Grzegorz Wałęga

Grzegorz Wałęga
Grzegorz verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Grzegorz verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Krakow University of Economics · Department of Microeconomics

Ph.D. (dr hab.)
I am open to collaborative opportunities in projects focused on household debt, over-indebtedness, and financial well-be


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Grzegorz Wałęga currently works at Department of Microeconomics, Kracow University of Economics (KUE), where he conducts research on household debt, over-indebtedness and financial well-being. His research interests include consumer economics, household finance and health economics.
Additional affiliations
Krakow University of Economics
  • Associate professor
  • Researcher and lecturer


Publications (50)
Purpose - The study aims to explore the discrepancy between the subjective and objective debt burdens across various household socio-demographic and debt characteristics. Additionally, it seeks to establish an optimal debt service-to-income ratio (DSTI) threshold for identifying over-indebtedness. Design/methodology/approach - This study utilized...
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In this paper, we assess the scale of indebtedness of households with children and investigate the impact of having children on the likelihood of falling into excessive debt. Using the unique dataset on indebted households in Poland, we employ two indicators to identify over-indebtedness: debt service-to-income ratio (DSTI) and subjective debt burd...
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In this paper we analyse a recent debate on justification of usury regulations and their implications. To investigate the impact of liberal, competition-enhancing policy on usurious practices, we present a case study of the Polish payday loan market after 2008. We also examine the efficacy of usury regulations in Poland. Our study finds that consum...
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The growing indebtedness of households reported over the last 30 years and in most developed countries has serious economic and social implications. This book provides insight into the concepts, measures, and determinants of household indebtedness, over-indebtedness, and well-being by integrating theoretical perspectives, adopting recent analytical...
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Objective: The objective of the article is to assess the financial situation and debt repayments in households of self-employed individuals and compare them to these of other types of households. The article aims to identify the determinants of over-indebtedness. Research Design & Methods: The study focuses on households of self-employed. The resul...
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Głównym celem książki jest diagnoza warunków życia nadmiernie zadłużonych gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Realizacja tego celu pozwoliła na zmniejszenie luki w zakresie badań nad konsekwencjami zadłużania się gospodarstw domowych. Ambicją autorów było opracowanie swoistego studium nadmiernie zadłużonych gospodarstw domowych oraz ich warunków życia,...
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Increasing a personal debt burden implies greater financial vulnerability and threats for macroeconomic stability. It also generates a risk of the households over-indebtedness. The assessment of over-indebtedness is conducted with the use of various objective and subjective measures based on the micro-level data. The aim of the study is to investig...
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Objective: This paper investigates the concept of the born global, indicates the main attributes and sources of success for enterprises that internationalised early, and demonstrates the scale of the born global phenomenon in Poland. Research Design & Methods: A review of empirical studies is the research method used in the paper. Secondary data fr...
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono teoretyczną analizę wybranych obszarów zawodności rynku kredytów dla gospodarstw domowych. Rola, jaką współcześnie odgrywa rynek finansowy w gospodarce, uzasadnia konieczność identyfikacji niesprawności mechanizmu rynkowego w tym obszarze gospodarki. Występujące zakłócenia mogą prowadzić do niewłaściwych zachowań po stro...
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Co łączy zakup kawy w automacie, darmową opiekę medyczna dla pracowników i budowę wielkiego lotniska w szczerym polu? Na ekonomii musi znać się każdy, bo każdy przecież podejmuje decyzje ekonomiczne. Odpowiedz na 1000 pytań i sprawdź, co wiesz na temat tego jak funkcjonuje współczesna gospodarka. Poziom trudności pytań zawartych w książce jest zr...
Conference Paper
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Ageing society and the development of silver economy run a greater risk of poverty and social exclusion. Rapid demographic changes are not only a major challenge of public spending, workforce and consumptions patterns but also a major opportunity for new jobs and growth. The aim of this article is to assess the level of advancement in the realizati...
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Economic situation is one of the major determinants of household debt. The analysis of changes in borrowing levels in the global economic context allows for better understanding of household behaviours in the financial markets. The increase in income levels results in upgrading consumer aspirations, especially in developing countries. With some hou...
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The current grow of household debt requires a new approach to household indebtedness surveys in Poland. The aim of the article is to present and compare research methodologies in the field of consumer debt. The research is focused on presenting the theoretical context of indebtedness, and subsequently on the main aspects of methodological research...
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Streszczenie. Obserwowane współcześnie rosnące zadłużenie gospodarstw domowych wymaga nowego spojrzenia na badania prowadzone w tym zakresie w Polsce. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i porównanie metodologii badań nad problematyką zadłużenia konsumenckiego. Przedstawiono teoretyczny kontekst zadłużania się, a następnie skoncentrowano się na głównyc...
Conference Paper
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The paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the phenomenon of over-indebtedness of households in Poland. After accession to the EU, an increase in household debt has been observed. This fact affects quality of life and is associated, in general, with an increase in over-indebtedness risks. The research presents a review of measures of over-indebte...
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The present paper is aimed at validating the role of debt in improving housing conditions in Poland. It is common knowledge that consumer debt, especially mortgage, is a major factor of quantitative and qualitative changes of living conditions of households. Housing conditions belong to most commonly investigated aggregative social data in many res...
Conference Paper
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The V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) are linked not only by geographical proximity, but they also have similar experience with the transformation process. In this process, an important role is played by foreign direct investments, which – as is emphasized by many authors – not only complement the shortage of domestic capi...
