Giuseppe SantisiUniversity of Catania | UNICT · Department of Educational Sciences
Giuseppe Santisi
Phd in Political Sciences (University of Padova)
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March 2020 - present
Publications (69)
Sustainable development must address the challenge of ensuring decent work for all (SDG 8) and promoting good health and well-being (SDG 3). This study aims to assess the relationship between decent and meaningful work and their impact on work engagement and job satisfaction among adult workers. Decent work goes beyond mere employment, enco...
In today’s high-demand work environments, characterised by an expectation for individuals to possess resources to manage workloads effectively, workaholism poses a significant threat to employee well-being. This study aims to investigate the impact of work overload and psychological flexibility on compulsive work behaviours and well-being....
The research aimed to test the job demands-resources (JD-R) model on a sample of Italian oncology workers, and the role of perceived organizational support (POS) as a moderator of the effects of JD on outcomes (job satisfaction and burnout [BO]).
Based on the JD-R model, a correlational study was designed to investigate the rela...
Ensuring sustainable consumption is one of the goals of Agenda 2030. It is widely recognized that food is one of the consumption domains responsible for the largest impact of social, economic and environmental sustainability. The current food system is not sufficient to sustain rates in a sustainable manner, and thus is necessary to find sustainabl...
The instability resulting from major changes in recent decades has fostered a climate of uncertainty and risk that has had repercussions in terms of unemployment, social inequality, and precariousness. To cope with this phenomenon, especially in the context of career transitions, individuals have had to activate multiple psychological resources. In...
Full-text is available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/3K4YSWUMPP8DPGEQFJDE/full?target=10.1080/03069885.2023.2212856
Referring to the institutional and research indications, those involved in higher education policies and management are formulating new plans to face, on the one hand, the decline in academic enrolments, on the other, the growing increase of
early university-leavers. Academic drop-out and negative experiences and affect, in addition to being indic...
In recent years, markets have been hit by various crises, both economically and naturally. These shocks have highlighted how important it is for companies to be able to adapt with resilient behaviors. Entrepreneurs and their resilience capacity will play a very important role in the recovery process. Resilience is closely linked to other abilities...
Occupational stress, as a negative facet, is a pervasive problem with significant implications for organizations, employees, welfare systems and health. The implementation of measurement tools that can capture the different organizational dimensions that determine stress in workers is part of the stress management and troubleshooting strategy that...
The COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted global health. Frontline healthcare workers involved in the response to COVID-19 faced physical and psychological challenges that threatened their wellbeing and job satisfaction. The pandemic crisis, alongside pre-existing critical issues, exposed healthcare workers to constant emotional fatigue, creating an i...
This study, after presenting a review of the existent literature on courage and social courage in the workplace, has the purpose of providing new evidence about the psychometric properties of an Italian-language version of the Workplace Social Courage Scale (WSCS), verifying its measurement invariance across gender and the discrimination properties...
Existing literature reported a shared awareness about the effects of the organisational climate (OC). The promotion of a positive OC, and a supportive and fair diversity climate, affected the workforce’s behaviour, especially performance and satisfaction. Scholars stated that the way employees respond to dissatisfaction could be explained through t...
There is a growing attention toward the construct of courage from a psychological point of view; recently, courage has been related with numerous positive individual behaviors and outcomes, such as coping strategies and subjective wellbeing, and an increasing number of studies explore the role of courage in the working and organization...
Individuals who are involved in meaningful work are positively engaged in their jobs, perceiving it as both significant and congruent with themselves. Considering that meaningful work is related to positive working and organizational outcomes, a valid and reliable scale of meaningful work may be useful in research contexts and consultation projects...
Using the Biggs' 3P learning model and correlational design, this study explores the relationship between students' individual characteristics and course perceptions, approach to study, and academic outcomes, which account for the differences in academic achievement and student delay. 612 Italian students of a master's degree in psychology particip...
The JSS is based on the theoretical position that job satisfaction represented an affective or attitudinal reaction to a job, and today is one of the most popular instruments used in I-O psychology. This paper discusses the contribution to the validation of an Italian adaptation of the Job Satisfaction Survey. Five hundred and twenty-seven particip...
