Gülay Ekicieducational science · educational science
Gülay Ekici
Prof. Dr.
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February 2017 - March 2017
educational science
- Professor
September 2001 - present
Publications (121)
Günümüzde dünyada birçok devletin, özellikle de Türkiye’nin en önemli sorunlarından biri Suriyeli göçmenlerin topluma kazandırılması ve vatandaşlık bilinciyle topluma uyum sürecinin sağlıklı bir şekilde tamamlamasıdır. Bu sürecin en önemli aşamasını şüphesiz eğitim kurumları ve bu kurumlarda öğrenim gören öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Türk öğrenciler...
Amaç: Bu çalışma, blok zinciri teknolojisine dayalı olarak farklı algoritmalar temel alınarak herhangi bir derse
ve konuya veya disipline uyarlanabilecek (Taba model, Tyler modeli gibi fakat kendi kendini geliştirebilen) bir
sistemin bireyin kişisel özelliklerini süreç içerisinde dikkate alarak kendi veri tabanı üzerinden kişiye özel
öğretim duruml...
Öğretim Teknolojisi İle İlgili Temel Kavramlar.
• Eğitim-Öğretim Teknolojilerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi.
• Öğretim Teknolojileri Tasarım ve Modelleri
• Öğretim Teknolojilerinin Öğretim Sürecindeki Yeri ve Kullanımı, Okulun ve Sınıfın Teknoloji İhtiyaçlarının Belirlenmesi.
Öğretimsel Mesaj Tasarımı.
• Öğretim Materyallerinin Seçimi, Tasarlanması ve Hazı...
The aim of this research is to investigate reasoning styles and causal attributions for success of university students. The study is a quantitative study based on correlational survey model. The population of the study consists from 267 teacher candidates in Ondokuz Mayıs University. The sample was selected in terms of convenience sampling techniqu...
The aim of this study is to determine the perception of peace in gifted students. In order to determine the study group, purposive sampling method was used. In this context, 12 gifted students who attend to a training center for gifted children in Kırıkkale and providing various
criteria were included in the study.The study has been prepared in a p...
Bu araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının AIDS kavramı konusundaki bilişsel yapıları nasıldır? sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma modeli kapsamında durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya farklı branşlardan 298 öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Veriler çizme-yazma tekniğiyle toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde içerik anali...
A logic machine is a device, electrical or mechanical, designed specifically for solving problems in formal logic. A logic diagram is a geometrical method for doing the same thing. Many ancient machines such as a compass, a clock can be an example of those logic machines. However, logic machines were not restricted to concrete objects but abstract...
Sürdürülebilir Çevre
Sosyal Bağlam
Biyoçeşitliliğin Korunması
Rejeneratif Kapasite
Yeniden Kullanılabilirlik ve Geri Dönüşüm
Yenilenemeyen Kaynakların ve Atık Üretiminin Kısıtlanması
Sürdürülebilir Bir Çevreye Dayalı Bir Eğitim Programı İçin Organik Doğa Yaklaşımı
Sürdürülebilirlik İçin Bir Eğitim Program...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, lise öğrencilerinin çizimlerinden ödev kavramına ilişkin düşüncelerini analiz etmektir. Çalışma nitel araştırma modeli kapsamında durum çalışması deseni kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaçlı çalışma grubu seçilen araştırma toplam 225 lise öğrencisinin katılımıyla hazırlanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında çizme-yazma tekniği kullanı...
The aim of this study is to develop an inventory of individuals' habits of mind. A 256-item was generated and presented to the expert opinion during the development of the inventory. After the validity of the Lawshe analysis, 144 items were excluded from the inventory. There are 16 scales in the inventory. The draft inventory of 112 items was appli...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının çizimlerinde Sınıfta Disiplin Sağlamak
kavramına ilişkin görüşlerini analiz etmektir. Çalışma nitel araştırma modeli kapsamında
durum çalışması deseni kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaçlı çalışma grubu seçilen araştırma
toplam 65 öğretmen adayının katılımıyla hazırlanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında çizmeyazm...