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Debt is an inherent feature of modern economy. Households in all developed and developing countries finance consumption and purchases of durable goods on credit. This involves not only the burden of repayments on the household budget, but also has psychological costs (or, more broadly, health costs). The possible difficulty with debt repayment or e...
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Health condition is an important area of social life. Employees in good health work more efficiently and effectively than sick ones. It is widely accepted that health is one of the elements of hu‑ man capital and a factor in determining the situation of the individual in the labour market. The main objective of the research is to analyse the health...
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Changes in time management reflect contemporary socioeconomic trends. Indicators of the use of leisure time may be considered as unconventional measures of the quality of life. The structure of time budget, in addition to the structure of consumer spending, is also considered to be a full-fledged component of individual and social well-being. The a...
Conference Paper
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A rapid growth of household debt in Poland has been observed since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Households more often buy on credit to cover current expenditure and the purchase of durable goods. This situation makes the household budget appears the item " debt repayment ". The purpose of the article is the choice of theoretical model...
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Gospodarstwa domowe w Polsce w coraz szerszym zakresie wykorzystują rynek kredytowy do finansowania swoich planów konsumpcyjnych. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w poziomie obciążeń ich budżetów spłatami kredytów. Wysokość spłat jest ważnym elementem budżetu nie tylko ze względu na utrzymanie płynności gospodarstwa domowego, ale także na poziom wydatk...
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Today intertemporal substitution of consumption is done by using the credit market on a large scale. The main factor determining both consumption and the ability to borrow is household income. The aim of the article is to examine the extent to which low- and high-income consumers use credit. The factors that influence the likelihood of being in deb...
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Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii teleinformatycznych ma wpływ na różne dziedziny gospodarki. Komercyjne wykorzystanie internetu pozwoliło nie tylko na stworzenie sektora e-biznesu, ale stało się współcześnie jednym z głównych źródeł przewag konkurencyjnych. W artykule dokonano przeglądu modeli funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw, które swoją działalność...
Conference Paper
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The last decade was a period of rapid growth of household debts in Poland. Households more often use credit to defray current expenses and purchase of durable goods. The using of a wider range of loans is also accompanied by gradually extension of average loan maturity. These processes are reflected in the level of the burden of household budgets r...
Conference Paper
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The gender critique of the welfare states typologies, especially Esping-Andersen's three ideal-type welfare states, has generated a new perspectives on comparative analyses of social policy. The female autonomy and economic independence from the family became an important issue in welfare state regimes debate. The emerging Central and Eastern Europ...
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The article examines issues related to the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) to three countries that acceded to the European Union in the last decade, Poland, Czech and Hungary. These countries were chosen because they are considered transformational leaders of change, and also because, since the opening of their economies to the inflow of...
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In the recent decade, there has been noticeable the growth of the volume of market for retail credits in Poland. Households increase their indebtedness on account of credits and loans both consumption and those related to real estate. This process is stimulated by various circumstances. Besides the market and demand factors, the use of credits by c...
Conference Paper
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The economic transformation of Central European countries is inextricably linked to the inflow of foreign direct investment. Since opening their economies to inflows of foreign direct investments, Poland the Czech Republic and Hungary have attracted the largest FDI stock among all transition countries in Europe. The size of received FDI is affected...
Conference Paper
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Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented increase of household indebtedness in Poland. However, the process has not affected all groups of households equally. The group which is especially prone to going into debt are people who are forced by their low income to finance consumption with loans. The aim of this article is to examine the degree to...
Conference Paper
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Rapid growth in credit market to the non-financial business and household sector in Central and Eastern European countries in recent years is noticeable. The lending boom has been particularly strong in household lending market, primarily mortgage-based housing loans. The aim of the study is to compare the similarities and differences of European c...
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The intertemporal choice model is one of the basic elements of the theory which describes household behaviour. The existence of two-way substitution relies heavily on the existence of the credit market. It enables households to take out loans which, in a given period of time, cover the expenditures above the level of their current income. The theor...
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Globalizację można uznać za jeden z głównych czynników kształtujących współczesne procesy gospodarcze. Postępująca liberalizacja i integracja rynków, wspomagana osiągnięciami rewolucji technicznej, kształtuje nowe jakościowo otoczenie polityczno-gospodarcze. Światowy system gospodarczy staje się przy tym coraz bardziej złożony i skomplikowany. Kons...
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W rozdziale zaprezentowano dwie teorie konsumpcji ukierunkowane na przyszłość – teorię cyklu życia oraz teorię dochodu permanentnego – z uwzględnieniem aspektu zaciągania kredytów lub pożyczek przez gospodarstwa domowe. Uzupełnieniem rozważań w tej części pracy jest przegląd międzynarodowych badań z tego zakresu. Następnie, w części empirycznej, na...
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W ostatnich latach rynek kredytów konsumpcyjnych odgrywa coraz większą rolę w gospodarce światowej. Wielkość zadłużenia w relacji do PKB niemal we wszystkich krajach wysoko rozwiniętych wzrasta. Podobne obserwacje można poczynić dla Polski. Większa dostępność instrumentów kredytowych dla gospodarstw domowych przy jednoczesnej zmianie sposobu postrz...


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