Grant R SingletonNatural Resources Institute University of Greenwich
Grant R Singleton
Doctor of Philosophy
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Ecologically-based management of rodents; natural resource management of lowland irrigated rice in Southeast Asia and East Asia.
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January 2005 - June 2019
June 1982 - September 2005
January 1977 - February 1979
May 1981
Publications (306)
The mechanisms that regulate multi‐annual population dynamics of rodent pest species of cereal crops is often unknown. Better knowledge of such aspects can aid pest management and in turn improve food security and human health. The patterns and processes of the population dynamics of Rattus argentiventer, in rice fields of Indonesia, and...
One of the major barriers to improving the rice value chain in Asian countries is farmers’ lack of knowledge and their limited access to good and scale-appropriate technologies and practices. This chapter reviews the main features, benefits, and potential barriers of technologies and practices developed and promoted under the CORIGAP project. These...
The CORIGAP project was implemented in six main rice granaries in South and Southeast Asia. The project introduced several country-specific sustainable best management practices, including nutrient management, pest management, water management, and several postharvest technologies, among other specific practices. This chapter introduces each countr...
In most of South and South East Asia and the Pacific, (For geographical descriptions, CGIAR regions are used. https://www.cgiar.org/research/cgiar-regions/ ) rice is the staple food crop. It is predominantly cultivated by smallholder farmers. Although the Green Revolution has modernized rice agriculture considerably, farmers today face the conseque...
Rice production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), especially methane (CH 4 ) emissions at various cropping stages. A major source of methane emissions is the decomposition of fertilizers and organic residues in flooded fields during the irrigation cycle. CORIGAP technologies and practices are mainly associated with closi...
Rice agriculture provides wetlands and complex habitats supporting biodiversity. Wetlands associated with rice agriculture since the 1960s have increased by 32% and now form nearly 12% of wetlands globally at a time when vast areas of natural wetlands are being lost. In this chapter, we set our sights beyond Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 tha...
Rice production in the Central Plains of Thailand plays a key role in the country’s food security. However, the overuse of inputs coupled with the rising production costs are making it increasingly difficult for smallholder rice farming to remain economically and environmentally sustainable. Replicated production-scale field trials of Cost Reductio...
Evidence-based information for smallholder farmers on where and when to conduct rodent management is vital given that most are resource poor and depend on agriculture for food and income. However, there is scarce information on how the foraging activity of rodent pests changes over agricultural cropping seasons. We used the concepts of giving-up-de...
Trapping is a key method for monitoring small mammals and is also one of a number of methods recommended under an ecologically‐based rodent management program to control rodent pest populations. Live‐traps are widely used globally for studying small mammal populations. In Asia where rodents are major pests of rice, single capture traps t...
Recent studies on yield gap analysis for rice in Southeast Asia revealed different levels of intensification across the main ‘rice bowls’ in the region. Identifying the key crop management and biophysical drivers of rice yield gaps across different ‘rice bowls’ provides opportunities for comparative analyses, which are crucial to better und...
Regression-based strategies along with propensity score matching (PSM) were used to assess the farm-level economic impact of community action (CA) strategies associated with ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM). The paddy yield and real net income of rice farmer-beneficiaries of the EBRM approach in An Giang Province, Mekong River Delta, Vie...
Regression-based strategies along with propensity score matching (PSM) were used to assess the farm-level economic impact of community action (CA) strategies associated with ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM). The paddy yield and real net income of rice farmer-beneficiaries of the EBRM approach in An Giang Province, Mekong River Delta, Vie...
Overuse of seed and chemical inputs is a major constraint for sustainable rice production in Vietnam. In this study, two seasons of field trials were conducted to compare different crop establishment practices for rice production in the Mekong River Delta using environmental and economic sustainability performance indicators. The indicators includi...
This datasheet on Rattus tanezumi covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
The advent of ‘conservation agriculture’ (CA) farming using zero- or no-tillage practices and an accompanying change in crop rotations in the last 10–15 years has potentially led to less disturbance of mouse burrows and increased cover and food supply. Given the irregular outbreaks of mice in grain cropping regions in Australia and the damage they...
Rice paddies are unique ecosystems that provide rich wetland habitat. Their enduring existence across vast stretches of land has led them to evolve into unique systems serving a diverse assemblage of organisms and sustaining a staple grain for many people. With the food demand rise, agricultural intensification through agro‐chemical application is...