A mathematically entangled system can be defined as a system that can not be divided into multipliers by multiplication
but can be separated by a scalar multiplication (Duran and Gençten, 2015). Quantum entanglement is a physical
phenomenon which occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated in ways such that the quantum state of
each part...
Bu araştırmada öğrencilerin matematiğe yönelik bilişsel performanslarının açıklanmasında duyuşsal özelliklerin ne denli önemli olduğu ve hangi duyuşsal değişkenin/değişkenlerin (tutum, kaygı ve motivasyon) başarı üzerinde daha etkili olduğunun ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda araştırma, ilkokul 4. sınıfta öğrenim görmekte olan toplam 281...
This study aimed to reveal the extent of the importance of affective qualities in explaining students’ cognitive performance in mathematics and identify which affective variables (i.e. attitude, anxiety, and motivation) are more effective for success. The participants were 281 primary school students in their fourth year of study. The study was des...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği kavramıyla ilgili geliştirdikleri
metaforları belirlemektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma modeli kapsamında olgubilim deseni
kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu toplam 110 öğretmen adayı oluşturmuştur.
Araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği kavramıyla ilgili metaf...
Bu çalışmanın amacı; küresel ölçekte 21.yüzyıl becerilerini tanımlayan kişi, kurum ve kuruluşların söz konusu becerileri nasıl tanımladıklarını, bu tanımlamaların ortak ve ayırt edici yönlerini ortaya koymak ve tüm kaynakların 21. yüzyıl becerisi olarak tanımladıkları becerilerin bir listesini oluşturmaktır. Çalışma nitel araştırma modeli kapsamınd...
The aim of this research was to determine how researchers and institutions identified 21 st century skills on a global level, to specify what were the similarities and distinctions between them and to present a list of 21 st century skills. In this qualitative research, case study method was used. In this content, published and electronic documents...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği kavramıyla ilgili geliştirdikleri metaforları belirlemektir.Araştırmada nitel araştırma modeli kapsamında olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu toplam 110 öğretmen adayı oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği kavramıyla ilgili metafo...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayar kavramiyla ilgili gelistirdikleri metaforlari belirlemektir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma modeli kapsaminda olgubilim deseni kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu toplam 286 ogretmen adayi olusturmustur. Arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayar kavramiyla ilgili metaforlari yari yapila...
Öğrenme-Öğretme Kuramları ve Uygulamadaki Yansımaları kitabı öğrenme-öğretme kuramları alanındaki temel kuramları konu alan kapsamlı bir çalışmanın ürünüdür. 28 kuramdan oluşan kitap 23 farklı üniversiteden alanında uzman 34 yazar tarafından titizlikle kaleme alınmıştır. Klasik kuramlardan başlayarak öğrenme-öğretme kuramlarının gelişimini ele alan...
The main aim of the current study was to analyze the TV program that is called as “How does it serve in real life?” of Radio and Television High Council of Turkey on TRT School Channel in terms of gains in secondary school biology course curriculum. This research was designed in the case study method which is one of the qualitative research approac...
Etkinlik Örnekleriyle Güncel Öğrenme-Öğretme Yaklaşımları-III kitabı "Etkinlik Örnekleriyle Güncel Öğrenme-Öğretme Yaklaşımları" serisinin üçüncü kitabıdır. Daha önce yayınlanan kitaplardan birinci ciltte yeni olan genel öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımlarına yer verilirken, ikinci ciltte genel öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımlarıyla birlikte teknoloji destekli ye...
The purpose of the current study is to determine student teachers' cognitive structures on the concept of computer. Qualitative research methodology has been applied in the study. The data were collected from student teachers. Free word association test and drawing-writing test were used to collect data. The data collected were subject to content a...
This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing prospective science teachers' the self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes towards science teaching according to learning styles. The research was carried out with a total of 902 science teacher candidates (660 female, 242 male students) from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of 3 state universities withi...
Etkinlik Örnekleriyle Güncel Öğrenme-Öğretme Yaklaşımları-II kitabı "Etkinlik Örnekleriyle Güncel Öğrenme-Öğretme Yaklaşımları" serisinin ikinci kitabıdır. Düşündüğümde! Öğrenme-öğretme sürecini etkileyen boyutlar arasında, öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımlarının, güncel gelişmelere açık olan en önemli boyutlardan biri olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Çünkü birbir...
