Gonzalo León

Gonzalo León
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | UPM · Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos


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Publications (106)
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This article explores the benefits of combining blended learning and group dynamics approaches in higher education. While blended learning is known to offer greater efficiency in teaching hours than traditional face-to-face education, it can also result in a lack of communication and relatedness among peers, negatively impacting student well-being...
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Los primeros años del siglo XXI revalidaron la racionalidad surgida al compás de la globalización presente en las últimas décadas del siglo XX, en un clima de estabilidad y confianza ali-mentada por una fuerte aceleración del cambio tecnológico con la llegada al mercado de tecnologías emergentes. El final de la Guerra Fría y la consiguiente unifica...
El artículo aborda el concepto de soberanía tecnológica, enmarcado en el de autonomía estratégica, focalizado en la política industrial. Tras definir y establecer la relación entre ambos se presentan los instrumentos de poder blando y poder duro que pueden estar al alcance de la UE para mejorar su soberanía tecnológica, prestando atención a la comb...
A central theme in the literature has been the identification of the factors that drive the creation of entrepreneurial universities. The application of these factors and university institutional commitment become essential to overcome the institutional barriers that may exist. Moreover, some authors have warned that in some university systems, tra...
Two key issues within the debate around ‘technological sovereignty’ in the European Union are (i) access by countries and firms to enabling and emerging technologies and (ii) how strategic dependencies can be managed in order to preserve competitive positions in global value chains. In this paper, we present and discuss a multidimensional synthetic...
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The debate on the scope of the concept of technological sovereignty, and especially its implications, has gained momentum in the context of the European Union (EU) to guarantee the principle of «strategic autonomy», which has become a crucial common political piece to strengthen the bloc’s position in the world. However, its political and aspiratio...
Technical Report
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Advanced Spiking Neural Network (SNN) training algorithms are essential for the commercial exploitation of neuromorphic technologies. In fact, recent advancements in the area are already inspiring and paving the way of adaptive artificial intelligence. The purpose of this report is to serve as a bridge between scientists and non-expert readers in t...
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Algorithmic pricing may lead to more efficient and contestable markets, but high-impact, low-probability events such as terror attacks or heavy storms may lead to price gouging, which may trigger injunctions or get sellers banned from platforms such as Amazon or eBay. This work addresses how such events may impact prices when set by an algorithm an...
Platforms are everywhere. The rise of Uber, Netflix, and Facebook has attracted a lot of attention to this business model. However, despite its relevance and presence in the digital economy, the definition of platforms, their main characteristics, the intuitions about how they set prices, solve coordination issues, or choose their ownership structu...
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El presente artículo describe la situación actual y las consecuencias de la batalla que se está librando a nivel mundial por el dominio en el desarrollo, producción y acceso a tecnologías emergentes clave. Está en juego tras ello la capacidad de países y grupos de países para reducir su dependencia tecnológica y asegurar la provisión de componentes...
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The present article analyzes the rationale, types, experience, and potentiality of applying open innovation models in organizations to conduct their research and development (R&D) activities. In order to carry out R&D activities and to demonstrate the utility and applicability of innovation models, a new methodology is developed for the creation of...
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This article, as a main contribution, shows a new agile way to manage and monitor R&I projects, by monitoring product development. In addition, a new way of calculating the rigor of this type of projects is presented using the "3D rigor method", based on obtaining the rigor measures of the product, process and reputation of the project researchers....
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Universities are very stable institutions where their basic role in society is still alive after centuries; nevertheless, the way to provide it has deeply changed due to the generation of knowledge, evolution of technology, and evolution in internal and external governance and funding schemes. Even if those changes were successfully surfed and univ...
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The article provides a new way of representing the actors and relationships of a university-type innovation ecosystem based on knowledge. Thanks to this new representation, an analysis and management of knowledge flows is enabled not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, being possible to use well-known tools such as the Social Network Analy...
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The implementation of open innovation models for R&D activities has been extensively tested by many public and private institutions by using several models; however, both lessons learned and rationale for internal decision-making have not been systematically analyzed to serve as a basis for future institutional process management improvements, whic...
We study the impact of data sharing agreements between two platforms with vertically differentiated consumers. We assume several utility functions to address the impact of those agreements under different market configurations. The results show that the follower always wants to share its network with the leader, while the leader has no incentive to...
Conference Paper
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Part of the mission of EIT Digital (a Knowledge and Innovation Community from the EIT, European Institute of Innovation and Technology) is to train IT graduates at both Master’s and Doctorate levels, with strong innovation and entrepreneurial competences. Around 20 European top universities, renowned researchers and leading businesses are in partne...
