Grzegorz Strzelczyk

Grzegorz Strzelczyk
University of Silesia in Katowice · Faculty of Theology

Doctor of Theology


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Publications (42)
The article is an attempt at providing a synthetic presentation of the significance and role of the category of ‘hearing’ in Catholic theology. Firstly, the study depicts—from the perspective of the history of salvation—how the category in question was established in the life and reflection of the People of God. Then, areas of Catholic theology whi...
The Council of Trent is known in particular for its doctrinal resolutions. The gathered fathers, however, were engaged in reforming Church institutions, including essentially issues connected with the pastoral duties of the clergy and preparations suitable for their fulfilment. Within those resolutions the Council realized in practice part of the e...
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The article presents an analysis of the expressions according to communicatio idiomatum in the texts of the Lenten songs contained in the Liturgical Songbook ‘Niepojęta Trójco’ (‘Mysterious Trinity’) (vol. 1) published by the Dominican Liturgical Centre. Expressions of this kind appear in about 1/3 of the songs and almost all of them have a descend...
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The current situation of lay people in the Church is strongly conditioned by how the relationship between laity and clergy (and laity–religious) evolved both in theology and in the practice of Church life in the previous centuries. The article is an attempt at providing a brief account of the history of these relations, beginning from the time when...
The Council of Trent is known in particular for its doctrinal resolutions. The gathered fathers, however, were engaged in reforming Church institutions, including essentially issues connected with the pastoral duties of the clergy and preparations suitable for their fulfilment. Within those resolutions the Council realized in practice part of the e...
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The way of uniting the deity and humanity in Christ is, indeed, misterium stricte dictum, but the Church has worked out and dogmatised the theological model of the above: the theory of hypostatic union. The article first presents a synthesis of the most important factors that led to its formulation (especially in the 4-6 centuries), focusing in par...
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Niniejsze studium ma na celu przedstawienie – w sposób możliwie syntetyczny – intuicji chrystologicznej, którą uznać można za jeden z głównych metatematów (lub jedną z głównych metanarracji1) Objawienia. Chodzi mianowicie o przekonanie, że Jezus jest „obrazem Boga niewidzialnego” (Kol 1,5) albo – ujmując paradoksalnie – widzialnością Niewidzialnego...
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The article presents the history of the studies concerning Jesus’s knowledge in the works of Polish authors between 1945 and 2000. In this period one may distinguish two stages. Up till the 1960’s the scholastic hypothesis of the triple knowledge of Christ (visio beatifica, the infused knowledge, the acquired knowledge) is accepted and the major qu...
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Numerous classic soteriological models are based on the concepts or experiences which are not clear for contemporary people. Therefore, there is an urgent need to propose new models which will be more comprehensible in the present cultural context. The article constitutes an attempt at constructing a soteriological model based on a category of trus...
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Neurosciences and the Question of the Knowledge of Jesus Rapidly developing neurosciences provide greater and greater insight into human cognitive processes. In this context one may formulate a hypothesis that the current reception of their research findings by theological anthropology can serve as a turning point in the discussion over the questio...
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Artykuł stanowi przyczynek do dziejów dyskusji nad kwestią wiedzy Jezusa, jaka toczy się w ramach chrystologii systematycznej. Analizie poddane zostały jednoautorskie monografie książkowe poświęcone tej problematyce w XX wieku, po Soborze Watykańskim II: H. Riedlinger: Geschichtlichkeit und Vollendung des Wissens Christi (1966), J. Galot: La consci...
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Abstrakt The article makes a contribution to the history of the discussion on the knowledge of Jesus, which continues within the framework of systematic Christology. The analysis concerns the following single-authored monographs on these issues written in the 20th century, after the Second Vatican Council: H. Riedlinger: Geschichtlichkeit und Voll...
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The article presents a systematic view of the issue of „new life in Christ” from the perspective of dogmatic theology. In the context of Anti-Pelagian resolutions and decisions of the Council of Trent about the predisposing grace, Christological foundation of the idea of new life is indicated (Christ – the new Adam, incarnation as an ontological ba...
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Twierdzenie, że Boga można poznać i wyrazić za pomocą ludzkiego rozumu i ludzkiego języka, może się jawić jako najbardziej szaleńcze ze wszystkich – jako źródło wszelkiego szaleństwa. Stąd apofatyczna korekta, przypominanie o nieadekwatności teologicznych twierdzeń do ich właściwego przedmiotu, jest w teologii nie tylko de facto obecna, ale też de...
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The article addresses the problem of the possible acquisition of the themes of Christian soteriology by the post-modern thought. A thorough analysis of the thesis of Peter Sloterdijk will be presented as expressed in his book You Must Change Your Life. Religion as it is does not exist, it is only a name falsely attributed to different sets of exerc...
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The article points to the problem of the conditioning of the discussion on the Christ’s knowledge through a theological anthropological pre-assumption of its participants. The above conditioning concerns mainly the question of the reception of the data deriving from other non-theological sciences in theological anthropology. The reception of this d...