Bu arastirmanin temel amaci; ogretmen adaylarin disiplin oz-yeterlik algilarini sinif yonetimi profillerine gore analiz etmektir. Arastirma tarama modeline gore hazirlanmistir. Arastirmaya toplam 165 ogretmen adayi katilmistir. Arastirmada disiplin oz-yeterlik algisini belirlemek amaciyla disiplin yeterlik olcegi, sinif yonetimi profillerini belirl...
Bu araştırma biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının, öğrencilerin akademik başarı ve başarısızlığındaki öğretmenin sorumluluğu ve bu sorumluluk algısının gelişmesi yönünde öğretmenlik meslek bilgisi derslerinin etkisine yönelik görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma deseni olarak durum çalışması (case study) uygulanmıştır. Verileri toplam...
In this study, the effects biology self-efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs for teaching profession towards the attitudes on teaching profession of students studying in the department of biology and the department of biology teaching were investigated. The sample of the study, which was carried out through descriptive scan method of scanning the rel...
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the relationship among student teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions, self-efficacy perceptions regarding teaching process and responsibility perception for student achievement. This study was prepared by screening model. To collect the data, teacher sense of efficacy scale, self-efficacy perceptions regarding t...
This study aims to analyze the relationship between personality types and self-efficacy perceptions of student teachers. To collect the data, teacher sense of efficacy scale and The Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II were used. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficients were computed as 0.940 and 0.762 respectively for these scales. In addition to descriptive st...
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of classroom management course on self-efficacy perceptions of student teachers regarding teaching process. This study was prepared according to pre and post-test design, being one of the simple experimental design techniques. To collect the data, self-efficacy beliefs of student teachers towa...
This study aims to understand teachers’ responsibility on students’ academic success and failure, and to scrutinize the views of pre-service teachers of Biology about how pedagogical courses have a role in developing their responsibility perception. The study was designed as a case study. To collect the data, a tool consisting of open-ended questio...
The aim of the current study is to investigate student biology teachers' cognitive structures related to "diffusion" through the free word-association test and the drawing-writing technique. As the research design of the study, the qualitative research method was applied. The data were collected from 44 student biology teachers. The free word-assoc...
This study was prepared to examine the responsibility perceptions of teacher candidates for learner achievement in terms of different variables. A total of 337 teacher candidates participated in the study. The research data are gathered with the scale of teachers' responsibility perception of student achievement, the scale of teacher sense of effic...
Reproduction is among basic functions of living beings and one of elementary complex subjects of the biology course. This is complicated for learners to construct cognitive structures on the subject. The aim of the current study is to investigate pre-service biology teachers’ cognitive structures related to “reproduction” through the free word-asso...
The aim of the present study is to analyze the effects of the educational planning and evaluation lesson on pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs related to the teaching process. The research was based on the single group pre-test post-test model. Data were collected by applying to the instrument of Prospective Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs...
The aim of the present study is to analyze the effects of educational planning and evaluation course on pre-service teachers' self-efficacy perceptions. A total of 196 teachers participated in the study. The research was based on the mixed model. In data collection, the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Tschannen-Moran & Hoy (2001) was used....
The aim of this study is to analyze teacher candidates' learning styles in comparison with gender and overall academic success according to Gregorc and Kolb learning style models. The study followed a descriptive model. As the measurement scale, "Gregorc Learning Style Scale" and "Kolb Learning Style Inventory" were used. A total of 297 teacher can...
The main goal of this research is to prepare a valid and reliable measurement tool in order to determine the attitudes of secondary school students towards nuclear power. The research is an area study of descriptive quality and the working group of the research consists of 334 secondary school students. In the scale developing process, the related...
The aim of this study is to investigate science teachers’ views about dimensions of science and technology teaching programme according to their levels of self-efficacy beliefs towards teaching profession. It is thought that science teachers’ teacher self-efficacy is one of the important factors affecting their performances related to application o...