In a risk society, personal values can be important resources, useful for managing uncertainty and guiding people in the perception of risk. The goal of this article is to explore the relationship between risk intelligence and personal values. The participants were 731 Italian adults aged between 18 and 65 years (M = 30.25; DS = 10.71). The survey...
Italy was the first European country to be affected by the 2019 coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19). Several studies have shown the risk of developing depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder in medical and paramedical staff. Causes included the high contagiousness of the virus, the fear of contracting it, the lack of adequate personal p...
Cigarette consumption in the general population has shown a sustained decline over the past 20 years, but despite this, it is essential to monitor consumption among smokers at their workplace. There is an association between cigarette addiction and work-related stressors, with high prevalence rates for smokers, at least double those of other adults...
This study is aimed to assess the effect of both employability and personal resources, in terms of pro-activity and self-efficacy, on the relationship between job insecurity and psycho-social distress. Using survey data from 211 participants, among employed, unemployed and workers in transition, we analyzed the incidence of employability, pro-activ...
Negative attitudes towards food are influenced by two factors, neophobia and often related disgust. Neophobia is the tendency to avoid new foods, while food disgust is the refusal of food that is considered potentially harmful to health. The study presented here aims to analyze the correlation between these two attitudes and the possible mediation...
The way people make career choices is often influenced by their idea of work. Alongside this concept, there is the idea of decent work, which takes the form of the opportunity, for men and women, to have productive, equal, safe, and rights-based work. We have conducted a study on these two concepts with a group of Italian adolescents, using both qu...
The ideas that people have about work can greatly influence the ways in which they characterize their careers and their lives. Decent work refers to an opportunity for women and men to experience productive work in the conditions of respect for human rights. However, respect for the principles of decent work seems rather far from always being appli...
The cultural heritage of a community generates tourism and tourism is linked to positive psychological states and feelings of subjective well-being, not only for the traveler but also for the host. However, few researchers have evaluated the impact that tourism has on the host. Sustainable tourism assigns a key role to local communities, as it reco...
The organizational climate is a quality of the internal environment of an organization that is shared by its members, can be described in terms of the values of the characteristics of an organization, influencing the workers' behaviour. A number of empirical studies have examined the relationship of climate perceptions and a variety of...
The development of professional identity starts with childhood. In adolescents, individuals should have appropriate resources to make choices; high levels of self-efficacy and professional curiosity, as well as better representations of the concept of work and decent work, could support adolescents in their planning of the future. For this reason,...
Vittorio Scuderi, Letizia Mannino, Giuseppe Santisi Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Catania, ItalyCorrespondence: Giuseppe Santisi Email gsantisi@unict.itPurpose: Wine has a purely symbolic connotation in the eyes of consumers and the market. Therefore, it could lead to a different consideration and perception of buying l...
Quality of life is a multidimensional concept, a construct influenced by objective and subjective factors that include the evaluation of functional, physical, social, and emotional aspects of the person. The recent contributions of positive psychology present the quality of life as a fundamental indicator for health promotion and prevention strateg...
The recent transformation of the workplaces and labor market, characterized by rapid technological changes, social and economic instability, has greatly influenced the construction of people’s career paths. These paths cannot be viewed more as linear, but multifaceted and unstable. In organizational context, the psychological contract has changed f...
Brand hate can be defined as the consumer’s dissatisfaction with the product or serviceperformance. The consumer’s hatred of the brand is related to the desire for revenge and avoidance.This kind of emotion does not remain only a desire; it is often transformed into real actions that leadto consumer behavior. Although the analysis of the literature...
Doing regular physical activity offers many positive physiological and psychological advantages. According to the literature there exist some correlations between personality traits and physical activity, which are related to gender diversity. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits, self-efficac...
Research in organizational psychology emphasizes the idea that wellbeing and productivity outcomes are influenced both by individual differences (traits, values) and work environment characteristics (relationships, climate). Evidence on the effectiveness of psychological interventions for stress is currently unclear. To date, research on psychologi...
