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Publications (25)
Nos centramos en la novela Tristana de Benito Pérez Galdós con el objetivo de responder a la cuestión de si es posible desentrañar el proceso mental seguido por el autor para diseñar y construir sus personajes analizando el modo en que hace uso de dos de los modelos cognitivos idealizados propuestos en el ámbito de la lingüística cognitiva: la metá...
Este trabajo parte de un marco teórico integrado por el análisis crítico del discurso, la teoría de la metáfora conceptual y, por último, la noción de metadiscurso; enfoques diversos, que, sin embargo, comparten la consideración del texto como escenario de la interacción y, consecuentemente, como resultado de una triple dimensión cognitiva, social...
Starting from a theoretical framework which uses the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff y Johnson 1980), the Narrative Paradigm (Fisher 1984, 1985) and concepts taken from Critical Discourse Analysis (Van Dijk 2011), this paper examines the way in which political discourse categorize through conceptual metaphors a complex event such as the legaliza...
En algunas ocasiones, el hablante que interviene activamente y de forma escrita en el debate político y social que tiene lugar en la Red provoca un acto comunicativo fallido, al dar prioridad a su deseo de expresarse sin prestar atención a los parámetros lingüísticos y discursivos que dotan de eficacia a estos intercambios. El trabajo que presentam...
Based on the triadic relationship that exists between discourse, cognition and society, this work analyses a matrix of cognitive domains that, through the mapping of metaphors, creates a delegitimising image of the politician.
This matrix is composed of three conceptual frames that share the characteristic of presenting politicians as professionals...
Assuming that the translator, cleverer from his stock of cognitive knowledge, interprets the text he translates, and that translation is a phenomenon of rewriting, this article examines the Spanish version of «Claudine à Paris» by the French novelist Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, translated by Piñas in 1963. The analysis aims at demonstrating how conc...
This article analyzes the way in which migration control laws are metaphorically conceptualized in the voices of individuals who demonstrate emotional solidarity with irregular immigrants. The metaphors studied are shown to constitute a coherent conceptual corpus that reveals their users’ ideology. These metaphors present a cultural narrative that...
Much has been said about how ideological tendencies can influence the content of a translation and the Spanish version of Prescott’s work
History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortés
is a clear example of this influence. Manipulation was the strategy t...
The conceptual metaphor, developed within the framework of cognitive linguistics, constitutes a tool for both supporting and refuting trains of argument; it therefore enables a collection of polyphonic voices to be identified, reflecting opposing ideologies and representing their particular vision of the events under debate. From a corpus of texts...
En contraposición con la diversidad de valoraciones éticas, la historiografía no muestra fisuras a la hora de declarar su asombro ante la actuación de un personaje, Cortés, encarnación de toda una serie de atributos que, sumados, configuran el prototipo de la categoría conquistador. Estas consideraciones pueden muy bien aplicarse al retrato de Cort...
Frente a los estudios del discurso político relacionado con la inmigración, que se han ocupado preferentemente del retrato del inmigrante efectuado por sus detractores, este trabajo descubre la imagen del inmigrante según la dibujan las voces de ideología contraria, que lo defienden y respaldan haciendo uso de un discurso de resistencia, que cuesti...
This article analyzes the metaphors that conceptualize the phenomenon of irregular immigration in the Spanish language press in the United States. It takes examples from a corpus of opinion articles from publications that are known to sympathize ideologically and emotionally with the situation of irregular immigrants. Consequently, they provide us...
According to a relevance theory view and bearing in mind that translation is another communicative act, a reader of a translation carries out a metarepresentation of the original author's intentions through the utterances constructed by the translator. The translator's position is thus one of power and responsibility: He or she is in a position to...
After analysing various different argumentative texts written in Spanish, it is evident that the existing lists of discourse markers used need to be extended in order to incorporate non-catalogued units capable of bringing about semantic-pragmatic relationships between members of the discourse. The application of a solid theoretical framework revea...
It is often stated that an original text may be translated in as many different ways as translators work on it, and that translators imbue their work, consciously or unconsciously, with their mental and cultural perspective. This idea of translation as an ideological activity leads us to view the target text as the result of a continuous process of...
After analysing various different argumentative texts written in Spanish, it is evident that existing lists of the discourse markers used need to be extended. The application of a solid theoretical framework reveals that the following expressions function as discourse markers, although they have not been recognised as such: se trata de, por así dec...
The increase in use of the construction of the Spanish analytic passive is a result of pressure from the English Language and is an indication of the conflict in which the Spanish norm finds itself. In this paper, a typology of Spanish syntactic contexts related to this construction, which demonstrates the penetration of the English Language, is se...
With the intention of observing the different types of relations that discourse markers establish between segments of discourse, this paper analyses those that express causality in Spanish. Information on the strategies that the receiver of the discourse should use in order to process and interpret such relations is also provided. A broad theoretic...
Este trabajo, inscrito en el marco del Proyecto de estudio coordinado de la norma lingüística culta del español hablado en las principales ciudades del mundo hispánico, pretende esclarecer uno de los aspectos más controvertidos de la morfosintaxis verbal del español como es el uso del perfecto simple y compuesto de indicativo. Para ello, partiendo...
RESUMEN Este artículo contiene un análisis y una valoración del tratamiento gramatical que reci-be la pareja de formas verbales de indicativo constituida por el perfecto simple o inde-finido canté y el perfecto compuesto o antepresente he cantado en las diversas gramáti-cas publicadas por la Real Academia Española desde su fundación. ABSTRACT The R...