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The article draws attention to the consequences that a careful study of christological problems, connected with the phenomenon of communicatio idiomatum, might have for the discussion on the suffering of God. The above mentioned perspective requires consistent thinking in the category of differentiating between nature and hypostasis what constitute...
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A partire dalla seconda metà del XX secolo (grazie a K. Rahner) un’attenzione particolare viene rivolta verso la relazione teologia-antropologia. Lo studio investiga un particolare di questa relazione. Tramite un’analisi di opere recenti di R. Swinburne i J. Cuda vengono individuati due stili della relazione teologica dell’immagine dell’uomo e dell...
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Il Concilio Vaticano II , reintroducendo l’idea del sacerdozio comune di tutti i credenti, ha lasciato aperta la questione della differenza tra questo sacerdozio e quello gerarchico, limitando la spiegazione della differenza tra di loro a una espressione piuttosto ambigua circa la differenza “di essenza e non di grado”. Il presente studio cerca di...
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L’articolo, basando su una ricerca più ampia precedentemente pubblicata, propone una sintesi della problematica della communicatio idiomatum. Parte dalla prospettiva storica distinguendo tre tappe dello sviluppo della coscienza teologia ad essa relativa (l’uso delle frasi stesse, la riflessione metodologica su di esse, la considerazione della commu...
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La questione dell’impeccabilità di Gesù pur non essendo uno dei temi principali della discussione cristologica odierna, può essere considerato un campo nel quale si concretizzano le più importanti tensioni e domande in essa presenti. L’articolo riassume gli elementi salienti della questione suggerendo, che la soluzione forse la più coerente sarebbe...
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Idea opracowania elektronicznego wydania „Śląskich Studiów Historyczno- Teologicznych” zrodziła się w 2005 r. wobec faktu wciąż wzrastającej liczby renomowanych czasopism teologicznych, które wydawane są także w wersji elektronicznej dostępnej za pośrednictwem Internetu. W przypadku ŚSHT od początku jednak chodziło nie tylko o publikację informacji...
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L' evento della risurrezione non ed i ce,r to il terna centrale della riflessione cristologica odiema. E cosi nonostante un recupero sostanziale della coscienza circa il molo storico della risurrezione nella nascita del cristianesimo. L' articolo propone un riesame della relazione tra l' evento della risurrezione e la sua conseguenza primaria-la pr...
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Niniejszy tekst odnosi się nie tylko do wykładu „Uniwersum wczesnych chrześcijan” – równolegle z nim prof. Węcławski prowadził w Pracowni Pytań Granicznych inny cykl zajęć: „Kreacja a jakość życia. Twórczy duch indywiduum (wobec społeczności)”. Za uwzględnieniem treści w nim zawartych przemawia to, iż wiele wątków stosowanej przez Węcławskiego herm...
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Il presente articolo analizza una recente opera di J. Shelby Spong, Jesus for Non- Religious (Gesù per non-religiosi, 2007). L’analisi si concentra soprattutto su aspetti me todologici della proposta cristologica di Spong. Viene evidenziata una serie di presupposti, fortemente legati soprattutto a una visione riduttiva della realtà (che accetta sol...
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Dzieje formowania się dogmatycznej samoświadomości Kościoła świadczą o tym, że ścieranie się z heterodoksyjnym myśleniem zwykle – w dłuższej perspektywie – wychodziło na dobre teologii. Posiada ona bowiem zdolność dynamicznego korygowania samej siebie i dostosowywania warsztatu do nowych wyzwań. Zdecydowanie warto sprawę Węcławskiego/Polaka wykorzy...
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Cokolwiek przyniosą trwające i przyszłe badania metodologiczne, usiłujące zgłębić różne aspekty relacji doświadczenie wiary – teologia, można uznać już za wielkie osiągnięcie teologii XX wieku żywe przypomnienie, że teologia musi pozostawać w dynamicznym związku z żywym doświadczeniem wierzących. Zmartwychwstały Chrystus nie jest sprawą przeszłości...
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Lo studio è dedicato alle questioni ermeneutiche che stanno alla base della cristologia di Roger Haight, come essa fu espressa nel libro Jesus Symbol of God che suscitò la reazione della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede (Notificazione del 13 XII 2004). Dapprima vengono analizzati criticamente i criteri che Haight propone per la costruzione...
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La questione delia fedelta umana di Cristo non ha mai suscitato grandi polemiche percio si trova ai margini della riflessione cristologica odiema, soppressa soprattutto dalla problematica della fede di Gesu. E invece possibile un ricupero della categoria della fedelta in cristologia sistematica. Qui vengono indicati cinque campi. 1. La discussione...
I principali loci theologici non permettono di ricostruire precisamente la coscienza di Maria durante la sua vita terrena riguardo l’identità e la missione di Gesù. Si può però indicare le realtà nella vita di Maria che formavano la sua coscienza. Prima di tutto la sua esperienza di essere madre di Gesù e la riflessione su questa eccezionale esperi...
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Uno dei problemi maggiori della cristologia odierna viene costituito dalla questione della scienza e coscienza di Cristo. La tradizione cristologica dopo il Concilio di Calcedonia non sempre sapeva presentarle in modo capace di salvaguardare l’integralità dell’umanità di Cristo. La soluzione medievale classica con la triplice scienza di Gesù non se...
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Lo studio concerne il problema di un certo „monofisismo pratico”, e cioè di una tendenza verso diminuzione di alcuni spetti dell’umanità di Cristo nella vita quotidiana dei credenti, nonostante la fedeltà dichiarata rispetto la tradizione dogmatica che confessa l’umanità integrale del Salvatore. La questione viene affrontata in tre tappe: la prima...


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