Luxury brands are gradually going green. The new fronteria of the luxury market is in fact marked and voted towards environmental sustainability. The new generation of consumers, the so-called neogreen, do not want to renounce either the quality or sophistication of the products they use, but, today more than ever, they are attentive to be more sus...
The concept of sustainability, from a psychological point of view, can be related to the promotion of personal resources that help people to find decent and meaningful work and live quality lives. In the psychological concept of sustainability and sustainable development, the sustainability of careers is related not only to individual career manage...
The phases of career building today bring out a more complex process than in previous decades. Starting from the literature review, the university-to-work transition is considered a very important step in the future career of the graduates, and it involves some psychological resources and requires specific abilities.
Research ha...
Although the great importance that craft beer has had in recent times, the number of studies on it is still very scarce compared to
those on wine. The first part of this paper explain that microbreweries and craft beer itself, are imbued with local community/culture
and that the production of this product is particularly tied to the territory and i...
The aim of this study was to investigate the variables that promote and determinates the choice of consumption of the typical Sicilian product, refering in particular to the food and wine sector. Specifically, based on the previous literature, a first hypothesis is explore the impact of subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and attitude o...
Nell’ambito degli studi prodotti dalla psicologia positiva, recentemente emerge (vedi Bakker et. Al, 2016) una nuova concezione del rapporto che il lavoratore instaura con il proprio lavoro: il job crafting. Esso indica la propensione del lavoratore a fare dei cambiamenti all’interno del suo ruolo che gli consentono di svolgere il proprio compito c...
Uncertainty and unpredictability are characteristic aspects of our time. Uncertainty is, for most people, a
negative element. Fear of bankruptcy is a barrier to action, people who have a high certainty need tend to adopt
stereotypical behaviours to a greater extent and are less open to receiving information that could refute such
stereotypes (Neube...
La sindrome dell’acquisto compulsivo si basa sull’estremizzazione di un
comportamento quotidiano socialmente accettato, che rende difficile la distinzione tra
un consumo normale ed uno patologico. Rispetto alla tendenza allo shopping compulsivo,
questo studio si propone di valutare: 1) l’incidenza all’interno di un campione di
consumatori; 2) la re...
In Sicily wine culture it has been handed down from ancient generations. The local economy has deep roots in the activities of vinification; this resulted in the award of a certificate of excellence. Given the international spread of Sicilian wine, we wanted to investigate the variables that influence behavior,the intensity and identity of typical...
The aim of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the nineitem
Mindfulness Organizing Scale (MOS) in a sample of 654 Italian employees (330 males and 324
females, age range 25-64 years). A confirmatory factor analysis and a reliability analysis were carried
out. The results supported the one-dimensional f...
Courage is an ancient construct that has historically been regarded as a great virtue because it helps people to face their intrapersonal and interpersonal challenges. However, psychologists have conducted only limited research on the psychology of courage: recently, in the framework of positive psychology, courage has been included in the classifi...
Consumer behavior literature have traditionally focused on the positive aspect of consumptions, ignoring the negative forms and related implications. Our contribution try a first conceptualization of the entire phenomenon, focusing in detail on predictor motives (reasons influencing consumers and lead them to feelings of hatred against the brands),...
Burnout is a syndrome caused by prolonged responses to chronic stressors derived from interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Burnout has been associated with important negative organisational outcomes: job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, neglect, intention to leave the job. Numerous studies have tested the inverse relationship between emotiona...
The aim of this study is to discover the wine store variables that arouse the desire to purchase in the consumer. Wine is a complex product: its features are better able to be perceived and valued in a suitable sales environment. The store environment contains various stimuli that might be perceived by the customer's senses, and each stimulus offer...
For decades, the organizational context dynamics and their effects on workers wellbeing
represent one of the main themes of health psychology in the Workplace. More recently,
the scientific interest has turned to the possible relationship between the organizational
climate characteristics and worker mental and physical health.
Starting from this pr...
