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February 1992 - May 2013
Publications (126)
Das Verfehlen globaler und nationaler Biodiversitätsziele legt nahe, dass sich unser politisches, ökonomisches und soziales Handeln deutlich stärker als bisher ändern muss, um den Rückgang der biologischen Vielfalt aufzuhalten und den negativen Trend umzukehren. Angesichts der Aktualisierung der Nationalen Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt (Natio...
This paper examines a behavioral pattern that is solution-oriented but creates an impact that is not adequately addressing the underlying problem. These efficacy simulations refer to behaviors, communication strategies, or messages that create a sense of efficacy without actually generating an impact that is proportional to the problem addressed. T...
Zusammenfassung: Der Angriffskrieg der Russischen Föderation gegen die Ukraine droht die menschengemachte Erderhitzung und die Gestaltung einer klimagerechten Zukunft aus dem Blick geraten zu lassen. Wir führen in diesem Diskussionsbeitrag aus, welche Probleme sich aus der aktuell verfolgten Energiepolitik ergeben haben und welche sich daraus zukün...
This paper examines a behavioral pattern that is solution-oriented but creates an impact that is not adequately addressing the underlying problem. These efficacy simulations refer to behaviors , communication strategies, or messages that create a sense of efficacy without actually generating an impact that is proportional to the problem addressed....
Im Jahr 2040 sind die Grundbedürfnisse aller abgesichert, dafür gibt es weniger Luxuskonsum. Unsere Produkte sind fair und ökologisch hergestellt, halten länger und sind reparierbar. Dank digitaler Technologien besitzen wir weniger und teilen mehr.
Germany currently imports 500 TWh/a of natural gas from the Russian Federation. Most of this gas is used to generate process and space heat. By accelerating the conversion of heat supply to heat pumps powered by renewable electricity, renew-able heat in district heating networks, and the substitution of natural gas in electricity generation with re...
À l’heure de la crise du climat et de la biodiversité, les relations entre la science, la société et la politique font à nouveau l’objet d’intenses débats. En s’appuyant sur l’exemple du mouvement « Scientists for Future » (S4F), qui a vu le jour en 2019 en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse, cet article met en lumière les options dont disposent l...
available open access, just click on the DOI above, or go here:
English: Documentation of a communication project by German-speaking scientists encouraging their peers to participate in the September 2021 climate demonstrations by means of short statements or appeals (German, with English and French translations).
Deutsch: Dokumentation eines Kommunikationsprojekts deutschsprachiger Wissenschaftler:innen, ihre...
Die Bekämpfung der Klimakrise kann mit Maßnahmen gegen Armut und soziale Ungleichheit Hand in Hand gehen. Für Deutschland zeigen viele gängige Konzepte, dass Klimaschutz und sozialer Ausgleich für Privathaushalte verbunden werden können, sodass gerade finanzschwache Haushalte in Summe netto finanziell profitieren können. Ein Beispiel ist die Beprei...
Abstract. Der Schlüssel zur Lösung unserer Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme liegt in der Art, wie wir leben, denken und Probleme angehen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen wir unsere Ziele reflektieren, aus der Zukunft statt der Vergangenheit heraus denken und bereit für neue Lösungen sein. Wir müssen die Realität der Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitskrise...
Als fairer Beitrag Deutschlands zur Einhaltung der globalen 1,5-Grad-Grenze werden 16 Orientierungspunkte für eine klimaverträgliche Energieversorgung vorgestellt. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass hierfür die deutschen energiebedingten CO2-Emissio-nen in etwa 15 Jahren weitgehend auf Null sinken müssen. Energieeinsparung hilft, den...
GERMAN SUMMARY (English Summary further below):
Die Zeit drängt. Ohne schnell wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen werden Erderhitzung und Biodiversitätsverlust Ausmaße annehmen, welche die Lebensweise von Menschen nicht abschätzbaren Risiken aussetzen. Obwohl die Herausforderungen weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung bewusst sind, werden dringend nötige Entscheidung...
The European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) still fails to address the environmental and socioeconomic challenges of EU’s agriculture. Agricultural ecosystems are further degrading, biodiversity is declining and agricultural Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions remain high. At the same time, farms are facing unresolved socio-economic chall...
