Greta Veronica BerteselliUniversità degli Studi di Milano · Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
Greta Veronica Berteselli
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In 2010 she obtained his PhD in Animal Production. The main fields of research were ethology, animal welfare, stress system, behavioural medicine. In 2013 she obtained the master’s degree of 1st level “Guaranteeing a future for wildlife: for an integrated conservation. Conservation projects in situ ex situ endangered species, protection and welfare of captive animals” at the University of Padua
She works as a specialist in behaviour medicine and in animal welfare projects
Additional affiliations
January 2007 - November 2010
Publications (44)
A 16-month-old, 20-kg intact female Australian shepherd dog was presented to a behavioral consultation for anxiety and aggression-related disorders. Physical examination and blood tests showed no health problems. A tailored behavioral and pharmacological treatment plan was initiated, which included clomipramine and behavioral modifications. However...
The transfer of immunoglobulins from the mother to newborns is widely recognized as a critical event for safeguarding offspring against potentially life-threatening infectious diseases. Mainly for this reason, this study aimed to assess the concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the saliva of newborn cal...
Mastitis is major health issue compromising the welfare of dairy cows. Individual behaviour of dairy cows few days before mastitis is a potential tool for higher detection accuracy. However, little is known about the existence of behavioural patterns usually expressed by cows in healthy conditions that are associated with the subsequent onset of ma...
Welfare assessment of dairy cows by in-person farm visits provides only a snapshot of welfare, is time-consuming and costly. Possible solutions to reduce the need for in-person assessments would be to exploit sensor data and other routinely collected on farm records. The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm to classify dairy cow welfare ba...
Acidosis is a major health and welfare issue, especially in high-producing dairy cows. During acidosis, rumination is affected, as early as a few days before diagnosis. For this reason, behavioral patterns can be considered as promising indicators for the early detection of acidosis. However, the power of behavior analysis to predict acidosis can g...
Persian and exotic shorthair cats are the most-popular brachycephalic breeds worldwide. This study aimed to explore differences in human-cat bonding, behavioural traits, perception of clinical breed-related problems, and the motivation for purchasing between brachycephalic cat owners (BCOs) and non-brachycephalic cat owners (NBCOs). Using an online...
Shelter operators’ quality of life could be threatened such as dogs’ welfare is. An increasing interest in shelter dogs’ welfare is shown but few information is available about the human sphere. A questionnaire addressed to shelter operators was developed with a multidisciplinary approach (vets and psychologists). To evaluate the social
Millions of cats routinely enter animal shelters each year around
the world.
Many potential stressors for shelter cats Confinement in
unfamiliar surroundings, change in daily routine, group housing,
inadequate environment, inappropriate management.
Measuring shelter cats’ welfare Important both for long-term
confinement and adoptions’ success.
In Southern Italy, dogs’ abandonment is still a serious problem that feeds the population of strays. We are so witnessing the phenomenon called "relay" (staffette), which aims to move dogs from Southern to North for adoptions. A journalistic investigation estimates the movement of 30 vans and 1000 dogs per week. Ethical dilemmas arise regarding ani...
Behaviour is recognized as an important indicator of health and welfare of dairy cattle. In dairy cows, changes in behavioural patterns can be automatically monitored by PLF technology and used to early detect diseases such as mastitis, the most crucial health issue of high-producing dairy cows. The aim of the present study was to identify
The present study aimed to evaluate if changing in lying behavioural time-budget can be
correlated to milk production, SCC and a panel of salivary analytes including analytes of stress (cortisol, total esterase (TEA), alpha-amylase and lipase), immunity (ADA total and
isoenzymes) and tissue damage (CK).
Lying time of 15 cows, housed in a commercial...
The European regulatory framework lacks standardisation as regards the minimum requirements for shelter facilities, making defining welfare standards for dogs challenging. Dog (Canis familiaris) welfare assessments should consist of a comprehensive set of measurements that allow the calculation of an overall 'welfare score.' The Shelter Quality pro...
A descriptive analysis, inter-observer and test–retest reliability of the animal-based measures (ABMs) included in the protocol were performed. This study aimed at the development of a welfare assessment protocol for dogs recruited in the trap-neuter-release (TNR) programmes and the description of the implantation of these programmes in Italy. Nine...
In order to base welfare assessment of dairy cattle on real-time measurement, integration of valid and reliable precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies is needed. The aim of this study was to provide a systematic overview of externally validated and commercially available PLF technologies, which could be used for sensor-based welfare assessm...
Il presente testo, redatto in collaborazione con medici veterinari liberi professionisti e con il Ministero della Salute, introduce talune procedure per la corretta gestione dei cani all’interno di canili rifugio. La stesura di appositi protocolli rappresenta un sistema efficace per valutare eventuali criticità e porre in essere azioni correttive d...
The confined environment of the dog shelter, particularly over extensive time-periods can impact severely on welfare. Surveillance and assessment are therefore essential components of the welfare protocol. The aim of this study was to generate a descriptive analysis of a sample of Italian long-term shelters and identify potential hazards regarding...