The desire to increase agricultural productivity through the high usage of agrochemicals is causing substantial environmental deterioration. Many developing countries lack the capacity to quantify agro-pollution, especially in the case of chemical inputs such as pesticides, preventing them from formulating action plans to mitigate the negative envi...
Overuse of seed and chemical inputs is a major constraint for sustainable rice production in Vietnam. In this study, two seasons of field trials were conducted to compare different crop establishment practices for rice production in the Mekong River Delta using environmental and economic sustainability performance indicators. The indicators includi...
The rice field rat, Rattus argentiventer, is a significant pest of rice in Southeast Asia. Fertility control methods have the potential to provide safe and effective alternatives to control methods that often include indiscriminate use of rodenticides or electric barriers. The aim of this laboratory study was to assess uptake of bait coated with di...
The multimammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis, is the most common rodent pest species in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, rodenticides are the preferred method used to reduce the population of rodent pests, but this method poses direct and indirect risks to humans and other non-target species. Fertility control is a promising alternative that has been...
Vietnam is supportive of the transition to sustainable rice production in the Mekong Delta. The national program promoted best management practices for rice production through “1 Must Do and 5 Reductions” (1M5R). This review traces the technological development and uptake of 1M5R in national policies and by end-users. We highlight the outcomes from...
Pneumocystis fungi are opportunistic parasites of mammalian lungs whose evolution, ecology and host specificity in natural host populations remain poorly understood and controversial. Using an extensive collection of 731 lung samples from 27 rodent species sampled in five Southeast Asian countries, and nested PCR amplification of mitochondrial and...
In Myanmar, 70% of the rural population engages in rice farming for their livelihoods. Since 2013, the government and development projects have introduced a variety of sustainable rice cultivation practices such as improved fertilizer-, water-, pest- and post-harvest management. A mixed method approach was used to gain a better understanding of ado...
Rodents present a major problem for food security in Asia where smallholder farming families are particularly vulnerable. We review here recent developments in the biology and management of rodent pests in cereal cropping systems in Asia. The past decade has seen a strong focus on ecologically‐based rodent management (EBRM), its adoption in field s...
Most small rodent populations in the world have fascinating population dynamics. In the northern hemisphere, voles and lemmings tend to show population cycles with regular fluctuations in numbers. In the southern hemisphere, small rodents tend to have large amplitude outbreaks with less regular intervals. In the light of vast research and debate ov...
Authors would like to correct error in affiliation in the original publication of the article.
Several rodent species damage rice crops and commensal rodents cause damage to stored produce and infrastructure, hygienic problems and they can transmit zoonotic pathogens. In the first such study in Sri Lanka, we identified the main rodent and shrew species and the extent of post-harvest damage caused in rice storage facilities of smallholder far...
Identifying the adverse impacts of pesticide exposure is essential to guide regulations that are protective of wildlife and human health. Within rice ecosystems, amphibians are valuable indicators because pesticide applications coincide with sensitive reproductive and developmental life stages. We conducted two experiments using wild cane toads (Rh...
This paper examines how a move from traditional post-harvest operations of smallholder rice farms in the Ayeyarwaddy delta, Myanmar, to improved post-harvest operations affected income, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). Harvest and post-harvest losses were investigated in a field experiment with 5 replications per scenario. A c...
Rice (Oryza sativa) agriculture provides food and economic security for nearly half of the world's population. Rice agriculture is intensive in both land and agrochemical use. However, rice fields also provide aquatic resources for wildlife, including amphibians. In turn, some species may provide ecosystem services back to the farmers working in th...
Rice farmers in Southeast Asia are hesitant to adopt the water-saving technology, alternate wetting and drying (AWD), for fear the practice will lead to increased rodent pest activity, consequently exacerbating yield loss. We examined the effects of AWD on the population dynamics, habitat use and damage levels inflicted on rice crops by the most im...
Sustainability of rice production systems is a prime concern for Asia to maintain food security and to support economic growth. This gain in productivity not only depends on agricultural inputs but also depends on social and environmental factors. To address these emerging issues, new resource- and capital-efficient and profitable technologies have...
This guidance note is prepared by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam under the VN-SAT project in promoting adoption of the Three Reduction, Three Gains and One Must, Five Reductions programs (3R3G/1M5R) among rice farmers in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The guidan...
Economic and environmental indicators of sustainable rice cultivation: A comparison across intensive irrigated rice cropping systems in six Asian countries.
This is the first manuscript that compares 8 out of 12 SRP indicators in six East Asian countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka). The goal is to make rice produ...
