Grant Vandenberg

Grant Vandenberg
Université Laval | ULAVAL · Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences


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Publications (104)
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This review examines the use of insect meal (IM) as a substitute for fishmeal (FM) in fish feeds within the past decade. While global interest in this alternative is growing, research on its effects on fish digestibility, blood parameters, and economic performance has been limited. Meta-analysis on the apparent digestibility coefficient revealed a...
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Larval frass from insects which consists of larval excrement, exoskeleton, and undigested diet, is a rich source of organic material and microorganisms. Despite its potential value, research on frass valorisation in agriculture is limited. In this study, single-layer agar (SLA) and double-layer agar (DLA) in vitro bioassays were conducted to evalua...
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The growing interest in anaerobic digestion has led to an increase in the production of digestate that can be re-used. This work evaluates the possibility of using black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) to valorize biogas digestate, maize residue and alfalfa. The solid fraction of two digestates originating from two different biogas plants was used. Diffe...
Overwinter feed restriction followed by spring refeeding is proposed as a strategy to improve productivity and sustainability of Arctic charr production. A 257-day experiment was conducted with different feeding regimes to evaluate compensatory growth response in growth and physiological state of juvenile fish (150-200 g) reared under seasonal temp...
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This study examines the potential effects of linseed oil as a total replacement for fish oil in the formulated diet of Arctic charr, brook charr and their reciprocal hybrids. Muscle fatty acid composition, growth performance and feed utilization were evaluated on four experimental groups submitted to two different dietary lipid sources (100% linsee...
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Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are good candidates for upcycling wet organic residuals. Like other unprocessed raw animal products, BSFL require processing to prevent spoilage and degradation during storage and to facilitate their use as feed ingredients. In this study, hot-air drying and freeze-drying were examined as means to ensure long-term pr...
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Aquaculture feed formulation has recently turned its focus to reduce the reliance on marine-derived resources and utilise alternative feedstuffs, as an approach to improve the environmental sustainability of the aquaculture sector. The fish oil market is highly volatile, and availability of this commodity is continuously decreasing for use in aquac...
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The cardiovascular system is a major limiting system in thermal adaptation, but the exact physiological mechanisms underlying responses to thermal stress are still not completely understood. Recent studies have uncovered the possible role of reactive oxygen species production rates of heart mitochondria in determining species' upper thermal limits....
Excess phosphorus (P) in freshwater ecosystems increases primary production which, left uncontrolled, may lead to eutrophication, accelerating the ageing process of receiving water bodies. To limit phosphorus release resulting from freshwater aquaculture, we propose to incorporate microencapsulated P-chelating agents into fish diets. In a first tri...
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was evaluated to estimate body composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), with an emphasis on phosphorus (P) retention. Ninety rainbow trout (36-136 g) fed with control (1.10%) or low-P (0.55%) diets were scanned using a DXA instrument, both frozen and thawed. Whole-body scans were analysed using the...
Introducing entomophagy (insect consumption), a common practice in many countries around the world, in Western countries is a great challenge. Aiming to expand the adoption of this novel food requires an understanding of consumer’s acceptability towards edible insects, ultimately feeding into regionalised marketing approaches. As entomophagy bears...
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Aquaculture, the fastest growing food sector, is expected to expand to produce an additional 30 million metric tons of fish by 2030, thus filling the gap in supplies of seafood for humans. Salmonids aquaculture exploits the vast majority of fishmeal and fish oil rendered from ocean-dwelling forage fish. Most forage fish diverted to these commoditie...
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The microbiota’s impact on host’s development, metabolism and immunology has made microbial study integral to the biology of organisms. Microorganisms coevolve with their host and can be vital for development, to the point that some host cannot survive in their absence. Studies have explored Hermetia illucens (BSF) microbiome, an insect prized for...
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Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae represent a promising alternative ingredient for animal feed. Post-production processing can, however, affect their quality. This project aimed to optimize larval killing by comparing the effects on the nutritional and microbiological quality of 10 methods, i.e., blanching (B = 40 s), desiccation (D = 60 °C, 30 min),...
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Indian major carps (Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala, and Labeo rohita) fingerlings were evaluated for growth, body composition, and economic profitability under a similar feeding regime in monoculture system. The diet containing 42% protein was provided at 4% of fish wet body weight. When different species were compared, C. catla (1341.58) and L. ro...
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The aim of this study was to replace 75% of total fish oil (FO) and alter digestible protein/digestible energy (DP/DE) in rainbow trout feeds to minimize potentially hazardous environmental contaminant exposure. Two diets differing in DP/DE ratios (18 and 25) were combined with soybean (SO), canola (CO), and a blend of canola oil and Schizochytrium...