Berlin, October 2, 2020 | Scientists for Future (S4F) confirm that the demands of Fridays for Future (FFF) on EU politics are factually necessary and scientifically justified. According to IPCC calculations , the EU27 will have a residual budget for emissions of 20 Gt CO from 2021 to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees. An 80% reductio...
Klimagerechtigkeit ist ein Thema, dass man auch wissenschaftlich behandeln kann. Ob eine Perspektive zu Klimagerechtigkeit wissenschaftlich ist oder nicht, hängt z. B. davon ab, ob Untersuchungen durchgeführt wurden, ob statistische Zahlen der Realität entsprechen oder ob und wie Verzerrungen entstehen. Können wir überhaupt alles messen? Gerechtigk...
Making agriculture sustainable is a global challenge. In the European Union (EU), the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is failing with respect to biodiversity, climate, soil, land degradation as well as socio‐economic challenges.
The European Commission's proposal for a CAP post‐2020 provides a scope for enhanced sustainability. However, it also al...
et X# signataires Rendre l'agriculture durable est un défi d'ampleur globale. En Union Européenne, la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) est en train d'échouer en matière de biodiversité, de climat, des sols mais aussi des enjeux socio-économiques, surtout dans les zones rurales. La proposition de la Commission Européenne pour une PAC post-2020 perme...
In March 2019, German-speaking scientists and scholars calling themselves Scientists for Future, published a statement in support of the youth protesters in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Fridays for Future, Klimastreik/Climate Strike), verifying the scientific evidence that the youth protestors refer to. In this article, they provide the full...
Klimaschutz hat für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger eine sehr hohe Priorität. Dies zeigt sich nicht nur regelmäßig in Befragungen, sondern auch durch die politische Bewegung „Fridays for Future“ bzw. „Klimastreik“. Dennoch bleiben die Anstrengungen, Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren, unzureichend. Ein wesentlicher Grund für das Missverhältnis von Übe...
A list of all generic names that have been connected with the Orbiliomycetes is provided. Recommendations are made as to which names should be used in accordance with the rules and the different generic concepts. There is a mismatch in the current generic concepts within Orbiliomycetes regarding the two morphs: a narrow concept is used for the asex...
The present paper describes policies and guidelines for scholarly publishing of biodiversity and biodiversity-related data, elaborated and updated during the Framework Program 7 EU BON project, on the basis of an earlier version published on Pensoft's website in 2011. The document discusses some general concepts, including a definition of datasets,...
With biodiversity research activities being increasingly shifted to the web, the need for a system of persistent and stable identifiers for physical collection objects becomes increasingly pressing. The Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities agreed on a common system of HTTP-URI-based stable identifiers which is now rolled out to its member or...
Europe is building its Open Science Cloud; a set of robust and interoperable e-infrastructures with the capacity to provide data and computational solutions through cloud-based services. The development and sustainable operation of such e-infrastructures are at the forefront of European funding priorities. The research community, however, is still...
Wiki4R will create an innovative virtual research environment (VRE) for Open Science at scale, engaging both professional researchers and citizen data scientists in new and potentially transformative forms of collaboration. It is based on the realizations that (1) the structured parts of the Web itself can be regarded as a VRE, (2) such environment...
Reliable taxonomy underpins communication in all of biology, not least nature conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem resources. The flexibility of taxonomic interpretations, however, presents a serious challenge for end-users of taxonomic concepts. Users need standardised and continuously harmonised taxonomic reference systems,...
Biodiversity data is being digitized and made available online at a rapidly increasing rate but current practices typically do not preserve linkages between these data, which impedes interoperation, provenance tracking, and assembly of larger datasets. For data associated with biocollections, the biodiversity community has long recognized that an e...
The amount of plant biodiversity data available via the web has exploded in the last decade, but making these data available requires a considerable investment of time and work, both vital considerations for organizations and institutions looking to validate the impact factors of these online works. Here we used Google Analytics (GA), to measure th...
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In natural history museums it has been generally understood that digitization of collections is a modern way to inventory, manage, analyze, present and share collection objects. Current ambitions in collection digitization tend towards full digital management. This is expected to be the most efficient way to handle huge amounts of records which wil...
Fauna Europaea is Europe's main zoological taxonomic index, making the scientific names and distributions of all living, currently known, multicellular, European land and freshwater animals species integrally available in one authoritative database. Fauna Europaea covers about 260,000 taxon names, including 145,000 accepted (sub)species, assembled...