The purpose of this study is to determine prospective science teachers' attitudes towards teaching professiion in terms of different variables. This research was designed as a descriptive study. Participants in the study group were selected among the students who were attending the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades in the Department of Science Teaching,...
The focal point of this study is to investigate the development of pedagogical content knowledge through focusing on the problems that preservice science teachers run through in "Heat and Temperature" subject of the science course curriculum. One of the qualitative research designs, case study has been benefited in this study. The members of the st...
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Biyoloji öğretmenlerinin sınıf yönetimi profillerini cinsiyet ve kıdem değişkenleri açısından incelemektir. Bu çalışma betimsel nitelikte bir alan araştırmasıdır. Çalışmada Ankara ili merkez ilçelerinde görev yapan toplam 110 Biyoloji öğretmenine ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri Kris (1996) tarafından hazırlanan ve Ekici (2004...
The academic self-efficacy is defined as people's beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. The main aim of this research is to do a study under the circumstances of Turkey about the validity and reliability of the academic self-efficacy scale prepared b...
This study was prepared to evaluate the effect of biology teachers' classroom management profiles on the biology course motivation level of the high school students. Descriptive scanning method was used in the study. 3142 students and 110 biology teachers participated as a study group. The data were collected with "Biology Course Motivation Survey"...
The main objective of this study is to analyze learning styles of technical teacher candidates regards to different variables by the Gregorc Learning Style Model. The study is prepared by using descriptive scanning model. As assessment scales, "Gregorc Style Delineator" and "Personal Information Form" are used. The reliability co-efficient of Cronb...
The aim of this study is to investigate candidate biology teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs of environmental education in terms of different variables. The study was of descriptive survey design. The sample comprised candidate teachers studying in Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Biology Teaching Department in the educational year of 2010-...
The aim of this research is to identify the variables that express the perception of the students towards biology laboratory class environment. The biology laboratory environment inventory, developed by Fraser, Gidding & McRobbie (1992), Learning style inventory of Kolb (1985) and biology self-efficacy inventory of Ekici (2009) are used in this res...
The aim of study is to determine the effect of science teacher candidates’ academic self-efficacy beliefs towards their science motivation. This research was prepared by survey model. The sample of this research consists of 222 teacher candidates attending 1st, 2nd, 3rdand 4th grades of Gazi University, Department of Science Education. At the end o...
The aim of this study is to analyze candidate teachers' attitudes towards learning. This descriptive survey study had a sample comprising of candidate teachers enrolled at Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Biology Teaching Department. Personal Information Form and Attitudes Related to Learning Scale were used as data collection tools. The...
The purpose of this study is to investigate prospective science teachers' attitudes towards computers in terms of gender, general academic achievement and grade level. This is a descriptive field survey. The study group of the research comprised of totally 226 students attending the Science Teaching Department of Education Faculty, Kırşehir Ahi Evr...
In this study, science logs were used in order to investigate students' skills to relate science and daily life. The purpose of the study was to determine what kind of relations students can generally form between science and daily life without choosing any subject from science and technology curriculum and to specify their opinions about explainin...
The purpose of this study is to investigate prospective science teachers' computer related self-efficacy perceptions in terms of gender, general academic achievement and grade level. This is a descriptive field survey. The study group of the research comprised of totally 226 students. "Computer-related Self Efficacy Perception Scale" and "Demograph...
The aim of this research is to evaluate the factors affecting biology lesson motivation of high school students. The data of this research are collected by using “Biology Lesson Motivation Questionnaire” and “Personal Information Form”. At the end of the research, there is a significant difference between the level of students’ biology lesson motiv...
The aim of this study is to analyze the high school students’ opinions on the benefits and harms of nuclear energy in terms of environmental values. This study is a descriptive field research. The study was carried out with the participation of 176 high school students. In order to collect data, an assessment tool which consists of open-ended quest...
The aim of this study is to assess the factors that influence biology teacher candidates’ levels of academic self-efficacy. This study, in which the descriptive model was used, was carried out with the participation of 155 biology teacher candidates. The data were collected through the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and Personal Information Form. It...