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Hybridization between closely related species can generate genetic and phenotypic variation, providing valuable biological material to assess the physiological impact of the structural or functional variability of different organs. In the present study, we examined growth rates of various organs and whole body in brook char, Arctic char and their r...
Carnivorous fishes, such as walleye (Sander vitreus) are nutritionally demanding for fish meal. A promising alternative to marine‐origin fish meal, which supply was stagnant in recent decades, is fish meal derived from undesirable freshwater species, such as white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). To evaluate the relative value of such ingredients, w...
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This study provides new and practical information to implement the use of photoperiodic manipulation for the control of the sexual maturation of Canadian 6⁺ Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) and 3⁺ first-time spawners spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) from Canadian and Norwegian populations. Wolffish reproductive cycle (gametogenesis and oocyt...
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in wolffishes has never been unquestionably reported in previous fisheries or aquaculture studies. The sex-related growth patterns of 6+Anarhichas lupus and 3+A. minor (Norway (NW) and Québec (QC) populations) were monitored in replicates in a controlled environment over two successive spawning seasons (21 months). Over...
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Taking the macromarketing approach to insect food and feed, we study how the global insect marketing system is impacted by the global insect regulatory system. As an illustration, we study how the regulations of the European Union, USA, Canada and Australia impact marketing strategies of individual companies, and how company-level behaviour combine...
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The bioremediation capacities of Palmaria palmata and Ulva lactuca for removing dissolved nutrients in a cold-seawater fully recirculated ecosystemic representation of an estuarine aquatic habitat were evaluated. The seaweeds were cultured in the laboratory based on environmental conditions observed in a large-scale aquarium representing the marine...
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This experiment was conducted in parallel with work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR-Congo) with the objective to evaluate the growth performance and production costs of Nile tilapia fed diets formulated using local plant protein sources, and to compare them to those obtained with an optimized commercial fish feed. Ninety monosex male ti...
Cardiac mitochondrial metabolism provides 90% of the ATP necessary for the contractile exertion of the heart muscle. Mitochondria are therefore assumed to play a pivotal role in heart failure (HF), cardiovascular disease and ageing. Heat stress increases energy metabolism and oxygen demand in tissues throughout the body and imposes a major challeng...
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Cet article est disponible sur le site de Vecteur Environnement:
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The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about the nutritional needs of walleye (Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)) broodstock. Two dietary treatments were tested: the first consisted of frozen Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L., 1758) pieces with a supplement of experimental dry pellets and the second consisted of frozen Atlantic mack...
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Legal rules on the use of insects as feed and food vary across the world. Precise rules on safety, marketing, and animal welfare are largely missing. In the EU, United States and Canada, insects are novel and legally treated as such. InMexico, Australia, and China, many species of insects have a long tradition of food and/or feed use. We believe re...
Two different size groups (fingerling and grow-out) of Indian major carps (Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeo rohita) were evaluated for their fatty acid composition in monoculture and poly culture systems with two experimental feeds. All the treatment groups in each trial had one control and three replicates. The studies were conducted for 9...
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The prevalence of bone deformities, particularly linked with mineral deficiency, is an important issue for fish production. Juvenile triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed a low-phosphorus (P) diet for 27 weeks (60 to 630 g body mass). At study termination, 24.9% of the fish fed the low-P diet displayed homogeneous biconcave vertebra...
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The aquaculture industry has long recognized the need to reduce phosphorus (P) waste outputs associated with environmental impact, and reduce off-flavor producing compounds, which can impact the quality of the fish product. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of dietary high P (HP) and low P (LP) on growth, nutrient digestibility,...
Aquaculture systems generate large amounts of wastes which may constitute a beneficial amendment for horticultural crop in terms of nutrients, plant growth promoter and disease suppressiveness. This study aimed to determine (1) the nutrient value of rainbow trout farming effluents coming from two feed regimes and (2) the plant growth and disease su...
Extended phosphorus (P) deficiency has been linked to an increase of skeletal deformities in farmed salmonids. To date, X-ray examination still is the most practical way to detect abnormalities that are not externally visible. The aim of this study was to develop a standardized method based on empirical measurements that provides an early radiograp...
In trout farmed in freshwater, the use of low phosphorus diet and other concurrent changes in food formulations could affect the normal growth of the skeleton and enhance the occurrence of vertebral abnormalities. Hence, it is important to refine diagnostic of malformations to quickly detect signs of P deficiency during production. Two practical di...