The Fauna Europaea (FaEu) database project – Guidelines for Group Coordinators and Taxonomic Specialists
Fauna Europaea species statistics for areas
Fauna Europaea Endemics
PESI Gap Analysis
Fauna Europaea geographic codes and mappings to other standards (TDWG, ISO) and projects (Euro+Med PlantBase).
Fauna Europaea standard agreement
Fauna Europaea database statistics (source file)
Fauna Europaea web statistics 2013
Fauna Europaea Guidelines for NAS validation
Fauna Europaea Description of Work
Fauna Europaea homonyms
Fauna Europaea guidelines for cross-linking
Fauna Europaea higher hierarchy - version 2.6.2
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology in Munich have developed a web portal for the presentation of high resolution digital images of insect drawers (http://digicoll.info/). For the first time scientists have the chance to get full remote access to the large entomological collections from Berlin and Munich, w...
Background. The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development is helping the European Union to prepare for an integrative system for intelligent management of biodiversity knowledge. The infrastructure that is envisaged and that will be further developed within the Programme “Horizon 2020” aims to provide open and free access t...
As biological disciplines extend into the 'big data' world, they will need a names-based infrastructure to index and interconnect distributed data. The infrastructure must have access to all names of all organisms if it is to manage all information. Those who compile lists of species hold different views as to the intellectual property rights that...
The pro-iBiosphere Task 4.2 “Promote and monitor the development and adoption of common mark-up standards and interoperability between schemas” has used pilot studies to analyse the currently applied XML schemas for mark - up of taxonomic information. Four interoperability pilots were conducted, drawing on a broad spectrum of organisms (i.e. animal...
pro-iBiosphere recognises that there are many challenges to effective interoperability among biodiversity-related infrastructures. In order to avoid duplication of effort with other ongoing initiatives (e.g., Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) Biodiversity Informatics Standards and Lifewatch), pro-iBiosphere will focus on two main topics of p...
A vocabulary management system must support many tasks, among them, the definition, annotation, discussion, translation and export of terms or concepts in standard formats. In particular, it should be capable of importing externally defined vocabularies to enable their re-use.
At the implementation level, a web-based platform is highly desirable to...
Vocabularies are identified as one of three core components of the TDWG technical architecture - or to use the TDWG Technical Architecture Group (TAG) analogy, one of the legs of a “three-legged-stool”. The VoMaG report proposes best practices for governance and management of such vocabularies. The report adopts the general principle of distinguish...
This report constitutes the outcome of the TDWG Vocabulary Management Task Group (VoMaG). It consists of an introduction and four sections. The introduction describes the remit of VoMaG and the three task areas that emerged based on its charter, each of which is dealt with in separate sections. The first area (Section 2) relates to the status of th...
Many scientific disciplines rely on correct taxon delineations and identifications. So does a great part of the general public as well as decision makers. Researchers, students and enthusiastic amateurs often feel frustrated because information about species remains scattered, difficult to access, or difficult to decipher. Together, this affects al...
The cultivation of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L), one of the most important medicinal plants in Germany in terms of area with Thuringia being the main growing area, has been severely threatened since 2007 by the occurrence of an unknown disease. Investigations show that the causes of damage are very complex. On the one hand, a species of fungus...
The Audubon Core Multimedia Resource Metadata Schema (simply “Audubon Core” or “AC”) is a representation-free vocabulary for the description of biodiversity multimedia resources and collections, now in the final stages as a proposed standard under TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards. By defining only four terms as mandatory, it seeks to lighten...
Molecular techniques were used to distinguish six Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) collected from different ecological zones of Pakistan: T. chilonis (Ishii), T. chilotraeae (Nagaraja and Nagarkatti), T. evanescens (Westwood), T. pintoi (Voegele), T. euproctidis (Girault, 1911), T. siddiqi (Nasir and Schöller). Electrophoresis...
Natural history collections are one of the foundations of biodiversity and taxonomic research. They have a long tradition and are as important today as they were 200 years ago. With the arrival of major digitization efforts in the near future these catalogues might be completely replaced by digital collection management systems. Natural history col...
The megascience platforms Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), Catalogue of Life (CoL), Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), International Barcode of Life (iBOL), International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) and JSTOR Plant Science, all belong to a group of global players that harvest, pro...