sole crops.
One of the challenges in low-input annual arable mixed crops (i.e. species and variety mixtures) is to determine which species / varieties go well together to improve overall system performance. Theories coming from community ecology suggest that two ecological processes are particularly involved in mixed crops performance by improving resource use...
L’Europe importe une très grande partie de ses besoins en protéines végétales, que ce soit pour l’alimentation humaine ou animale. Par exemple, la dépendance aux importations est de 74% pour la lentille et de 70% pour les aliments riches en protéines destinés à l’alimentation animale. Une plus grande intégration des légumes secs et de protéagineux...
Nitrogen (N) deficiency and weed infestation are the main factors limiting the yield and quality of organic soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). If forage legumes are associated with wheat, simultaneously or successively, they can help to reduce the impact of limiting factors through the ecological services they provide. The aim of this study...
Early strategies of crop growth and N acquisition can be critical for determining competitive interactions between weeds and crops. Grain legumes and especially lupins are known to be poor competitors against weeds. Grain legumes are known to have low mineral soil N uptake abilities. However, inter- and intraspecific differences in N uptake ability...
Selected results of a two-year experiment on interactions dynamics and impact of cultivar choice in lupin-triticale intecrops
Legume crops are known to have low soil N uptake early in their life cycle, which can weaken their ability to compete with other species, such as weeds or other crops in intercropping systems. However, there is limited knowledge on the main traits involved in soil N uptake during early growth and for a range of species. The objective of this resear...
Grain-legume plants fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and thus do not need nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, grain-legumes can potentially decrease global warming, as nitrogen fertilization is responsible for half of all agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, grain-legumes have many functional and nutritional properties both as feed and...
Avec la contribution de : Stéphane Cadoux, Benoît Carrouée, Charles Cernay,Stéphane Cordeau, Luc Delaby, Jean-Louis Fiorelli, Laurence Fontaine, Céline LeGuillou, Safia Médiène, Catherine Mignolet, Anne Moussart, Gilles Sauzet.
Dans les peuplements monospécifiques constituant la majorité des écosystèmes cultivés, les plantes sont en compétition pour les ressources abiotiques car elles exploitent les mêmes niches écologiques. A contrario, dans les peuplements plurispécifiques, deux processus majeurs ont été mis en évidence pour expliquer les meilleures performances...
Cet article traite des associations annuelles céréale-légumineuse récoltées pour la production de grains destinés à l’alimentation animale ou humaine, ou pour la production d’ensilage ou de foin lorsque les espèces sont récoltées en plante entière. Il présente des retours d’expériences d’agriculteurs ayant pratiqué ces associations, en distinguant...
Les associations végétales, par la complexité du couvert végétal qu’elles créent, sont le siège d’interactions biotiques particulières avec les ravageurs, les prédateurs, les champignons pathogènes, les adventices ou encore les organismes non pathogènes du sol. Cet article traite de la diversité des mécanismes en jeu (modification de paramèt...
World population is projected to reach over nine billion by the year 2050, and ensuring food security while mitigating environmental impacts represents a major agricultural challenge. Thus, higher productivity must be reached through sustainable production by taking into account climate change, resources rarefaction like phosphorus and water, and l...
Intercropping is not very widespread in temperate agro-ecosystems but cereal-legume intercrops are gaining increasing interest in Europe for low-input farming systems, especially for organic farming. In numerous previous studies, intercropping has been shown to result in a higher or equal yield, compared to respective sole crops (Corre-Hellou et al...
Résumé Dans les peuplements monospécifiques constituant la majorité des écosystèmes cultivés, les plantes sont en compétition pour les ressources abiotiques car elles exploitent les mêmes niches écologiques. A contrario, dans les peuplements plurispécifiques, deux processus majeurs ont été mis en évidence pour expliquer les meilleures performances...
Cet article traite des associations annuelles céréale-légumineuse récoltées pour la production de grains destinés à l’alimentation animale ou humaine, ou pour la production d’ensilage ou de foin lorsque les espèces sont récoltées en plante entière. Il présente des retours d’expériences d’agriculteurs ayant pratiqué ces associations, en disti...
Les associations végétales, par la complexité du couvert végétal qu’elles créent, sont le siège d’interactions biotiques particulières avec les ravageurs, les prédateurs, les champignons pathogènes, les adventices ou encore les organismes non pathogènes du sol. Cet article traite de la diversité des mécanismes en jeu (modification de paramèt...
Les processus de complémentarité de niche et de facilitation déterminent le fonctionnement des associations végétales et leur efficacité pour l'acquisition des ressources abiotiques. Résumé Dans les peuplements monospécifiques constituant la majorité des écosystèmes cultivés, les plantes sont en compétition pour les ressources abiotiques car elles...
Cet article traite des associations annuelles céréale-légumineuse récoltées pour la production de grains destinés à l’alimentation animale ou humaine, ou pour la production d’ensilage ou de foin lorsque les espèces sont récoltées en plante entière. Il présente des retours d’expériences d’agriculteurs ayant pratiqué ces associations, en distinguant...