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is an important production species as well as one of the most studied fish models, particularly regarding nutritional physiology. Due to negative environmental impacts linked with rainbow trout farm effluents, significant restrictions have been established in numerous regions to reduce dietary phosphorus (P) outp...
Prolonged dietary phosphorus (P) deficiency induces a generalized demineralization of bone tissues; however, the differential responsiveness of the diverse tissues to P deficiency remains unknown. Triploid all-female juvenile rainbow trout (initial mass ~60 g) were fed two practical diets (0.26% and 0.52% digestible P for P-deficient and P-sufficie...
Biotin, a water-soluble vitamin, is essential for normal growth, development and health of all animals. In terrestrial animal nutrition, biotin has recently spurred scientific interest because of the increasing body of knowledge on biotin involvement in gene expression, cell cycle and reproduction in mammals, and recent advances in molecular biolog...
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The issue of sustainability of salmonid culture has been the focus of considerable media coverage and debate between environmental activists and aquaculture industry stakeholders, particularly regarding the use of ingredients derived from wild fisheries (fishmeal and fish oil) in salmonid feeds. This study attempts to summarize recent data and to c...
This study aimed at a simple, rapid, reliable, practical, and non-destructive sexing technique for mature zebrafish (0.61 ± 0.011 g each). In the first experiment, 36 fish of each sex were selected on the basis of the presence of a prominent genital papilla on mature females and bred randomly. All the couples laid fertilized eggs with a mean fecund...
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary biotin on zebrafish Danio rerio reproduction. Biotin and avidin (biotin antagonist) were added to two isonitrogenous and isocaloric purified diets to provide molar avidin:biotin ratios of 0:1 (biotin-sufficient diet) and 120:0 (biotin-unsufficient diet). Each diet was fed to a group...
This study was conducted to estimate the dietary biotin requirement for maximum growth of zebrafish Danio rerio. Six isonitrogenous and isocaloric purified diets containing 0.031 (biotin-unsupplemented diet), 0.061, 0.263, 0.514, 1.741 and 2.640 mg biotin kg−1 diet were fed in triplicate tanks for a total of 12 weeks to juvenile zebrafish (initial...
The presence of off-flavor compounds in fish represents a significant economic problem encountered in aquaculture production. The off-flavor compounds are due to the absorption of substances produced by a range of microorganisms. Currently, a number of strategies have been used to prevent or limit the growth of these microorganisms. Therefore, it i...
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A variety of factors affecting water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are associated with the occurrence of off-flavours. In this study, we report the impact of water quality on the bacterial diversity and the occurrence of the geosmin synthesis gene (geoA) in two RAS units operated for 252 days. Unit 2 displayed a higher level of...
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This study was undertaken to assess the interactive effects of dietary biotin and avidin on growth, feed conversion, survival and deficiency syndrome of tilapia and to determine the influence of dietary biotin deficiency on the expression of key genes related to biotin metabolism in tilapia. Six iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets based on a co...
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The study was designed to assess the impact of artificial feeding on sensory attributes of steamed fish at fingerling stage reared in monoculture while at growout stage reared both in mono and polyculture. The fingerlings of Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala fed on 40% protein feed showed non-significant effect on sensory attributes c...
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A study was conducted to preliminarily assess the contribution of the intestinal microflora to biotin supply in zebrafish. Biotin and avidin were added to three isonitrogenous and isocaloric purified diets to provide molar avidin: biotin ratios of 0:0 (basal diet), 0:1 (biotin-supplemented diet), and 120:0. Another diet was made by supplementing th...
This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of adding microbial phytase to plant protein-based diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A plant protein-based basal diet was formulated to be isonitrogenous, isolipidic and isoenergetic to a nutrient-dense, fish meal-based control diet (Starter salmonid diet; Ontario Ministry of Natural...
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Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) have been associated with off-flavour problems in fish and seafood products, generating a strong negative impact for aquaculture industries. Although most of the producers of geosmin and MIB have been identified as Streptomyces species or cyanobacteria, Streptomyces spp. are thought to be responsible for the syn...
Factors influencing apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrients from a plant protein–based diet supplemented with microbial phytase were investigated in a series of experiments with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The influence of phytase level, water temperature, feed particle size and addition of a protease/non-starch polysaccharid...
The objective of the present study is to develop an eco-friendly aquatic feed to reduce phosphorus (P) loading, in large rainbow trout. Gain in fish mass, nutrient digestibility, non-fecal P excretion, P retention and loading were compared among triplicate groups of fish reared with a P-sufficient (commercial feed), a previously-developed P-deficie...