Gonzalo Mariscal

Gonzalo Mariscal
European University of Madrid | UEM · Vicerrectorado de Profesorado e Investigación

Doctor of Engineering


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Gonzalo Mariscal holds a PhD in Applied IT from UEM and MSc in Computer Science UPM. Currently, he is the Head of Learning Technologies at Universidad Europea (Spain). He also teaches some Computer Science courses related to Computer Architecture, Object Oriented Programming and Videogame Development at UEM. In the past, he was International Manager (2010-2016), Senior Lecturer (2004-2010) at Universidad Europea. Before that, he was Researcher at CETTICO’s Department of Computer Technology Transfer for the Disabled (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) since 1999 until 2007, Project Manager at Avatars Virtual Technologies since 2001 until 2004. His research interests cover Educational Innovation, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Data Mining
Additional affiliations
May 2014 - present
European University of Madrid
January 2001 - September 2007
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Senior Researcher
  • Research Project Manager. Research lines: Accessible software for people with special needs, Human-Comper Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineerin. Virtual Reality.
October 2004 - May 2016
European University of Madrid
  • International Area Manager
  • International recruitment and strategic partners in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania Computer Science Senior Lecturer Director of the Research Catedra "MOBILE COMMERCE" UEM - Technoactivity


Publications (41)
This chapter studies the programming languages and libraries suitable for presenting a methodology for analyzing forums in the economics subject using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, concluding to use spaCy and transformers in Python. The methodology follows a structure based on CRISP-DM, including project planning and the selection o...
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The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a transformative wave in the field of higher education, especially in the domain of student support services. This article presents the design and piloting of a chatbot that serves as an assistant to university students in their learning process at the European University of Madrid. As h...
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Resumen En el año 2012, la Escuela Politécnica de la Universi-dad Europea, apostó por el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (APB) como seña de identidad de la forma en que aprenden sus estudiantes. Después de tres años de implantación generalizada de este modelo en todos los grados de ingeniería y tras realizar un primer análisis de los resultados, en...
This work has been carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050461, entitled: Be@CyberPro - A videogame for fostering cybersecurity careers in Schools. This project aims to train teachers and students in cybersecurity. To this end, one objective of the project has been to use an innovative computing environment that co...
Conference Paper
The technological revolution and the globalized world in which we live nowadays allows us to have high technology and large simulators at any time we want. The pandemic that took place in 2020 forced us to use different simulators in such a way that our students could know first- hand and where ever they were the most sophisticated techniques that...
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Be@CyberPro is an EU project dedicated to bridging the skills and gender gaps in the cybersecurity sector by training, inspiring students, empowering teachers, and involving parents. Be@CyberPro’s goal is to address the gender gap by collaborating with private sector companies and academic institutions and working with middle, high schools and voca...
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The use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to improve learning is a topical issue in Higher Education. This paper aims to assess the impact of virtual reality simulation (VR-SBL) on student learning and satisfaction. To this end, two cases are presented that have been carried out at Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM): the first con...
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El uso de realidad virtual (VR) y realidad aumentada (AR) para la mejora del aprendizaje es un tema de actualidad en la Educación Superior. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto de la simulación con realidad virtual (del inglés, VR-SBL) en el aprendizaje y satisfacción del estudiante. Para ello, se presentan dos casos llevados a cabo en...
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La forma de garantizar la seguridad y salud en el trabajo no es otra que formando a los trabajadores y haciendo que aprendan gracias a la práctica. Desde la Universidad Europea de Madrid en colaboración con la empresa Stratesys hemos elaborado un programa de realidad virtual que permite a nuestros trabajadores y alumnos realizar una serie de cursos...
Conference Paper
The research carried out is based on the implementation of technology based on virtual reality in a subject called "General Laboratory Techniques" of the 1st year of the VET Training Course entitled "Higher Technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis" at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM). The purpose of this research is to understand...
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Los proyectos de Data Mining se caracterizan normalmente por tener requisitos volátiles o no definidos al principio, debido al dinamismo del negocio y la evolución constante del mercado [13]. Estas características son comunes a los proyectos de Ingeniería de Software en los que se aplican las metodologías ágiles, que son más flexibles y abiertas al...
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The proliferation of new devices over the last decade has introduced new ways of interaction such us tactile (iPhone [1]) or touchless gesture (Kinect [2]) user interfaces. This opens up new opportunities for the education of children with special needs. However, it also raises new issues. On the one hand, children have to be able to manage differe...
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The use of remote laboratories has become a common technique in universities to provide educational services related to engineering. However, the development efforts of these laboratories have not been contemplated in a structured way, with no specific methodologies that allow the reuse of such laboratories or parts thereof. This problem of structu...