The Italian National Law on companion animals and stray dog population control prohibits euthanasia of shelter dogs if they are not dangerous or seriously suffering. Free roaming dogs are captured and housed in long-term shelters (LTS) until rehomed, adopted or dead. In this scenario, the sheltered dogs' welfare has become a community of scientific...
The Shelter Quality protocol (SQP) is a concise and easily implemented tool for assessing dog welfare and to identify critical aspects of the shelter environment. A first version of the protocol has been modified to improve its performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of the measures included in the second version of the p...
Aim of this study was to generate a benchmark of the Italian situation based on the assessments’ results. A final scoring system of the SQP was created, thanks to an expert opinion, assigning weights to each principle, criterion, measure and categorical variable included within the protocol. Finally, through specific algorithms, a database was buil...
No-kill policy for Italian sheltered dogs may result in their permanent detention in long-term facilities with the consequences that the animal welfare can be affected.
A sample of 64 shelters along the Italian North-South axis was assessed with the Shelter Quality Protocol (SQP), an ad hoc tool for the evaluation of shelter dogs’ welfare.
Aim of...
Conclusions For authors' current knowledge this is the rst prevalence study of data collection done in shelter environment and on Italian sheltered dogs' welfare. Diierent management systems and geographical areas provided the level of variability of SQP's results. In general, shelters management appears not optimal. Shelters managed by animal prot...
The introduction of no-kill policy for Italian sheltered dogs has resulted in their permanently detention in long-term facilities, if they are not returned to the owner or adopted. In this scenario sheltered dogs can be exposed to many stressors such as poor environment, social deprivation, spatial confinement and changes in their routine For this...
The wildcat (Felis silvestris) is considered a “strictly protected” species, and it is included in CITES Appendix II. Nevertheless, it is classed as threatened in many European countries. Improving our knowledge on the behavior of the European wildcat might be valuable for the conservation of this species in the wild as well as for its husbandry in...
lntroduction 41 The shelter environment may negatively affect dog welfare, making the definition of welfare standards for sheltered dogs necessary. The Shelter Quality Protocol (SO) was developed for this purpose, and contained thirty-four measures, structured following the Welfare Quality 0/VO) principles (four) and criteria (twelve). The aim of t...
It is widely accepted that psychological stress and mental illness can compromise the function of the immune system. Clinical and epidemiological studies on humans recognized that specific psychosocial factors, such as stress, chronic depression and lack of social support are risk factors for the development and progression of cancer. Unfortunately...
Aim of the study - The treatment of noise phobias in dogs consists of behavioural therapy and, sometimes, of pharmacologic support. Aim of this study is to determine the efficacy of L-Theanine, a natural substance derived from the tea plant, used in conjunction with behavioural therapy in the treatment of such disorders and to assess any consequent...
The purpose of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of a diet containing caseinate hydrolysate (CH) on signs of stress in 2 groups of dogs (defined as Anxious and Nonanxious), using physiological (serum cortisol and lysozyme, N:L ratios and heart rate) and behavioral parameters.From an initial group o...
Aim of the study - The treatment of noise phobias in dogs
consists of behavioural therapy and, sometimes, of pharmacologic
support. Aim of this study is to determine the efficacy
of L-Theanine, a natural substance derived from the tea plant,
used in conjunction with behavioural therapy in the treatment
of such disorders and to assess any consequent...
Objects - Evaluation of most frequent feline behavioural problems and in particular of house soiling. Material and methods - Evaluation of Behavioural Clinic data in the period between November 1998 and October 2007. Results - 48% of cats was affected by house soiling, 35% by aggression behaviours and 17% by other problems. About house soiling, 69%...
Objects - Evaluation of most frequent feline behavioural problems and in particular of aggression behaviours. Material and methods - Assessment of Behavioural Clinic data collected in the period between November 1998 and October 2007. Results - The 53% of 87 cats was affected by human directed aggression and 47% by inter-cat aggression. About human...
l Sistema dello Stress (SS) è un meccanismo
altamente adattativo che permette
all’organismo di ripristinare l’omeostasi
alterata da un agente stessante (fisico
o psichico) mettendo in atto risposte
di natura endocrina, immunitaria e comportamentale
[14]. Esiste quindi una stretta
comunicazione e relazione tra SNC, SS
e Sistema Immunitario (SI) [6,...
Con il termine stress si intende uno stato di alterata omeostasi, che può essere provocata da fattori di natura fisica o psichica, definiti “stressori”. A questo stato l’organismo reagisce mettendo in atto dei meccanismi che innescano una serie di funzioni fisiologiche, immunitarie e comportamentali al fine di adattarsi alla nuova situazione e ripr...
Stress is a state of altered homeostasis which can be caused by physical or psychical factors called stressors. Under this condition the organism reacts with mechanisms that trigger off physiological, immunitary and behavioural functions to adapt the organism to new situation and to restore the initial homeostasis. These mechanisms belong to “stres...