This study aims to explore residents’ attitudes toward tourism and how these attitudes could be influenced by factors such as of one’s subjective sense of well-being and personal satisfaction with life. The study’s empirical geographical context is Taormina, a Sicilian community with high touristic frequency. Taormina is a popular resort town in Si...
The economic crisis and market saturation have encouraged the growth and interest in local strategies to enhance the product. The study aims to analyse the consumption behaviour of those who choose to buy local products, in particular the wine, in order to identify what are the variables (the determinants of choice) that influence the purchase of t...
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that aren't part of standard care. Although using complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) is becoming increasingly prevalent in Italy, research in complementary and alternative therapy in older adults is limited. This study investigates the predictors...
In discussions of regulations governing same-sex marriage and adoption by gays and lesbians, the issue of State secularism is often called into question. This study aims to test the mediating effects of State secularism on the relationship between Catholic identity, political orientation, and gay civil rights. Participants were Catholic Italians wh...
In recent decades, research has increasingly focused on the factors that predispose people to work and on the importance of a positive climate within organisations. Next to the multi-dimensional construct climate , the concept of "work engagement" has recently emerged. This is understood as the ability of individuals to act in order to follow the i...
Motivation to teach is a complex construct; often it is not observed directly but rather inferred from the teachers' behavioural indexes, such as verbalisations, task choices and goal-directed activities. It is related to what energises, directs and sustains teachers' behaviour as they move toward accomplishing their goals of student achievement. M...
The aim of the study is to identify the variables that determine the choice of purchase. Specifically we want to investigate the motivations and attitudes that provide the cognitive selection of mass market brand in shopping centers. To the research participated 415 consumers (276 men, 139 women). The results indicate that the main motivation that...
Nowadays the traditional features-inform, communicate, train and education become, in the new educational model used by many organizations, much more important than any other in the past; also as a training evaluation strategy helps to advance and design the change, to adapt to new technologies easily, mainly due to the contamination of
the organiz...
La qualità della vita è un costrutto che va oltre la rilevazione di uno stato di salute oggettivamente buono, risultando profondamente intrecciato con la possibilità di godere di relazioni sociali soddisfacenti ed emotivamente ricche, oltre che di un ambiente di vita sano e accogliente. Da qui emerge la centralità di questo costrutto rispetto alla...
– This study aims to identify the life styles of adolescents through a reading of the dimensions which are seen in purchasing behavior. The dimensions investigated were: cognitive associations that adolescents attribute to known and established brands, and the evaluative and emotional attitudes towards the brand, and intentional purchase be...
In teaching, work motivation is associated to high motivation of the students. Teachers with metacognitive attitude have high levels of satisfaction in work and are able to manage their emotions in the relation with students. The purpose of this study is to verify the relationship between the use of metacognitive strategies in teaching and work mot...
The debate concerning the secularism of the state always returns to the regulation of certain issues, such as same-sex marriage or embryonic stem cell research. In this study, we analysed the effects of political orientation, Catholic identity, and religious orientations (extrinsic, intrinsic, and quest) on the desire to have a secular state. Parti...
Lo scopo della ricerca è di identificare quali sono le variabili che determinano la scelta del
turismo di lusso. Nello specifico il nostro obiettivo è stato di individuare quali sono le
motivazioni e gli atteggiamenti che spingono i turisti ad effettuare tale scelta di consumo e di
identificare le variabili predittive che potrebbero favorirla sempr...
In this study we analyzed how people interpret probability phrases in the area of intergroup relations, testing how prior beliefs and the context in which probability phrases are embedded affect their interpretation. Participants were 180 Italians. Prior beliefs about increase and decrease of immigration were measured; then, participants read eight...
This study aims to explore residents’ attitudes toward tourism and how those attitudes could be influenced by subjective well-being and personal satisfaction with life. The empirical background is Taormina, a Sicilian community with an high touristic flow.
Results show the influence of satisfaction with life on residents’ attitudes toward economic...
The aim of this study was to identify variables that promote consumer choice. In order to do that, it is necessary to
identify cognitive and behavioral variables below the act of consumption and to investigate factors that generate and influence choice of specific brand (Semprini, 1996). When it comes to intangible and valued variables related to t...