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Multimedia resources are an important tool that can be used by teachers in the classroom as a learning aid for learners with disabilities or by parents and children at home. However, disabled children are not always able to use existing assistive technologies because they are not experienced enough, suffer from medium/profound disability, or simply...
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Up to now, many data mining and knowledge discovery methodologies and process models have been developed, with varying degrees of success. In this paper, we describe the most used (in industrial and academic projects) and cited (in scientific literature) data mining and knowledge discovery methodologies and process models, providing an overview of...
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Remote laboratories showed significant progress during last years. Their integration in engineering education had their justification in solving many logistic problems inherent to conventional labs. In control engineering education, shifting from hands-on experience to a remote experimentation modifies completely the learning environment, and the f...
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After analyzing the SE process models, we have developed a joint model based on two standards to compare, process by process and activity by activity, the modus operandi in SE and DM & KD. This comparison revealed that CRISP-DM does not cover many project management-, organization- and quality-related tasks at all or at least thoroughly enough. Thi...
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The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to...
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The use of Flash as a web-based multimedia development tool has spread lately. Although a big effort has gone into improving its accessibility, there are still accessibility gaps requiring programming or purchase from another supplier. This makes building an accessible Flash application an ad hoc, complex and time-consuming task. With the aim of li...
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Both the number and complexity of Data Mining projects has increased in late years. Unfortunately, nowadays there isn't a formal process model for this kind of projects, or existing approaches are not right or complete enough. In some sense, present situation is comparable to that in software that led to 'software crisis' in latest 60's. Software E...
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Thanks to the technological advances in the last ten years, the recreation of 3D virtual worlds is becoming increasingly popular in several application fields. Desktop virtual reality is one of the best ways of reaching a good number of users through this technology. With the aim of improving the development of desktop virtual reality applications...
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This paper presents the results of ongoing research on methods for evaluating the accessibility conformance level of software and especially operating systems. Our approach is based on recommendations from software accessibility standards, and defines techniques for evaluating each of those recommendations. The proposed method has been applied to e...
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Educating people with special educational needs (SEN) is a hot topic these days. Many multimedia educational tools have been generated with the support of ICT to assist children receiving SEN education. Teaching supported by new technologies should guarantee contents accessibility. However, these tools are not 100% suitable because the adaptation p...
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An educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties should be based on special teaching aids to achieve its educational purposes. Teaching supported by new technologies should guarantee the accessibility of the contents introduced over the web, as well as through the use of software applications. In this paper, we present a method...
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The Spanish Sign Language Dictionary (DILSE) is one of the first truly bilingual (Spanish Sign Language-Spanish) electronic dictionaries for the deaf community. The properties of this format are perfectly matched to a visual language such as sign language, which uses space as a means of expression. Additionally, two-way searches for word entries ar...
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La recreación de mundos virtuales 3D es de gran interés en ámbitos de aplicación como turismo, arquitectura, arqueología..., siendo la realidad virtual de escritorio una de las mejores formas para llegar al mayor número de usuarios. Para abarcar el mayor abanico de aplicaciones y aumentar el realismo de sistemas de realidad virtual de escritorio, s...
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The number, variety and complexity of projects involving Data Mining or Knowledge Discovery in Databases activities in general has increased in late years in such a pace that standardizing aspects related to their development process is a need for a future integration, reutilization and interchangeability of results. Data Mining projects are becomi...
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Resumen Uno de los problemas más complejos a los que se enfrenta el colectivo de Personas Sordas es el acceso a la enseñanza superior y a la Universidad. Se trata de un derecho fundamental que se presenta como un problema todavía no resuelto en la enseñanza española y que influye directamente en la carencia de formación que les habilite para el eje...
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1. Introducción La internacionalización de la enseñanza universitaria se ha convertido en una necesidad no sólo por la convergencia europea al EEES sino por la necesaria adopción en un enfoque multinacional en la educación de los futuros profesionales de las diferentes disciplinas. En este contexto, la Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) ha adoptad...
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Con el objetivo de explotar la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como herramienta educativa, el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia crea el programa “Internet en el Aula”. Uno de sus retos es el de proporcionar recursos específicos para la educación de alumnos con necesidades especiales. Con tal fin surge el proyecto...


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