Lowland irrigated rice fields serve the dual purpose of providing an essential food crop to the world's most populous regions and functioning as man-made wetlands that harbor a diversity of organisms. Amphibians occupy rice fields throughout Asia and South America, but little is known about their functional role in the rice ecosystem. We conducted...
Rodents and weeds are identified as important pests to rice crops in Southeast Asia. The interaction between these two major pests is poorly documented. In temperate cereal systems seeds of grass weeds can be an important food source for rodents and weed cover along crop margins provide important refuge for rodents. In 2012 and 2013, a replicated s...
As scientists working at the International Rice Research Institute and other institutions that have investigated greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields, we read the recent article in PNAS by Kritee et al. (1) with great interest. The observed N2O emissions from rice fields in South India including previously unknown high rates definitely constit...
Diffusion of innovation in agriculture is a complex process. The success of this process is governed by the various factors—technology characteristics, socio-cultural factors, participation of stakeholders, and environment—that enable and sustain effective interaction between these stakeholders. Previous studies in technology diffusion in agricultu...
Present pest management methods are mostly reactive and have huge disadvantages such as emerging genetic rodenticide resistance with serious threat for relay toxicity. Rodent control should be based on pest-species ecology and ethology to facilitate development of ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM). A main aspect of EBRM is the advanced kn...
With the introduction of the water-saving technology, Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), farmers are hesitant to adopt this measure for fear the practice will lead to increases in rodent pest activity, consequently exacerbating yield loss. Rodents are one of the most important pests in rice, causing both pre-and postharvest damage. It is, therefor...
With the introduction of the water-saving technology, Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), farmers are hesitant to adopt this measure for fear the practice will lead to increases in rodent pest activity, consequently exacerbating yield loss. Rodents are one of the most important pests in rice, causing both pre-and postharvest damage. It is, therefor...
There is a need to increase the resource use efficiency and sustainability of rice production in the intensive lowland irrigated rice growing areas of Thailand where farmers face challenges such as the overuse of inputs that cause negative environmental effects, rising input and labor costs, declining rice farm gate prices, and water scarcity. Sinc...
Springer Link: http://rdcu.be/v4zj
Increased pesticide use in rice agricultural ecosystems may alter competitive interactions between invasive and native amphibian species. We conducted an experiment with two rice paddy amphibians found in Luzon, Philippines, the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) and the endemic Luzon wart frog (Fejervarya vit...
Current reactive pest management methods have serious drawbacks such as the heavy reliance on chemicals, emerging genetic rodenticide resistance, and high secondary exposure risks. Rodent control needs to be based on pest-species ecology and ethology to facilitate development of ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM). An important aspect of EB...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174554.].
The main challenge for researchers and project staff when implementing inclusive approaches in agricultural innovation is how learning and technology adaptation interact and how to reach jointly set targets. We provide a comparative analysis of the learning process induced by adaptive research (AR) in one case and a combined AR with Learning Allian...
Rodent pests are especially problematic in terms of agriculture and public health since they can inflict considerable economic damage associated with their abundance, diversity, generalist feeding habits and high reproductive rates. To quantify rodent pest impacts and identify trends in rodent pest research impacting on small-holder agriculture in...
PRISMA checklist.
List of rodent genera detected in rodent pest research in African agricultural systems from 1960–2015.
Complete list of all publications used in the review–Publications in bold did not have full texts available at time of review.
List of different crops and cropping system as impacted by rodent pests in African agriculture (1960–2015).
Web of Science TM search history–.
The increasing scarcity of irrigation water necessitates the development of water-saving technology in rice production. Our previous studies have shown that “safe” alternate wetting and drying irrigation(AWD15) can effectively save water, improve water productivity while maintain grain yield compared to continuous flooding (CF) and farmer’s water m...
This paper examined how alternate-wetting and drying (AWD), a water saving technology, affected the economic aspect of lowland rice farming in Bohol. AWD was introduced in the Bohol Irrigation System (BIS) 1 in 2006. The changes in the area cultivated, yield, and mean net income of rice farmers were assessed using household panel data for 2005 and...
Rodents are globally important pre-harvest pests of rice. In South-east Asia, rodent damage to growing rice crops is commonly concentrated towards the center of rice fields, away from the field edge resulting in a clear pattern known as the 'stadium effect'. To further understand this behavior of rodent pests and develop recommendations for future...
Rodents are a globally important pest of rice. Several studies covering a range of rodent pest species have been conducted to understand the habitat use and population ecology of rodents in rice fields in Asia and eastern Africa in order to develop pest management strategies. However, little is known about rodent behavioral responses to rice crop m...