We simulate the impact of influencers in the adoption of digital multi-sided platforms. We consider four metrics to identify influencers: degree, betweenness, closeness and page rank, and we test how they shape the adoption, prices, and profits of digital multi-sided platforms using an agent-based model. We simulate the market adoption with and wit...
Conference Paper
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We report in this paper on a multiyear endeavour within the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Digital community, during which EIT Digital built an international community of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (“I&E”) teachers at Master level by implementing a blended learning strategy. We see this challenge as a case in change mana...
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Platforms are everywhere. The rise of Uber, Netflix, and Facebook has attracted a lot of attention to this business model. However, despite its relevance and presence in the digital economy, the definition of platforms, its classification, main features, the main lines of research in this area as well as the open questions seem to be scattered on m...
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(VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2) Special Issue: Innovation and entrepreneurship in the HEI sector Purpose: This paper aims to present an impact analysis in the educational dimension of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and specifically on its “knowledge and innovation community” (KIC), focused on the information and communications tech...
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We simulate the impact of influencers in the adoption of digital multi-sided platforms. We consider four metrics to identify influencers: degree, betweenness, closeness and page rank, and we test how they shape the adoption, prices, and profits of digital multi-sided platforms using an agent-based model. We simulate the market adoption with and wit...
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REVISTA ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL, Nº 406, año 2017 http://www.minetad.gob.es/Publicaciones/Publicacionesperiodicas/EconomiaIndustrial/RevistaEconomiaIndustrial/406/TEJERO%20Y%20LEON.pdf
Conference Paper
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Innovation ecosystems are dynamic systems made up by actors and connected by knowledge flows based on the relationships of these actors. This paper provides a new taxonomy based on ecological sciences, allowing to show how innovation ecosystems work through their knowledge flows. At the same time, it provides a way to show the effect of innovati...
Conference Paper
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Innovation ecosystems are becoming increasingly important poles of knowledge generation and diffusion. University-driven open innovation ecosystems arose in Europe during this century supported by public policies for modernizing and strengthening university structures around their campuses, as evolution of traditionally known schemes in the America...
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In 2008 the Spanish government launched a new strategy to foster the modernization and internationalization of the Spanish university system, the Strategy University 2015 (SU 2015) (Strategy University 2015. Modernizing the University. June 2010. Ministry of Education. Spain). The main goal of this initiative was to allow Spanish universities to fu...
Conference Paper
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In a knowledge-based economy, the university becomes a key element of the innovation system both as human capital provider, as seed-bed of new firms (Etzkowitz et al., 2000) and a source for creating disruptive knowledge and technologies. As a consequence, regional, national or supranational (e.g. the European Union) governments are putting univers...
Conference Paper
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The commercial exploitation of knowledge and technology is being firmly consolidated in the strategy of public universities by complementing teaching and knowledge generation missions. Behind that it is also the convincement that universities should play a more active role in economic growth. The modernization agenda launched by the EC intended to...
Conference Paper
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The key role of the university as innovation driver has been discussed and emphasized in the European Union through the process of modernization of European universities and entrepreneurship in the context of the knowledge triangle as well as in recent research evolving the well-known Triple Helix model. The UPM has conducted in the last decade mul...
The challenges imposed by the globalization of the economy and the need to respond to societal demands in economic crisis are pushing public universities to redefine their institutional strategies. The joint definition of education, research and innovation strategies in the framework of the «knowledge triangle» is constrained by the fragmentation o...
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El desafío de la globalización y la necesidad de dar respuesta a las demandas de la sociedad en un momento de dificultades económicas están impulsando a las universidades a redefinir sus estrategias institucionales. La creación conjunta de estrategias de educación, investigación e innovación en las universidades públicas en el marco del triángulo d...
Conference Paper
The redefinition of the ICT engineering curricula at the postgraduate level (master or Ph.D. programmes) in the framework of Bologna process advises to link research, innovation and education activities within the concept of "knowledge triangle"; its implementation offers new opportunities to strengthen public-private partnerships in the European U...
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The Expert Group's assessment is that the CREST-OMC has achieved important results as a new policy instrument for unfolding the vision of the Lisbon strategy and the European Research Area. However, there is additional potential in the Open Method of Coordination that remains unexploited. Therefore the CREST-OMC needs to evolve to become a strategi...
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The article offers a critical analysis of the international pers- pective of the National R&D and Innovation Plan recently appro- ved in Spain. It takes the perspective of the challenges facing the Spanish system of Science and Technology as a consequence of the scientific and technological knowledge globalization. After reviewing the evolution of...