Cereal-legume intercrops are a promising way to combine high productivity and several ecological benefits in temperate agro-ecosystems. However the proportion of each species in the mixture at harvest is highly variable. N-fertilisation may be a mean for controlling these proportions (Naudin et al., 2010). Symbiotic N2 fixation (SNF) can be inhibit...
Cereal-legume intercrops (ICs) are a promising way to combine high productivity and ecological benefits in temperate agroecosystems. This study aims to apply a life cycle assessment (LCA) to ICs by testing several methods of co-product handling to ascertain the environmental impacts of the co-products. Several classic methods of allocation and syst...
Intercropping, i.e., simultaneously growing two (or more) species in the same field for a significant period of time but without necessarily concomitant sowing or harvest, is a practice aimed at eco-functional intensification. This chapter integrates a comprehensive amount of original data from field experiments conducted since 2001 on spring and w...
[Article paru dans la revue technique Perspectives Agricoles]
En conditions limitantes d'alimentation azotée, les associations céréales-légumineuses ont montré des performances intéressantes par rapport aux cultures cultivées séparément. Mais leurs résultats sont conditionnés à l'optimisation de leur itinéraire technique, clé de voûte de leur réuss...
Early growth is a critical phase of the crop cycle, which lasts from emergence to the beginning of competition between plants and is sensitive to sowing conditions and species characteristics. Providing tools to improve the management of this critical phase in intercrops is a challenge for agroecology as these cropping systems are the subject of re...
Bedoussac L1, Journet E-P2, Hauggaard-Nielsen H3, Naudin C4, Corre G4, Prieur L5, Jensen ES6, Justes E7
1 ENFA ; INRA, UMR1248 AGIR ; France
2 CNRS, UMR2594 LIPM ; INRA, UMR1248 AGIR ; France
3 Technical Universi...
Intercropping, i.e., simultaneously growing two (or more) species in the
same field for a significant period of time but without necessarily concomitant sowing
or harvest, is a practice aimed at eco-functional intensification.
This chapter integrates a comprehensive amount of original data from field
experiments conducted since 2001 on spring and w...
Intercropping, i.e., simultaneously growing two (or more) species in the same field for a significant period of time but without necessarily concomitant sowing or harvest, is a practice aimed at eco-functional intensification. This chapter integrates a comprehensive amount of original data from field experiments conducted since 2001 on spring and w...
Asociar cultivos de cereales y de leguminosas de grano permite mejorar la productividad, la calidad de los granos de cereales así como reducir la aparición de adventicias en comparación con los cultivos mono específicos y es así en una amplia gama de situaciones (especies, variedades, densidades de siembra y fertilización nitrogenada). No obstante,...
The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time through the emergence of different sale channels. Processors require organic bread wheat of higher quality and safety in order to meet the consumers’ demand. The overall objective of the AGTEC-Org project was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of or...
[Article paru dans la revue technique Perspectives Agricoles]
Cultiver une céréale et une légumineuse en association pour les récolter ensemble en grain peut permettre une meilleure production que la culture des deux espèces séparément, à surface emblavée équivalente. Retour sur sept ans d'essais.
Depuis quelques années, divers organismes de recherche et de développement se penchent sur les associations de cultures, en particulier celles qui combinent céréale(s) et légumineuse(s). Les connaissances progressent sur les diverses questions posées : quels sont les bénéfices agronomiques de ces associations ? Quelle est la qualité des produits ré...
Les cultures associées de céréale-légumineuse à graines : une application de principes écologiques au service de l’agriculture biologique
Mots-clés : Azote, Adventices, Protéines, Fixation symbiotique, Rendement
Bedoussac Laurent, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Hauggaard-Nielsen Henrik, Naudin Christophe, Corre-Hellou Guenaelle, Prieur Loïc, Jensen Erik S...
Conséquences de l’introduction des cultures associées dans les filières : analyse du point de vue des agriculteurs et des coopératives
Mots-clés : Rotation, Système de cultures, Logistique, Verrouillage, Coopérative
Bedoussac Laurent, Triboulet Pierre, Magrini Marie-Benoit, Rambault Gilles, Foissy Damien, Corre-Hellou Guenaelle
Les associations cér...
Depuis plusieurs décennies, l’évolution de l’agriculture en France est, dans un certain nombre de
régions de grande culture et d’élevage marquée fortement par la simplification des assolements
accompagnée d’un usage accru des intrants et la standardisation des itinéraires techniques. Le
challenge est maintenant de concevoir des agroécosystèmes plus...
Les cultures associées (la culture simultanée d’au moins deux espèces sur une même parcelle) sont un moyen de répondre en partie aux difficultés rencontrées par les filières biologiques. L’objectif de cet article est d’identifier les conséquences de leur mise en œuvre ainsi que le degré de compatibilité au niveau : i) des systèmes de culture de 18...
Les cultures associées (la culture simultanée d’au moins deux espèces sur une même parcelle)sont un moyen de répondre en partie aux difficultés rencontrées par les filières biologiques. L’objectif de cet article est d’identifier les conséquences de leur mise en œuvre ainsi que le degré de compatibilité au niveau : i) des systèmes de culture de 18 a...
This chapter is a first attempt to analyse bottlenecks and challenges of European organic bread wheat sector involving technical, political and market issues. From 2000, the organic grain market has largely increased in Western Europe. To balance higher consumer demand there is a need to increase organic production by a new transition and technical...
Intensive agriculture ensures high yields but can cause serious environmental damages. The optimal use of soil and atmospheric sources of nitrogen in cereal–legume mixtures may allow farmers to maintain high production levels and good quality with low external N inputs, and could potentially decrease environmental impacts, particularly through a mo...
[Article paru dans la revue technique Perspectives Agricoles]
Le contexte économique et réglementaire pousse à concevoir des systèmes de culture productifs et moins dépendants des apports d’engrais minéraux azotés. L’une des pistes pour y parvenir consiste à associer à un blé une légumineuse en tant que plante partenaire de service. Des essais réal...
Au cours des dernières décennies, l’utilisation d’intrants a permis d’augmenter significativement la productivité des agro-écosystèmes, mais dans le cas de l’azote (N) et du phosphore (P), cette augmentation s’est accompagnée d’une diminution significative de l’efficience de N et P. Cela est en partie lié à des pertes de N et P conduisant à des imp...
Grain quality of wheat is one of the major concerns of organic farming production. Cereal-legume intercropping may be of significance in this regard as it enhances the yield productivity and the grain protein content (GPC) of the intercropped wheat. However, fitted tools are needed for the diagnosis and management of such interspecific canopies. Ou...
Grain legumes, such as peas (Pisum sativum L.), are known to be weak competitors against weeds when grown as the sole crop. In this study, the weed-suppression effect of pea–barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) intercropping compared to the respective sole crops was examined in organic field experiments across Western Europe (i.e., Denmark, the United Kingd...
The design of more sustainable cropping systems requires increasing N-input from symbiotic N2 fixation (SNF). However, SNF can be inhibited by nitrate exposure (e.g., soil N-mineralization). Although the effect of nitrate
on SNF has been extensively investigated at the cell scale, few studies have highlighted the impact of nitrate exposure on
The total organic area in the EU-27 had an annual average growth rate of nearly 15% from 1998 to 2006 with winter wheat being the most important cereal crop. Wheat yield in organic farming is around 30% to 70% of yield of conventional farming but higher premia for organic wheat may to some extent compensate for this. Bread wheat is grown in a varie...
Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) and Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum L.) are better adapted than White clover to silt soils with hydromorphous periods alternating with dry spells, but there is little information available on their capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This greenhouse trial with 4 cultivars of Bird's-foot trefoil and 4...
Cereal-legume intercrops are a promising way to combine high productivity and several ecological benefits in temperate agro-ecosystems. However, the proportion of each species in the mixture at harvest is highly variable. The aim of this study was to test whether the timing of small application of N fertilizer is an effective way of influencing the...
Les graminées (Poaceae) et les légumineuses (Fabaceae) constituent les deux familles botaniques les plus importantes pour l’agriculture. Leur culture en association (simultanément sur la même parcelle) est un usage ancien qui permet de valoriser les différences écologiques, agronomiques et nutritionnelles des deux familles. Les performances de ces...
Grain legumes are known to increase the soil mineral nitrogen (N) content, reduce the infection pressure of soil borne pathogens,
and hence enhance subsequent cereals yields. Replicated field experiments were performed throughout W. Europe (Denmark, United
Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy) to asses the effect of intercropping pea and barley on th...
The advantages of intercropping compared to sole cropping have mainly been studied in spring intercrops but rarely in winter intercrops. Our objective was to compare the agronomic performance of spring and winter intercrops, paying particular attention to grain yield and its variability, and to biotic and abiotic stresses. Field trials were carried...
A modeling study was carried out into pea–barley intercropping in northern Europe. The two objectives were (a) to compare pea–barley intercropping to sole cropping in terms of grain and nitrogen yield amounts and stability, and (b) to explore options for managing pea–barley intercropping systems in order to maximize the biomass produced and the gra...
Cereal–legume intercrops are gaining increasing interest in Europe. Modelling, by taking into account the complexity of species interactions, can be a very useful tool to study such systems and to test new strategies in various soil and climatic conditions. The present work describes the adaptation of an intercrop model for pea–barley intercrops th...
Complementarity in acquisition of nitrogen (N) from soil and N2-fixation within pea and barley intercrops was studied in organic field experiments across Western Europe (Denmark, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy). Spring pea and barley were sown either as sole crops, at the recommended plant density (P100 and B100, respectively) or in repl...
Grain legume-cereal intercrops allow a gain of productivity grown along the growth cycle on the same piece of land under low input (of which nitrogen (N) fertilizers) levels. This is partly due to a better use of soil nitrogen (larger available soil N per plant for cereal N uptake and an increased contribution of N fixation for pea nutrition) under...
The optimization of the forage production on lowland livestock-rearing systems implies an adequate control of the nitrogen fertilisation of the pastures, ensuring the best utilization of the mineral and the organic nitrogen fertilisers. The use of innovating forages (cereals legumes) can also bring about an economy of inputs. Trials made in 2008 on...