International Federation for Information Processing The IFIP series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The scope of the series includes: foundations of computer science; software theory and practice; education; computer applications in technology; communication systems; systems mode...
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Influencia de la Cooperación Universidad-Empresa en la Carrera Investigadora dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Super
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La evolución del proceso de innovación tecnológica desde una perspectiva basada en redes científicas y tecnológicas a otra basada en redes sociales ha sido consecuencia del desafío de transformar información en conocimiento, es decir, información que se puede incorporar en el desarrollo o mejora de nuevos productos y procesos. Como consecuencia de...
Conference Paper
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Working Group WG8.6 has existed for more than 10 years now. During this period, members have continuously challenged the work of the group. Recently, researchers at the Copenhagen Business School conducted an interim review of the group's work in the form of a literature analysis of all WG8.6 conference contributions. The participants of the panel...
La Comisión Europea ha presentado el pasado 6 de abril de 2005 su propuesta de VII Programa Marco de I+D para el periodo 2007-2013. Aunque es aún prematuro conocer el resultado final de un largo proceso de aprobación, previsiblemente hasta mediados del año 2006, en el que será necesario conseguir una posición común del Consejo y adoptarlo en un pro...
Existe cierta unanimidad en aceptar que en el proceso de construcción de una sociedad basada en el conocimiento las universidades deben jugar un papel determinante. Así también lo ha reconocido la Comisión y el Consejo Europeo en el contexto de la denominada Estrategia de Lisboa. Ello implica un reto profundo sobre las estructuras organizativas, mo...
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El artículo parte de la descripción del nuevo papel que deben jugar las políticas de I+D+I en la sociedad del conocimiento y, en especial, la relación que éstas tienen con otras políticas públicas, asumiendo una función catalizadora para el mejor cumplimiento de los objetivos de otras políticas públicas. Tras analizar la estructura del sistema espa...
Contenido: 1. La tecnología como recurso estratégico. 2. La innovación tecnológica: competencias básicas y conocimiento tecnológico. 3. El valor de desarrollar una estrategia de innovación tecnológica. 4. La optimización del proceso de desarrollo de nuevos productos. 5. La mejora de procesos. 6. La cooperación estratégica tecnológica. 7. El proceso...
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El libro tiene como principal objetivo contribuir a la creación de esta cultura innovadora a través de un total de 16 capítulos que abarcan un amplio conjunto de ámbitos relacionados con la gestión de la innovación y la tecnología. Los contenidos se han diseñado tratando de introducir conceptos novedosos en las materias analizadas y añadiendo, en t...
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La Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnología (OCYT) es, cronológicamente, la antesala del actual Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Su breve existencia, apenas dos años, supone también el punto de engancheunión entre la estructura diseñada en los años ochenta y la entrada al nuevo milenio. Es en ese breve espacio temporalperíodo, señalan los autores, que cu...
The paper describes a software engineering framework for building complex computer systems with strong real-time and reliability requirements. The framework is based on heterogeneous prototyping, formal techniques and visual animation. It is developed through a hierarchy of models, going from specification to implementation. Model validation by mea...
Conference Paper
Market forces and current engineering practices in the field of software-intensive systems make the development and evolution of large systems difficult, resulting in high maintenance costs. A novel approach emphasizing the architectural design phase of development can improve the situation. It is called “Software Architecture” it allows us to mana...
Conference Paper
The lack of documentation of the decisions taken during the development is common to many software systems. This makes it difficult to use the experience in future developments. This picture is worse when dealing with a family of products. The lack of documentation on the design decisions may preclude coherent evolution and development of products....
The late validation of temporal aspects is still today the great bottleneck in embedded real-time systems (ERTS) development. In this article, a twofold approach is presented to reduce this problem: to enhance the visibility of temporal aspects in the product through the use of the proper design notations and models, and to integrate these notation...
In response to the IFIP communication of December 7th 1992, regarding the mission of developing guidelines for codes of ethics and professional conduct in the field of computing and Information Technology, the Egyptian National Committee for Information Processing has prepared a draft for such subject.
This paper presents an analysis of the forces that constrain the diffusion of software technologies in the organizations from the perspective of the technological frameworks exhibited by individuals and the social groups to which they belong. In the adoption process, stakeholders are organized as circles of diffusion; each group possesses different...
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In the process of developing the Global multi-site conference for 1997 and especially in the time after that conference the issues of diffusion and adoption of IT become very important. The aim of this panel is threefold. First it will raise the diffusion and adoption issues. Second, it will overview the most important and salient diffusion and ado...
The purpose of this paper is to present some extensions to the IDERS environment, in order to deal with the development of distributed real-time systems. The IDERS method and tools are intended to support the user in the development of embedded monoprocessor real-time systems. This environment is based on a risk oriented process model. The developm...
The purpose of this paper is to present some extensions to the IDERS environment, in order to deal with the development of distributed real-time systems. The IDERS method and tools are intended to support the user in the development of embedded monoprocessor real-time systems. This environment is based on a risk oriented process model. The developm...
Conference Paper
Real time systems (RTS) development adds-at least-two complexity factors to the traditional development tasks: time and resource constraints, and differences between development and final architecture. They make the development cycle longer. The paper presents one use of the well known formalism called High Level Time Petri nets (HLTPN) applied to...
Conference Paper
The rapid advance of hardware and software technologies has led to a continuous increment in the complexity of real-time systems. On the other side, requirements of these systems are increasingly stringent: more functionality with less resources, and in less time. The main weapons to manage the development of RTS are methodologies based on risks re...
Designing and reasoning about real-time systems are difficult activities, in which timing and reactive behaviour requirements add significant complexity to system validation. In this paper, a new technique for distributed prototyping of real-time systems is presented. It enables system prototypes to be concurrently developed and tested by a geograp...
Conference Paper
The development of complex communication systems has promoted the use of Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) in order to facilitate the specification and analysis of complex systems.
Designing and reasoning about real-time systems are difficult activities, in which timing and reactive behaviour requirements add significant complexity to system validation. In this paper, a new technique for distributed prototyping of real-time systems is presented. It enables system prototypes to be concurrently developed and tested by a geograp...
The IPTES project is aimed to provide a methodology and an integrated environment to support the development of embedded Real-Time Systems with incremental, distributed and heterogeneous prototyping. IPTES architecture relies on High Level Timed Petri Nets (HLTPN) as the kernel notation for prototype animation and analysis. According to the environ...
This paper summarizes the support for incremental, heterogeneous and distributed prototyping of real time systems developed as a part of the IPTES environment. After describing the overall architecture of the environment and related approaches, the paper focuses on the internal levels of the environment. IPTES environment supports the incremental...
Conference Paper
This paper summarizes the experience obtained in the definition of a LOTOS based development methodology and its pragmatic introduction in common industrial practice. The work has been done within a technology transfer model where the development of medium-to-large size case studies plays a predominant role. A case study, development of a gateway b...
Conference Paper
This paper presents an industrial assessment of LOTOS and SDL for telecommunication systems prototyping. This work has been carried out in the framework of the MEDAS project whose main goal is the definition of methodological guidelines to promote the technology transfer of FDTs to industry. This paper describes in detail the objectives of the proj...
Conference Paper
This paper describes the process of transferring formal methods to the industry and specifically LOTOS and SDL as representative Formal Description Techniques (FDT's). From this purpose, a technology transfer model is described in order to accelerate their use. This model is conceptually presented under an incremental approach where the transferenc...
An architecture for incremental prototyping of real-time distributed systems is described in the paper. The final goal is to support incremental development of embedded, distributed systems using the spiral model of software development. The architecture consists of a set of layers with well defined interfaces between them. The three main layers pr...
Formal languages become more and more necessary if we want to assure the satisfaction of the requirements of a system during its development. Several formal methods are gaining wider acceptance in spite of their difficulties to be applied in large systems design. The availability of graphical workstations, give us the possibility to create system s...
The design of programming environments implies the integration of different tools in order to provide the user with an uniform framework. Tools integration may be envisaged from different points of view: from a merely visual integration among non-cooperative tools, to a complete data and control integration. This paper is intended to present the wo...
The main problems related to real-time object communication in the IPTES environment are analysed in this document. A brief description of the role of object communication in model partition as required for heterogeneous, distributed prototyping is included. The problems related to the real-time aspects of prototyping are identified and discussed....
Conference Paper
A description is given of practical experience with the design and use of transformational environments oriented to the generation of LOTOS specifications. Three different prototypes have been used and evaluated. The first one is a transformational system built on top of the functional language CAML, the second one is an instantiation of the CIP en...
Conference Paper
One of the main problems to be solved by the designers of policies and algorithms for distributed systems or multiprocessors is their test and evaluation. The solution adopted in the paper is based on the design and construction of a software test bed. DASS, a simulation system to test and design distributed algorithms, is presented. With it, the d...